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Thread: Secret Space Program, ET Federation Delegation & MILAB "Experiencer" GoodETxSG - Q&A

  1. #16
    (account terminated) United States
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    Quote Originally posted by Stoat muldoon View Post
    I would like to play devils advocate and ask , do you have any tangible or physical evidence . I don't doubt your validity , but if you had something to show or anything to prove or back up what you have said ? Thanks in anticipation .
    If you take a look at the link to the prior Q and A thread this was covered in nauseating detail...

    Who of any of the whistle blowers in the past have been able to smuggle out evidence that didn't turn out to be fake or disinfo?

    Like I said, you just have to go through all of the material and see for yourself if it passes your "Discernment Filter"...

    I have recently gone through a heavy amount of "Vetting" for another well known researcher (Some here will respect other's will not) who had surprisingly high placed "Sources" who he verified my credentials and information with. They will be releasing much of that vetting process in the future as well as more details of our many hours of conversations where I was put through all kinds of tests and trick questions to see if I was just repeating info from the Internet or real experiences.

    They were surprised to report back to me that I had passed over 180 points of vetting with no red flags from themselves or their sources and that my credentials had checked out. Other than this I have only my own personal testimony and experiences to present.

    They stated that if BR or any of his "Cronies" tries to discredit me they would "Have my back" with their recent research and vetting of me and my recently and ongoing release of information.

    Other than that and the "Dead Alien" in the Freezer of the Space Ship in my Garage... Kidding, We have to have some sense of humor... Some of this information we will be covering is very dark.

    I don't have tangible proof of anything (No one ever will leave a facility with proof unless they are on a job to use it for a briefing or disinfo assignment). the topTop

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  3. #17
    Senior Member Togo Stoat muldoon's Avatar
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    Thank you for your honesty and I agree , it would be very difficult to have such evidence . More over very dangerous as well . the topTop

  4. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to Stoat muldoon For This Useful Post:

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  5. #18
    Senior Member mojo's Avatar
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    Thanks for replying to my questions GoodET. Glad you were able to note the unusual type of craft...I do agree there are many types of life in the universe. There are other videographers that have filmed the type that visited Oregon. I know they value stealth and wish to observe without showing too much. I have asked questions to them and they would quickly react by illuminating moving or flashing. But still they have always kept a certain amount back. Its been an enigma for so long, I do appreciate that you took time to check... the topTop

  6. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to mojo For This Useful Post:

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  7. #19
    Senior Member Breeze's Avatar
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    Thumbs Up

    Hi GoodET - What joy it is to have you here on TOT!

    Thank you so very much for continuing to share your extraordinary experiences and knowledge of the bigger picture that helps so many join together greater dots. I have read with great interest your previous threads, and thank you with all my heart for the valuable time, effort, grace and patience you have injected into them. You bring stellar information to the table!

    There are a couple of things you said on recent TOT posts that has got my minding spiralling.

    I just don't see this Astronomical Incident happening (IMHO), but it is wierd that they are choosing one of the BRICS countries to "Hide" in. Their attempts to leave the planet have been met with shoot downs (Recent sightings of "Space Debris", almost 1,500 sightings in the last few months) are related to them trying to make a run through the Security Grid and Their Off World safe havens are not accessible to them via their "Portals" as the "Node to Node" connections no longer connect properly and some of the end points are out in open space and others are now in very hostile locations... So they are stuck here, hiding in holes in the ground until the series of Events begins to occur...
    My mind boggles on how suddenly the ‘node to node’ connections have changed so quickly. I understand we live in a holographic universe, and what we humans perceive as dimensions or different planes of existence is all about ‘frequency of spin’ and synonymous to different levels of Conscious awareness.

    (1)With these nodes no longer aligning as ‘expected’, could any of the below suggestions be a part of the mechanism as to why and how?

    A) The grids that ‘they were’ utilising have been changed, so nodes are now out of alignment?
    B) Earth itself has shifted slightly in Space making the nodes be out of alignment?
    C) Or could it be some type of sophisticated jamming frequency?
    D) Planetary collective consciousness has somehow affected this misalignment in the nodes?
    E) Perhaps this is connected to the spiritually evolved BEings who are assisting behind the scenes respectfully working within ‘Natural Law’ and divine intervention?
    F) Connected to the Big Wave coming from our Galactic Centre? Could this be a type of recalibration occurring to all the grids?
    G) Or something completely different?

    What you say below I find very exciting news – especially the ‘colours’ because such specific colours in my understanding are connected to the levels of Unity Consciousness (‘beyond’ the polarised levels).

    There seems to be more questions than answers on much of what is going on with the "Sphere Beings". These beings have also been showing themselves to "Average People" recently on Earth but not communicating with them on a conscious level. They just appear to them (In the form of various shades of blue, Indigo and Violet "Light or Energy Orbs", the size of ping pong balls, basket balls to beach balls) for a matter of several moments, hover around and then zip off and disappear.
    One of the most beautiful orbs I witnessed was ultraviolet blue, its size was uncommonly large, about 2ft in diameter as it very slowly glided gracefully through my room. There was no communication, however its presence of consciousness was very apparent, as I observed ‘it’ and ‘it’ observed me in a silent quantum entanglement where time stood still for a long paused moment. It was an unconditionally loving, soulfully peaceful experience. I am also fascinated in the very tiny bright gold orbs I see sometimes.

    I am excited with what you wrote about the Sphere Beings and I do hope you are able to keep us updated on this subject.

    (2) I wonder if you are willing to share what your own personal thoughts are about them, in so far as ‘who’ they might possibly be? For instance do you personally think they are individual BEings working as a group directive? Or perhaps the larger sphere’s are some type of collective of Soul BEings?

    Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to ask questions, this is so very much appreciated.

    Much love I send to you and your family
    Breeze X
    Co-Creator Gods re-awakening out of their slumber and re-Remembering the great march of Creation once more.
    So Be It! the topTop

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  9. #20
    Senior Member Elbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by GoodETxSG View Post
    "What do I put this down to?"
    I promise I am not trying to be difficult. I do not understand what you are asking. Can you clarify? Apologies... "G"

    sure... you said :
    Depending on the time frame the groups have different levels of access to our planet and it's resources. At the current time there is kind of a lock down in effect preventing even some of our own SSP Programs from "Coming or Going" as they wish.

    i would like to know why do you think that is?
    who do you think is responsible for the "lock down" - who made that decision? also which force is enabling it and how long is a lock down plan that you know?

    thanks for your patience.
    Last edited by Elbie, 15th January 2015 at 22:17. Reason: typo the topTop

  10. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Elbie For This Useful Post:

    Altaira (16th January 2015), Breeze (15th January 2015), GCS1103 (16th January 2015), GoodETxSG (15th January 2015), heyokah (15th January 2015), Highland1 (15th January 2015), Myriad (9th April 2015), Ria (15th January 2015), Sheila (6th May 2015), TelosianEmbrace (13th February 2015), Woody (15th January 2015)

  11. #21
    Senior Member Highland1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Breeze View Post
    Hi GoodET -

    One of the most beautiful orbs I witnessed was ultraviolet blue, its size was uncommonly large, about 2ft in diameter as it very slowly glided gracefully through my room. There was no communication, however its presence of consciousness was very apparent, as I observed ‘it’ and ‘it’ observed me in a silent quantum entanglement where time stood still for a long paused moment. It was an unconditionally loving, soulfully peaceful experience. I am also fascinated in the very tiny bright gold orbs I see sometimes.
    Hi Breeze,

    by pure coincidence. a close friend of mine, of whom has only been recently awakened, had what he described as a terrifying experience around 5am in the morning very recently.

    A blue circular "orb" of magnificent light, simply emanated through his wall, and literally shot across his room, stood still directly in front of him and then darted to and fro before disappearing through another wall.

    He said he had just got out of bed, gone down stairs to have a cup of tea and sat down in a darkened room, as he does most mornings.

    No sooner had he sat down was when the "orb" made its fleeting appearance.

    He rang me that evening ( still shaking ) asking if I had any idea to what it was as he had never experienced anything like this before.

    Although not entirely sure myself either, I reassured him he was safe and very lucky to have had this unique experience.

    I asked him to describe the orb in detail and he said although it was of a deep blue in appearance, it gave off the brightest light he had ever seen and was totally silent.

    The fact that it "noticed" him intrigued me because it was almost like it did a sequence of intelligent movements in front of him as he was glued in terror to his chair.

    Not certain it was any conventional type of orb, I did a little research and found others to have had this experience too and having named the orb experience as being called "The Blue Pearl".

    Has anyone else here heard of that expression before as I have not?

    Sorry GoodET, not trying to go on a tangent from your excellent thread, but wondering if there is any connection to The Sphere Beings you mention?

    warm regards

    "There can only be One Truth" the topTop

  12. The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to Highland1 For This Useful Post:

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  13. #22
    Senior Member Highland1's Avatar
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    Hi GoodET,

    Great video by the way and pretty mind blowing it has to be said!

    Much of it got me thinking very deeply about our true origins and the following questions from the interview with Christine crossed my mind:

    What is so important about us that of all the 1000's of ET races "out there" claim that is they who are our creators?

    Not just one race of ET, but seemingly all races of ET's seem to want to make this claim?

    Who are they trying to convince, them or us?

    Stretching the imagination a little further, perhaps, it is "we" who are "them" in some sort of cosmic genealogical multidimensional reality?

    I mean we are all different races here on Earth, with some amazing diverse creatures.

    Some are visually beautiful extending all the up to some visually pretty darned frightening ones too yes?

    So, what if all life forms here on Earth, in the "Now" so to speak, are actually dimensional avatars of "them" but right here in what we call the "Now" in our present?

    (In the absence of what we call linear time, Im calling it the "Now" instead of the future.)

    Maybe sh!t happens happens all over the universe and always has?

    If so, maybe we are just a pot pourri of all their DNA poured into our Earthly petri dish within the hope that we, the resulting humanity,
    may be the answer to all their prayers and conflicts as we role play existence after existance through reincarnation whilst they all take notes?

    By that, I mean maybe we have been allowed to evolve as some sort of biological intelligent multi hybrid species of "them" that could gradually develop into a super advanced
    consciousness within the hope that one day, by solving our problems here, they can implement our corrections in their reality?

    However, stretching the imagination a bit further, if indeed we are this super prototype plethora of mixed DNA guinea pig type beings consisting of parts of all "them",
    that could quite possibly make us the most unique creations ever in the history of......Creation itself?

    So, if the good part of Humanity could somehow unite spiritually and come alive together as one, and apply shared knowledge and consciousness by uncloaking all this secrecy,
    then maybe then it is We who could gain a sort of Sovereignity never previously experienced by these so called creators in the history of the universe?

    It seems to me, that humanity currently acknowledges our advances in technology courtesy of our little little gifts from crashed ET craft,
    but when are we going to de-programme ourselves to advance our all powerful essence........ as unique beings of light?

    Having said all that, if their is still a massive power struggle at their source, then I guess we will always be denied the real truth,
    until another programme may be written to advance us further.

    Please forgive my exploratory ramblings GooedET, but these thoughts shot through my mind whilst watching this most excellent interview.

    warm regards

    "There can only be One Truth" the topTop

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  15. #23
    Senior Member sinzzer's Avatar
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    Hello GoodETxSG,

    I saw that you said people can ask qeutions??
    Well i do have allot of qeustions to be honest.
    And il said in front, i have no clue about your story.
    I only checked your blog, and saw some pages on the topic your posted.
    And what i saw in this forum.
    And i was about to watch the video until i saw it is two hours long, and it is almost 4 o clock in the Netherlands.
    So il check that tomorrow with my woman.
    But if you dont mind i cant w8 with my qeustions.

    I had nothing to do with this phenomena until last year, with a massive encounter on new year's eve.
    And one of them came very close to my window, as close as 10 meters.
    We as a family saw that good good, we saw some kind of plasma energy in different colors, the colors were moving.
    It was beautiful.
    But after that day i kept looking to the sky and notice objects or crafts or aircrafts flying around my home or the nature area near my home.
    I see them on every clear night.
    And they know am standing with the camera, they came very close to me.
    They gave me the feeling by there behavior, that i can film them.
    Iv seen them many times, that it is just unbelieveble.
    And am not living near a base, or an airport.
    Am living in the edge of a city, near farmland in the Netherlands.

    These videos is an excample of those crafts and there behavior, i made it yesterday.



    My qeustions are if you dont mind to answer them by your opinion or knowledge.
    Do you reconize these crafts?
    And if yes, with what am dealing here?
    And must i take it serious when we dreams about E.T.? ( we is ,my and my woman and kids ) the topTop

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  17. #24
    (account terminated) United States
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    Quote Originally posted by Breeze View Post
    Hi GoodET - What joy it is to have you here on TOT!

    Thank you so very much for continuing to share your extraordinary experiences and knowledge of the bigger picture that helps so many join together greater dots. I have read with great interest your previous threads, and thank you with all my heart for the valuable time, effort, grace and patience you have injected into them. You bring stellar information to the table!

    There are a couple of things you said on recent TOT posts that has got my minding spiralling.

    My mind boggles on how suddenly the ‘node to node’ connections have changed so quickly. I understand we live in a holographic universe, and what we humans perceive as dimensions or different planes of existence is all about ‘frequency of spin’ and synonymous to different levels of Conscious awareness.

    (GoodETxSG) Before delving too deeply into Portal Travel here I had written a very brief summary and simplified explanation of "Portal Mechanic's" in a PA Thread and I duplicated that information on my blog including the supporting You Tube Video's and Images. Please take the time now to look over this material at the link below and them come back to this post to proceed with this question if you do not mind (As a refresher if you had looked at the material prior).

    Mechanics of Portal Travel through the “Cosmic Web” via Torsion Fields and Scalar Energy - http://goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram....l-through.html

    (1)With these nodes no longer aligning as ‘expected’, could any of the below suggestions be a part of the mechanism as to why and how?

    A) The grids that ‘they were’ utilising have been changed, so nodes are now out of alignment?
    B) Earth itself has shifted slightly in Space making the nodes be out of alignment?
    C) Or could it be some type of sophisticated jamming frequency?
    Some Speculate the Sphere Beings are Jamming the gates and other technologies right now. I think this is partially true. Though the gates/portals began to have difficulties some time ago when we were told they would when we entered a certain part of our torsion Galaxy. I think it is a combination of the Sphere Beings jamming some technologies and taking advantage of the dampening effect of our Galactic Positioning right now to "Act". They were cloaked, waiting and watching for years. They seemed to begin their activity when these "Energetic/Vibratory" changes started to occur in our Star Cluster because of the area it had entered in our Galaxy. I said I would not speculate, but I had to on this one some.
    D) Planetary collective consciousness has somehow affected this misalignment in the nodes?
    E) Perhaps this is connected to the spiritually evolved BEings who are assisting behind the scenes respectfully working within ‘Natural Law’ and divine intervention?
    F) Connected to the Big Wave coming from our Galactic Centre? Could this be a type of recalibration occurring to all the grids? (These "Galactic Waves" have already been hitting the "Sol System" & interacting w/the Sol & Planetary "Vibratory States" for well over a decade & HAVE had effects on various "Programs" some of which have been CLOSED while other have been Recalibrated & Continued)
    Solar system caught in an interstellar tempest, September 2013 -

    Ribbon at edge of our solar system: Will the Sun enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas?, May 2010 -

    Astrophysicist: Solar system is entering an interstellar energy cloud, June 2012 -

    Local Interstellar Cloud -

    Solar System Climate Change -

    G) Or something completely different?

    It is covered more in the link to my blog above. It has to do with a change in the "Twist" of our Space/Time changing its "Density" (Totally different than the concept of "Dimension's"). It does cause a "Vibratory Change" in our local star cluster that is shifted and out of phase with the formerly connectable "Node"/star system. Everything is "Vibration" (Light, Matter and Thought are all vibratory states) and when you have two "Nodes" that are vibrating at similar rates with an Electro-Magnetic Connection and one of those Nodes completely changes its amplitude that bidirectional connection is no longer in harmony. The Node will then connect to the closest node in the general area of the one it was connected to previously taking the path of least resistance. Being that the Galaxy is a Giant Taurus and is swirling so to speak at times there will only be the (Anode/Cathode) charged particles of open space for the end point or "Node" to try to connect to. This gives the traveler a very unwelcome and unstable portal opening whipping around in open space between moving star clusters or systems. The Galactic Clouds and Storms have made Portal Travel a challenge recently especially in the artificial portals that do not occur naturally between bodies in the "Cosmic Web" as described in the Blog link above. (It is late, I will read this again in the morning to make sure this makes sense... )

    What you say below I find very exciting news – especially the ‘colours’ because such specific colours in my understanding are connected to the levels of Unity Consciousness (‘beyond’ the polarised levels).

    One of the most beautiful orbs I witnessed was ultraviolet blue, its size was uncommonly large, about 2ft in diameter as it very slowly glided gracefully through my room. There was no communication, however its presence of consciousness was very apparent, as I observed ‘it’ and ‘it’ observed me in a silent quantum entanglement where time stood still for a long paused moment. It was an unconditionally loving, soulfully peaceful experience. I am also fascinated in the very tiny bright gold orbs I see sometimes.

    I am excited with what you wrote about the Sphere Beings and I do hope you are able to keep us updated on this subject.

    (2) I wonder if you are willing to share what your own personal thoughts are about them, in so far as ‘who’ they might possibly be? For instance do you personally think they are individual BEings working as a group directive? Or perhaps the larger sphere’s are some type of collective of Soul BEings?

    What you are describing is exactly like every encounter I have ever seen detailed in reports about "Regular People" on Earth experiencing a "Visit" from the "Sphere Beings". In the encounters "Off World" they will appear the same or will also take the form of a "Humanoid" that is of the same color and density (You can see through them)... When they communicate they "Vibrate visibly' and other colors sort of like aura's come off of them and when you "Receive" their communication your body (Every Molecule of Your Body!) Vibrates in the same manner. It is unnerving, exciting and awe inspiring at the same time. They always appear with one of their few Allies of which only the "Blue Avian's" we can now mention only very recently. The Avian's are very pleasant and speak to you telepathically while using hand gestures at the same time. They both give off a great feeling of love and caring (Which we know can and is often produced by even evil entities in those they "Visit" or interact with") and people look very forward to each and every encounter.

    As far as their "Directive"/"Agenda" I cannot say. I do know they are refusing to work with ANY of the "Federations" or other groups. They have declared that no matter how Good Intention-ed or Positively Oriented ALL of these groups are they are ALL a % "Service To Self" or "Agenda Oriented" and their energy is not compatible with their own.

    This has made some of these "Federations" and their "Earthly Followers" upset and a bit un-trusting of them. The fact that The Earth has been closed off to Humans "Break Away Groups" Leaving Via Craft or Portal's as well as these "Federation Alien Delegates Stuck on their Embassy Bases on Earth has not made these Federations happy either. The Sphere beings are far beyond any of them in the "Technology/Consciousness/Dimensional" arena that they do not have a choice at this point. They are told they have to wait and ride out the situation through the duration.

    Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to ask questions, this is so very much appreciated.

    Much love I send to you and your family
    Breeze X
    Thank you for the questions. I will check back tomorrow. I had a long day of Physical Therapy and other appointments and am pretty tired. I will look at it again to make sure it makes sense in the morning. the topTop

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  19. #25
    Senior Member United States Onceinabluemoon's Avatar
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    For those that are Targeted Individuals, by Neg ET, AIs, Black Ops, etc. Is there any effective, permanent way for them to stop the attacks etc that are being done against their will, without permission, consent etc? the topTop

  20. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Onceinabluemoon For This Useful Post:

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  21. #26
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    Quote Originally posted by Elbie View Post
    sure... you said :
    Depending on the time frame the groups have different levels of access to our planet and it's resources. At the current time there is kind of a lock down in effect preventing even some of our own SSP Programs from "Coming or Going" as they wish.

    i would like to know why do you think that is?
    who do you think is responsible for the "lock down" - who made that decision? also which force is enabling it and how long is a lock down plan that you know?

    thanks for your patience.
    There has been a Stealth Civil War going on for some time between the various SSP's (Dark Fleet, Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate's and the "Solar Warden" Components) as well as the hand full of Ancient Break Away Civilizations of Earth and Each of the "Off World Groups" they are "Allied With".

    The Sphere's have been entering into the Sol System from 2 directions ("Through our Sol" & from "Outside our Sol System") and remaining "Cloaked" in what has appeared an "Observation Mode" for some time. Recently more and more of these Spheres have arrived in 3 sizes so far observed (One of which is the size of Jupiter 1/1000 the size of the Sol).

    Very recently these Sphere beings have showing themselves to certain people on Earth and meeting with Human Allies in the SSP that has aligned itself with them and their allies.

    All that being said, WHY are they preventing the "CABAL Type Human Break Away Groups" from leaving Earth (Escaping?) or their "Off World Allies" that are based on or around Earth as well?

    It seems that a wide net has been cast around our Sol System and in particular Earth to make sure that "Everyone" is present for the upcoming "Event's" what ever they may be.

    The Sphere Being/Allie Beings/SSP Allied Ultimate Agenda?

    I am not going to speculate on the full details that I have not been deemed to have a "Need to Know", but I think it is becoming more and more obvious to those with eyes to see.

    It shouldn't take too long for these recent changes to begin to have an affect down here on the surface where everything is very much still in control of those who are trying to flee right now. I was told that we shouldn't expect to be spared turmoil by off world beings. That we as Humans have been under control for so long and have been in a cycle of repeating history for so long that we will need to have a shocking series of events down here for us to have a sort of "Genetic Memory" that will prevent us from doing so in the future once we are on our own two feet and not being controlled by any "Alien or AI Gods"...

    Whether true or not I have a feeling we will find out with in a short time. The "Cabal Groups" are in panic mode and are already in a separate battle over Earths Financial Control System (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave System) against BRIC's AKA "The Alliance".

    I do not personally see how BRIC's is going to be that much better if any than what was in place before it as long as a Financial Control System is in place (IMHO). the topTop

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  23. #27
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    Quote Originally posted by Highland1 View Post
    Hi GoodET,

    Great video by the way and pretty mind blowing it has to be said!

    Much of it got me thinking very deeply about our true origins and the following questions from the interview with Christine crossed my mind:

    What is so important about us that of all the 1000's of ET races "out there" claim that is they who are our creators?

    Not just one race of ET, but seemingly all races of ET's seem to want to make this claim?

    Who are they trying to convince, them or us?

    Stretching the imagination a little further, perhaps, it is "we" who are "them" in some sort of cosmic genealogical multidimensional reality?

    I mean we are all different races here on Earth, with some amazing diverse creatures.

    Some are visually beautiful extending all the up to some visually pretty darned frightening ones too yes?

    So, what if all life forms here on Earth, in the "Now" so to speak, are actually dimensional avatars of "them" but right here in what we call the "Now" in our present?

    (In the absence of what we call linear time, Im calling it the "Now" instead of the future.)

    Maybe sh!t happens happens all over the universe and always has?

    If so, maybe we are just a pot pourri of all their DNA poured into our Earthly petri dish within the hope that we, the resulting humanity,
    may be the answer to all their prayers and conflicts as we role play existence after existance through reincarnation whilst they all take notes?

    By that, I mean maybe we have been allowed to evolve as some sort of biological intelligent multi hybrid species of "them" that could gradually develop into a super advanced
    consciousness within the hope that one day, by solving our problems here, they can implement our corrections in their reality?

    However, stretching the imagination a bit further, if indeed we are this super prototype plethora of mixed DNA guinea pig type beings consisting of parts of all "them",
    that could quite possibly make us the most unique creations ever in the history of......Creation itself?

    So, if the good part of Humanity could somehow unite spiritually and come alive together as one, and apply shared knowledge and consciousness by uncloaking all this secrecy,
    then maybe then it is We who could gain a sort of Sovereignity never previously experienced by these so called creators in the history of the universe?

    It seems to me, that humanity currently acknowledges our advances in technology courtesy of our little little gifts from crashed ET craft,
    but when are we going to de-programme ourselves to advance our all powerful essence........ as unique beings of light?

    Having said all that, if their is still a massive power struggle at their source, then I guess we will always be denied the real truth,
    until another programme may be written to advance us further.

    Please forgive my exploratory ramblings GooedET, but these thoughts shot through my mind whilst watching this most excellent interview.

    warm regards


    Good questions,
    I covered them quite in depth on my Blog and the previous Q and A's... Way too much to retype here.

    In just one of the "UN Type Federations" that was the Human Types of "Off World" Beings Only there were 22 Groups with 22 competing Claims of creating the "Current Human Species".

    It was all quite confusing for the scientists as all of them had offered scientific proof of their genetic coding and manipulation. It was obvious that there was a base humanoid being that had been augmented genetically for many thousands of years by many groups (Much more than the 22 present at this one Conference, Some were Off World Groups that were said to "Not Exist Anymore").

    This is confusing enough before you start to add the other information from the "VERY Non Human Types of Off World Groups" who had their own "UN Types of Federations" that were attended and presented the very same data.

    In the end it was really decided it didn't matter who all had tinkered with our gene's or contributed their own genes to our own. We were a distinct and different species and had developed an extremely "Wide Spectrum of Emotional, Spiritual and Consciousness" Abilities that These beings were "Jealous Of" (Many were now attempting to splice them into their own genome) and afraid of us realizing our full potential of. This was also true of the "Secret Earth Governments/Groups" who worked to keep us ignorant of our abilities and dumbed us down and continue to do so. They use our "Co-Creative Abilities of Shared Consciousness" against us using it as the basis of their "Magic" in some cases and as weapons against their enemies in other cases.

    They will do anything to keep us ignorant of these abilities and to keep us from developing them. Right now Consciousness is rising faster than they can keep up with in the general population and they have been considering very drastic measures to knocking it back "Down" as many of you have heard stories of... The boggy may stories of the Illuminati are based on a lot of these plans and actual idea's to reduce population and cause mass chaos to cause us to go into survival mode and stop paying attention to all of this consciousness and spiritual enlightenment information that is seeping through out the minds of humanity because of their closer connections to their higher selves (Most people are not even aware of what is going on or that they are more connected to a higher self as the "Dumbing Down Campaign" has been pervasive).

    IMHO as always (Like I said, always run info through your own Discernment Filter... This is what I am talking a little bit about above)... the topTop

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    Quote Originally posted by Onceinabluemoon View Post
    For those that are Targeted Individuals, by Neg ET, AIs, Black Ops, etc. Is there any effective, permanent way for them to stop the attacks etc that are being done against their will, without permission, consent etc?
    I am not really sure what to say,

    Even though I have some level of protection I have been "Picked Up" by a Couple Black Op's Groups and "Questioned" about the material I have been releasing and also about how my "Service File" has had huge area's of information removed (It is not supposed to be possible). They asked me if I remembered serving under anyone that would have the ability to do that for me. They had never seen anything like it, and if this person trained me in the "Scattering Technique" that I used on several RV'ers/RI'ers that they had looking into me. They didn't harm me and returned me home.

    This was 3 days after we saw the "Triangle Craft" above our house in the back yard that I reported in the Q and A on PA...

    I know I can use my "Scattering Technique" (Technique used by RV/RI to protect "Facilities/Bases" from Remote Viewers, to "Scatter their thoughts or presence. "Program RV'ers" often call them "Those who Scatter") against "Etheric Intrusion or Attacks" but not against Physical Encounters.

    Unless they are prevented from doing this by another "Group" then it is going to happen. I am told that if it is an ongoing program that on some level you are in agreement on a free will level that you may not be aware of. I know it sounds unacceptable but that is what is said. Sorry I do not have any wooden crosses or silver bullets to give you.

    Sometimes it is what it is. If you are a MILAB and get in contact with someone like James Bartley they can often find a way to end some of this. I know they have done so with others in the past. I just do not know how it is done. You may think about looking into contacting him or Eve Lorgen. Tell them I sent you. I have talked with James for years and he is a good and trustworthy soul (Honorable Man, IMHO).

    Good Luck! the topTop

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  27. #29
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    carlos castaneda refered them to has flyers.
    Eve Lorgen saw them as a black football shape with tendrils
    others have seen them has a jellyfish like enity.

    all that attach to the soul and feed off the lifeforce of the person?

    are these just parasites or intelligent beings?

    removing them them is a fight for your soul as they they will deplete it as much as they can before moving on!according to researchers.

    where do they fit in now with the scheme of things?
    be kind,be honest,be truthful. the topTop

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  29. #30
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    Quote Originally posted by ronin View Post
    carlos castaneda refered them to has flyers.
    Eve Lorgen saw them as a black football shape with tendrils
    others have seen them has a jellyfish like enity.

    all that attach to the soul and feed off the lifeforce of the person?

    are these just parasites or intelligent beings?

    removing them them is a fight for your soul as they they will deplete it as much as they can before moving on!according to researchers.

    where do they fit in now with the scheme of things?
    There is an Etheric Real (Some say Spiritual Realm) or another dimensionally phased existence... many of them.

    The Research Vessel's were studying many different types of "Astro-Extremophiles" that lived in the outer atmosphere's of "Gas Giants" and even Stars... But the list of beings lit live off of "Loosh" going on up to those that live off of actual Soul Energy are quite large.

    There are more than just "Archons" and "Djinn"... Yes, they are well known by some of the Off World Groups and even employed as "Tool's" by some of them as "Gate Keepers" of memories or to cause cycles of self deprecating and destructive behavior etc... Some just lock on to beings and wrap around them and feed with no intelligence, they just cycle energy...

    Others are VERY intelligent and these "Entity Attachments" have to be handled and removed in the correct manner or they can often jump to a loved one or remain close by until you are weak again and them return. That is actually THE TOPIC that caused things to go down hill on PA very quickly...

    Eve and James have some excellent info on these topics. I would defer people to their video interviews and writings for further information.
    Thank you for the question,
    "G" the topTop

  30. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to GoodETxSG For This Useful Post:

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