The Piscean Age has not brought us peace and tranquillity. It came into being when Rome began to close the world down. Some people use the reign of Augustus Caesar as the starting point of this age , but the first thing in the rule of thumb used by the few who keep track of such thing, is that the energies change from the first toll of who ever is wanting to close off one way of life, to being on the way to a new start, to the final breakdown of such a torrid workload to gender specific days ahead.
The Piscean Age was not to be the justice Age of gender towards female equality – this one coming must always begin with the old male/female topics to change, as the female lives in the role of the noticeable teacher of the moralistic strict sense of what is right and the ropeable male finds no power in any sense of right or wrong. So the best hope for Pisces was to disclaim power for use of might, and replace it with the role to stop using power for might.
The grander scheme, should have prevailed, but the fact was that all the grand stories given us from this time cannot stop life as it was meant to become. The cruelty of Rome, replaced in kind, the academic life in fallen Athens, and was so like Gabrielle heading to Moses, to say move away from here to a life of better totality of Soul , than can be achieved in socialised Egypt, which at that time was the end of the Arian Age. So clear up the socialised world and a new age of giving to others begins. This is what the fall of Rome meant as it gave rise to closer ties to Royalty who saw the worlds as their oyster and gradually carved it into little oyster beds, all expected to do work for no money, just be thankful we let you live on this excellent bounty which you will provide for us, till you are no use any more.
They allowed us to fill in the role of little fishes in a grand ocean of the ruling classes and the little people began to fill in the roles of the ever present millions of little people, too frightened to do other than live in shoals huddled to protect themselves against those olden days Romans, who began to be our wondrous Rulers, to whom our Souls must pray to never want to toss us to the wolves next door only just over the rise of the hill whom someone named life stealing swine.
We had to head them into our social structure, preferably linked to Popes, who were so linked to God, so we'd best conform, or we'd find ourselves sinfully tossed to the Gates of Hell, which he invented to keep us in line. No one had better heal or make money, or we would be finally headless or maybe be tossed out, giving us no comfort, or being allowed to exist. For this was against Roman Law, which Popes conveniently made up on their own, forgetting the fact that on the other side of the world only close ties to nature existed, and that didn't serve world order and take chaos out of every working day.
So this is what the Piscean Age stood for, love, charity and peace towards all, as long as you weren't the little fish in the big puddle or ocean of life. Some one else might explain to me how to work on all fours in mines for next to nothing, or to place Cathedrals so big that only now have we a large enough population to attend rights inside them, so that life at the top can be given burials,but the rest have mass graves – this was the Age of Jesus and his teachings?
So when do you think it has/will end and the Aquarian Age be ushered in???