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Thread: Alien artifacts discovered underneath crop circles!

  1. #1
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Alien artifacts discovered underneath crop circles!

    This is really an amazing case, when it comes to Crop Circles. They have been popping up all over the planet for quite some time now, the first Crop circle to be officially recognized by the media was in 1980, at the Westbury White Horse in Whiltshire, United Kingdom. However there have been photographs of a Quintuplet in 1978, and of course the famous “UFO Nests” in Australia in the late sixties. A more recent crop circle has got researches baffled, upon closer inspection they have found artifacts buried within the crop circle; the crop circle in question was discovered early morning by joggers on the 23rdof July 1991. this is the largest and most complicated German pictogram. It covered an area of 5,000m2 (6,000 sq yards) and consisted of seven symbols and thirteen circles – with a cross within the circle in the middle, suggesting the ancient sun symbol.

    Upon closer inspection of the crop circle one of the researchers Hesemann found 3 plates buried in the design: a bronze, silver and one gold plate. “Plate 1 (silver color) consisted mainly of quite pure silver with an additional ingredient accounting for less than 0.1%. The weight of the plate was 4.98kg (11lbs). Plate 2 (bronze color) consisted of a copper-tin alloy (of which the tin content amounted to 10%-15%), nickel and traces of iron amounting to less than 0.1%”. Amazingly this meant that the silver plate consisted of 99.9% pure silver, that’s purer than sterling-silver!. Furthermore, a spectrographic analysis of both plates proved that they had not been made from a cast but from some kind of conglomerate of silver nuggets and natural copper and tin pieces of the type found in Germany’s Harz forest, not far from Grasdorf. They had been produced, either by heating up to a degree that partially melted the metals or in a low gravity environment. We are left with the question why would a hoaxer would go to such expensive lengths, in terms of cost and effort, to simply pull the wool over the eyes of the press and a few crop circle enthusiasts?”

    One of the amazing things about these plates is they each contain an exact picture of the crop circle, as seen in the above pictures.

    The farmer Werner Harenberg woke up early in the morning of July 23 1991 to discover Germany’s first really spectacular crop circle near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony in the historic Teutoburger Wald Area, not far from Hannover, and indeed not far from the prehistoric site of Externsteine, part natural rock, part carvings, caves and bearing various signs of what seems like long and varied religious practices; and seeing that the straws were unbroken, as it were, harmoniously bended, he stated as much as that it could not have been made by amateurs such as had recently allegedly been at play further north in Schleswig-Holstein. Taking advice from the experience of landowners there he charged visitors five DM three Euro.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member 777's Avatar
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    Wow this one is mind blowing. :spinning:

    Who's willing to have a stab at interpretation then? Apart from identifying a sickle on the right (at the time of crop circle the Soviet Union existed), I'm stumped. Also a little light observation here, the image with the red dots moves when i look at it. I'd like to think I'm not alone in that?

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  5. #3
    Senior Member jimmer's Avatar
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    this one amped up the mystery of crop circles.
    it's a shame that after all these years no further
    information or breakthroughs have been revealed.
    this case, as it was first reported + 20 years ago,
    remains just a curiosity.
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  7. #4
    Senior Member shamanseeker's Avatar
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    Here are some extracts about African crop circles (which are not always circles and which according to Credo Mutwa are prophetic). There are also pictures of the circles.

    See more:

    These crop circles are created by a power which is compassionate. The spirit who makes the crop circles guides human beings, it tells them important things that human beings are not aware of yet.“

    Author’s note: Here (as well as with the above discussed idea that the „natural message“ of the circles is too simple for our complicated minds) Credo Mutwa agrees with other traditional and native representatives. Also the Aborigines people of Australia share this very same view. (DOUK 2000)

    „Long time ago, when all my sacred items were given to me, I was told that we must always look out for those things, always because this is what the God Spirit - which is the mind of the earth - is telling us about important things about the universe...about what is going to happen.“

    „These are things that we Sangomas are called to investigate. I have always wanted to have a farm of my own. To watch out for the writings of the Gods (...)“

    „I remember that my grandmother used to say that we must show respect for the crop circles as well as we have to show our respect to the standing stones.“

    „The signs do prophesize. They tell us about the future. This is why Sangomas must plant millet because this is the plant the Gods prefer to speak through.“

    The Crop Circles in Africa
    „If there is going to be a war – the crop circles tell us. These things are warnings.

    „Our crop circles in Africa are not only circles; they are just as complicated as the English ones, even more complex sometimes. Our biggest crop circle appeared in Zululand, it was made up of four of them inside a big square and in the centre was a picture, a picture of a gun, a picture of a gun canon. That was just before the terrible Battle of Ulundi in 1879 where the English used artillery pieces and Gatling guns (the first highly successful rapid-repeating firearms) on the Zulus for the very first time.“

    „Funny enough ‚crop circles’ are not only made by crops. If you put a lot of cattle in your village and they are in a big place you will sometimes find animals forming strange circles and patterns as well.“

    „But here in South Africa we can also see crop circles in the Sand. Near Cape Town there is a place called „Cradock“, a village, and a small town of white people. In Cradock there is no crop but even now you can see crop circles in the sand.“

    „If there is going to be a war – the crop circles tell us. These things are warnings.

    „Our crop circles in Africa are not only circles; they are just as complicated as the English ones, even more complex sometimes. Our biggest crop circle appeared in Zululand, it was made up of four of them inside a big square and in the centre was a picture, a picture of a gun, a picture of a gun canon. That was just before the terrible Battle of Ulundi in 1879 where the English used artillery pieces and Gatling guns (the first highly successful rapid-repeating firearms) on the Zulus for the very first time.“

    „These crop circles are created by a power which is compassionate. The spirit who makes the crop circles guides human beings, it tells them important things that human beings are not aware of yet.“

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    My first though was a star map, but considering the gold silver & bronze aspect, I think it more likely to be some kind of equation / diagram relating to fringe physics.

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Seikou-Kishi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by 777 View Post
    Wow this one is mind blowing. :spinning:

    Who's willing to have a stab at interpretation then? Apart from identifying a sickle on the right (at the time of crop circle the Soviet Union existed), I'm stumped. Also a little light observation here, the image with the red dots moves when i look at it. I'd like to think I'm not alone in that?
    I'm sure you've seen something very similar. Just don't look in ufological areas.

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  13. #7
    Senior Member jimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Seikou-Kishi View Post
    I'm sure you've seen something very similar. Just don't look in ufological areas.


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  15. #8
    Senior Member Cearna's Avatar
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    I felt an affinity to these, as coming from the Plaeides. I felt a soul reaction to these inscriptions, so I believe they are to "feel from, from within". The different combinations of metal, will each give a different response. Possibly these are related to some wisdom or books from which they reflect and each will gain some new insight each time it is felt. If standing within the circle, and going into a very quiet or meditative state, then I think each will find that wisdom they themselves have inside themselves, from which they gain much throughout each life.

    This is what I felt when I looked into them.

    "Life unending is like a river to which there is no return. Follow the path, but once- in- awhile stop off, meander here and there, journey, find new things, people, places, experiences. Enjoy the constants that hold your life together, but always know there is more to explore, to become part of, to live as part of the life stream of life"

    I also think there is something to do with the harvest as well, the farmer wants to grow a wonderful crop to feed many. In order to do so he must have rich soil. To sow a seed then there is so much involved, the love of the land and the harvest to come. In yourself you also need to sow seeds of love into good healthy soil. I believe the circles are cut in long, golden fields, the faint heart of love, and so what you sow, you reap down deep in your heart felt life. Once felt you are in harmony and balance with all that surrounds you.

    Last edited by Cearna, 29th September 2013 at 04:50.

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  17. #9
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Spirit Walker View Post

    My first though was a star map, but considering the gold silver & bronze aspect, I think it more likely to be some kind of equation / diagram relating to fringe physics.
    A Key - a musical sequence!

    It would be interesting to be able to dig under others. Is it possible these plates are some kind of "computer" that were actually programmed to generate this circle at a specific time?!?
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  19. #10
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    I think this deserves a bump

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Wow, have never heard of this one, cheers

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  23. #12
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks, The One. This is cool. Didn't know about the plates. I listened to a speech by a fellow who made crop circles. He had some weird stories. It seems there's a combination of human, paranormal and "other" involved in their creation.

    Looking at the images I see that the plates were found in the center of circles, each one with an arc (of sorts) around it. Which plate was found where? The material is likely relevant to where it was located in the pattern.

    The elements of the pattern remind me of male and female parts - did someone say legos? Also molecules. I'm not a chemist so I can't say which ones.

    Where are the plates now?

    Sounds like, the way they were made, one of those gravity defying ships could have snatched up some of the local metal and stamped out the plates to put in the circles. Easy for them. Way too much time, energy and money for a hoaxer.

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  25. #13
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    So. I was thinking of trying to contact the people involved with this to get more info. Someone named Hesemann is mentioned. This is apparently Michael Hesemann, a German researcher into UFOs and related topics.

    I found his page to try to contact him for more info and this is the first picture I see:

    He's also a member of some orders shown there that I'm not familiar with. So the question I'm now presented with is: Is this somebody I can trust to give me good information at all?

    Maybe someone here familiar with those coats of arms on that page can give some background into those. A German farmer is also mentioned in the article but I don't speak German (yet) so there's not much use in me trying to ask him about it either unless he speaks English.

    An analysis is mentioned for the silver and bronze plates but not for the gold plate. Obviously that much gold would be worth a lot of money by itself, let alone if it were the artifact described. Why is no analysis mentioned? Was it prevented from being analyzed because the artifacts were fabricated and it was not made of real gold? Who did the analyses and who possesses the discs now?
    Last edited by bsbray, 9th September 2015 at 23:55.

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  27. #14
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    Hi. Just an observation that the designs in the images above do not all match in the photos and point to there being an error somewhere there. Unless there is a thing I am missing and 2 of the plates were faced down in the earth and one faced upwards... but my guess is that one of the photo's has been flipped. I am referring to the orientation of the symbols on each plate and in the circle made in the field.
    At first I thought the the blurry photo of the gold and silver plate was the flipped one, but it seems it is the crop circle photo, which makes sense with the way the shadows also had made me think it is placed upside down.
    So, image is flipped and upside down. Still, interesting article.

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    Crop circle theurgy?

    When I read this story I didn't like it, it felt...I don't know...a bit "hoaxy" but when I thought about it further it began to really interest me, because now I'm seeing it from two different elements, ie the crop circle and the "plates". Crop circles are known for their precision, as one would assume if they are being formed by a higher intelligence, the plates however are not "exact" representations of the crop formations, indeed they look man made. So now I'm wondering how old these plates are, who made them and why? Is it possible that these plates (that remind me of magical/astrological lamens used in medieval/Renaissance magic) were created by a former owner of the land for some theurgic purpose? Is it possible that these crop circles have been appearing in this EXACT spot even in a time when it would have been suspicious/illegal to declare them? Maybe I'm wrong, I have too many questions (and maybe suppositions for that matter) to decide for myself. Either way...awesome story, thanks.

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