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Thread: Obama Appoints UFO Disclosure Advocate Into Administration:Signs of Something To Come

  1. #1
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Obama Appoints UFO Disclosure Advocate Into Administration:Signs of Something To Come

    John Podesta was recently appointed as councillor to Barack Obama.(1)(2) The 64 year old former chief of staff to the Clinton administration will be dipping into matters that range from energy, to food safety and border enforcement, and who knows, possibly UFO disclosure? According to the Washington Post, Podesta is “one of the Democratic Party’s most seasoned political and policy operatives.”(2) He is also the founder of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a leading democratic public policy organization. Many people are starting to believe that democrats and republicans are just two wings of the same bird, and that the flight path doesn’t change. I echo this belief, but this appointment did gain my attention given the fact that John Podesta is an advocate for UFO disclosure.

    In 2002, Podesta spoke at a news conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., where he urged the U.S. government to declassify UFO documents that are more than 25 years old.

    “I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” – John Podesta (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record,” where Podesta wrote the forward)

    “I think it’s time to open the books, on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs, it’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it because it’s right, we ought to do it because the American people, and people around the world quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”- John Podesta (Taken from the video below)

    “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old, and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon”. – Johan Podesta (3)

    The conference below was organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Information. Last month, TIME magazine listed five topics that Podesta and Obama haven’t agreed on. These include drone secrecy, NSA spying, Afghanistan, the American Political System ,and UFOs.


    Podesta brings up some interesting facts from the quotes above. One of them being that we have statements from the most credible sources, those in a position to ‘know’. He is referring to generals, pilots, more high ranking political/military personnel , scientists and more. Not long ago, Former Canadian Minister of National Defense, Paul Hellyer said that there are “at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.” This is one statement from hundreds upon hundreds of people that have held positions that might be privy to this type of knowledge.

    UFO disclosure in the United States might not be far away, dozens of governments all over the world have already admitted to the UFO phenomenon being real. They’ve admitted to tracking them on radar, and scrambling jets to check them out. For example, here is a batch of files pertaining to the UK government’s involvement in UFO investigations. Here is a batch of documents that were declassified by the NSA.

    I would also like to point out that if the Obama administration were to disclose this information, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are telling the truth. Manipulation of perception regarding real events has been a common theme throughout history, war is one example. The real story behind the phenomenon is usually something other than what we’ve been told by corporate media. We don’t need the ones “we appointed” to be our source for information, each and every individual is capable of doing it themselves. It doesn’t hurt to do a little critical thinking every now and then. At the same time, individuals within the ‘elitist,’ realm might be going through their own little awakening, throwing judgement at something is never the correct thing to do, and some that play within the game of politics and government might want to see full transparency of information.

    There are thousands of interesting, declassified documents out there in the public domain, and you can bet that there are even more that remain classified. Here is a video from Richard Dolan giving a very brief, quick introduction to the UFO cover-up for those of you who are new to the subject.

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  3. #2
    Fred Steeves
    Hi Malc.

    I can well understand people with serious questions concerning ET wanting some serious, and truthful answers, but a guy like John Podesta is *not* going to be a conduit for this to occur. Neither are the (at least most of) people involved with the "Rockefeller Initiative" for disclosure started back in the early 90's.

    The u.f.o. community (same as the alternative community) has been so heavily infiltrated by alphabet soup types, that it has been pretty much rendered nothing but a psy op mine field. Now there is also a light sprinkling from that loose knit bunch known as "The Aviary" involved with Rockefeller's disclosure initiative, some of which played a key role in presenting us with the MJ-12/Serpo steaming piles of you know what as well. So we may get a "core story" meme intended to lead society in a certain direction, but that's about it.

    Letting these guys give us the down low on human/ET relations, is akin to a child getting into a stranger's car after being offered some candy...

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  5. #3
    Senior Member sandy's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more Fred

    Thanks for all you hard research and efforts to awaken the alternative community regarding psy op's abounding to create continuous memes of distraction!!

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Australia Wolf Khan's Avatar
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    Podesta is like the rest of the cabal, couldn't tell the truth even if they wanted too, so as a butt boy to obama, he can of course be trusted to give us the facts???, I think not!!
    Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions

  8. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Wolf Khan For This Useful Post:

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  9. #5
    I suppose it would at least get unawakened people thinking about the possibility of UFOs which then leads one to other rabbit holes...

  10. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to lookbeyond For This Useful Post:

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Personally I think that citizen disclosure ( & I include all the ex/military ) has reached a tip over point where they have to "claim" this & try wrest control of the narrative, in France the Gov said UFOs exist, but definitely do not let the public in on what they really know, or film.(I have twice witnessed jet fighters following UFOs )

    In the UK they released 1000s of documents, but they are of little worth (its not radar tapes & gun camera stuff which they must have stacks of ) , they certainly do not admit that they send fighter jets & helicopters up after them, and are still loosing aircraft doing this just as they have been for over 60 years.

  12. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Spiral For This Useful Post:

    BabaRa (27th January 2014), boja (27th January 2014), GCS1103 (27th January 2014), KosmicKat (27th January 2014)

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    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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