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Thread: Mysterious crop circles found in Chualar, California

  1. #16
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Spiral View Post
    Only joking, they are round because;

    Fake circles are made using ropes (instead of compasses) to do the geometry.

    For the real ones this is the only explanation I have seen, Roy Dutton on Richplanet;


    It's been said the origin of the word circle was originally Seer Call (cir -cle) = calling in all seers, which is what the druids and celtics did when they needed a problem solved. Then the seers would stand in a circle, hold hands and meditate.

    Perhaps whoever is making these lovely and tantalizing symbols are calling in all seers. considered yourself called!

    P.S. Any thoughts on the one button that seems to be pushed down - what would that relate to on a computer screen or perhaps even a TV?
    Last edited by BabaRa, 2nd January 2014 at 23:17.
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  3. #17
    Senior Member UK ronin's Avatar
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    P.S. Any thoughts on the one button that seems to be pushed down - what would that relate to on a computer screen or perhaps even a TV?

    the number 3 on my key board is sticky ,have to whack it if that makes any sense?

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  5. #18
    Senior Member john parslow's Avatar
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    As an ex-Braille transcriber I concur with the number sequence:

    192 192

    B 192 1

    192 192

    My only problem with it is, why? Why would anyone leave a crop-circle in Braille when blind people patently cannot see it?
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  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to john parslow For This Useful Post:

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  7. #19
    Senior Member john parslow's Avatar
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    Just remembered the letter B standing alone means BUT.

    Note to MOD's I seem unable to edit previous posts ...
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  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to john parslow For This Useful Post:

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  9. #20
    Tot Founder England The One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by john parslow View Post
    Just remembered the letter B standing alone means BUT.

    Note to MOD's I seem unable to edit previous posts ...
    Just checked you can edit but not delete own posts

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  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to The One For This Useful Post:

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  11. #21
    Senior Member john parslow's Avatar
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    Hello Malc

    I can edit but when I hit save, it just cycles forever, the same with Reply with Quote, I can't even open that ...
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  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to john parslow For This Useful Post:

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  13. #22
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by john parslow View Post
    Hello Malc

    I can edit but when I hit save, it just cycles forever, the same with Reply with Quote, I can't even open that ...
    Is your internet speed reduced at the moment ? Will youtubes play etc ? It could be the extreme weather.

    TOT seems to be functioning fine for me

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Spiral For This Useful Post:

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  15. #23
    Senior Member john parslow's Avatar
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    Hi Spiral

    It has been like this since we went to new servers. When I add to a post, I don't appear to be able to define any parameters now i.e. Type Style/Size Embolden/Italic/Colours or add emoticons, none of this appears available. Also If I answer a post and then need to edit, it will open but does not allow me to save it, it just keeps cycling ad infinitum similarly with Go Advanced, this never opens! Broadband speed up around 3 meg on average and no trouble uploading from any sites. Just wondering if there is anything I have not Set or has been Reset since the change ... All the best. JP
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  16. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to john parslow For This Useful Post:

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  17. #24
    Senior Member KosmicKat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by BabaRa View Post
    It's been said the origin of the word circle was originally Seer Call (cir -cle) = calling in all seers, which is what the druids and celtics did when they needed a problem solved. Then the seers would stand in a circle, hold hands and meditate.
    Perhaps, but given the way that language changes through time, I feel safer tracing the line back through circulus (latin diminutive of circus) from the Greek Kirkos (the circle as a geometric figure).

  18. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to KosmicKat For This Useful Post:

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  19. #25
    Senior Member shamanseeker's Avatar
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    In my opinion, this is genuine. You can see straight away if a crop circle is made by hand. They are very imprecise and 'amateurish'. The straight lines would be very difficult to create by hand for example. The circles can be done with rope and a board but even then the end result is not perfect.

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  21. #26
    Senior Member shamanseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by BabaRa View Post

    It's been said the origin of the word circle was originally Seer Call (cir -cle) = calling in all seers, which is what the druids and celtics did when they needed a problem solved. Then the seers would stand in a circle, hold hands and meditate.

    Perhaps whoever is making these lovely and tantalizing symbols are calling in all seers. considered yourself called!

    P.S. Any thoughts on the one button that seems to be pushed down - what would that relate to on a computer screen or perhaps even a TV?
    Brilliant, BaBaRa! Well done

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  23. #27
    Senior Member jimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by shamanseeker View Post
    In my opinion, this is genuine. You can see straight away if a crop circle is made by hand. They are very imprecise and 'amateurish'. The straight lines would be very difficult to create by hand for example. The circles can be done with rope and a board but even then the end result is not perfect.
    it will be interesting to see if an analysis of the crop circle stem 'nods' is done.
    if the bending process breaks the stem -- man made.
    if they are bent without breaks -- considered authentic.
    Life is an attitude.

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  25. #28
    Senior Member john parslow's Avatar
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    Anyone have a clue why the message would be written in Braille?
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  26. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to john parslow For This Useful Post:

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  27. #29
    Senior Member Church's Avatar
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    I actually don't think Spiral was joking when he said that they are trying to point out that we are blind. If he was joking, I think he actually stumbled upon a truth. It makes perfect sense to me, actually. They presumably have a sense of humor, as most beings do, and that was a tongue-in-cheek kind of joke to them.

    And, it's kind of funny.

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  29. #30
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Church View Post
    I actually don't think Spiral was joking when he said that they are trying to point out that we are blind. If he was joking, I think he actually stumbled upon a truth. It makes perfect sense to me, actually. They presumably have a sense of humor, as most beings do, and that was a tongue-in-cheek kind of joke to them.

    And, it's kind of funny.

    No I wasn't joking, it seems like an obvious symbol/ metaphor of the sort used by artists & photographers.

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