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Thread: Disturbing Child Abuse

  1. #106
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr has been sentenced to 28 years behind bars for literally selling kids to prisons for profit.

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  3. #107
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    Over 1,000 arrested in Europe crackdown on organized crime – Europol

    European police have arrested more than 1,000 suspects in an unprecedented nine-day swoop on organized crime. At least 30 Romanian children have been saved from child traffickers and over 2,000kg of drugs have been seized.

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  5. #108
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    Arrested Catholic Archbishop’s computer contained over 100,000 images of children
    Vatican detectives analyzing a computer used a by an archbishop arrested earlier this week discovered over 86,000 pornographic photos and 160 sexually explicit video files of children, reports the International Business Times.

    According to investigators, another 45,000 pictures had been deleted.

    Former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, 66, was arrested at the Vatican earlier this week on charges that he paid to have sex with minors when he was a papal ambassador in the Dominican Republic from 2008 to 2012.

    Wesolowski is the first Vatican official to be arrested within the city state on charges of pedophilia.

    The former archbishop was recalled to Rome by the Vatican last year while still a diplomat in Santo Domingo and relieved of his duties following accusations from Dominican media that he was paying for underaged sex partners.

    Until earlier this week, he had been free to roam Rome, but is now being held in in a small room in the basement of the Collegio dei Penitenzieri, which hosts the Vatican’s court and military police.

    Vatican authorities are now investigating if Wesolowski was part of a network of pedophiles and whether he abused children in other posts during his career.

    Wesolowski previously served in South Africa, Costa Rica, Japan, Switzerland, India and Denmark.

    If convicted, Wesolowski faces 12 years in jail in the first trial for sexual abuse to be held inside the Vatican City.

    His trial is expected to start in January.

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  7. #109
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    As much as I love to see all this, behind the scenes I bet the royal family are throwing them all under the bus in order to save their own skins.

    And changing the laws to prevent themselves being investigated.

    When will THEY be investigated? If at all.

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Sooz For This Useful Post:

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  9. #110
    Senior Member Amanda's Avatar
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    Wow - how fabulous to see so much information being shared via this thread. I have been ill and then busy. In short I have finally achieved the attention of the NSW Police Headquarters. Early days yet and I will share information as it becomes appropriate to do so - and - is safe to do so. Please know that I update regularly on the Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page - but - I intend to update threads such as this one as soon as my health and energy and time permit. I am fully aware that this site - form the Site Owner to the members have shown me unconditional support from the beginning. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Much Peace - while we work through this pain and chaos with dignity & respect - Amanda

    NB The comment about "we" drive paedophiles and predators underground - woah back a little. That is absolute propaganda - paedophiles and predators know they are a small and exclusive sub group of society - the truth be known and their identities revealed - the public would rip them limb from limb. They are underground because they know they need to be - but - that underground is no longer safe for them - the growing global community who are supporting victims - unquestioningly - is growing so fast that the cabal/illuminati/whatever are not coping anymore. Stand firm and keep your head up - our battle is showing every sign that we are winning.

  10. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    Calabash (10th October 2014), Cearna (2nd October 2014), KosmicKat (2nd October 2014), lookbeyond (2nd October 2014), Ria (2nd October 2014), sandy (3rd October 2014), Sooz (2nd October 2014)

  11. #111
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    The Case Against Michael Aquino – Satanic Pedophile
    by Anthony Forwood

    For those who don’t know, Michael Aquino was a Psychological Warfare Specialist in the US Army from 1968 until 1990, when he was involuntarily discharged as a result of investigations into his involvement in the ritual sexual abuse of children at the Presidio Day Care Center in San Francisco. Throughout this same time, he has also been a devout satanist and self-confessed neo-Nazi. He joined Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan in 1969, staying until 1975 when he left to start his own Temple of Set, which has been in operation ever since.

    Please note here that both psyops and satanism involve using many levels of deception and coercion to manipulate the perceptions of others for ulterior motives, so these are skills that Aquino is very familiar with and very comfortable in using. He is also an expert in propaganda and skilled in techniques for disseminating misinformation/disinformation, and using misdirection, confusion tactics, isolation techniques, and revisionism. Therefore, he will certainly use these skills to defend himself against the truth of his actions.
    For the full story click on link,

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  13. #112
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    Revolution SunboX
    Published on Aug 10, 2014IMPORTANT DOCUMENTARY FILM CLIP-the clips are from the Swedish made film "no greater evil",made in 1992,and sadly is not the best quality,but is essential listening.Child abuse campaigner Geoffrey Dickens MP,who handed his dossiers on child abuse within the establishment to Leon Brittan,and others,(dossiers which all subsequently went conveniently missing-or did they?)died in 1995. Footnote-does any one have the rest of this documentary?

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Ria For This Useful Post:

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  15. #113
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    Kevin Annett: Euro Police join ITCCS take down of Satanic networks in Vatican, Monarchies, Cargill
    Alfred Lambremont Webre
    Kevin Annett: Euro Police join ITCCS take down of Satanic networks in Ndrangheta, Vatican, Monarchies, Cargill Corp.

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    Amanda (10th October 2014), Calabash (10th October 2014)

  17. #114
    Senior Member Amanda's Avatar
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    Update - I have had a problem online so I am publishing this update to set in place some guidelines for those who need clarification. I created the Child Abuse Whistleblowers Community page as a safe haven for both Child Abuse Whistleblowers & like-minded people to share their information and evidence - and - as a safe haven for victims to come forward.

    I created a series of Notes numbered 1 to 20. You will find that by reading the numbered posts in order - you will understand the moral and legal aspects of the battle in which a Child Abuse Whistleblower engages once they commit to the battle.
    I have been defamed and defiled - what's new I hear you thinking it's the internet - I expect detractors. The shills, trolls & (paid) disinformation agents gave me a difficult time in the beginning but once I started posting actual statement evidence - they all disappeared.

    It seems an undesirable incident has occurred on the internet to displace the peaceful & safe haven I created & to malign my good name. I am not going to name anyone here nor am I going to engage in any arguments or mud slinging - & - certainly not on the internet.

    Please refer to Post No.3 - where I introduce myself, using my full real name as well as sharing my former police registration & my current Teacher registration - all so that the public can choose to conduct their own research & learn that I am who I say I am. Even on threads I use a real aspect of my name, where it is not already taken or sometimes my old stage name Miss Amanda Manhattan. (Personal Note: When I was an operational NSW Police officer a fellow officer threatened to start calling me Constable Manhattan - thankfully common sense prevailed).

    Without names - a person who claims to be an advocate for Child Abuse has published information on the internet that can be considered contempt of court as a recognised Child Abuse Whistleblower has a case currently before the court. I know the person and asked politely that the posts be removed from a thread I created. The person met my logic & manners with anger & refused & then blocked me - this occurred via private messaging on facebook. I contacted the administration of the website and requested (in writing) that the posts of the member within a particular thread of mine be deleted. If administration could/would not delete the itemised posts - could they please delete the entire thread on my behalf.

    I did this weeks ago - I received no email correspondence - nothing! Today I dropped by the site to find what had happened. No deletions& my name completely defiled & maligned. The thread blocked & I have had no chance to defend myself. I was permanently banned from the site. The person in question has been banned from facebook several times. The website from which I am now banned had previously banned him. I had actually been warned about him - I can admit publicly I made a mistake & I should not have trusted that person. The person has made a mess that will actually reflect badly on himself & anyone connected to him.

    This is what I did today. I notified the Child Abuse Whistleblower & told her to inform her Barrister of what had occurred. I told her to inform her Barrister that I had - in writing contacted the website & made a formal request for deleting specific items or the entire thread. Legally that protects the Child Abuse Whistleblower & myself. I placed my concerns in writing weeks ago. If people are truly concerned please contact me via private messaging & I will give you details. As far as I am concerned - all the men involved - yes sadly I have been cyber attacked by a group of men - I am here stating my side of the story & I trust that sensible, straight thinking intelligent people will conduct their own research to make up their own mind.

    The lesson I have learned on facebook is to be very very very careful which groups you join. Helpful Hints: A genuine, recognised Child Abuse Whistleblower will attend Police Stations & courts & interact with professional agencies and these actions will generate official genuine documents. I currently have twelve A4 folders full of emails & documents & receipts et cetera. Genuine, recognised Child Abuse Whistleblowers collate their own information & evidence & do not "solely" rely on trawling the internet for evidence.

    Be careful everyone - we live in a world where it can be difficult to trust anyone at the best of times. If you feel you want to trust me - thank you.I will not treat people like they are stupid. I will not tell you what to think or how to feel. I will continue to be as transparent in all my actions as I possibly can - the only information and/or evidence I don't share is anything currently subject to legal boundaries or confidentiality - that is essential to win a specific aspect of this battle. I share everything as it is safe to do so.

    I want to be very very very clear on this, I will never name a victim online or anywhere else. I never have & will never be forced or tricked into doing that. The only victims I mention are those who have given me their express permission to do so , such as Fiona Barnett. As for the victims & witnesses who are coming forward via private messaging - your well being is my priority. Your confidence is safe with me.

    For the shills, trolls & (paid) diinformation agents:

    Contemnor - A person who has been found to have committed a contempt of court. (page 91)

    Contempt of Court - Words or actions which interfere with the proper administration of justice or constitute a disregard for the authority of the court. (page 91)

    Contempt by Publication - Publishing material that has a real tendency to interfere with or is intended to interfere with particular pending criminal or civil proceedings. (page 91)

    Harm Principle - John Stuart Mill's argument that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over nay member of a civilised community, against his or her will, is to prevent harm to others. (page 200)

    Nonfeasance - the omission or failure by a person or public body to do something which that person or public body has agreed or is otherwise liable to do. (page 308)

    Reference: Butterworths Concise Australian Legal Dictionary

    This entire post will be placed on threads where I am trusted - without this post - read at your own choice anywhere my name is mentioned with regard to Child Abuse Whistleblowers. Some threads have been commenced on my behalf - but this post - with the legal references - signifies my actual, genuine participation within that website. If you have any concerns please contact me via private message. I would say, just ask the victims & witnesses who have already come forward but sadly you can't - I will NEVER betray their trust - NEVER!

    Much Peace - while we sort through this chaos & pain with dignity & respect - logic & intellect are essential as well - Amanda

    NB I am not going to fight with people on the internet - I am already fighting to protect Children & victims of Child Abuse. I still try to comprehend the fact I made it all the way to Federal Court - on my own & argued a single point of law for two days with the Catholic Barrister & his assistant. That's just one of my actions on my Child Abuse Whistleblower journey - would you have the courage to do that much? Surprise yourself - now I know I can do that, I am not done until I am done. I well may be done & standing alone or I may have company - either way I will finish what I started. I am not a quitter.

  18. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    Calabash (10th October 2014), john parslow (9th October 2014), lookbeyond (9th October 2014), norman (10th October 2014), Ria (9th October 2014), sandy (9th October 2014), Sooz (9th October 2014)

  19. #115
    Senior Member Ria's Avatar
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    I am sorry to hear this Amanda, that your having to deal with such types.
    I suppose dealing with the low life's, that have been perpetrating these crimes it's to be expected.

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  21. #116
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    Court hears Ray Teret raped 15-year-old girl together with Jimmy Savile
    then said 'You should be thanking us'.

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  23. #117
    Senior Member Haiti Calabash's Avatar
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    Hmmm... lookbeyond said in another thread that Teret looked like a relative of Jimmy S. They look even more alike in the picture in Ria's link when they were younger. I believe they called each other "son" and "dad". Nauseating . . .
    �As you think so shall you be.�
    ― Dr Wayne A Dyer paraphrasing from Tao Te Ching

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  25. #118
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    A political figure in the UK has been asked in for questioning in the in relation to historical child sex allegations involving London care homes.

    The name of the individual has not been released and he has not been charged but is believed to have been in a held a senior position in the British Government and was a major figure in his political party.

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  27. #119
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    Former BBC presenter Michael Souter jailed for 22 years for sexually abusing boys - 2013

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  29. #120
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    "From my research I believe that David Bottrill is part of a devil worshipping group. The "O.T.O" was founded by Aleister Crowley known as the wickedest man in the world. No wonder this low life does not want anyone to know about the O.T.O. David Bottril is not just a part of the OTO, he is the national treasurer which leads one to wonder how sinister this man really is."
    For the full article go to link;

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    Amanda (17th October 2014), Calabash (17th October 2014), lookbeyond (16th October 2014)

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