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Thread: Time Travel is Possible, Say Scientists

  1. #1
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    Time Travel is Possible, Say Scientists

    The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound.

    Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time travel was certainly possible, but only to the future and not to the past.

    "The central question is, can you build a time machine? The answer is yes, you can go into the future," the University of Manchester professor told the audience during a speech given at the British Science Festival. "You've got almost total freedom of movement in the future."

    Professor Cox explained that time travel into the future should be achievable using Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, where the time traveler would need to be traveling close to the speed of light in order to jump forward in time. Cox, a particle physicist, suggested that it was much less likely to achieve time travel to the past, however, and would require a wormhole it order to facilitate the leap backwards in time. Even if a wormhole was discovered or created, there is no way to tell whether humans would be able to use it to time travel. Wormholes appear to be certain "locations" in space-time, such that, if you jump in, you'll emerge at some point in the past, and they seem to comply with our current comprehension of the laws of physics.

    Even if it proved to be a possibility, traveling back to the past could be risky due to the potential to disturb future events, and there are two well-known paradoxes that detail the implications of dabbling with history:

    1) The first and most famous is the "grandfather paradox," in which the time traveler goes back in time and kills her grandfather. If she is successful, then how was she born?
    2) Secondly, there is the "Shakespeare paradox." That is, the time traveler reads the works of Shakespeare, writes them down and brings them back in time. Shakespeare then finds the information and writes everything down. Who then wrote the works of Shakespeare?

    Read the complete article at the original source:
    "Never judge anyone shortly - because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." -- Oscar Wilde

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Australia Wolf Khan's Avatar
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    Our understanding of the physics is infantile at best. There is space - time and there is time - space, if such principles are real then travelling back in time is entirely possible as is jumping forward. We have our current conditions here on earth based on time travel physics. The cabal keep all this close to themselves and look at the mess we are in now. Messing with timelines is what caused this mess. May someone come to realise the dangers involved and pull back and try to listen. In an interview with camelot, a whistleblower explained the trouble they had controlling the data as it showed up. Dan burisch (just a name that came to mind), was inviolved in this process at one time and he had difficulties in dealing with this reality. It is not as easy as first thought. Bloody boys with toys and no morality to guide them.
    Last edited by Wolf Khan, 21st December 2013 at 05:58.
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  5. #3
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Dan burisch

    no morality to guide them
    Wayyyyyyy too near the mark for comfort

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Highland1's Avatar
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    When we think of the possibilities of time travel, we automatically think of it as if we are travelling backwards or forwards in time on a physical level.
    Then of course we have the problem of the " grandfather paradox" which by our current level of understanding make it highly unlikely to travel back in time given this theory.
    My gut feeling is that we can actually travel as far back or as far forward in "time" using advanced consciousness as a vehicle?
    I think perhaps we actually already do this unwittingly by imagination, even if its just a fleeting visit in the form of a distant memory?
    We are all aware of the technology explosion in recent years but equally our consciousness has surely evolved and expanded equally making the seemingly impossible.....possible?
    Perhaps if one was to correctly focus an intent to go back to a specific place in time, the beings you would encounter might not even see you.....or perceive you as a ghost?
    In other words time travel, if possible, may well be a dimensional form of conscious transportation rather than a physical one.
    As far as "travelling" into the future is concerned that should be much easier as we create it as we go on.
    We manifest our own thoughts and dreams to make them our reality using freewill and choice to navigate towards our future.
    Unfortunately, the elite know this and try to steer humanity towards their choice of future.....and not our own by controlling Our perception of time.

    Last edited by Highland1, 21st December 2013 at 11:19.
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  9. #5
    Senior Member KosmicKat's Avatar
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    If time travel was ever possible, it will always be possible.

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    People tend to have a linear concept of time, and therefore of time travel too.

    Will (or has it??) science catch up with the occult view that time is just one of the laws of this density (& below) & not a universal law that applies to the higher densities, from "out side" the time on this planet looks like a blue doughnut, it would be interesting to know if one could just "step out" of time & re-enter at a different point that would correlate to the past or future, or if you would always end up back where you "belong".

    I'm sure that "Abductees" are taken out of time & then returned, what Hollywood has trained us to see as "cloaking devices" on UFOs is more likely to be them leaving "time", this is also why UFO deniers say that we are too far from anywhere else to be visited by ET, when its just that ET isn't using spacetime as those flat Earthers say it must be.

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  13. #7
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    Great stuff, folks, keep it coming.

    Because, as we explore this, I believe our consciousnesses will expand. . . and as that happens, as someone said in a post above, as we can imagine more, we can create more and on and on.

    What use to be considered science fiction, is now our every day reality, and I think we all know that will continue based on how quickly technology is advancing. We build on each others dreams and imaginations. . . and perhaps, that's why it's important what "channel" we are listening to.

    But also . . really listen to what everyone else is saying. Rather than negate it, find a way to build on it or at least explore it as an option. . .because there is someone smarter than us - and that's all of us together.

    So, if you believe time travel is possible (which I think most of us do), ideas of how it is possible or how does one achieve it - or why would you want to.

    Exploring these ideas might help us to understand more about ourselves and creativity.
    Last edited by BabaRa, 21st December 2013 at 19:07.
    "Never judge anyone shortly - because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." -- Oscar Wilde

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  15. #8
    Senior Member Highland1's Avatar
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    I would want to travel back in time as an anonomous "viewer" to experience and see how we all once source.
    After this experience, I would then want to move forward in time just prior to the exact point where humanity apparently was placed under the spell of Sleep.
    The detective in me, would like to know who and why placed humanity in this almost permanent state of amnesia.
    After achieving this journey I would offer others to experience the same experience as affirmation of this newly found truth so that collectively, it could be consciously decided the best way to reawaken humanity, if indeed that was the best course of action to take.
    Of course I'm assuming we are all from the same source?
    Maybe that is expecting a bit too much to travel back that far especially if universal law forbade it.
    Having said that, I might plan an imaginary visit to Atlantis I am strangely attracted to that particular era.

    Come on, I can dream can't I? Lol

    Last edited by Highland1, 21st December 2013 at 23:35.
    "There can only be One Truth"

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  17. #9
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    Perhaps the first fallacy stumbling of our beliefs is that we believe time exist.
    Perhaps human beings are laughed at by higher form of life, because we have the ability to measure something that does not exist.

    My premise, there is no past, and there is no future.
    It is all happening as once.
    We are just experiencing different perspectives of an imaginary event.

    for those that can wrap your mind around that *lol*

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  19. #10
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    I am very open to this. Perhaps an understatement. However, I am very busy with my point of power, which is in the eternal now. Lots of bright a shiny objects to chase if creative distraction is desired.

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  21. #11
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Vitalux View Post
    Perhaps the first fallacy stumbling of our beliefs is that we believe time exist.
    Perhaps human beings are laughed at by higher form of life, because we have the ability to measure something that does not exist.

    My premise, there is no past, and there is no future.
    It is all happening as once.
    We are just experiencing different perspectives of an imaginary event.

    for those that can wrap your mind around that *lol*
    I suspect most of us on this forum believe that it's all happening at once.
    But believing it and understanding it are very different. My personal belief is that is what deja-vu experiences are - spontaneous bleed throughs to another life which is happening simultaneously.

    So for those of us who believe that all time is happening at nce - does anyone have any thoughts about whether or not one should try and access other - I'll call them time frames for lack of better description.

    And if so, any thoughts on how to do this.
    "Never judge anyone shortly - because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." -- Oscar Wilde

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  23. #12
    Quote Originally posted by BabaRa View Post
    So for those of us who believe that all time is happening at nce - does anyone have any thoughts about whether or not one should try and access other - I'll call them time frames for lack of better description.

    And if so, any thoughts on how to do this.
    Same as astral travel I think, It starts with imagination and then let the story unfold.
    When crossing time boundaries i feel one is also crossing dimensional boundaries. And gets into the realm of possibilities, intent and consequence.
    So what ever you think possible can be watched as unfolding there... Wheteher it has any value except to satisfy xome curiosity i'm unsure.

    It has distracted me for more than once to dwell in the stories of what ifs, and how woulds....
    Seems the future that happens now is happening to parts of me I have no consciousness connection to, except if i actively engage such a scenario.

    Every time I am left though with a feeling of that storyline happening to something that isn't me now. And therefore doesn't get passed the imagination feel.

    With Love

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  25. #13
    Thinking a bit more about this.. What is Time but a mental formation. Suggestion a liniar path from point a to point b. When looking inward what is there but NOW to experience.
    Thoughts or even imaginations about pasts and future Are not there except as figments. As impressions that arise at that moment in the eternal now. and then pass away again leaving a memmory of what? An idea? An experience? Truth? So far all that is true about it is that it took place within and at that moment the truth of a mental formation existed..

    WIth Love

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  27. #14
    Senior Member BabaRa's Avatar
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    And isn't it interesting that scientists are recently coming to the same understandings that metaphysicians have held.

    I recently saw a program on PBS where scientists were talking about parallel universes. . . So are things beginning to come full circle or better yet, spiraling upwards.
    "Never judge anyone shortly - because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." -- Oscar Wilde

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  29. #15
    Senior Member Spiral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by BabaRa View Post
    And isn't it interesting that scientists are recently coming to the same understandings that metaphysicians have held.
    Yes but when its Brian Cox you are stretching the definition of scientist somewhat.


    And another one on time travel, very seasonal too.

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