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Thread: "This virus came into humans in the polio vaccines."

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States
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    "This virus came into humans in the polio vaccines."

    Since COVID hit we've had the great virus debate. For good reason.

    It's a confusing debate, however.

    Physician whistleblowers who have done independent research have pointed out that the so-called Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 was NOT transmitted person to person by a microbe referred to as a "virus," as proven by a study where scientists tried to spread it from sick people to well people and couldn't do it.

    It turns out Pasteur's "science" of vaccines was flawed, as well, as proven by his papers which he wanted kept from the public but were released to Princeton University for study.

    I'm convinced that scientists who work in labs are talking about man-made poisons when they use the word "virus." Just like computer viruses are man-made.

    Scientists take poisons found in nature into the lab and synthesize them into man-made poisons for whatever purpose they're tasked to work on, such as producing weapons for militaries worldwide.

    In the following screenshot, I just heard Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. say, "This virus came into humans in the polio vaccines." Shout it from the rooftops, "viruses" are man-made:

    Last edited by WantDisclosure, 13th December 2024 at 18:48. Reason: Correct a date

  2. #2
    Senior Member United States
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Physician whistleblowers who have done independent research have pointed out that the so-called Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 was NOT transmitted person to person by a microbe referred to as a "virus," as proven by a study where scientists tried to spread it from sick people to well people and couldn't do it.
    There is a website ViroLIEgy that has an article about that attempt:

    The Infectious Myth Busted Part 1: The Rosenau Spanish Flu Experiments (1918)

    Here is something you will never see in the mainstream news. During the 1918 Spanish Flu, which is considered to be the most contagious “virus” of all time, researchers for the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy tried to determine what caused the flu and how infectious it truly was. However, the results of their experiments proved that the flu is not infectious at all. Here is a brief overview of what took place during the studies . . .

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