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Thread: CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp claims CIA was involved in MH370's disappearance

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    CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp claims CIA was involved in MH370's disappearance

    CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp was on Candace Owens' podcast today and around the 51:00 minute mark he goes into MH370's disappearance and claims the CIA performed the operation we see on the alleged leaked videos

    A video editing enthusiast has created what the disappearance of Maylasia Airlines flight MH370 where 239 souls disappeared on March 8, 2014.
    The disappearance is attributed to 3 spheres surrounding the plane.

    A UFO lodge site has published it but clarifies that the visitor to the site decides its veracity.
    On youtube the user RegicideAnon who is in charge of the publication of these videos has a tough argument with other users regarding the veracity of the video.
    From my experience in video editing and being an airplane pilot, my opinion is that it is only editing created from a real image of an airplane taken with an infrared camera near an airport. But it is by no means from a satellite, since they focus from above and not from the front as can be seen in one of the shots.

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