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Thread: Michael Jaco

  1. #1
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    Michael Jaco

    Michael Jaco is a former Navy SEAL and contractor for the CIA.

    I've been following his work since 2020. He has shared his personal learnings about the corruption within the U.S. Federal government that we the peolple must face up to if we're going to restore Constitutional rule of law.

    His past work experience has given him expertise in how to spot lies and deception in mainstream news reporting, which, of course, covers up Federal government corruption because the same people behind the corruption OWN mainstream news.

    Jaco reports on corruption in other areas besides government. In the following video, the music industry is the topic, specifically what happened to Kurt Cobain.

    Jaco interviews his son, Michelangelo.

    A screenshot:
    Last edited by WantDisclosure, 29th September 2024 at 20:26. Reason: Format

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Naming your son Michelangelo is a 'personality' indicator?
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally posted by Emil El Zapato View Post
    Naming your son Michelangelo is a 'personality' indicator?
    I've thought about that, too.

    But the good he's doing far outweighs the bad in my opinion.
    Last edited by WantDisclosure, 29th September 2024 at 20:27. Reason: Format

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Michael Jaco is a former Navy SEAL and contractor for the CIA.
    Michael Jaco is also an author.

    In the following video, Jaco interviews another author, Brad Olsen about various topics.


    A screenshot:

    Olsen is talking about AI being feared by people more than an alien attack.

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Vatican was there first then came LUCIFER from Germany. It makes sense to me. Right-winger scientists are not a rare phenomena especially in Germany. The probably start each day with a Black Mass, but it is all in fun until something escapes.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  11. #6
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    Corruption. Yep. Lots of it, coming from both sides. Ironic all the individual liberty and freedom types vote republican. I thought, Want Disclosure, you'd be interested in what the ACLU has to say about the most recent attempts by Trump's people to install him as emperor, with a supreme court rubber stamping 'divine right of kings'

    In Trump v. United States, the court’s Republican-appointed justices — including the three Trump appointees — announced a brand new constitutional immunity from criminal liability for presidents’ “official acts,” or anything a president may do using the powers of the office. The court’s decision ensures that future presidents — including Trump himself should he win reelection in November — will know that they can escape criminal accountability for blatantly criminal acts, no matter how corrupt. Even acts that strike at the heart of our democracy, like resisting the peaceful transition of power, could not be prosecuted.

    Do you think Jaco is aware of this? Does he even mention it? If he doesn't, I'm not watching the video. This is the gravest threat to freedom and a set up for a hard fist dictatorship, as I have seen.

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  13. #7
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    Quote Originally posted by Octopus Garden View Post
    I thought, Want Disclosure, you'd be interested in what the ACLU has to say . .
    I am not interested in anything the ACLU has to say at this point in time. Or any organization. There are many front groups.

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  15. #8
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    I am not interested in anything the ACLU has to say at this point in time. Or any organization. There are many front groups.

    "The Supreme court announced a brand new constitutional immunity from criminal liability for presidents’ “official acts,” or anything a president may do using the powers of the office"

    Are you implying it's your opinion that it didn't happen?

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  17. #9
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Octopus Garden View Post
    "The Supreme court announced a brand new constitutional immunity from criminal liability for presidents’ “official acts,” or anything a president may do using the powers of the office"

    Are you implying it's your opinion that it didn't happen?
    I think she's implying that it doesn't have the official stamped seal of approval by a Steve Bannon, or Dan Bongino type, and therefore unworthy.

    Look at Michael Jaco's website, it's nothing but a big blinking bombardment of ads, so it's yet another indication of how much care WantDisclosure puts into their ahum, "research".

    And just for shits and giggles, compare that glossy free for all of unabashed, and vapid self promotion, to a true and caring ex CIA guy like Ray McGovern's website:

    You can often tell a lot about a person by the way they choose to officially present themselves to the general public. I don't even want to hear what Jaco has to say after seeing the way he set up his website...

    Now I will say one thing in relation to that Supreme Court ruling. When's the last time any national level US politician, much less a president, was held to account regardless? It's not done, and we even just had a palace coup right before our very eyes in taking the Alzheimer's patient out of the equation, and inserting the replacement without one single vote for the modern day version of "Hope and Change". The US in now demonstrating out in the open that it's pretty much a rogue State by this point anyway IMO, all the Supreme Court has done is give the nod of approval for what is already business as usual. Like it is with legal bribery.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  19. #10
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    While not a Jacko fan, have enjoyed some interviews with n from him, he assisted in many army types as such, not retallyating before during and after j6 hoax, j6 coulda been real nasty, even Jones warned angry ones away from j6 though, was obvious to many.

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  21. #11
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    While not a Jacko fan, have enjoyed some interviews with n from him, he assisted in many army types as such, not retallyating before during and after j6 hoax, j6 coulda been real nasty, even Jones warned angry ones away from j6 though, was obvious to many.
    Michael talks about "the love vibration." It is something he has used in combat situations; he says it disarms enemies, if I'm understanding him correctly.

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  23. #12
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    It is known that Weather Modification technology exists. Some weather is natural and some is made to happen/is NOT natural.

    Michael Jaco surmises that Hurricane Helene is in the category of made to happen.


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  25. #13
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    Weather modification could be happening. I wouldn't discount it. But, the recent hurricane could easily be the result of other forces. Climate change is likely responsible.

  26. #14
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    Quote Originally posted by Fred Steeves View Post
    Now I will say one thing in relation to that Supreme Court ruling. When's the last time any national level US politician, much less a president, was held to account regardless? It's not done, and we even just had a palace coup right before our very eyes in taking the Alzheimer's patient out of the equation, and inserting the replacement without one single vote for the modern day version of "Hope and Change". The US in now demonstrating out in the open that it's pretty much a rogue State by this point anyway IMO, all the Supreme Court has done is give the nod of approval for what is already business as usual. Like it is with legal bribery.
    As far as dictatorial powers, the Dems are almost neck in neck. So far though, summary executions of opponents aren't on the table. As far as Trump goes, it's not so much what he's done, in the past, but what he'll do in the future. I expect that he'll break with the garden variety trashing of what were constitutional freedoms and usher in dictatorial theocracy.

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  28. #15
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Octopus Garden View Post
    As far as dictatorial powers, the Dems are almost neck in neck.
    Yep, and unless I'm mistaken in Western European terms, Team Red would be the fringe crazy right, while Team Blue would merely be center right (with some fringe tendencies).

    Quote Originally posted by Octopus Garden View Post
    As far as Trump goes, it's not so much what he's done, in the past, but what he'll do in the future. I expect that he'll break with the garden variety trashing of what were constitutional freedoms and usher in dictatorial theocracy.
    He may well wind up doing that. But you know what? With all the constant drumbeat of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and all of its trappings, I think Team Blue has gone and created themselves a monster where one might not have otherwise existed.

    But even setting that aside, it's kind of hard for me to say that Team Blue is a lesser evil, what with just having pulled off a palace coup with their incumbent candidate, and continuously stoking up the now very real chances of WW3, a theocracy may not wind up being any worse than with 4 more years of what these child like neocons have to offer.

    All I see is Lose/Lose straight down the line.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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