Very good information there.
I must say that, now that I've actually seen David Grusch talking before the camera, he does immediately come across as rather full of himself, and perhaps even narcissistic. It is evident that he appears to know what he's talking about because he has rehearsed it a dozen times before in front of a mirror, including the B-movie-/advertising-style over-the-top facial expressions that anyone with a two-digit IQ will most definitely fall for, while those with an IQ in the three-digit range would be rather inclined to raise an eyebrow —
and a red flag.
As the man in your last video here-above said — and as I myself wrote higher up as well — we all know and have known for many years that this stuff is true, but there's that, and then there's this David Grusch character. Something's not right with this picture.
One thing that I now also feel I should mention and that I omitted from my copy/paste job in the opening post is that the comments underneath the photos of David Grusch in the original article at
The Debrief all stated that his photos were his copyright and could not be published anywhere without his permission. In and of itself, that, to me, had a bit of a Corey Goode feeling about it.
To be continued, I guess...