What ever the world does, we can be happy together Chuckstirr
What ever the world does, we can be happy together Chuckstirr
Last edited by Aianawa, 15th November 2023 at 12:44.
Emil El Zapato (15th November 2023), Gio (18th December 2023), Wind (15th November 2023)
"The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon
Aianawa (18th December 2023), Aragorn (18th December 2023), Emil El Zapato (18th December 2023), Gio (18th December 2023)
We're not supposed to hate the evil, but I think a bullet to the forehead would be too good for that guy. He's living proof that the 'bad' religion exists!
In truth, i've wondered why there has been no assassination attempt on him, actually Hitler escaped justice a number of times only by the grace of Satan. And really generally speaking it is obvious to most that usually it is the 'good' guys that go and the bad go unpunished. I'm sure it is all part of the grander plan.
Last edited by Emil El Zapato, 18th December 2023 at 12:47.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
He’s the perfect manifestation of the American Republican Party, all of their “values” and traits in one disgusting, decrepit, racist, rapey package. Just like Brandon is the ultimate Democrat, old, creepy, entitled, “Christian”, status quo maintaining coot.
We got the politicians the R & D party created for the Harlem Globetrotters production that is neoliberalism. In some other thread, people were arguing this doesn’t exist. I contend that it is our one true religion, the worship of the “free market” as the god of capitalism—our sacred ways of exploiting workers and resources for “shareholder wealth”, the one law that rules all activity in the US. The disease we spread world wide as the empire’s capital.
It is bizarre that they cannot put someone that doesn’t commit a crime every time he opens his mouth to lie, or that the D’s can’t find someone to put up that is not so horrid to listen or look at (or think about their century in the Senate), but here we are.
They’d be unbelievable caricatures if you wrote either them into some fiction. But we get this real life rot that is the “American way”. The D party continuing to openly earnestly support settler colonialism and apartheid is kind of a twist, I’d have thought they’d pretend to be human and let the R’s “win” on that issue of murdering all the terrorists of Palestine, but not super shocking. They always find partisanship when it comes to the war industry
Last edited by donk, 18th December 2023 at 14:14.
What is the purpose of your presence?
Aianawa (18th December 2023), Aragorn (18th December 2023), Emil El Zapato (18th December 2023), Lord Sidious (19th December 2023), Wind (18th December 2023)
Benito Mussolini did say that he'd be back "as the head of a much larger nation" just before he was executed in 1945, and that they would "feel the arm". Donald Trump was born in 1946. Both were/are narcissists, demagogues and buffoons. During his 2016-2020 tenure as president of the US, Trump has repeatedly used the same rhetoric as Mussolini, but probably without deliberately quoting him, because Trump is not an educated man, and I doubt whether he ever read anything other than his bank notes.
You may draw your own conclusions.
Aianawa (18th December 2023), donk (18th December 2023), Emil El Zapato (18th December 2023), Lord Sidious (19th December 2023), Wind (18th December 2023)
It wasn't a discussion about whether or not it exists (neoliberalism) but there is a bit of a persistent misperception as to what it actually is. Fred misuses the term constantly to blast the left (I think that is why he does it) but by definition the 'neo' is attached to the concept of classic liberalism, which is by nature a conservative economic philosophy. So the new is, we can hope anyway, is a failure to return to the 'old' ways that, of course, are wholly contradictory to benefitting the regular human sap.
I'm completely down with that!
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
That was me. I espoused that the term "neoliberalism" was a right-wing slur.
Well, I saw that as a typical US-conservative thing, but okay.
Yes, they are all living and breathing caricatures. Incomprehensible, but true.
You'll have to excuse them for that. You see, they're still too busy deliberating on the legal age by which children shall be forced by law to choose their future gender identity.
Aianawa (18th December 2023), donk (18th December 2023), Lord Sidious (19th December 2023), Wind (18th December 2023)
Well, I saw that as a typical US-conservative thing, but okay.
Democrats cannot oppose the capitalist status quo, which is how interpret the more “official” definition of it. The term “liberal” itself has kind of evolved here in the states, 20 years ago it meant way more like “progressive” is used now…lib seems to have morphed into the opposite of conservatives on culture war issues.
In matters of US dollar hegemony and keeping America values focused on our somehow both aggressively predatory and parasitic capitalism where life is to make profits for owners, whose goals are to privatize everything while extracting resources as cheaply (to them) as possible. That ain’t just the R’s. The D’s keep their members who dare go against this in line or marginalized (ie Corey Bush, Rashida Tlaib, etc). Pretty sure anyone proudly “conservative” considers anyone with a D next to their to be “liberal”. I mean they accuse Brandon of it (& being socialist) , when he is to the right of most R’s when it comes to $$$$
What is the purpose of your presence?
This Vivak Swarmy dude is fufulling my feels of a while ago, as in not white and getting truths mainstreamed.
Aianawa (19th December 2023), Aragorn (19th December 2023), Lord Sidious (19th December 2023), Wind (18th December 2023)
Aianawa (19th December 2023), Aragorn (19th December 2023), donk (23rd December 2023), Emil El Zapato (19th December 2023), Wind (19th December 2023)
gosh , not well it appears, saying all the rite things he is, using facts too, bugger, how bad is he, is it ?, he was pretty much the usual dumb n not very knowing 3 years back, still, changed over a new leaf was a hope.
Emil El Zapato (19th December 2023)