A lot of good points there, and yes, I agree with you on account of the issues you address here-above. As the matter of fact, those are some of the very aspects of
Wokeism™ that I personally detest the most.
I think what the whole so-called
Social Justice™ debate is showing the most is that both sides of that equation have already gone way off the rails a long time ago, and — with the help of the mainstream media — to such an extent that anyone who finds themselves in disagreement with either of those two extremes is now considered abnormal and publicly chided for not choosing one side or the other.
If you don't agree that biological gender does not exist and that choosing one's gender identity must be a priority for 5-year-old children, then you are homophobic. Hell, I expect that it won't be all too long anymore before simply being heterosexual will be construed as homophobia somehow. And yet in the other vein, if you're not masturbating to the star-spangled banner every day with your other hand on the Bible, then you must be a dirty
Libtard™ communist pedophile reptilian from the 137th dimension who eats babies for breakfast and smokes joints that are laced with adrenochrome.