Originally posted by
Diabolical Boids
I've read a number of articles about companies trolling the ranks of the senior citizens and elderly to fill positions in a way they didn't used to before. Searching generationally for work ethics that politics has not destroyed or at least a personality tolerable to those enclosed in a confined workspace forty hours a week. The militaries are so strapped for warm bodies they are reserving their young recruits for field work and looking for older civilians to fill administrative roles.
As much as the woke of any age (and I observe wokeism isn't strictly relegated to chronological age) no matter how much they rail and scream that society is out to get them and all their fringe groups they are basically undoing themselves. No one not even their own cretaors as the Sam Brinton Saga wants them because they accrue liability. No one wants to hire them, live near them, attend school with them, play on a team with them, etc. They are basically writing themselves out of society and even out of existence and they think more stringent legislation and woke politics to protect them will make them viable.
When I say wokeism isn't confined to Gen Z I refer to the older people like at my former place of employ. In their forties and fifties, mostly female, who behave with woke mannerisms, angry that no one is noticing them and wanting to start emotional and physical acts of violence because no one is noticing them or otherwise not treating them as entitled. Of course there was the usual young woke idiocy there and there's nothing sadder than a 19 year entitled liberal progressive trying to start a fist fight with a sixty year old woman. It's radical, liberal or progressive: its Baby Huey Has Roid Rage.
And while I have observed a few woke conservatives, the stark reality is that there is one side of the political spectrum that is responsible for allowing wokeism to be conceived. Blaming wokeism on the right just makes one look foolish. As foolish as blaming the left for the moral majority. It's as destructive as people who are all bullets, boots and war.
There is no getting around the fact woke is the spoiled love child the left conceived, birthed, nurtured nearly unto the point of retardation. Ironically they can't abort the baby, or give it away, do not know how to discipline, check or rein in without risking votes.
That's what comes of everyone gets a gold star, everyone gets a medal for showing up and breathing, everyone is special, everyone's opinion matters, the state should take on the role of parenting, taking away a parent's right to discipline. I'm not sure who Gen Z hates more, themselves or the society that made them.
That is a really sad thing to allow to happen to an entire generation. A generation of lives wasted, sacrificed on an alter of political ideology.
And the MAGA kids. They'll be on the farm, behind the wheel of a tractor or casting die, earning a solid middle income, likely join a company between ages 18 to 24 and stay there the rest of their lives slowly advancing up some ordinary skilled trades job or family business. Maybe go to church, get married, have a couple of kids and the unemployable woke can sneer about how strait and bigoted and full of hate those solidly employable young adults are.