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Thread: Zen buddhist hermits

  1. #1
    Senior Member Catsquotl's Avatar
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    Zen buddhist hermits

    I was looking for a spirituality documentary sub forum.
    But I guess this will have to do.

    I just watched.

    It shows a little peak into a forgotten group of zen hermit's living in the Chinese Zhongnang mountains..
    I enjoyed it very much..
    Have a great day today

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Catsquotl For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (8th March 2023), Aragorn (7th March 2023), Emil El Zapato (7th March 2023), Fred Steeves (7th March 2023), modwiz (8th March 2023), Octopus Garden (7th March 2023), Wind (7th March 2023)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Canada
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    What is it you found appealing about it? Did you learn anything about Zen? I'm asking because am starting to filter all media now, due to watching so much crapola lately.

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Octopus Garden For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (8th March 2023), Aragorn (7th March 2023), Catsquotl (8th March 2023), Emil El Zapato (7th March 2023), Wind (7th March 2023)

  5. #3
    Senior Member Catsquotl's Avatar
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    For me it's about the recognition that there are people out there living as Buddhist hermits.
    I needed some reassurance that spirituality isn't dead. That there are people out there practicing to reach the highest potential of all instead of highest prestige for themselves.
    Something like that.

    As far as informative. I cannot answer if this will hit a spot for you or should be thrown in the crapola bin.
    My best guess would be that some of the featured monks would say it doesn't matter either way.
    Have a great day today

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Catsquotl For This Useful Post:

    Aianawa (8th March 2023), Aragorn (8th March 2023), Emil El Zapato (8th March 2023), modwiz (8th March 2023), Octopus Garden (8th March 2023), Wind (9th March 2023)

  7. #4
    Senior Member Catsquotl's Avatar
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    For a more in depth look into zen.
    It's practices and origin maybe this video is better suited.
    Still an old and hence not flashy but deeply stilled look at practice.

    Have a great day today

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Catsquotl For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (8th March 2023), Emil El Zapato (8th March 2023), modwiz (8th March 2023), Octopus Garden (8th March 2023), Wind (9th March 2023)

  9. #5
    Senior Member Canada
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    The question is whether to contemplate the void, or contemplate 'avoid' with this film. I think I'll watch it! Thanks for getting back to me, Cats.

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Octopus Garden For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (8th March 2023), Catsquotl (8th March 2023), Emil El Zapato (8th March 2023), Wind (9th March 2023)

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