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Thread: No More Whistles to Blow???

  1. #1
    Senior Member Silly Wabbit's Avatar
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    No More Whistles to Blow???

    Is it just me? Or is there a lack of actual information about things that used to draw interest from those seeking knowledge?

    I have been wondering for a few years now if the community that seeks "Truth" have just given up looking for it? Or have people become too afraid to share information? Or worse, they do not think our community is "Grown Up" anymore, so "Why Bother"?

    The field of truthseekers out there these days are really just blowing the whistle on eachother... If an agency wanted to destroy the field of researching for truth, they need not try, we have done it from within.

    New faces on the scene are merely picking apart the works of those before them, rather than seeking new truth.. Those that perhaps COULD have shared some truth, gave up before they really began...

    We have LMH sharing images of aliens that are false, and even copywriting them un-apologetically... We have the likes of Corey Goode, now claiming, under oath, nothing he said was the "truth", his works are all his "Creation" and it is "fan fiction... "

    They're all more worried about likes and views and revenue to care about what they're actually sharing... many who have been proven to be pushing false whistleblowers act as if they are unaware he was outed as being a fraud, and just continue doing "their thing" as if they're blissfully unaware of the fact that their support without checking their facts, actually mean something to the community...

    Such as Michael Salla....

    Most have suddenly become "Healers" of some sort, Wilcock has fallen off the deep end, and they're all scamming people on "Go Fund Me", and lies, giving the new crowd tons to critique... Med Beds being funded that aren't produced, books being written about lies, money collected for hovercrafts never built... And yet while those few work hard to "Out" the frauds, there is no NEW people sharing truth about anything new?

    I learned more about Freemasonry, secret aircraft and our money history in the last three days than I have in the last 5 years. I suppose it stuns me to come to this realization.

    I have had to go back to the material I watched well over 10 years ago, and stop trying to gain any new knowledge from my own community as a result of what I am seeing.. And while the 'Refresher" was nice, and I saw a few things I had forgotten... It saddened me that no new individuals with "Real" truths have come forward since that time...

    And this is playing out on the forums as well... I believe the biggest, (or one of them) is the topic of Russia and Ukraine... As i scanned the titles for several pages on PA, I couldn't really find much to read, much less reply to... It was as if everyone has their televisions on, and they are talking about the NEWS that we all know, is completely running on a narrative, yet people are arguing over whose media source is more accurate???

    I am baffled by what I am seeing... And saddened, as it seems there is a loss of a desire for truth, as everyone seemingly is now falling into "Woo woo" land... Ascention, new gurus, channeling, densities, and such..

    I rewatched a Michael Schratt (spelling) video today that reminded me that I learned more 10 years ago about any technologies that are being kept from us than I have since then! Mark Mc Candlish was also a stellar whistleblower whom shared knowledge that I thought was wonderful! We have gotten little if any since that time but controversy, a lack of knowledgeable speakers at events, and the community no longer seems to care about digging for hidden truths...

    Perhaps I am jaded... But what happened? And I missing a place where this material is being presented these days, for those who cannot make it to conventions and meetings? Is there anyone worth listening to?

    I do not want to listen to individuals such as the ladies trying to heal past life traumas and such, but more the technologies and such... Is it just me??? Has anyone else noticed this?
    Last edited by Silly Wabbit, 7th February 2023 at 02:49.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Silly Wabbit For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Catsquotl's Avatar
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    I don't think there is a lack per se.
    If anything my guess would be that there is too much information. Too much stuff being presented as truth in a world where nobody has the time to sift through it all and discern what's what.

    My search has given me some deep insights and some ludicrous ideas.
    The reason I got those is because I started my search in a time where books were still a thing an someone could read a few newspapers, a few books and "fabricate" a story that made sense and gave you some direction.

    These days every truth needs to be held in high regard, equally truthful and discussed according to seemingly random woke rules of engagement, making the whole ordeal more trouble than it's worth.
    Especially since most "truth seekers" also hold some notion of being spiritually healthy and accordingly try to minimize their aggravation and anger in lieu of peace, quiet and happiness.
    Have a great day today

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Well the last two to three years got scarey for sharing ones truth, including here indeed, some went into shell , others kept speaking so were driven away, and even here a narrative was held close, matters not whos and hows or even which, the great dividing began alongside the great shift which is now in the bag. I forgive the pettyness and others need to be correct, just look at their investment in narratives and actions, dang some now knowing they were forced and not complying. but yip great truths incoming amass, can you not see ?.

    So yip plenty of whistles, some doggy ones being heard even lol

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  7. #4
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Well the last two to three years got scarey for sharing ones truth, including here indeed, some went into shell , others kept speaking so were driven away, and even here a narrative was held close, matters not whos and hows or even which, the great dividing began alongside the great shift which is now in the bag. I forgive the pettyness and others need to be correct, just look at their investment in narratives and actions, dang some now knowing they were forced and not complying. but yip great truths incoming amass, can you not see ?.

    So yip plenty of whistles, some doggy ones being heard even lol
    Yeah well everyone thinks they are perfect.

    Nope no more conspiracies. It's all current events now. Chemtrails has emerged as Climate Crisis, The War Against Terror has evolved into everyone trying to terrorize everyone else not by force but by choice. All those dog whistles.

    So the last great conspiracy is the workings of the human mind and psyche that has been worked against its own best interests and why it responds to dog whistles. You will certainly anger those responding to dog whistles though.

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Diabolical Boids For This Useful Post:

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Gosh i often call that a pain body word, you know, always , everyone, never etc used in that context but simply lets say nope, most beLIEve they are purrfect lol.
    Be when one is finding out they know little regards their journey that whistles are sought after.

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  11. #6
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Gosh i often call that a pain body word, you know, always , everyone, never etc used in that context but simply lets say nope, most beLIEve they are purrfect lol.
    Be when one is finding out they know little regards their journey that whistles are sought after.
    It is a pain body a defense mechanism. With lots of terms given to pain body. It seems to spreading into a collective pain body. People used to be traumatized by emotional, mental or physical abuse. Now vast amounts of people are traumatized by words. Or their own thoughts which are not really their thoughts if you get my drift.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Diabolical Boids For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Diabolical Boids View Post
    It is a pain body a defense mechanism. With lots of terms given to pain body. It seems to spreading into a collective pain body. People used to be traumatized by emotional, mental or physical abuse. Now vast amounts of people are traumatized by words. Or their own thoughts which are not really their thoughts if you get my drift.
    Drift acknowledged, know thyself is imo being anchored more by the wise known than any time in hisherstory and clearors coming into their own of late, transmuting is an art indeed.

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  15. #8
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Drift acknowledged, know thyself is imo being anchored more by the wise known than any time in hisherstory and clearors coming into their own of late, transmuting is an art indeed.
    The NWO can't take the medal for plain old nasty expressions of un-transmuted pain. Lot more of us than them. It's regularly expressing itself in broadcast media where people are heroes for having unresolved pain instead of slaves, stevedores, and baggage carriers of it. Max Head Room on trauma.

    I stumble over some unresolved issue regularly that motivates me to do things that I could do without that sort of trauma motivation, I guess you'd call it. Not that I should or shouldn't do it, it's just identifying the motivator. Workaholic-ism. Not that I shouldn't work, but I shouldn't let it consume me because I'm motivated by something other than the work itself.

    But I also see more people resolving their pain by art, writing, authentic discussion, even just humor memes that point out of the ridiculous nature of their pain motivators and its self-sabotage.

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Diabolical Boids For This Useful Post:

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  17. #9
    Senior Member Silly Wabbit's Avatar
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    Thank you for your input, and to Aianawa specifically... I appreciate your input, but the thread was really more geared not towards "conspiracies" but towards devulging technologies, and things hidden from the masses versus pain bodies and perfect broadcasters. The example only used to suggest that is what we are left with in the 2020's versus those that came before them...

    I didn't mention conspiracies as like Diabilical mentioned, they're all coming out now... But we have an extreme lack of what I truly was seeking...

    I suppose I didn't make the post very clear, in that I meant more that we didn't get "nuts and bolt" truths about what is happening in the realm of development, not conspiracies about Q, Trump, Ukraine, or anything else..

    I was more referring to free energies and technologies and developments in that field, as that is what brought me to forums to begin with... I suppose my ramblings 'on and on" about those pedaling conspiracies, gave the wrong impression, those posts were meant to be about a lack of character as well as content.. And the content that interests me is technologies. I never said I was good at writing and getting ideas across well... lol..

    For that I apologize...

  18. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Silly Wabbit For This Useful Post:

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Okay young lady, what the heck you say, the conspirators are suppressing tech etc, so what is transpiring atm will indeed allow what your talking about, biggy picture ?.

    What has n is coming out is n will set us all free in many ways, Trump n Q n Ukraine were all impactfullll and nessacery and true even if false,waggy dog or ignored.

    Holding two narratives is this, the a dimensional goal, imagine holding the divine dichotomy of biden is great and Trump is great.

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  21. #11
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Silly Wabbit View Post
    Thank you for your input, and to Aianawa specifically... I appreciate your input, but the thread was really more geared not towards "conspiracies" but towards devulging technologies, and things hidden from the masses versus pain bodies and perfect broadcasters. The example only used to suggest that is what we are left with in the 2020's versus those that came before them...

    I didn't mention conspiracies as like Diabilical mentioned, they're all coming out now... But we have an extreme lack of what I truly was seeking...

    I suppose I didn't make the post very clear, in that I meant more that we didn't get "nuts and bolt" truths about what is happening in the realm of development, not conspiracies about Q, Trump, Ukraine, or anything else..

    I was more referring to free energies and technologies and developments in that field, as that is what brought me to forums to begin with... I suppose my ramblings 'on and on" about those pedaling conspiracies, gave the wrong impression, those posts were meant to be about a lack of character as well as content.. And the content that interests me is technologies. I never said I was good at writing and getting ideas across well... lol..

    For that I apologize...
    Don't apologize. I think the two are related or not that far apart anyway which is probably why we got off track from your intention. We are being used as free energy for a system that only prospers a few. And because we don't know what or who we are and we are afraid collectively of pushing the envelope. Because it's our energy it seems like we could utilize for ourselves and each other.

    I like the things that you mentioned, border science technology. Free energy generation, etc. The ideas and the potential of it. I have a Rife style machine and does address things like what Vern and I were knocking around--unaddressed trauma and emotional pain through frequency generation. It frees energy it doesn't create it.

    It seems like that sort of technology is too big for people. Not for individuals but for populations of people who are just scared of everything and themselves. During the Trump admin the idea of quantum currency and quantum economy, using the smallest elements for the generation of prosperity for all was kicked around but it was too 'big' for people. Because it scared them, they lashed out in derision. Like the disinfectant therapy everyone cried about. Which I use all the time. Those kind of 'lets move out of comfort zone' ideas are too much for most people. And that's about trauma. Being too small on the inside when it's our material world outside that needs to be scaled down. Fear of moving out of comfort zone means we want to stick with 120 year old technology like electric cars and masks.

    I think in the right direction is scaled down in America. Let states be autonomous 'countries'. School districts: Instead of packing two thousand kids into a one centralized high school, return to having a school in each township. It provides more security, there's more teachers per child. Farms: a number of small farms to serve local communities and they trade surplus. Individual state governments instead of a huge Federal government. So making ourselves smaller, and closer, leaves room for these bigger ideas, because you don't have a huge majority, an entire population or control mechanism to step on it. It was like that when most nations were better.

  22. The Following User Says Thank You to Diabolical Boids For This Useful Post:

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