6th February 2023, 08:35
Senior Member
No More Whistles to Blow???
Is it just me? Or is there a lack of actual information about things that used to draw interest from those seeking knowledge?
I have been wondering for a few years now if the community that seeks "Truth" have just given up looking for it? Or have people become too afraid to share information? Or worse, they do not think our community is "Grown Up" anymore, so "Why Bother"?
The field of truthseekers out there these days are really just blowing the whistle on eachother... If an agency wanted to destroy the field of researching for truth, they need not try, we have done it from within.
New faces on the scene are merely picking apart the works of those before them, rather than seeking new truth.. Those that perhaps COULD have shared some truth, gave up before they really began...
We have LMH sharing images of aliens that are false, and even copywriting them un-apologetically... We have the likes of Corey Goode, now claiming, under oath, nothing he said was the "truth", his works are all his "Creation" and it is "fan fiction... "
They're all more worried about likes and views and revenue to care about what they're actually sharing... many who have been proven to be pushing false whistleblowers act as if they are unaware he was outed as being a fraud, and just continue doing "their thing" as if they're blissfully unaware of the fact that their support without checking their facts, actually mean something to the community...
Such as Michael Salla....
Most have suddenly become "Healers" of some sort, Wilcock has fallen off the deep end, and they're all scamming people on "Go Fund Me", and lies, giving the new crowd tons to critique... Med Beds being funded that aren't produced, books being written about lies, money collected for hovercrafts never built... And yet while those few work hard to "Out" the frauds, there is no NEW people sharing truth about anything new?
I learned more about Freemasonry, secret aircraft and our money history in the last three days than I have in the last 5 years. I suppose it stuns me to come to this realization.
I have had to go back to the material I watched well over 10 years ago, and stop trying to gain any new knowledge from my own community as a result of what I am seeing.. And while the 'Refresher" was nice, and I saw a few things I had forgotten... It saddened me that no new individuals with "Real" truths have come forward since that time...
And this is playing out on the forums as well... I believe the biggest, (or one of them) is the topic of Russia and Ukraine... As i scanned the titles for several pages on PA, I couldn't really find much to read, much less reply to... It was as if everyone has their televisions on, and they are talking about the NEWS that we all know, is completely running on a narrative, yet people are arguing over whose media source is more accurate???
I am baffled by what I am seeing... And saddened, as it seems there is a loss of a desire for truth, as everyone seemingly is now falling into "Woo woo" land... Ascention, new gurus, channeling, densities, and such..
I rewatched a Michael Schratt (spelling) video today that reminded me that I learned more 10 years ago about any technologies that are being kept from us than I have since then! Mark Mc Candlish was also a stellar whistleblower whom shared knowledge that I thought was wonderful! We have gotten little if any since that time but controversy, a lack of knowledgeable speakers at events, and the community no longer seems to care about digging for hidden truths...
Perhaps I am jaded... But what happened? And I missing a place where this material is being presented these days, for those who cannot make it to conventions and meetings? Is there anyone worth listening to?
I do not want to listen to individuals such as the ladies trying to heal past life traumas and such, but more the technologies and such... Is it just me??? Has anyone else noticed this?
Last edited by Silly Wabbit, 7th February 2023 at 02:49.
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Silly Wabbit For This Useful Post:
Aianawa (6th February 2023), Aragorn (6th February 2023), Catsquotl (6th February 2023), Fred Steeves (7th February 2023), modwiz (6th February 2023), Wind (6th February 2023)
6th February 2023, 09:42
Senior Member
I don't think there is a lack per se.
If anything my guess would be that there is too much information. Too much stuff being presented as truth in a world where nobody has the time to sift through it all and discern what's what.
My search has given me some deep insights and some ludicrous ideas.
The reason I got those is because I started my search in a time where books were still a thing an someone could read a few newspapers, a few books and "fabricate" a story that made sense and gave you some direction.
These days every truth needs to be held in high regard, equally truthful and discussed according to seemingly random woke rules of engagement, making the whole ordeal more trouble than it's worth.
Especially since most "truth seekers" also hold some notion of being spiritually healthy and accordingly try to minimize their aggravation and anger in lieu of peace, quiet and happiness.
Have a great day today
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Catsquotl For This Useful Post:
Aianawa (6th February 2023), Silly Wabbit (7th February 2023)
6th February 2023, 09:58
Senior Member
Well the last two to three years got scarey for sharing ones truth, including here indeed, some went into shell , others kept speaking so were driven away, and even here a narrative was held close, matters not whos and hows or even which, the great dividing began alongside the great shift which is now in the bag. I forgive the pettyness and others need to be correct, just look at their investment in narratives and actions, dang some now knowing they were forced and not complying. but yip great truths incoming amass, can you not see ?.
So yip plenty of whistles, some doggy ones being heard even lol
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Diabolical Boids (6th February 2023), Silly Wabbit (7th February 2023)
6th February 2023, 13:59