Emil El Zapato (16th July 2023)
the parties are as individual as every individual in them...think about that for a minute...That is my only point. I have never said that they can't be viewed as a single entity under the auspices of the corporatists. I have stated before that all have to play the game for survival...but some are willing (as an old girlfriend once said to me, "You can't rape the willing!") and some are kicked dragging and screaming into it. As a local favorite stated, RFK Jr: "Obama was 'forced' to make a deal with the golden demons when he was working on ObamaCare" i.e. The pharmaceutical industry!
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (17th July 2023)
You just dragged the dead body everywhere but the cemetree
Emil El Zapato (17th July 2023)
Aianawa (17th July 2023)
lol indeed, i thank you for your service, keeping it as real n unreal as moi.
Emil El Zapato (18th July 2023)