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Thread: Empire Files: Ron DeSantis' Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes

  1. #1
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Empire Files: Ron DeSantis' Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes


    In this Eyes Left/Empire Files exclusive, Mike Prysner sheds light on the shadowy military career of Ron DeSantis. Featuring never-before-heard testimony by former Guantanamo detainee Mansoor Adayfi about DeSantis's participation in illegal torture at the prison camp, and why he was likely sent to Iraq to do war crime cover-ups next.


    38 minutes


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  3. #2
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post

    In this Eyes Left/Empire Files exclusive, Mike Prysner sheds light on the shadowy military career of Ron DeSantis. Featuring never-before-heard testimony by former Guantanamo detainee Mansoor Adayfi about DeSantis's participation in illegal torture at the prison camp, and why he was likely sent to Iraq to do war crime cover-ups next.


    38 minutes

    Not the compelling evidence I was hoping for; but instructive of who he was, where he was, and the present circumstances on the ground when he was there. This is purely subjective of course but the man who is an extremely popular governor of the state I was born and spent most of my life in already struck me as a highly intelligent psychopath, a master manipulator, and very likely to be that upgrade to "Trump 202".

    What this showed me is that he was in prime position at both Gitmo and in Falluja, to be like a rich kid in a candy store given the type of person I see him to be. A good heads up.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  5. #3
    Senior Member Wind's Avatar
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    Possibly a worse option than Trump which is saying a lot.

    Chris Hedges calls people like him competent fascists, while Trump is an incompetent one.
    "The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon

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  7. #4
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Fred Steeves View Post
    Not the compelling evidence I was hoping for; but instructive of who he was, where he was, and the present circumstances on the ground when he was there. This is purely subjective of course but the man who is an extremely popular governor of the state I was born and spent most of my life in already struck me as a highly intelligent psychopath, a master manipulator, and very likely to be that upgrade to "Trump 202".

    What this showed me is that he was in prime position at both Gitmo and in Falluja, to be like a rich kid in a candy store given the type of person I see him to be. A good heads up.
    I don't know him well enough to have any opinion on whether he's a master at manipulating people — I'll take your word for it, though — but from what I've seen of him, the description "intelligent psychopath" certainly seems to fit him well.

    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    Possibly a worse option than Trump which is saying a lot.

    Chris Hedges calls people like him competent fascists, while Trump is an incompetent one.
    I was just thinking the same thing. Ron DeSantis could be to Donald Trump what Adolf Hitler was to Benito Mussolini.

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Lord Sidious's Avatar
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    May piss be upon all war criminal scum
    Ní siocháin go saoirse

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Well interesting opinions gentlemen, will plunge in with an open mind, wish me luck and a speedy return.

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  13. #7
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    For a person in power, yes an investigation best needed imo, for me i put myself in others shoes, in many ways he was in a rock and a hard place in those times ( gitmo ), rest is speculation, pity it is a left rite thing the platform is coming from, have the same probs with both sides, just the data please and side salads will intuition complete ta.

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  15. #8
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    For a person in power, yes an investigation best needed imo, for me i put myself in others shoes, in many ways he was in a rock and a hard place in those times ( gitmo ), rest is speculation, pity it is a left rite thing the platform is coming from, have the same probs with both sides, just the data please and side salads will intuition complete ta.
    Well Vern, two things there:

    1) I seriously, seriously doubt there would ever be any formal investigation anyway. The US military has little motivation to investigate itself on such matters. And then, even if on the side someone like "Empire Files" somehow got their hands on billets of who was serving in these places at that time, again a similar stonewall problem: hard to imagine who'd want to stick their neck out like that to not only possibly implicate themselves by giving damning testimony, but also in going up against a very popular and powerful politician who is on a meteoric rise? That's a big ask!

    Also, so far as military mindset in general goes, I remember to this day upon embarking aboard the USS America on a 6 month deployment, my immediate superior sternly informed me of the unofficial golden rule: "Fred, what happens on cruise, stays on cruise. You got me?" Just like "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". The exact same golden rule would apply in the case of Ron DeSantis: "What happened at Gitmo stays at Gitmo" - "What happened in Fallujah stays in Fallujah".

    2) As polarized into black/white - good/evil as we are any more, everyone is on a team that they believe is righteous before the eyes of almighty god himself, and therefore it would only be "the others" worthy of investigation. Because "they're the bad guys and we're the good guys!" The US is leading the way on this, just see two Trump impeachment proceedings in his four years, and now the other side is all set to return the favor when they get their hands back on the levers of power come January.

    No one up high is the least interested in the actual facts on the ground any more; the game is defend your own at all cost, and go after "the others" as if it's a holy crusade and the fate of democracy itself rides on this!

    Even if evidence did somehow emerge that DeSantis was guilty of war crimes, his own base, similar to Trump's as they are basically synonymous, would scoff without so much as even taking a peek at it. "That's just more democrat/deep state fake news".

    And along those lines here's an even further complicating factor, here's where we really get down to the nitty gritty should some sort of evidence start to get some legs to it: the two sides only ever come together on matters of banking/keeping Wall Street happy, and the unending support of empire/American Exceptionalism. On those two matters they walk side by side in lockstep.

    The "truth" of the matter is that Americans simply do not commit war crimes, same as our Ukranian brothers in arms. So in cases such as this, even "the other side" is likely to just dump out that particular punch bowl with a big fat turd floating in it, refill it with fresh punch, and just let the whole matter go to the grave yard of inconvenient facts, "The Memory Hole". It's well known that people have short memories, look no further than the resurrection of Bush Jr. era war crime despots.

    Something else would conveniently grab the headlines, the prols would ooh and ahh at the latest bright shiny object, and we move on with eyes looking not back to the dusty old past, but forward to a bright future.
    Last edited by Fred Steeves, 21st November 2022 at 14:54.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  17. #9
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    This is a war of shadow people. DeSantis camp did not start this rumor of him running for president.

    Never Trump repubs and media got this narrative going and Trumptards have gone on an all out attack against DeSantis. He's a politician. Dirt is always available with a little digging.

    Trumptards are the emotional and unremarkable intellects of the repubs. Like the woke left.

    DeSantis is a decent governor of a state.

    Sane Trumpers lay low and let things unfold.

    Or, assist quietly.

    Trump is either playing a game of being uninformed, or he is uninformed.
    Last edited by modwiz, 21st November 2022 at 23:22.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    This is a war of shadow people. DeSantis camp did not start this rumor of him running for president.

    Never Trump repubs and media got this narrative going and Trumptards have gone on an all out attack against DeSantis. He's a politician. Dirt is always available with a little digging.

    Trumptards are the emotional and unremarkable intellects of the repubs. Like the woke left.

    DeSantis is a decent governor of a state.
    One can hardly accuse Mike Prysner of being either a Republican or a Trumpanzee™, Brother. Mike is an Iraq veteran and he is Abby Martin's partner in Empire Files — as well as that he's her husband.

    He and Abby are equally critical of both the Democrats and the Republicans, and Mike has already shown that he's not afraid of getting kicked out by the security goons when he crashed a G.W. Bush presentation — I think it was last year — and asked Bush to his face why he had lied about the alleged weapons of mass destruction. He got thrown out on the street and he never got an answer.

    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    Sane Trumpers lay low and let things unfold.

    Or, assist quietly.

    Trump is either playing a game of being uninformed, or he is uninformed.
    Trump is always uninformed. Dubya wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box, but Trump's intellectual abilities are even worse, and for that matter, by a magnitude.

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    One can hardly accuse Mike Prysner of being either a Republican or a Trumpanzee™, Brother. Mike is an Iraq veteran and he is Abby Martin's partner in Empire Files — as well as that he's her husband.

    He and Abby are equally critical of both the Democrats and the Republicans, and Mike has already shown that he's not afraid of getting kicked out by the security goons when he crashed a G.W. Bush presentation — I think it was last year — and asked Bush to his face why he had lied about the alleged weapons of mass destruction. He got thrown out on the street and he never got an answer.

    Trump is always uninformed. Dubya wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box, but Trump's intellectual abilities are even worse, and for that matter, by a magnitude.
    Each to their own autism, Brother.

    I say that from a warm heart and appreciate your view of American politics.

    The Fates can be fickle and beyond our ken.

    Except in hindsight.
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  23. #12
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by modwiz View Post
    Each to their own autism, Brother.

    I say that from a warm heart and appreciate your view of American politics.
    I loathe European politics with equal vigor, Brother.

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  25. #13
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    After everything Trump has done n people pissed off and he is still alive, not dumb, not stupid lolol n getting every bit a juice outa life, i digressy though, the desantissy v trumpy is all theatre

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  27. #14
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    After everything Trump has done n people pissed off and he is still alive, not dumb, not stupid lolol n getting every bit a juice outa life, i digressy though, the desantissy v trumpy is all theatre
    The fact that he's still alive after all he's done and with the people he pissed off is exclusively due to the fact that the people he pissed off are generally not the kind that want to kill someone. The kinds of people who are foaming at the mouth and who are in favor of hanging, beheading or at best shooting their opponents are the very same people that are on his side, or have you forgotten the gallows for Mike Pence and the call for a guillotine during the Capitol riots?

    The Democrats and the wokesters may be what they are, but I've never heard a Democrat or a wokester call for the hanging, beheading or shooting of anyone belonging to the far-right. And there's a neurological reason for that, too. In order for anyone to have a genuine and conscious far-right conviction — as opposed to the ignorant masses who only vote far-right out of a frustration with (internationally speaking) the mainstream parties — they'd have to be certifiable psychopaths.

    As for the theater comment, I'd say it's rather a sideshow.

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  29. #15
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    The fact that he's still alive after all he's done and with the people he pissed off is exclusively due to the fact that the people he pissed off are generally not the kind that want to kill someone. The kinds of people who are foaming at the mouth and who are in favor of hanging, beheading or at best shooting their opponents are the very same people that are on his side, or have you forgotten the gallows for Mike Pence and the call for a guillotine during the Capitol riots?

    The Democrats and the wokesters may be what they are, but I've never heard a Democrat or a wokester call for the hanging, beheading or shooting of anyone belonging to the far-right.
    So far as domestically, I'd say that's accurate, if/when fighting in the streets here comes it would almost surely be instigated by the far right.

    Internationally however, I don't really see any difference between one wing of that great bird of prey or the other. Democrat neocons and republican neocons alike walk in near lockstep in support of violence all around the world on a continuing basis, and/or starving them with crippling sanctions, and they proudly call it spreading democracy.

    As Queen Bee Hillary herself so joyfully put it: "We came, we saw, he died!"


    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    the desantissy v trumpy is all theatre
    You talking about the latest top 40 hit from the prediction mill that Trump looking all jealous and butthurt is actually just another amazing head fake, 4D chess move coming from the grand master himself, and the two are actually poised to team up and run the table together when the timing is absolutely perfect?
    Last edited by Fred Steeves, 22nd November 2022 at 23:23.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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