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Thread: Egyptology

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    How do you explain stones that were carved perfectly level and stacked without mortar? What about the precise rounding off of the corners of the stones? There are so many things that seemigly cannot be explained when it comes to ancient technology—or can it?

    The only reasonable explanation for such profound mysteries is the existence of ancient technology. It is oftentimes unbelievable and even confounding to modern-day people to ever consider that the ancients did indeed have technology. We tend to think that ancient people were ignorant and stupid, or that they were not as smart as we are today. But that is the furthest from the truth, because evidence has been discovered many times over that would suggest otherwise.

    Have you ever stopped to consider the possibility that the ancients were actually more advanced than what we are in our present age?

    Note: I am not supporting any religious beliefs mentioned or discussed in these videos. I am posting these videos in regard to the archaeology/technology shown and the explanations given in re to that technology.

    YouTube Commentary:

    Contrary to the thoughts of most historians and egyptologists, mounting evidence from engineers, geologists and other scientific minds are revealing the concept that the Sphinx, Great Pyramid and other famous Egyptian works were created 12,000 plus years ago, and that the Dynastic Pharaohs simply inherited them.

    Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1


    Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 2

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    The Meidum Pyramid Mystery

    A discussion of the many oddities and mysteries of the construction and collapse of the Meidum Pyramid. A map showing it position to the south of Giza. I thought it might be a good start to a discussion about the Meidum pyramid which has not been discussed to death like the one's at Giza.

    Mark Lehner in his book ‘The Complete Pyramids’states; “In many ways Meidum is the most mysterious of all the great pyramids

    The problem

    The second extension turned the original step pyramid design into a true pyramid by filling in the steps with limestone encasing. While this approach is consistent with the design of the other true pyramids, Meidum was affected by construction errors. Firstly, the outer layer was founded on sand and not on rock, like the inner layers. Secondly, the inner step pyramids had been designed as the final stage. Thus the outer surface was polished and the platforms of the steps were not horizontal, but fell off to the outside. This severely compromised the stability and is likely to have caused the collapse of the Meidum Pyramid in a downpour while the building was still under construction.

    A detailed guide to this pyramid

    So who built it? Why the strange design? Why did it collapse? Why was it abandoned instead of repaired and who was it for?
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    Immortal Egypt With Joann Fletcher

    For those who love the mysteries of Egypt Ms Fletcher kind of hits it all at the right spots up and down the Nile

    Immortal Egypt With Joann Fletcher S01E01 The Road


    Immortal Egypt With Joann Fletcher S01E02 Chaos


    Immortal Egypt With Joann Fletcher S01E03


    Immortal Egypt With Joann Fletcher S01E04 Invasion

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    4,000-year-old Ancient Egyptian manuscript measuring more than 8ft has been rediscovered in Cairo

    I think this was found a couple of years ago.

    The oldest known Egyptian leather manuscript, dating back some 4,000 years, has been rediscovered at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo after it was pulled from a dusty, old storage box, where it had been lost for around 70 years. The precious text contains fine quality depictions of supernatural beings which predate the famous drawings of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

    Discovery News reports that the manuscript measures 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in length, making it the longest text ever found. It exceeds the next longest text by just 2 inches – an ancient pre-nuptial agreement between a couple due to be married, which sets out how the wife will be provided for, should the marriage fail.

    “Taking into account that it was written on both sides, we have more than 5 meters (16.4 feet) of texts and drawings, making this the longest leather roll from ancient Egypt,” Wael Sherbiny, the Belgium-based independent scholar who made the finding, told Discovery News.

    Eight foot long scroll reveals Ancient Egyptian pre-nup
    Ancient Egyptian Texts contain Hangover Cure and Radical Eye Disease Treatments
    Rediscovered Papyri Fragments Provide Charming Insight into Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt

    The rediscovered leather manuscript in the longest Ancient Egyptian text ever found, exceeding the length of the next longest text, an 8-foot long prenuptial agreemeent (pictured), by just 2 inches.

    The ancient text, which dates from the late Old Kingdom to the early Middle Kingdom (2300 – 2000 BC), is a religious manuscript, which contains spells that would most likely have been recited by a priest, and an illustrated composition of temple rituals that would have also been adapted for funerary use.

    The manuscript is adorned with high-quality colorful drawings of divine and supernatural beings, illustrated around 1,000 years before similar drawings appeared in the world renowned Book of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian funerary text containing spells to aid a deceased person’s journey into the afterlife.

    1,800-year-old ancient Egyptian letter reveals hopes and fears of young soldier.
    Researchers extract Papyrus Text from Mummy Mask, revealing what might be the oldest known Gospel.

    Book of the Dead spell 17 from the Papyrus of Ani (Wikipedia)

    Sherbiny told Discovery News that the same illustrated composition that is found in the leather manuscript is also found on the base of Middle Kingdom sarcophagi retrieved from the necropolis of Hermopolis in Upper Egypt, dating to between 2055 and 1650 BC.

    “Amazingly, the roll offers an even more detailed iconography than the Hermopolitan coffins in terms of texts and drawings,” Sherbiny said.
    The composition in the manuscript predates the illustrations found at Hermopolis, suggesting that they may have had a long history of transmission before being used in the coffin decorations.

    The same illustrated composition that is found in the leather manuscript is also found on the base of Middle Kingdom coffins retrieved from the necropolis of Hermopolis. Objects from the tomb of Djehutynakht, a nomarch during the Middle Kingdom era of Egypt, found in the necropolis of Hermopolis (Wikipedia)

    Ancient Egyptian leather manuscripts are extremely rare because leather quickly disintegrates over time, while papyri were well-preserved by the dry climate of Egypt. At the time, leather was considered the more prestigious writing material, and was used to record religious texts, as well as important historical events.

    Wael Sherbiny had to piece together the leather roll, which was in tiny fragments. He is currently preparing the full publication of the contents of the ancient manuscript.

    Image: The rediscovered leather manuscript has been compared to the Egyptian Book of the Dead (pictured). Book of the Dead papyrus of Pinedjem II, 21st dynasty, circa 990-969 BC. Originally from the Deir el-Bahri royal cache. (Wikipedia)

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    Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt

    Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos)

    For many generations, it has been questioned and debated. Many long hours and much time has been spent pouring over the evidence, yet with no clear answers and no hard proof.

    However, today, more evidence keeps piling up that proves the ancients did have technology far beyond what we can even begin to imagine

    Brien Foerester takes you down dark tunnels, beneath pyramids, and inside places you have only seen in your imagination.

    More Amazing Evidence of Ancient Technology!


    But now he goes even further and takes you beneath Egypt, where mysterious 100 ton stone boxes were discovered. Some people believe they were used for burial purposes, but Brien clearly shows us how they were used for ancient high technology.

    Is it possible that the technology of the ancients was so advanced, it goes above and beyond ours today?

    Where we believe we have gone forward and advanced throughout history, is it possible we are actually far behind, and that someone else a long time ago knew all the secrets we have yet to uncover?

    I can honestly say yes.

    Time and again, mankind has been stunned by the ancient megaliths, wondering how they could possibly have been erected by the humans of that time. But the nephilim and raphaim were extremely intelligent, insanely strong, and quite frightful to look upon. They were also giants! This is exactly how it was that ancient megalithic structures were built.

    Ancient technology is indeed a reality, and Brien shows you in the videos I have included below just how it could have happened.

    Brien writes:

    Inside a tunnel system carved out of the solid limestone bedrock in the desert of Egypt, more than 20 granite boxes made of precision shaped Aswan granite are a true enigma. Said by some to have been the burial places of prized bulls, their real function is far more intriguing. And they are clear examples of Lost Ancient High Technology created before the time of the Dynastic Egyptians.

    Egypt Underground: The Ancient 100 Ton Stone Boxes of the Serapeum


    Great Pyramid: Ancient Machining Evidence


    Red Pyramid Of Egypt: Acoustic Resonance Testing

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    A ring for a king tatsum III
    The Egyptian Museum
    Of g o l o l o l e
    The modern country
    The Eighteenth Family
    The head of the gods was shot on both ends of the ring
    For the protection of the king
    In the middle of the ring, the name of the king was written (Tahout Miss)

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    Ancient Alien Pyramid Mystery

    Join David Hatcher Childress in Egypt where he meets up with British engineer Christopher Dunn. Together they explore the Giza area, going to ancient pyramid sites, underground catacombs and megalithic quarries not usually visited by tourists. Here they examine saw marks, advanced lifting and moving techniques found at the Giza Plateau, Abu Rawash, Abu Garab, and the underground catacombs of the Serapeum and other areas. Finally Dunn explains his theory of the Giza Power Plant and his view that the pyramids at Giza were originally part of a plan to "drive the earth into harmony." A mind-blowing look at solid evidence for extraordinary ancient technology.

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    Very Rare Film Footage Inside The Osiris Shaft In Egypt

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    Virtual tour for Abu Simbel Temple

    After the unique solar alignment phenomenon on the sanctum of the iconic Ramses II temple, which takes place on 22 February and 22 October of every year, we will take you on a virtual tour inside this amazing temple

    Click link below
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    A Virtual Tour through the Tomb of Wahti

    In celebration of UNESCO’s #WorldHeritageDay, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism & Antiquities Dr. Khaled El-Enany takes us into the awe-inspiring tomb of Wahti in Saqqara. Uncovered in 2018, it is considered one of the most important discoveries of the decade. The tomb belonged to a Fifth Dynasty Priest of ‘Purification’, making it an especially apt and timely reminder that cleansing and protecting that which we hold dear is an innate human desire that stretches back through the millennia.

    Check the link in the bio for a virtual tour of this unique tomb.
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    A Virtual Tour through the Tutankhamun Collection at the Egyptian Museum

    Today we take you on an exclusive tour to see the iconic mask of the Golden Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

    Tutankhamun has captivated audiences worldwide since British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his tomb back in 1922. He has become an international icon of our Egyptian civilization.

    Painstakingly excavated over the course of almost ten years, the tomb's four small rock-cut chambers hidden beneath the sands of the Valley of the Kings yielded over 5,000 incredible objects, bearing witness to the life and death of this king. The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun was the most spectacular discovery in the history of archeology.

    Although a recent CT scan of Tutankhamun’s mummy has revealed interesting new information about the techniques in his mummification, and has confirmed that he was around 18 years old when he died, the cause of his death is still uncertain.

    The treasures of the Golden Pharaoh were registered in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir in 1934.
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    "The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon

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    Look Inside the Great Pyramid Queen's Chamber Northern Shaft | Ancient Architects

    The Great Pyramid of Egypt is the most well studied ancient structure in the entire world, which makes it all the more strange that for 20 years there has been important information concerning this structure that is missing from the public domain, and that’s pictures, footage and a full description of the inside of the Queen’s Chamber Northern Shaft.

    It is discussed in a 2014 paper written by Dr Zahi Hawass, which is part of a publication by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities titled 'Quest for the Dream of the Pharaohs. The paper includes a description and a few black and white photographs, but is incredibly difficult to get hold of.

    This shaft is critical in just about every Great Pyramid hypothesis and even if it isn’t, it can’t go unnoticed. Any pyramid researcher who tries to explain the finer details of the Great Pyramid must explain the four so-called air shafts in a logical way, but how can any hypothesis have any merit if nobody even knows what the inside of Queen’s Chamber Northern Shaft looks like? Thankfully we can change that with this video.

    A friend of the Ancient Architects channel has supplied me with 51 colour photographs taken from the Pyramid Rover robot, which explored the shaft in 2002, as well as a copy of the original mission report. With this, we can now see the shaft in its entirety and learn more about this elusive pyramid shaft. Here I'll add a disclaimer: The "Never" on the thumbnail image refers to 99.9% of viewers of this channel. Some people have obviously seen them but not many.

    Most people will never have seen these pictures before, but they will be of interest to anybody researching the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Not only do we learn about the exact shape and rock type, but we also learn of a number of new anomalies, previously not discussed. So please watch the video, subscribe to Ancient Architects and please leave a comment below.

    Pyramid Rover images were taken by iRobot/National Geographic and are used in this video for educational purposes only. Other images used in this video are from Rudolph Gantenbrink, Jean Pierre Houdin and are also taken from Google Images. All images are used for educational purposes only.

    0:00 - Background
    8:04 - Pyramid Rover Images
    13:13 - Analysis of the Images
    30:23 - The Bigger Picture

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    Ancient tomb discovered in Egypt dating back 2,500 years

    The most significant artefact uncovered in the discovery was a limestone statue of the tomb's owner, his wife and his son.

    The tomb dates back to the fifth dynasty

    A tomb dating back 2,500 years has been discovered in Egypt, containing a limestone statue of one of the owners' family.

    The discovery, made near the pyramid complex in Giza, was announced today.

    The tomb dates back to the fifth dynasty and officials hope it could help the country's efforts to revive its ailing tourism industry.

    The tomb was uncovered near the Giza pyramids

    The mummies are thought to be 2,500 years old

    Visitor numbers were hit hard by terror attacks and political turmoil following the 2011 uprising.

    Egypt's Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr Mostafa Waziri, said the tomb belonged to two men

    Dr Waziri said the first man was named Behnui-Ka and had seven titles, including that of priest, judge and the purification priest of Chefren.

    The first man was named Behnui-Ka and the second was named Nwi

    Excavation workers stand next to the sarcophagi

    The second was named Nwi and had five titles, including chief of the great state, the overseer of the new settlements, and the purifier of King Khafre, Dr Waziri said.

    The most significant artefact uncovered in the discovery was a limestone statue of the tomb's owner, his wife and his son

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    Priestess’ Tomb Discovered in Egypt, Protected by her Soul Feeding Monkey

    A mysterious ancient tomb with “unusual and rare” wall paintings has been discovered in Egypt. Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Enany told BBC reporters the discovery of a 4,400-year-old tomb found during excavation work in Giza’s western cemetery “likely belonged to Hetpet, a priestess to Hathor, the goddess of fertility, who assisted women in childbirth.”

    Dr. Al-Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities told reporters yesterday that the tomb’s paintings depict “the goddess Hetpet observing different hunting and fishing scenes, a monkey collecting fruit…another dancing in front of an orchestra.” The tomb also contained a purification basin in which Dr Al-Waziri said are “engraved the name of the tomb’s owner and her titles,” as was reported by a report in The Times

    Daily activities depicted in the artwork of the tomb. (Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities)

    Created around 2500 BC, The Pyramid of Khufu in the Giza complex in Egypt is the largest and most famous ancient stone tomb in the world. However, in its shadow, hundreds of lavish tombs and burial chambers contain the remains and treasures of important priests and priestesses and high-ranking officials. The Egyptian ministry told reporters that the tomb “has the architectural style and the decorative elements of the Fifth Dynasty, with an entrance leading to an 'L' shaped shrine”. And that’s all folks! Really, that is all.

    I decided to ask a couple of questions that not a single one of the hundreds of reporters who have covered this story has yet asked. Why is this tomb L-shaped? And, what do the “unusual and rare” monkey paintings represent?

    Wall painting thought to depict Hetpet in the tomb (Image: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities)

    Why an ‘L’ Shaped Room
    Answering the first of these two questions, let’s turn to a 2011 paper written by Professor L.H Roeten, Architecture, decoration and interpretation . Speaking of the “ancient Egyptian cult of chapels” Roeten commented “the mastabas (tombs) that were built in later periods of his reign (Khufu) in the 26th century BC, had L-shaped interior cult chapels.” This tells us that L-shaped burial structures were in use at least 200 years before this newly discovered tomb. According to Dr. Roeten “L-Shaped tombs were of the utmost importance… to identify who was buried in the tomb the name and titles of the deceased were given by inscribing them on a stone stela.” That is exactly what Dr. Al-Waziri told the world press had been discovered in the tomb the week! A “stone engraved with the name of the tomb’s owner and her titles.”

    Adding all this up, we now know that this newly discovered “L-Shaped tomb” reflects an architectural style that was used at least 200 years prior to its construction, and, in the writing the name and titles on a stone, it is evident that similar sacred dynamics, otherworldly beliefs and superstitions were also consistent with those held two centuries previously.

    The images and colors have been well-preserved for their age. (Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities)

    Unusual Wall Paintings
    Concerning the “unusual and rare” wall paintings, “in Egyptian literature it is recorded that certain elements within the burial rites were considered to be of such importance that they were sometimes depicted on the walls of the chapel or tomb” said Roeten.

    Thus, regarding the monkey collecting fruits, in his 2011 paper The Baboons and Monkeys of Ancient Egypt, Egyptologist Jimmy Dunn wrote “Religious rites involving monkeys are documented by early illustrations.” Furthermore, a 2006 book by Joan Pilsbury Alcock, Food in the Ancient World tells us that “in ancient Egypt fig trees grew all year round and the fruit was sacred to the god Hathor, who was said to provide nourishment to the deceased and it was eaten in funerary feasts and by all social groups…many tombs in Saqqara depict monkeys and baboons collecting figs.”

    Thus, we now know that the “monkey collecting fruits” served a functional role in the perceived afterlife journey of the priestess of Hathor, to whom the tomb was dedicated. The monkey symbolically collected fruits so to constantly feed the deceased soul. Thus, this tomb is an ancient, interactive, full-color manual of the mythologies of Hathor in the afterlife. Following the paintings in this L-Shaped tomb, in the correct fashion, will allow us to retrace the steps of an ancient ritual last performed over 4400 years ago, before being locked in time.

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