Connect with those Cosmic Patriots who 'see' beyond the veil that has been imposed on us...
Connect with those Cosmic Patriots who 'see' beyond the veil that has been imposed on us...
Unfortunately, I do see a lot of confirmed conmen and/or mentally ill people on that list...
- Andrew Basiago is mentally ill — possibly schizophrenic.
- James Casbolt — real name: Michael Prince — is a confirmed psychopath and convicted murderer.
- William Cooper was mentally ill — possibly paranoid schizophrenia.
- James Corey Goode has been a member of this forum — many of us have known him personally — and he is most definitely a narcissistic conman, possibly afflicted with schizotypal personality disorder.
- David Icke shows signs of narcissism and has already long been discredited.
- John Lear was a storyteller who capitalized on his family name but never provided any evidence to substantiate his wild claims.
- Alex Collier — real name: Ralph Amigron — is a conman who got inspired by the Billy Meier story and then decided to create his own.
- Billy Meier is a very clever but proven conman. His photographic evidence was found to have been fabricated using miniature trees, optical illusions and common household items such as the lid of a garbage can.
- Qanon is an already long disproven fascist conspiracy theory and is classified in the USA as a domestic terrorist threat.
- Mark Richards is a convicted murderer and clinically diagnosed megalomaniac.
- Phil Schneider was a confirmed paranoid schizophrenic who was under FBI investigation because the supposed alien material he brought with him to his presentations was actually a radioactive substance — I'm not sure anymore whether it was uranium or plutonium — of which he had 27 kg in his possession. He committed suicide in the 1990s.
- Michael Salla is someone who lacks any kind of discernment, and he's right up there with Alfred Lambremont Webre (who luckily didn't make your list).
More detailed information regarding some of the individuals listed here-above can be found on this thread.
P.S.: You've misspelled Robert Bigelow's name.
Aianawa (11th October 2022), Fred Steeves (11th October 2022), modwiz (13th October 2022), Wind (12th October 2022)
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Sorry friend. My bad. I guess I was just misguided by all those who claim that there is life in outer space, in the inner earth, and in other dimensions of time. But let's get real. WE are ALL there is, in this universe of trillions of galaxies each possessing -- on the average -- billions of stars. Of course, this is the only planet with life, because it was fortunate enough to have evolved life, in direct contrast to the second law of thermodynamics or entropy... a quadrillion-to-one chance of that happening. Kind of sad when you think of it. - Branton/Bruce
Oh no, don't get me wrong, Bruce. There most certainly is intelligent life out there, both within the realm we consider physical and within the spiritual and/or interdimensional realms.
But unfortunately, this very fact — and even just the idea in and of itself — has led a number of people to come forward with stories that are either products of their imagination (including any mental illnesses) or that have been shamelessly ripped off from existing (real or false) testimonies. Some of those people — e.g. Corey Goode, David Wilcock, David Icke, Michael Salla, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Billy Meier, Kerry Cassidy, et al — have even created a business model upon the subject in order to financially sustain themselves from it, and in some cases, quite royally too.
What I myself would consider real evidence would for instance be the Travis Walton case, the Rendlesham Forest Incident, the Belgian UFO flap of the late 1980s, the Tic-Tac UFOs observed by the US Navy, and so on. There is good evidence out there, but discernment is key!
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I do admit that the "love for money" (which the Bible talks about) is a major motivation for people to try to sell their wares (books, etc.), but I have never made a dime on my writings because I believe that truth should be FREE for all. I have put out books online, and such, over the years, but people like Tim Beckley have taken them and sold them for profit, without reimbursing me squat. I really did not care about that because the 'word' was getting out, and besides, my writings were mostly collected compilations of the writings of others (from articles, letters, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, etc.) that were not copywrited... but if you ask me, people who share their knowledge for FREE should be trusted MUCH MORE than those who try to make a buck off of it, because THOSE people are interested only in personal profit whereas those who share their acquired knowledge for free want only what is best for everyone. That was the motivation for my PROJECT REDBOOK database and sure, there may be truth mixed with fantasy in it, but I put out the info (for free) so that people can probe and test these claims and prove them one way or another. Also, we should realize that not everything is black-and-white, for in many cases one must separate the WHEAT of truth from the TARES or CHAFF of disinformation or confusion. For those interested in checking out my PROJECT REDBOOK database for themselves, they can access it here...
Hi n welcome Bruce, after reading your data so far, would the thread title best be your instead of the ?.
Greetings once again, all...
For those who are interested, I believe that I have found the (or one of the) major underground basing areas for both the benevolent human-like aliens:
...AND for the malevolent reptilian/insectoid, etc., type aliens:
Tale care, and good reading,
BRuce AlaN dewalTON