Aianawa (10th October 2022), Aragorn (10th October 2022), Fred Steeves (10th October 2022), modwiz (15th October 2022), Wind (11th October 2022)
Aianawa (11th October 2022), Aragorn (11th October 2022), Fred Steeves (11th October 2022)
Let's not be leaving China and Russia out of the mix.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Is he one of the all ?
From 2005-2012, under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Tedros was the Minister of Health. During his tenure, he covered-up one of the worst outbreaks of cholera in Ethiopian history. Between 2012-2016, he was the Ethiopian foreign minister and was involved in the violent suppression and starvation of the rival Amhara clan. A little known biographical detail about Tedros is that he was the 3rd ranking member of the politburo of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) Terrorist Organization.
So now, an American president cannot simply announce that the leader of another sovereign country needs to vacate their current position, or else, he needs the PR arm of his administration (otherwise known as the media) to manufacture consent for what he wants to do first. Or, as is the case in our most current Project, he needs them to manufacture outrage in order for him to do what his masters want him to do. In overtly authoritarian regimes the propaganda is correspondingly overt, right in your face and thus easy to spot; but in the liberal Western world, the soft touch is needed.
The mis/disinformation is almost... repeatedly massaged into the psyche, sounding so earnest and well meaning, expecting people busy in their daily lives to see it for what it really is, is really asking a lot. "We're the good guys out there, I've known that ever since I was taught the pledge of allegiance, these people are simply reporting the horrors of "the other", and what we 'the good guys' are going to do about it".
The little girl with the kitten scene from "Wag the Dog" is an excellent example of this. "The horror of what's happened to that poor little girl, something must be done!"
You know, come to think about it, being a citizen can be not all that dissimilar to being a member of a cult, just much much larger in scale. "My leader knows the truth about things, he has the answers, I hear all about it every day so it must be true, and it's my duty to be a good little patriot and do my part". Every now and then someone in a cult, for whatever reason and on whatever scale, starts to notice that something is just not. quite. right... And the thing is by that point, their natural inclination is to question what they're seeing, surely some reassuring answers will come my way promptly to explain it all away. But then that doesn't happen as expected. It can't.
"Now I know something's wrong, but what is it exactly?"
That about the place where this person looks to be, early on in the questioning stage. They did it again here shortly after. Even though they'll never even know it, I'm damn proud of them even getting to that point. It's exceedingly difficult to even catch a glimpse when you're utterly surrounded by it in an echo chamber that's all singing from the same hymnal. They may or may not be able to just shrug it off, a lot of people can and they're able to live with it; but if they're unable to do that, and the question keeps nagging, then they'll find that next step in their journey quite unexpectedly when further questioning winds up with them being expelled from the group and out on their ass.
The way this particular group manufactures consent for one side, other groups are doing similarly for the other side. And so it goes, either way getting to the true heart of the matter is hardly the objective.
The objective is outrage - consent - group think.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (15th October 2022), Aragorn (13th October 2022), Lord Sidious (13th October 2022), modwiz (15th October 2022), Wind (13th October 2022)
"The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon
Aianawa (15th October 2022), Aragorn (13th October 2022), Fred Steeves (13th October 2022), modwiz (15th October 2022)
Or — judging by the replies said individual got from Fearless Leader™ — a good little Project MAGAlon member...
Fearless Leader™ is about as accurate in his assessment of the situation as he has been in his assessment of each of the so-called whistleblowers and insiders he's been championing over the years, and yet he still doesn't understand that the error in judgment is virtually always on his side, both with regard to so-called whistleblowers and with regard to anything to do with politics — whether US-centric or international.
But then again, narcissists don't make mistakes. Whatever goes wrong, they'll always find someone other than themselves to blame it on. It's so predictable that you can almost set a clock to it..
Aianawa (15th October 2022), Fred Steeves (13th October 2022), modwiz (15th October 2022)
Oh yeah, well lookie there, McKenna was onto that a long time ago.
One of my most recent, and vivid reminders of living in a cult ure, was for the first time in many years attending an American pro football game in Tampa this past January. The pre game ritual. 65,000 people there from so many different walks of life, different religions, politics, economic status, etc., all dutifully rise in unison, hand over hearts for the national anthem. It's done without even thinking about it, it's automatic, and it's really something to behold the power "Duty God Country has over a society. And then immediately after is the military flyover to ensure we all still get off on war.
What Terrance was saying reminds me of one of my own little pet conspiracy theories. It's no conspiracy theory that the CIA was ensuring LSD be passed around here during the 60's, but that was back when they had hoped it could be used for mind control, what almost wound up happening instead was that they almost lost all control. Next thing you know acid was out, and heroin filled the streets instead. My theory is that this was done intentionally to head off what was happening.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (15th October 2022), Aragorn (15th October 2022), modwiz (15th October 2022), Silly Wabbit (17th October 2022), Wind (14th October 2022)