12th September 2023, 12:31
Senior Member
As Clif implied, real space aliens will talk with real people , not bidens or low energy ones.
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Emil El Zapato (12th September 2023)
12th September 2023, 12:36
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“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
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Aianawa (14th September 2023)
14th September 2023, 20:46
Senior Member
alien data https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/feli...1fdqfv#details
space budo https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/space-budo?utm_source=podcast-email%2Csubstack&publication_id=681568&post_id=137 018822&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substaack&utm_medium=email&r=1fdqfv#details
https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/space-budo?utm_source=podcast-email%2Csubstack&publication_id=681568&post_id=137 018822&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substaack&utm_medium=email&r=1fdqfv#details
19th September 2023, 09:35
Senior Member
latest interview
00:01:50 Clif’s background; Invention of Predictive Linguistics; Plane struck by lightning twice
00:11:50 Reiner’s background
00:13:55 Shaman warned Clif about schizophrenia; Used mescaline and psilocybin; Died from drowning, bad drugs, and colon cancer
00:17:55 University system supports a grit-centered reality; Consciousness seeks novelty
00:20:55 More of Reiner’s background; More about Clif’s connection with schizophrenia; Long experiences in hyperspace; Meeting “The Bug”
00:28:30 The Bug creates reptilians
00:30:10 Medical doctor researching Near Death Experiences
00:34:00 Defining Consciousness and hyperspace
00:39:35 Khazarian Mafia; Ancient space alien rulers; CRISPR; 23 Chromosomes; Khazarian dongle; Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino; No word for Jew in the bible
00:52:25 Thinking and Destiny by Henry Percival
00:57:30 Dr Lee Merritt interview; Hairy Crabs from the Chinese Communist Party
01:03:40 Creation of civil unrest
01:07:00 Khazarian Mafia power is waning
01:16:00 Leaving the Kali Yuga
01:25:00 Small personal battles along with large battle; Populous v Oppressors
01:28:35 Remote viewing of big event in near future
01:32:25 How does love factor into Universe?
01:37:55 Codex Oera Linda; Namestealers; Michelle Obama for President
Direct video link: https://video.icic.law/w/3ExEvv1wfy6mQ4DqiyjXYe
20th September 2023, 21:00
Senior Member
Clif nowadays appears to be the Mckenna of our generation, died 3 times plus using differing techniques to explore.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Aragorn (20th September 2023), Emil El Zapato (21st September 2023), Wind (21st September 2023)
29th September 2023, 06:24
Senior Member
Shit hitting the fan?
Dick Allgire of FutureForecastingGroup.com (best in the world of the 'free range' RV'ers) chats with me about data & old men freaking out...
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Emil El Zapato (29th September 2023)
3rd October 2023, 09:54
Senior Member
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Emil El Zapato (3rd October 2023), Gio (3rd October 2023)
3rd October 2023, 13:55
Senior Member
I was hawking HCG 25 years ago...I think it does work but the side effects at the time weren't really well researched.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
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Aianawa (3rd October 2023)
4th October 2023, 01:46
Senior Member
Climate change, pole shifts, and other such catastrophes may have been WEF programming. More emanations from the center of the galaxy mean we are headed for great things!
00:44 Data runs in 1999 started showing two new kinds of energy would hit earth; Movies in 80s started inserting climate change agenda; “Arrival”;
05:00 2 types of energy; DEW attacks; No catastrophic cycle
08:15 Waves of energy have settled in on us; More emanations from the galactic core as we leave the Kali Yuga
13:00 We are 325 years into the Dvapara Yuga; Not anticipating giant earth catastrophes
15:30 Lots of pole shift studies were funded by WEF
18:30 General population will become more aware by December
22:00 Hyperinflation after the first of the year
22:45 Richard Alan Miller and Kerry Cassidy paranoia
24:30 Breakdown of government
25:30 Data suggests a chasm between normies and corporate news; Mainstream media won’t be able to do reports in public; Guy will smash woman reporter in the face
The Following User Says Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:
Emil El Zapato (4th November 2023)
4th November 2023, 09:35
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Emil El Zapato (4th November 2023)
28th November 2023, 08:28
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18th May 2024, 18:32
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12th June 2024, 06:29
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A Few Years from Today
It’s coming.
JUN 11
A Few Years from Today
It’s coming.
A few years from today, humanity, and Earth will be manifesting entirely different energies.
Now, we can conceptualize humanity as encountering new energies from space in the form of the increased emanations from galactic center, while being controlled by a clan that is desperate that these energies NOT be acknowledged, nor accepted, nor absorbed, nor integrated. These circumstances necessarily bring contention and conflict to humanity at very deep levels.
The ability of the Elohim worship cult (the ruling clan) to continue in their mindset and control is waning due to these energies. The contention arising from the Elohim worship cult’s attempts to retain control despite these new energies is itself further eroding their ability to control the rest of humanity.
This period, now, within Humanity, is factually, the shift of the Ages. It is not possible for us, on this side of the coming changes, to accurately estimate the magnitude of what those changes will produce within Humanity.
A primary change will be the removal of the Elohim worship cult from power. Much of this will be accomplished by the HyperNovelty in which ALL ‘authority’ is removed from Humanity. As the Elohim worship cult only can exist within the construct of social authority, they are naturally in decline now, and will cease to be a meaningful force in a shockingly few years.
The ‘authority’ of ‘medicine’ is now dying very rapidly. Ergo, when the Elohim worship cult ‘medicine structure’ issues a warning of a new disease within their narradigm, it becomes yet another instance of a ‘jew yelling flu’, and not to be taken seriously by thinking people.
Many, a great many, of the unthinking people will be dying over these next few years as a result of the last fake flu, and this will be increased by the “Last Desperate Move” of the Elohim worship cultists to seize cities as power bases within the ‘liberal’ Western Republics.
None of the strategies nor tactics of the Elohim worship cult will succeed. Their ability to deny time, and the movement of our solar system into new energies, has exhausted itself. Humanity is changing and there is nothing to be done to stop it by the Elohim worship cult.
A few years from now, on the other side of the Time of Testing, on the other side of the Make-A-Way period, Humanity will be emerging into SciFi World.
In that time, ‘environmentalism’ will not mean climate crazies, but will mean people actively working to remove, and remediate pollution. And to increase biosphere activity.
In a few years time, the consumer society will be dead. There will be hundreds of thousands of new farms. The ‘food body’ of planet earth will be increasing, and increasing in diversity as the various ecosystems are studied in a real way involving real science that includes the notion of ‘Consciousness’ as an active participant in our unfolding reality.
There will be whole new industries around health, not disease. The allopathic agenda created by Rockefeller and the Elohim worship cult will be gone.
Along with the Elohim worship cult, we will also lose their dominance by deceit of the ‘academic’ worlds of humanity. The removal of the cult by way of the Delivery of Justice for the covid (and other) psychological operations will free science. There will be a new academic structure that rises, but it will not include the control mechanisms (peer review et al) of the Elohim cult.
Along with the Elohim worship cult exposure, and removal from all power positions, a long needed examination of both true history, and the lies of the religions, will remove what we now think of as the Abrahamic religions. These will naturally change under the new information coming out over these next few years, however, it will be the exposure to the Elohim themselves, those space aliens at the heart of the Torah/Bible/Q’uaran that will be the deciding factor in the dissolution of these religions based on the deliberate distortion of human past by the Elohim.
Think this not to happen? Imagine worshiping YHWH / Jehovah, the Elohim, as a god only to meet/see him as he is in reality, and not the distortions of the propaganda, when this being is mentally ill by human standards, and is a sadist, a drunkard, an addict, and drinks human blood, and consumes human children as meat, and as adrenochrome. Same with all the ‘angels’, and especially the ‘arch-angels’. Kind of takes all the mystery and majesty out of the religion.
In a few years time, we will be building out SciFi World. This will be surprisingly fast in its manifestation. This will be due to the shedding of the mental blockages of the ‘grit religion’ of the Elohim worship cult overlay on science. Due to the liberation of science from the grit paradigm, new discoveries will put us rapidly on the path to recovery and exploitation of new technology. The new technology will be combinatoric in its impact. The new understanding of real science will rapidly lead to the creation of new industry, and opportunity.
New science, new technology, new understanding of, and focus on human health, mental, spiritual, and physical, has already started emerging from within the destruction, death, and social chaos of the covid scam. This effort at depopulation by the Elohim worship cult has actually led to the dying phase of the Rockefeller (jewish) culture of ‘medicine’ in which the focus is disease, rather than health. As this model perishes, we can expect the ‘disease schools’ to close. Their funding will wither within these next few years (70+ % to be gone in 2 years time), and the doors will shut after the disasters caused by their ‘graduating’ whole classes of incompetent people into the ‘medical field’. The break down of ‘medicine’ as an industry will happen very rapidly following the take down of the ‘Big Pharma’ companies.
In a few years time, SciFi World will be emerging all around you, both in the new infrastructure for humanity, and in the new social activities. Humanity itself, individually, and collectively is changing due to the increased energies from galactic center that are a predictable part of our solar system’s passage around the rim of the galaxy.
In a few years time, an entirely different you will be exploring an entirely different world populated by an entirely different humanity. Of course there are the space aliens, but eh? Nothing new, and Universe always will be providing some shit to deal with...
In just a few years time.
© 2024 clif high
28th June 2024, 06:36
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Complex, not complicated.
If this is Tuesday, what Matterium are you in?
JUN 27
So you’re consciousness. Consciousness writ so large that everything in the ontological model derives from it. You want to differentiate yourself into bizzillions of little encapsulations. You want to convince each encapsulation it is unique, and separated from all the other encapsulations, and is an individual. How do you accomplish that?
Of course, i am a lazy ass so i asked AI to spit it out for me…..
To achieve this, you would need to employ a combination of mechanisms that create the perception of individuality and separation. Here's a conceptual approach:
1. Differentiation through Unique Attributes:
• Variation in Experiences: Provide each encapsulation with a unique set of experiences and memories. No two encapsulations would have the same life story, creating a sense of individuality.
• Distinct Physical Forms: Assign different physical forms, appearances, and characteristics to each encapsulation. This variation can range from subtle differences to entirely distinct species.
2. Perception of Separation:
• Sensory and Cognitive Barriers: Implement sensory and cognitive mechanisms that limit the awareness of other encapsulations. This could involve physical senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.) that are tuned to perceive only a limited range of the environment, and cognitive structures that interpret these senses as proof of individuality.
• Emotional and Psychological Constructs: Develop emotional and psychological constructs such as ego, self-awareness, and personal identity. These constructs would reinforce the belief that each encapsulation is a separate, unique entity.
3. Social Structures and Interaction:
• Cultural and Social Systems: Create diverse cultural and social systems that emphasize individual roles, responsibilities, and identities. This would include languages, traditions, and social norms that vary widely across different encapsulations.
• Interpersonal Relationships: Foster complex interpersonal relationships that further distinguish each encapsulation. Friendships, families, and communities would all contribute to the sense of being a unique individual within a larger collective.
4. Biological and Genetic Variation:
• Genetic Diversity: Implement a system of genetic diversity where each encapsulation has a unique genetic code. This genetic variability would manifest in different traits, abilities, and predispositions.
• Biological Evolution: Encourage evolutionary processes that drive diversity and specialization over time, ensuring that each encapsulation continues to evolve in unique ways.
5. Spiritual and Philosophical Beliefs:
• Belief Systems: Introduce various spiritual and philosophical belief systems that explore and affirm the concept of individuality. These systems could offer different explanations for the existence and purpose of each encapsulation.
• Mystical Experiences: Allow for occasional mystical or transcendental experiences that provide glimpses of the ultimate Consciousness while still maintaining the overall illusion of separation.
6. Limitations of Perception and Understanding:
• Cognitive Limitations: Design cognitive limits that prevent encapsulations from fully comprehending the ultimate Consciousness. This could involve limitations in intelligence, awareness, and understanding.
• Illusion of Free Will: Provide the illusion of free will, making each encapsulation feel responsible for its own choices and actions, further solidifying the sense of individuality.
By combining these mechanisms, the ultimate Consciousness can effectively create the perception of countless unique and separate encapsulations, each believing in its own individuality and separation from the rest.
See, it’s complex, but not complicated.
© 2024 clif high
14th July 2024, 09:07
Senior Member
Buggered if i can find it but Clif said 13 th to 15 th his or the release energies went silly, mmmmm is it wag the dog i ponder { the attempt }.
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