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Thread: Clif high's narradigm investigations

  1. #31
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Part one >

    Now remember Clif shocked many because Q and anons not only came up on his botty data thingies, he could not report it came up till much later because he would influence, amazing crazy world lol.

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    part one


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  7. #34
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    Well the second vid was doomy gloomy and though i dissagree and see a more benevelent n spiritual angle, that prep is amazing.

  8. #35
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    Oh how very interesting indeed, email from Clif, simply a link >

    the above is where i chose to start, some lovely down time reading.

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    From 11th, vid Macron LeStooge

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    Next > deSTRUCTION of the past

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    How to not speak to Space Aliens
    Shouldn't we just ignore them?

    NOV 22


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    How to not speak to Space Aliens.
    This is a pertinent subject now. Recent videos appear to show captured communications between, that is, among, space aliens in the direction of the constellation of Orion.
    In a separate instance, there are other rumors, not yet officially denied, therefore unsubstantiated until so denied, that the USA government, perhaps with others, is in communication with space aliens in the direction of Andromeda. These rumors have a tag attached that says that this communication, although, on going, is without understanding. That is to say, the rumor explicitly brings up the point that the government(s) involved, cannot decode the received communications, however, they are receiving something suggesting of an intelligence on the other end.
    Suggesting of an intelligence is clearly the point. We don’t, and can’t for a long while, know for sure. There are many issues, one of which, ego-centrism. This is demonstrated on the captured signal from Orion video, where in the latter few minutes, the video creators show space ship (UFO) activity in deep space that appears, from our perspective, to show the exact ratio within the Golden Mean. This can’t be allowed to proceed beyond us recognizing it as ego-centrism run amok. The reasons are many. First, these space ships, the UFOs, are separated by vast distances, in fact, distances so vast that there is not any indication whatsoever that these two ships were aware of each other, as clearly the plane, upon which they seemingly interacted, is only visible from our, far distant, perspective. The constellations forming the background of each of these UFOs are not in the same plane of reference from our view, even though they look it. They are separated by millions of light years in direct line distance, but also one is closer to earth by several thousands of light years. So, given that understanding, are the two ships aware of each other? Are they interacting? The rational mind would say no. Thus, also, they could not be interacting with each other specifically to send a message to earth. Again, rampant human ego-centrism. Our mind sees a pattern, ergo it is a special communication meant just for us.
    However, in the case of the first part of the video, the sounds that their long range antennae are receiving, if not a hoax, have some clear signs of being of intelligent origination. BUT, they are NOT sending to us.
    That’s the issue. We humans have to check our egos, and assumptions prior to entering the door of inter species communications.
    First. There is no indication that any of these captured signals are aimed at us. Second, there is yet no clear sign that any of these signals are actually aliens. It could be the machinery that aliens built that is talking among themselves, as in the case of say, asteroid sweepers reporting automatically when ever they snag an asteroid. They would report a burst of information that would have all the characteristics of a conversation. It would have repeatable elements that we humans use to differentiate from noise, but enough variation that it could be seen to be something more complex than a mere space beacon.
    Any number of completely automated inter device communications could be expected to be part of any sufficiently advanced civilization. So we must be cautious in assigning ‘understanding’ to such signals. Especially when any nutter human starts to say that these signals are ‘proof’ that the distant civilization both knows about us, and its attempting to communicate with us.
    That’s why groking the government’s rumored problem is so easy. Government, by its nature, is dumb. That is, of below average intelligence. This is also true of the people that government can hire as advisors. They will necessarily be of a very narrow mental viewpoint to be able to work for, or with, government, thus the propensity for large, glaring, obvious, and catastrophic errors by government under the best of circumstances, such as when they are actually trying to do something.
    It is easy to understand why government would not be able to decode the ‘communications’ from Andromeda. It may well be that they are interacting with an automated garbage scow heading out to deep space to dump in a near-by sun. Our government is so mentally constrained that they would not know, nor, IMO, could they devise a method for determining if they were the intended recipient of the ‘message’. That’s just government for you. It may not have occurred to them even yet that they maybe ‘talking’ to an automated device. The rumor says that the communications have been on-going for a number of years.
    My multiple decades experience of government, within the higher levels of the military, as well as working as a civilian contractor for various sections, has provided an interesting perspective on ‘gov think’.
    It is worth noting that government usually relies on consultants to do their thinking for them. Even in the military, consultants are used when the parameters of the problem stray outside the areas of ‘assumed competency’ of the officers who have been placed in charge of the ‘situation’.
    The basic issue to be taken with the military, as an example of government, hiring consultants, is that the criteria established for what constitutes a good, qualified, consultant does not really encompass the actual skill sets that are required by the ‘woo stuff’.
    My father’s rank in the military allowed me the privilege of being in the background of some amazing, and history affecting personalities at times. While in Germany in the very early 1960s, my family attended a large, quasi-official, Independence Day Celebration that drew officers, and their families from all over what was then labeled, ETOP the European Theater of OPerations.
    At this gathering, a very famous General, who was then 3 stars, was accompanied by several European Market Community representatives (civil servants trying to engineer the EU into existence), as well as several British, French, and German military and diplomats. It was quite the party.
    Several hours into the party, in a corner of the garden, after the foods, and beers, had been consumed, the General held court with many officers, and other guests gathered around. At one point so many people wanted to hear that the General had to get up on the small stage, and use a microphone and speakers.
    He was a physically brutal looking man from too long a time in too physically brutal an activity, War, and it was reflected in his thinking as well as his body.
    This impromptu lecture that he gave has stuck with me all these decades. He spoke about ‘creativity and the Army’. By extension, over the years, I have applied his words to all of government to good effect.
    “The Army is NOT interested in creativity” he had said. This was in response to a question unheard, but that was related to the current issues of the developing Cold War with Russia, especially as it involved the politics of Germany.
    The General went on to say that it was the actual goal of the US Army, especially all the units under his command, to totally eliminate all creativity from all soldiers, and especially, all officers.
    It was here in his speech, that he pointed to my father, then a new Major, standing near the front of the rather sizable crowd, as an example. He went onto say that my father was known to him from the Korean War, such-and-so battle, where the General had had to make a decision on the battlefield to commission my father for his bravery, but also his creativity in saving several companies of soldiers after their entire chain of command had been wiped out. The General then stated that such creativity was exceedingly rare, both in ‘real life’, and the US Army, finishing the thought by asking the assembled crowd of officers to look around and note that High was the only one among the many hundreds who had ‘come up through the ranks the hard way’, on the battlefield.
    Further, the General commented that whenever it was possible, he had ‘kept an eye on High’ as he had stated it, over the years. This was not out of affection, but rather, as the General had said, so that he could ‘corral the very creativity that had prompted the promotion in the field’ as “the US Army cannot tolerate creativity in its ranks”, excepting in war, and only rarely then.
    The General continued in the theme of the US Army and creativity being incompatible. He spoke about how the goal of the Army in all things was to ‘follow procedure’, and that ‘procedure’ always worked, until it didn’t. It was then, when all the ‘procedures’ had failed, that the Army needed creative officers and men, but until then, nope, they were not going to have it. Creativity gets in the way of orderly operations.
    The real problem of this ‘rule book’ approach to life is that even when the military, and by extension, government, reaches a realization that they need creativity, in the form of a consultant to help them think about a problem, their ability to hire such creativity is constrained by the very systems they have in place to do exactly that, limit the hiring to ‘approved’ people.
    Encapsulated, the military & government problem is that they have rules to define whom they may hire, and for what. These rules are part of their procedures, and, on their surface, seemingly make sense, however, those very rules, arising from the constraints they were supposed to overcome, do not. That is, these rules hobble government’s ability to locate, and recognize the creativity that they are seeking.
    We note that government always hires from academia. There is an inbuilt, nearly incestuous relationship between government and academia, that promotes continued hiring (at exorbitant fees) of academics, when the government is seeking creativity to solve new problems, on those rare occasions when it actually wants a solution, yet, the academy of arts & sciences is no more ‘creative’ that government. In fact, the Academy is arguably operating on much more rigid, mind limiting protocols, than the wider, encompassing government.
    If well considered, all this makes sense, and is proper. It is not the role of the government, nor the military, nor arguably even Academia, to be ‘creative’ in the problem solving sense. This is never more true than our current situation wherein the government, and academia, are infiltrated, and dysfunctional. With the corruption of both government, and academia, now is the worse time to seek ‘creative solutions’ from either.
    Apparently, however, this is the time, as the Space Aliens are ‘communicating’ with us, that is to say, with government, or at least government believes this to be the case.
    We may feel assurance that our deduction that government has hired consultants is accurate, and further, that these were chosen from the very best academics they could locate. Or, in this corrupt age, at least from within the ranks of college professors deemed ‘trustworthy’ by the government people in charge, all of whom are likely corrupted to some greater or lesser degree as is evidenced by the mere fact of their participation in such an effort at this point in the progress of our larger society through a phase of intense state corruption.
    The consultants employed by the government to think about these (rumored) communications with Space Aliens in the direction of Andromeda are set up for failure by the very system, and people, that have hired them to to succeed. We note that it is not always the case that government wants their consultants to succeed, but in this instance we will proceed with the related ideas that the people involved in this ‘decision tree’ are really, personally, freaked out, and that they do, really, wish for their consultants to achieve the goal.
    Likely the government people hired the best, trustworthy, which means, ‘tight lipped’, consulting academics they knew. Part one of the problem, they only hired from a limited set bound by ‘self interested alliances wrapped in secrecy’. Probably this is not the best of criteria for using to find someone to translate Space Alien Speak for you.
    There are a slew of related and self-magnifying, and self-reinforcing problems associated with the finding and hiring process that we can just skip over as we head to the larger issues of government’s approach to THE QUESTION of HUMAN HISTORY, or ‘how to talk to Space Aliens’.
    It is very doubtful that any academic hired will be allowed to know it all. This is to say, that ‘briefing documents’ that are ‘SITREPS (situation reports)’ will have been prepared for the consultants which will limit their view of the situation from the very beginning. Likely it will be limited by the wording chosen by a government employee of long standing and trustworthy to a very great degree. Again, another HUGE problem here. As we can note at any, and every, point along the way, Secrecy Imposes Limitations. Further, the constraints on the minds imposed by secrecy may not be discussed as they involve secrets, nor even acknowledged in most instances, as that betrays secrecy constraints placed on the consultants.
    We know that it is very likely that our government’s consultants are hugely constrained in their work with the ‘supposed’ Space Alien communications. This is just a natural outgrowth of military paranoia and the nature of the subject. We can also speculate that the consultants have not the ability to determine if this really is communications from Space Aliens, or is the government thinking that their capture of an automated process or beacon, is ‘talking’. The SITREPs likely have very limited information about how the ‘messages’ are captured, nor what in form they arrive, nor much at all about the ‘larger picture’ of their reception. This will turn out to be a key element.
    If one thinks deeply about these things, it occurs that, if we use human civilization (such as it is here on earth) as our model, any ‘outside’ group would be much more likely to encounter our automated process reporting technology, than actual humans at First Contact. This is to say, they are more likely to pick up our signals from our satellites, and probes in space, than other sources. In such an instance, it could be decades before there was any indication that Space Aliens had been monitoring human civilization.
    The extension of automated reporting devices into wider areas of physical Universe is an expected, and predictable, step along the path of progress of civilization as humans have defined it. As we grow, we will naturally be inclined to send out more and more machinery ahead of our Space based activities. There are reasons to suspect this would be true of other civilizations venturing into Space.
    Not that Space Aliens have to model themselves after the same patterns as humans, however, there are limits imposed by Life itself, within this Matterium, suggesting that even Space Aliens must conform to some of the same forces as control human aspirations.
    We can hopefully assume that our government consultants have some basic understanding such that they will be able to recognize automated, perhaps even very sophisticated algorithmic controlled responses, over those that will originate from Life.
    But, perhaps not. It may not have occurred to them that all contacts will be with Biological Beings of some form.
    There are many, otherwise intelligent people, who have no technical grasp, especially of digital technology, and therefore make many, very wrong assumptions. One of these glaringly wrong assumptions is that ‘AI’ in the sense of a general purpose artificial intelligence computer program actually exists. There are people, in academic circles, who believe that AI exists, and further that “Alien AI” could come here to earth and infect our computers to our detriment. People can be sold any form of misinformation about such things as digital technologies if they are not technically inclined.
    We can predict that the constraints imposed by government, as it seeks creativity to solve the ultimate in problems involving creativity, How to Speak Space Alien, will devolve into a SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up).
    However, this may well be a saving grace for humanity, given the Global War On Fucktards now ongoing. It would be good, for a while, if government was unable to Speak Space Alien. Even if they are talking with a garbage scow and don’t know it, it’s just better that this current crop of [DS] not be involved.
    As noted, it is very probable that no actions on the part of this government [DS] will be successful in speaking with the Space Aliens. A survey of government, and academia fails to find that either have put any thought into the “hormone issue” as regards Space Aliens and communications. Without considering this aspect of our situation, it is very probable that government, and their academic consultants are stymied.
    Don’t worry if you don’t get why hormones are important to this problem. Lack of this understanding is clearly no barrier to government employment.

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  24. #43
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    Just watching


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    modwiz (29th November 2022)

  26. #44
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    No Glink Oil here.
    What else you got?
    Government is stupid.
    Having governments is also stupid, but that is not the subject here.
    Government is stupid. It bears repeating.
    This is necessarily so, as the employees will always be blind to anything that is outside their schooling, including instructions they receive as part of their employment.
    Government has a tendency in their hiring to replicate the types of minds already dominating the organization. This is one of the reasons that government is so difficult to change. As all organizations, to greater or lesser degree, will reflect the composite, aggregate, average, of the employees, in all aspects of intelligence.
    In my long consulting life, there were many occasions of interacting with government. Both local, and state governments. My work for the Federal government was rare, though not due to lack of opportunity. It was a matter of personal choice.
    In one of my programming jobs for the Telco industry, and while working at a large, secure building, I had by chance come in contact with a fellow who was a Captain in the US Army in Pleiku, Vietnam, serving under my father, who, at that time, was the ‘military governor’ for the province due to the break down of the civilian authority. This was at the end stages of that war against the communist insurrectionists. It was from that war that our current 5GW strategy and tactics emerged, but that is another, longer, story going in another direction entirely.
    This is about stupid government.
    We all have interacted with it, and recognize that government can, is, and always will be, stupid.
    Curiously, even government employees, when they are interacting with other parts of government, recognize that government is stupid. Do they ever apply that understanding to their own part of government? Hmmmm?
    To continue, my work at the Telco firm placed me in the general proximate of this fellow for months. We can call him Agent Captain Baldy. His role as a Captain in my father’s command in the highlands of Vietnam was a fake. He was a CIA agent who had been given a cover as a Captain in the 101st Airborne. This was known to my father as the CIA informed him that Agent Cpt Baldy was there, but that he, my father, was not to hassle him in any way. That Baldy was doing work for the CIA, not the Army.
    Decades later, I meet Agent Cpt Baldy on the stairs going into work one spring day. He recognized me as we had met in the early 1970s when he had come by the house in Washington state to see my father and I was there.
    Time passes and we meet walking up into work. Over the course of a few weeks several conversations developed, including discussions about both his, and my work.
    Agent Cpt Baldy was still in government. He was then the head of that division of a subsidiary of a major government sub contractor. His company handled all manner of things, legal, illegal, and black, for the government. They have their own assigned space at Groom Lake, and other, military, bases. They work primarily for the DOD. Over a decade later, this firm had to change their name as some of their staff became embroiled in the ‘Iraq War Prison Torture’ scandal. It was “that” type of company.
    As my work was with the Telco OSP that owned the building, and had occasion to hire his firm, and was a security clearance covered site (meaning all employees were background checked), Agent Cpt Baldy felt reasonably comfortable talking with me.
    He was a congenial lunch companion, though not a trustworthy one...the whole CIA thing meant he was a schooled, professional liar. Still, there was nothing for me to fear from the association, so we lunched frequently, and discussion was mainly concentrated on technical subjects, an area that fascinated us both.
    Jumping forward, after several months, Agent Cpt Baldy was waiting for me one morning at the building stairs. He wanted to ask me to skip work that morning if possible to attend a presentation that his firm had prepared for government masters in DOD and DC.
    It was intriguing, so I accepted.
    The meeting was in a plush small theater room in our building, but within the several floors that Baldy’s firm leased. It had a central table on a stage in front of a projection screen. These were what we had before cell phones. The whole audience would look at the image on the large screen projected from the back of the room. It worked.
    Anyway, the presentation was all about Space Aliens. It was the product of this firm’s think-tank division’s very expensive, and long research into “First Contact: Our Response”.
    There were maybe twenty-five of us in the audience, and eight people around the table below the screen on the stage.
    They were allowed to show us this presentation due to it being ‘out of embargo’ and being presented, or had already been, in DC that day.
    It was sort of cool. There were quality graphics, not quite movie grade. There was quality, known voice actor, narration. It was snappy & really state-of-the-art for the day.
    The whole of the movie, and the presentation by the panel that followed a break and a snack, was about how government should react when the Space Aliens came down to talk to them. It was over five hours long. Many pee breaks.
    The discussion by the panelists was interesting, and revealing of government-think at its finest. There were plans, charts, graphs, tables, and numbers in quantity. There were assayed, weighed, compared, analyzed and statistically correlated cross table fields being brought out and displayed.
    The whole effect would please government. It was a very good effort that had resulted from over three years effort with an unknown quantity of people.
    At the end of the session, they allowed for questions. As I felt myself to be a back row guest, I had kept silent. At one point a questioner had mentioned an insight I had given to him during the lunch break, and I was drawn into the discussion.
    I had had to leave, needing to make an appointment on time, so was reluctant to get into it, but did ask some questions as I was walking out of the theater room without expecting any answers. They were basically along these lines.
    Why did you assume that First Contact would come from the Space Aliens as representatives of a government? If we had Space Exploration technology as was described by the movie, would our government be spending our citizens’ resources mounting giant expeditions into space? If so, what would motivate them?
    Why assume that Space Aliens would arrive in large ships? If even 1% of 1% of the USA population had access to space exploration ships, how many would take off daily in pursuit of purely commercial interests? How many of those, if they landed on a planet with life, would involve themselves willingly with the local’s governments? Would we ask to be taken to the local’s leaders?
    As noted, government is stupid and mostly blinded by their schooling and the types of minds they employ.
    In my opinion, first contact is more likely to be with a “Yankee trader” pursuing technology, archaeology, or resources for personal gain, than a big, government backed, expedition.
    Either way, it’s very dangerous to assume that the Space Aliens are coming here for any reason other than their own self interested motivation. With that understanding, I sure fucking hope we don’t get First Contact with Space Aliens by way of their government. It will be stupid too, and we have enough problems with our local versions.

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  28. #45
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    Clif's bot things have predicted much tension and to continue for few weeks, from 13 th, feel a build up with the twitter files 1 and 2 is happening atm.


    at a library atm and cannot get or watch bitchute grr, but another vid from 4th dec i think is out.

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