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Thread: Clif high's narradigm investigations

  1. #16
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Oh and this morns email

    Yes, sadly...we must discuss the mother WEFfers again.
    You see, the WEF is the pinnacle, the acme, of a centuries’ long plot to enslave humanity.
    They did it, primarily, by controlling the currencies. Every other thing in our social order, over time, became dependent on the financial system that the Khazarian Mafia had engineered on top of our real money. Once their system was robust enough, they used bribery, threats, and murder to quietly remove the real money from the bottom layer of the system.
    Since then we have been ‘floating’ on their financial system.
    Our collective, humanity wide, problem is that their system is not sound, and has debt in-built that robs all of humanity constantly, and as important as the moral aspect is, the practical aspect is that fake money financial systems don’t provide real, sound, practical solutions, ever. The incentive is to provide solutions that maximize their effects on the financial system, not solve the real underlying problems as intended.
    In a Central Bank controlled world, the only ‘solutions’ to any problem that will be supported are those that enhance the central authority. Thus the suppression of any, and all, technology that would provide a decentralized source of energy for individual humans.
    In order for our social order to survive the current crises wave brought about by our inglorious ‘leaders’, the WEF, humanity needs to find the equivalent of two large oil fields every year.
    We are hitting an energy wall. A real energy crisis is here, as well as an engineered one by the mother WEFfers using their financial system in an attempt to totally enslave humanity before much of it realizes that there is a real energy crisis here.
    We humans use 410 quintillion joules of energy annually, which is less than comes into earth in a single hour as sunlight which is 430 quintillion joules, but we are very bad at harvesting solar energy as electricity, in spite of all the blathering and central bank support for the idea.
    Further, there is not enough lithium on the planet, nor available substitutes under current knowledge, to make enough batteries to convert all our machinery, EVEN if we were to get really really good at converting solar energy directly over to electricity.
    Photovoltaic panels are shit-for-brains way of trying to harvest solar energy. They only work at optimum efficiency at temps less than 77 degrees F. They are not recyclable, nor particularly effective. They can’t be disposed of safely and are polluting aquifers all around the planet when they are buried.
    While the climate rioters, the true believers in the mother WEFfers fiction of human caused climate change, will never accept it, and their heads would potentially explode if they were confronted with the idea, humanity needs more oil. Lots more. In fact it is our destiny to get better at finding, and making, and burning fuels.
    We will need them to grow food in this developing Ice Age period, which is coinciding with the mother fucking WEF sending out agents to burn down food processing, and producing facilities.
    We will need energy to rebuild all these structures in our social order that the mother WEFfers are deliberately destroying as they try to drive humanity into their “great reset”.
    So, yes, simultaneous with the death of the global reserve currency, and the eruption of the Peoples’ War against the Central Bank Global Control structure, we have a real energy crisis threatening hundreds of millions of human lives.
    The good news is that we have solutions. The bad news is that they have been suppressed, and yes, you guessed it, by the mother WEFfers. These WEF creatures don’t want humans to have energy. They want humans to be as a herd of beasts to be moved and harvested as the WEF chooses. So, obviously, it is not in their mother WEFfing interests that you stay warm, and are able to move about on machinery.
    The good news is that we have solutions. Some of which are actually being implemented now, and most of which can easily be quickly scaled up to meet demands should our social order obtain rational and sane leadership.
    No, we have not discovered our required two giant oil fields each the size of a Saudi field, but we do have technology that goes even one better, which is to provide the ability to make our fuels.
    One of the solutions we have now is fuel made from air plus water. Yes, there is proven tech to make ethanol, and a form of very clean diesel, directly from the extraction of carbon dioxide, with catalytic conversion with water to form combustible fuels. Clean fuels. Far cleaner than extracted oils.
    This process is based on the Sabatier reaction which was discovered in 1897, and has been long suppressed by disincentives toward use. As it has been deliberately buried in the dustbins of the Ignored Good Science from History, once we get to work with it, we can likely make great strides in perfecting and enhancing the techniques.
    None of our recovery from centuries of slavery and abuse by the mother WEFfers will be either simple, or easy. But it can, and will be done.
    IMO we will start seeing the rebound this Winter, both in the EU, and here in the USA. This will take the form of humans going out, and getting shit done, in spite of, and in defiance of, the Central Authority (aka fucking mother WEFfers).
    This will be a brutal Winter of harsh, cold weather. It will be the incentive for the humans to remove the blockages in the bowels of the social order that are preventing clear thinking, and correct decisions. Without regard to the political status quo, humans will react to life threatening conditions by behavior that makes sense to them in the circumstances, even if it is against the Central Authority’s desires and directions.
    The mother WEFfers will react. Of course. But will they recognize that individual humans, acting in their own self interest, in mass, will have altered the dynamics of the relationship with the WEF, and will have effectively made it the reactive party in the “problem, reaction, solution” dynamic?
    In conclusion, the solutions exist. Do not give credence to the mother WEFfers MSM which claims otherwise as it spews doom over you. The solutions are there, under the dust of obscured history. You just need to get to work finding, and perfecting them.
    Fuck the WEF every day.
    Humanity will make it’s own way.

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    Next installllment > oh dear > dread >

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    modwiz (7th October 2022)

  7. #19
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    Great Expectations

    Apologies to C. Dickens

    There are Great Expectations forming now within the global Populace. Humanity is being gradually, persistently, and continuously, overtaken by these Great Expectations.

    These Great Expectations have taken my mind also.

    These are not dreams. These Expectations are not visions. They are not illusions, nor fantasy. These are Great Expectations that have a deep root-hold on the psyche of those thus affected.

    These Great Expectations are like a mind-virus. Not a fake virus as in the covid scamdemic, but a real mind gripping, emotion squeezing, driving force that propels you through your day from the moment the brain cells start vibrating with the thought, “I Expect…”.

    Yes, there are many of us in Humanity who do expect. Our projections as to the ‘when’ of our realization of our Great Expectations are different, but we all expect to see it manifest.

    I know I do; I have Great Expectations.

    I expect to live long enough to see many of the mother WEFfers be executed in public. Afterward, there will be citizen journalists & reputable, reliable doctors, who will examine the corpses of the mother WEFfers & pronounce the realization of our Great Expectations.

    I have the Great Expectation of living long enough to witness Klaus Schwab & many of his buddies, maybe even Bill Gates & John Kerry & Obama, be executed.

    Maybe it will be a bullet to the head. Maybe it will be a very fitting lethal injection. Probably it will be hanging. This may depend on which group captures the WEFfers first & thus establishes legal control over their destiny.

    I have Great Expectations to live long enough to see the enemies of Humanity be killed in a Great Public Spectacle.

    It will be a very, very, very, good day, that Day of the realization of Great Expectations.

    Millions of us regular humans think this day is not too far of

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    modwiz (13th October 2022)

  9. #20
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post

    Great Expectations

    Apologies to C. Dickens

    There are Great Expectations forming now within the global Populace. Humanity is being gradually, persistently, and continuously, overtaken by these Great Expectations.

    These Great Expectations have taken my mind also.

    These are not dreams. These Expectations are not visions. They are not illusions, nor fantasy. These are Great Expectations that have a deep root-hold on the psyche of those thus affected.

    These Great Expectations are like a mind-virus. Not a fake virus as in the covid scamdemic, but a real mind gripping, emotion squeezing, driving force that propels you through your day from the moment the brain cells start vibrating with the thought, “I Expect…”.

    Yes, there are many of us in Humanity who do expect. Our projections as to the ‘when’ of our realization of our Great Expectations are different, but we all expect to see it manifest.

    I know I do; I have Great Expectations.

    I expect to live long enough to see many of the mother WEFfers be executed in public. Afterward, there will be citizen journalists & reputable, reliable doctors, who will examine the corpses of the mother WEFfers & pronounce the realization of our Great Expectations.

    I have the Great Expectation of living long enough to witness Klaus Schwab & many of his buddies, maybe even Bill Gates & John Kerry & Obama, be executed.

    Maybe it will be a bullet to the head. Maybe it will be a very fitting lethal injection. Probably it will be hanging. This may depend on which group captures the WEFfers first & thus establishes legal control over their destiny.

    I have Great Expectations to live long enough to see the enemies of Humanity be killed in a Great Public Spectacle.

    It will be a very, very, very, good day, that Day of the realization of Great Expectations.

    Millions of us regular humans think this day is not too far of
    Let me say it this way: I don't have a problem with the way Clif feels about some 'elite' persons.

    Posting it into the public does not make me smile.
    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -- Voltaire

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."-- Eleanor Roosevelt

    "Misery loves company. Wisdom has to look for it." -- Anonymous

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    Aianawa (13th October 2022)

  11. #21
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    Somehow missed a vid from Clif last week, been busy lol

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    modwiz (19th October 2022)

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    modwiz (19th October 2022)

  15. #23
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Plus todays Email, very interesting snippppit of his shares here today

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    The Durham Expedition into the Truly Dark Continent
    The flaming minions are really quite brilliant.

    clif high
    Oct 18

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    The Durham Expedition into the Truly Dark Continent
    The flaming minions are really quite brilliant.
    Boo hoo! Durham lost again. Boo hoo…
    If you think Durham lost anything, at any stage of his work, you are living in a illusion powered by lying eyes & the inability to observe reality.
    The Dachenko trial, as was Durham’s previous work on Sussmann, was a trail building expedition, not a final destination.
    IMO it was totally irrelevant to the goal, and the work, if the jury was to find Dachenko guilty. In point of fact, it is easy to extrapolate circumstances wherein a guilty verdict would be a burden on future expansion of the trail built thus far by Durham.
    Durham is an explorer, now turned to telling the story of what his explorations have revealed. As with all good story tellers, Durham has a sense of the rhythm & flow of both the language, and the plot.
    Durham as explored the Truly Dark Continent. It is Truly Dark because the inhabitants of this Continent want no light upon it.
    He has spent years landing on the shores of the TDC, setting up small camps for inland explorations; then, learning the lay of the land, Durham and his intrepid crew push back out to sea, heading to yet another promontory of the TDC, to once again land, and repeat the work of exploration.
    Surveying a continent is tiring, tedious, meticulous, harrowing, demanding work. It takes time. Durham’s audience now, that is to say, the global populace, GlobalPop, has neither the inclination, nor the interest to pursue a repetition of Durhams exhausting, and exhaustive, investigation.
    Thus the current strategy of ‘trial by proxy’.
    Repeatedly now, Durham has placed the FBI, DOJ, and other associated ‘letter men’, at the center of the Truly Dark Continent. He has shown the world that it is possible to create a Truly Dark Continent, and here is an example of one.
    Durham has done so by setting some of the minions alight. Yes, he ignites a minion in order that the flames involved would cast light into this engineered realm of shadows.
    It is working. The people are seeing the FBI, and DOJ, et al, as they desperately try to retreat further from the light of their former minions flaming up brightly as Durham burns them like fat candles of corruption.
    Durham is showing GlobalPop the nature of exploration. He has demonstrated that one cannot simply charge heedless into the heart of darkness, rather one must build a trail of lights along the way.
    Durham lights his trail with the energy of the exposure of the part that the chosen minion in the corruption in that part of the TDC.
    When he is finished with them, these lanterns of burning corruption, their fate matters not; after all, they have already provided the light necessary for all to see the trail further into the TDC.
    As with all explorers, Durham and crew have to provide their own resources. They are living off the land they are exploring by exploiting what may be found there.
    It is all quite riveting, though my confession must be that my attention is more on how the story is being received by GlobalPop than within the story plot as it is presented thus far.
    Durham’s presentation is winning rave reviews at this point, barely into Act 1. The next act, and the identity of the next flaming minion, is being much anticipated.
    Onward, onward, we urge Durham’s Expedition. Into the very heart of the Truly Dark Continent.
    If you liked this post from clif’s Newsletter, why not share it?




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  16. #24
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    modwiz (21st October 2022)

  18. #25
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    Next, mmm this may be interesting

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  22. #27
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    The Shapiro facet is huge i feel and the great hunt coming up will indeed be horrific. Or not

  23. #28
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    ZaZen, exercise one.

    This is gonna hurt….

    Hello humans.

    Some have asked, “how to start in ZaZen”.

    Others, “is it not just sitting & thinking”.

    Answer is that no, zazen is not thinking. In point of fact, it is explicitly not-thinking. That is the obtaining of an aware state of mental activity that is flooded with not-think.

    ZaZen must be experienced to be understood.

    Trying to understand, to grok, bicycle riding from any place other than the experience of the learning of it, fails. So it is with zen. You do it to grok it. Or you don’t and won’t.

    In doing so, one crosses a barrier, back across which it is nearly impossible to go.

    There are bizillions of details within the zazen experience that may be spoken of, but none that need be.

    To start.

    ZaZen is just sitting. A hard surface is best for the experience zen sitter, but not necessary. One can do it even standing, or laying down. Once the nature of zen is grasped, experimentation is natural.

    Seeing Inward, exercise zero.

    Sit comfortably.

    Close one eye, and look down your nose with the other.

    Note how far your vision extends down your nose.

    Now close that eye, and repeat with the other, again noticing where your vision starts to fail.

    Now, do this with both eyes simultaneously.

    Yes, it hurts. That is part of the experience.

    Yes, your eyes will deliberately cross their points of vision.

    Note how far down your nose you see.

    Note the ‘floating nose’ effect.

    Note the pain.

    There are names for all these steps & experiences that have been applied by zazen sitters & instructors over time. They are meaningful to the experience, but totally unnecessary. That’s zen, it just works that way.

    Now we will begin.

    Stand up, shake your arms. Loosen all your joints & get your body in as relaxed a standing position as you may.

    Then sit, try to make it comfortable, relaxed but with some level of tension. So in an Army language, you are going to sit “at attention”.

    Then repeat the eye exercise above. Carefully, and paying maximum attention to the steps and the feelings that your body provides.

    Now, once you have the ‘crossed eyes’ effect and feeling, slowly, carefully, fully engaged mentally on each action you take, WITHOUT altering your vision, slowly close your eyelids, WHILE MAINTAINING the eye positions with the lids closed.

    This is called ‘buddha eyes’.

    This is how one holds one’s mind throughout the entirety of the zazen sitting session.

    Yes, it is, and can be, excruciatingly painful.

    You will get ‘used’ to it. You will acclimatize.

    You will grow in ability, and then you will discover you miss the “buddha’s tickle (the pain)”.

    When you are skilled at the zen arts, you will be able to be anywhere, doing anything, standing in a subway train, arm up on a support, and you will ‘flip your vision (inward)’, and leave this world.

    The goal, there are very few in zazen, is to maintain buddha eyes throughout the session such that when it is completed and you return to this plane of existence, that your eyes will still be focused down your nose as you raise your eyelids. When you can do this after a solid ten minute session, you will know you are very advanced on your way to ruling your world.

    So, you sit, and experience it. The pain, the body creaking, complaining, the mind wondering, wandering, and also complaining. Then one day a marvelous thing happens, and your mind disappears during the session. It simply stops chattering to you about how much it is feeling the pain. The pain is still there, but there is no complaint from any part of you about it. In fact, the ‘you’ that is observing has faded away. The pain simply “is”. This is your first ‘crossing over’ experience. It is your first “successful” zazen session.

    It can take years for that experience to occur. Thus most humans don’t do this shit.

    Once experienced, your mind will never fully go back to ‘normal’. You will always crave that exposure to ‘the void’.

    It is very powerful when you do, learn, and experience effective sitting. Obviously it is not, mostly, about your ass.

    It may assist to be with other humans captured by sitting. Perhaps. As in all things in this reality, both good and bad are simultaneously held. If you sit with others, emotional reinforcement can be obtained, but, also, without exception, personality will intrude, people will talk about it, and some form of erosion of the purity will occur. Think of it this way, if you go to a formal class in zazen, you WILL, without exception, encounter the competitive personality among classmates which does tend to draw the experience up into the complexity of interpersonal (competition, braggadocio) interactions.

    By the way, in the zazen experience, there is only Lesson Zero. Everything else, as with the pain of life, the pain of having a body, of having emotions, is just grist to your zen mill. There are millions of words that may be strung together about the experience, and you will be tempted, but….

    Go sit. It will hurt.

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    Gosh this will be interesting and Goode is apparently talked about by Clif n Sather

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    modwiz (2nd November 2022)

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    It's a harsh world!

    NOV 4


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    Ah, the old piss in their face ploy!
    It’s a harsh world.
    No apologies.
    Human adulthood on this planet is not for the faint of heart. One of my major objections to the new world of ‘woke’ is how mentally & internally weak it has made generations of my countrymen. It is tough to exist in this world, let alone to thrive. Note how many people don’t make either.
    For humans to exist, and even have the potential to thrive, we must have energy that exceeds what we can produce with our farts. Basic math. Even a politicians’ mouth farts would not power your oven for 2 minutes, let alone bake your cookies. Or bring the ingredients to your house.
    So energy is vital, and these brain-washed ‘climate activists’ who are the worst kind of communist wannabe local dictators are demonstrating that they are just not getting it.
    Watching a video of how much these people did not get it as they used the results of highly sophisticated chemical engineering, aka ‘super glue’, to adhere themselves to a road bed ( I think in England) all the while decrying humans ‘climate impact’, I was struck by a thought. Perhaps a wicked thought, that remains to be tested.
    The idea is this, these climate acti-wits who insist on this new tactic of gluing themselves as the ultimate in virtue signaling to no less than Mama Earth herself, are, IMO, demonstrating themselves clueless, witless, and dangerous. They are, again IMO, no matter their body’s age, acting as spoilt children.
    Thus my thinking that perhaps they would benefit from a kind lesson in how the world actually works.
    This may take the form of a motorist, stopped by such glue-on antics, taking the time to retrieve that bottle of suspiciously urine-like substance from his vehicle & pouring it over the heads of the activists. Opps, accident. Or political statement, equally valid as theirs.
    Or, absent law enforcement intrusion, take their possessions, take their shoes, rip or cut their clothing off, leaving them naked, and glued to the road. What are they going to do about it?
    I still favor the pissing on them. This is a very primal form of receiving of someone’s displeasure. Yes, some people have kinks, but in the main, it is culturally powerful way of saying “you’re really pissing me off there, numbnuts!”.
    If this seems a bit harsh... no apologies. Reality is harsh.
    If a ‘climate denier’ (they deny the existence of the biosphere) activist were to glue themselves to the road around our area, they would be smooshed out flat by three, maybe four, logging trucks before anyone would slow down long enough to note the new slick on the road. Then that night the bears and coyotes would come to lick up what was left.
    I guess that like the Real Estate business, climate activism is all location, location, location

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