Emil El Zapato (6th April 2023)
This is a quote attributed to Edward Mandell House
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
– Edward Mandell House; in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson [President 1913-1921] – source unknown.
So, had you asked Mr. Elmore Smith who was walking 5th street at 4PM on Sept 20th 1912 if he thought the something like the Federal Reserve System would be implemented in the United States he’d have called you the equivalent of a Conspiracy Theorist and continued walking.
If you grabbed him and insisted that the US would go into bankruptcy (@The Hague) S.S., and the confiscation of gold was coming, the Titanic Sinking was part of this effort, and in the future, war would be declared on poor people in order to legally confiscate their assets and to force them into Entitlement Enslavement, and after that the gold standard would be replaced by oil from Saudi Arabia, you would have been punched in the face and been wished a good day.
If while lying on the ground you then shouted “and in the future, there will be no money, only digital assets on a blockchain” the dog passing would have pissed on you for being an idiot.
Yet, when Jekyll Island was convened, all of those things were being put into play. We can see this, now, with absolute clarity, at this point. Those events were not random, but planned out in great detail, in secrecy and the collective of humans who would be enslaved by it knew nothing. Two generations in and those bitching about the new days were outnumbered by the "okay boomer" class.
That is to say nothing of the coming asset world wars, the elimination of God in our world, the commie arrival, the destruction of family, culture and so on. That was all planned, not a random set of events that just happened. I would hope that folks who participated in this group see that, clearly, and understand that we are lied to from top to bottom in order to move us all into those events, not the other way around. The world is Inverted, thankfully, we humans actually make something of the steaming pile crap these folks create for enslavement - great art, music, etc.
The current(cy) transition is a continuation of the original plan. From one POV, it simply keeps the Earth game fresh (Source POV), but the design is malevolent at its core and is coming to an end. Ended in 3rd density already.
So we are here with many elements converging and it is that convergence that allows for the hijacking and the removal of the Old Guard systems - not without a fight as the Old Guard has no where else to go. For the first time in history, enough of the Informed Consent folks have enough of a view of what is coming, consciously, and a deeper view subconsciously, to steer the Implied Consent folks - first time ever.
See what is said here? If Elmore Smith was a sub 80 he'd have absolutely NO WAY to understand future events.
The LowIQ folks cannot get this, the NPC, Bots, Clones etc. not only cannot, but it wouldn’t matter if they could grasp this - they are now just contrast.
What is to be is to be now, I’ve got confirmation of such now and that was easy.
Can the hijack be derailed, meh, not really, impeded would be more like it, but not derailed. Folks will be living out the lives they needed as defined by their Soul process, again the LowIQ masses are not relevant now at all, they are just contrast but each Human Souled being will find their path guided from within - if they listen that is. If the wish to remain enslaved they may, if the wish to exit that, they can, but only if they find it within, as it will not be done for them.
After all that, I hope the +100IQ folks can now see, Time Travelers from the Future can have very little impact on the world unless they get to the Informed Consent folks, AND, the Informed Consent folks live long enough to impact the nature of the events planned. If a TT lands upon Elmore first, he's likely to stop making an attempt at informing - frankly most do quit. Thankfully, some do not, as there were far worse things planned, as we have seen here, HRC >FFNuke > russia > Iran > Real Plague > Prison Planet.
I already gave my thoughts on the other thread.
Last edited by Wind, 8th April 2023 at 16:24. Reason: Don't quote so much!
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (8th April 2023)
Oh your thoughts are hugely important to me , a gauge indeed for me, the collective energy of your micro thought energy facetalllly is dissapating very fast but it all cleared or was transmuted, trouble indeed would ensue, steady as she goes imo and well done for your opening evolving spirit Chuckie.
Emil El Zapato (8th April 2023)
Sometimes we are signposts, actualllly it be code,wewake up then assist others to wake up or just beam out may do, all the same it is code , our inside code, eggysample we enjoy and learn something, lets say pokemon cards, meet and mingle with those of like minded passion etc, could also be cats or yaghting, the code imo dictakes that the greateast passion sooner or later will be knowing thyself, of course it has to be, bact to signposts > < lately i saw that a founding member of our most notorious gangs died aged about 80, i dealt assisted connected with some in my city over a decade, mostly their children, before childrens brains become adultlike at about 12 -13, we can work with their coding, both before birth and after, was involved with some real miracles, breaking code is what this whole journey appears to be about, lol if you think you got it all sorted and your not in joy, ya havent, its just code again, lo one doesnt age well in the now, not age at all.
Emil El Zapato (12th April 2023), modwiz (13th April 2023)
These go together, file under "history is in fact rewritten every 100 years = fact, we're now in the middle of that event = fact."
PUSH Textbooks Are Covering The Trump Presidency; The Bias Is Worse Than You Think
Former Mexican president worked for CIA
Lopez Portillo is the fourth former Mexican president listed as a US intelligence asset. The others are Luis Echeverria, who was in office between 1970 and 1976, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (1964-1970) and Adolfo Lopez Mateos (1958-1964).
The later brings me here.
Everyone of a certain age needed to know who killed JFK. So the information has been coming out, slowly, and those same said people pretty much do not care - as predicted. We like the mystery far more than we like the facts when they are a bit more complicated. We also like a nice clean Presser where it is all laid out, we hate wading through endless images of scanned documents - give us the Cliff's Notes version proving we're right or we cannot be bothered.
Warning, harshness coming.
But but but what about all those failed predictions, that's why I'm still unsure = buying into the debunk talking points that were created before Q arrived, and not using the tools given through the process.
What if I said of all the Q drops, THIS is the most important one?
That this is the only one needed at all in fact. That if Q had posted this one first, everything in our reality would have altered had enough people read it and manifested it? I can hear the trolls, "that's not clear, why not post something detailed?" Because FFINg Freewill, that's why!!! Folks of a higher order REFUSE to violate it.
And what if I said this one is the most meaningless?
Had Stars post been the first post how many would have followed along? Any? Be honest.
But but but, why couldn't Team Q just have said? Why so cryptic?
Because this is you.
No it isn't cranky, I know what's what. BS, Look at the first link. History is REWRITTEN! People think because they learned the 500th version they know what's what? Right now it is being rewritten, so what on earth makes anyone of an awakened mind thinkx "George Washington (now a racist) Chopped Down the Cherry Tree" history is facts subject to change.
There were NO failed predictions, they were never "predictions" Pre means “before” and diction has to do with speaking. Spelling is about casting spells. Keep that in mind.
Had the Stars post been the first post no one would have cared but maybe me. The first posts were Juicy, and of of a narrative style, for a reason. The entire population is mind controlled, read Casey quote with literally the entire planet in mind including you. It means that in order to connect one has to use the tools of mind control to unlock the mind = there is NO OTHER WAY!
But but but that's not cool, why would Q use mind control to wake us up, that's wrong?
The statement is too naive to be addressed but we will. If the appropriate language to wake folks up is symbols, and the population has no idea what the hell is going on with symbols, they must be UNEDUCATED first, yes mind washed first. Then, and only then, can the issue of seeing the reality differently be addressed.
The process of Q follows the same damn programming model that got us here in the first place. Yes, we're a mess, and yes, there are limited tools. Doing things like waking up alone at first is all but impossible. If you could wake up on your own to this level, why didn't you?
It'd be nice if there was another way, but having been in this game for decades, folks have no idea how powerful the control systems are, none - none, I mean none! Without a collective, Anons, to support it would be impossible, and to gather them tricks, lies, deception, truth, hopium, etc. all needed to be deployed.
But but but Q changed, the posts were different, it's different people, that's a problem.
Naive. It changed because we changed, the changes were there to reflect the shift in the collective awareness. As folks awakened, the need for X diminished and the need for Y accelerated. As the attacks arrived, the need to alter the presentation arrived too. Only a fool does not change with the times, in fact, the changes demonstrate that Q Team was reading the room, not just forging ahead.
But but but I'm awake, I know what's what, I don't need all of this cloak and dagger stuff, just tell me I can deal with it.
Beyond Naive, every person I have ever met has overestimated their ability to expand their awareness by a magnitude of a of 1000 minimum. Believing the CIA killed JFK - pre2022, isn't a barometer of awareness quotient. It's just a fairly meaningless fact, as evidenced by the fact that we now know the CIA meddled and it changed nothing of substance. In 2018 in this thread, many had meltdowns and shared them here, folks supported - shills and trolls dripped blood off their draco teeth, and there was a reason for that. Waking up is hard to do, it has serious downsides, often catastrophic ones.
But but but what's the point, the paid penny a post provocateurs are right, nothing has changed, they said it for 5 years they must be right.
Exponential Naïveté. In my first post HERE I mentioned what was what. This system is the system cannot be redeemed and this was never about that. This was and is about each his own. Have any of you changed? Have any of you unlocked deeper meaning of self? Only each can answer that, and that is the point.
Back to Casey.
Nothing changes until enough unlock the damage done by eons of this programming. It's not since 1950, it's since year zero for many. One cannot alter the reality if all they are trying to do is "arrest HRC" see new repubs in office and get back to some teeeveee watching and beer drinking. This process has thrown it ALL into question = ALL!
Folks want the FBI, yes the FBI that employed the arrest him now Comey, to arrest X and Y and make it right. You'll find I said often at the beginning, the FBI was not set up to protect the little people from the big, but was INVERTED to protect the big from the little = verifiable fact. Folks need to escape that mindset in order to begin the creation process.
But but but Q said...
Ugh. So what. At this point those hanging on to that are the shills and trolls who haven't grown proving my point entirely.
What do you say? Everyone here graduated Q academy two years ago, their test was the Choice Point. Those who choose the path will lead on should it be of interest, or not.
Things have changed, Fear Vs. Love, the two realities are incompatible. CLIP
Here. For the last 25 years I have asked countless people this: If right now, I could open a portal in this room and you could leave to explore all there is+++, but you have to go now, would you - no questions, just yes or no?" I found one who would have. I now know there are countless who would say yes. Things have changed, you must see it within now.
modwiz (19th April 2023)
Neither, people graduate. If folks were annoyed they were not getting prompts anymore that's a sign they missed the point. I never got annoyed, as I wasn't relying on Q to do anything more than prompt a collective of diverse people around the world - of course 1/3 would hate the change, 1/3 would be indifferent, 1/3 would enjoy - the rule of thirds. At a certain point Anons were to steer the ship, leave the nest, surpass the teacher etc.
I'd argue the fact that folks got annoyed was simply being fueled by the same said trolls and shills "oh, look your hero is now a wimp" sort of stuff, as well as not seeing many surpassed the original level the process was designed for.
I never figured it would take hold. Then I was pretty sure it would fall apart under the weight of the attacks etc. But it did not, which left folks above in a quandary, how to end it, when, etc.??? There was no good exit, as getting that far was both unlikely and a shock and no matter what was done 1/3, 1/3, 1/3.
Despite what people want to think, perfection does not exist except in existence as a whole. The process of evolution from Source's POV, all POV's, is that everything moves as everything moves, and failure is built into the process. Sadly, scripts, films/plays/tv etc. have bred a collective of people that think the ending is NOT written before the first page, but somehow events happen magically, which create the perfect "storybook" ending.
We set out with X in mind with our life, Freewill means that often, very often, things go in unexpected ways. Dealing with a collective spanning multi densities and dimensions across countless previous and current human expressions is,, to say the least, not conducive to a storybook script.
People, beings of a higher order, screw up - a lot, and assisting this planetary mess REALLY puts everyone involved to the test. More success than failures for sure, but nothing really goes according to plan because Freewill and hella mind control.
If, and it's a big if, there was no opposition to the Great Awakening, it would be very, very hard. There is an opposition, one that has no where else to go if they get the boot, so this is brutally hard, as the system itself - the entire system, is designed to PREVENT Awakening, not assist it. Consider that.
Undeniable that the world has changed. That many have Awakened, using diverse tools including Q/Anonhood, and that was the point, what happens with that Awareness is the surprise part, no outcome can be absolute - the Informed Consentors now get to take a crack = baby steps, baaaaaaaby steps.
posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 03:39 PMlink
Hello Anons,
I saw something about actor Jamie Foxx a week or so ago and then again today. I've tried to upload images and everything looks good until it's done and there's no pic, so, here is the scoop and link.
This was reported:
Foxx was hospitalized after suffering a "medical complication" April 11. He is "having multiple tests run" while receiving care at a medical center in Georgia, People magazine reported.
Today: 4/18, he is still hospitalized.
On, there is an article, an update w photos of Foxx at various parties and gatherings. Mid page, is a photo of Foxx, w his daughter, and a photobomb t-shirt - Balenciaga.
It caught my eye...nothing's a coincidence.
Emil El Zapato (19th April 2023), modwiz (19th April 2023)
What follows is an experiment in connecting the dots through Space and Time. It will not be a Point of View seen anywhere prior to this publication. It will be a lengthy journey, with many twists and turns, with some rather surprising, even shocking reveals, so grab your favorite beverage and enjoy a ride down a very deep Rabbit Hole.
Aianawa (6th March 2024)
Depends, imo we chose to be here, alas when we go back home i feel we will know for sure.
did you see this wee bit ? , There is only one Truth, All is One, everything else is a fact, wholly contingent on the Point of View of the viewer(s).
Emil El Zapato (6th March 2024), Wind (6th March 2024)
Aianawa (7th March 2024), Emil El Zapato (6th March 2024)
Did you enjoy COM when they was posting here Wind ?.
Last edited by Aianawa, 7th March 2024 at 18:17.
Aianawa (8th March 2024)
Spose they was neither niether regards sides, lol, so not a trouble maker, reading his data above may click for you their name, cannot remember offhand. mmm joined last year, maybe 300 posts.
Aianawa (8th March 2024)