Aianawa (18th June 2022), Emil El Zapato (18th June 2022), Wind (18th June 2022)
Aragorn (19th June 2022)
Ok the source is Biden but not sure where he gets the data from, he has many sources spose, he has let the world know that we have another soon to be pandemic, coming soon, amazing to see as i watched a cnn clip with him saying this yesterday before coming across this image today, so both sources say the same, one alternative and one mainstream, spose we wait and prepare ?.
Aragorn (22nd June 2022)
Of course there's going to be another pandemic, Vern. Actually, multiple ones, with different viruses. But what we're already seeing here in Europe — where the degree of vaccination is much higher than in the USA — is that there's a new variant of the Omicron strain that bypasses people's immune system more easily than previous variants. This new variant, Omicron B.5, comes from South Africa and has recently already been seriously running amok over there.
The main reason is people's complacency. They keep on traveling to countries at risk under the illusion that everything's okay because they got the vaccine. Well, not so. "Nature finds a way", as Jeff Goldblum said in "Jurassic Park". Just because one got the shots does not mean that one is wearing a bulletproof jacket against all other viruses. Getting the shot is one thing, but behaving responsibly is another.
And that's Europe we're talking about. The degree of vaccination is far lower in the USA, both because of the Trump administration's bad response when the pandemic first hit, and because the USA is also the country with the largest anti-vaxx movement in the world.
So, yes, of course there's going to be another pandemic. That's a given.
Aianawa (23rd June 2022), Emil El Zapato (22nd June 2022), Wind (22nd June 2022)
Aragorn (23rd June 2022)
I think you're remembering what you want to remember.
Of course it was a knucklehead idea regardless, but he said "disinfectant", not "bleach", and he never suggested to drink (or inject) it either:
Of note: It's the alcohol in most disinfectants that neutralizes the virus, not bleach.
He was also a strong advocate of the vaccine:
Remember "Operation Warp Speed"?
(Chuckling) - Damn you for me having to look like I'm defending the guy, but facts take precedent over ideological demands...
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (23rd June 2022), Aragorn (23rd June 2022), Emil El Zapato (23rd June 2022), Wind (23rd June 2022)
Aianawa (23rd June 2022), Fred Steeves (23rd June 2022)
Aianawa (23rd June 2022), Aragorn (23rd June 2022), Emil El Zapato (23rd June 2022), Wind (23rd June 2022)
Aianawa (23rd June 2022)
You're missing the point, Chuckie. It's not about what Donald Trump deserves or does not deserve. It's about the truth and nothing but the truth. Knee-jerk dismissals of the facts — no matter who he is — are just as bad as what Trump himself and his adherents have been doing, and it's doing a disservice to society.
You cannot fight lies with other lies, because then it'll only come down to who shouts the loudest. Facts are facts, and they are verifiable. Don't stoop down to their level.
Aianawa (25th June 2022), Emil El Zapato (24th June 2022), Fred Steeves (24th June 2022), Wind (23rd June 2022)
Well MMS was my go to and though i have never tested and not been ill though immune compromised, feel it did the trick.
It took research and feels n lots of meditation etc, a friend was doing miracle stuff with it for people about ten years ago, i was not interested myself at the time but watched the results for people, especialllly a couple of no hope cases, one rite outa hospital, watched absesses cleared up in a week, pure joy to be part of, will be interesting in the future when we find out why certain anti parasitical cures were so effective.
Aragorn (23rd June 2022), Emil El Zapato (24th June 2022), Fred Steeves (24th June 2022)
I didn't say it earlier but my personal opinion is that the Golden One really had nothing to do with that effort. The people around him were responsible (Was Fauci in the picture yet). If anything it would have been lurking in the background trying ways to subvert the effort and then conveniently taking credit when it bore fruit. I'm not being hypocritical, I believe the same about any President, they only get historical credit or blame for things whether they were instrumental or not. We all know that. For example, Biden's stupid move in denying invitations to some of the leaders in the Americas. Did he do that, possibly or was it his advisors? Biden is old school, I believe he would have been on board to take the advice of his 'people'. Perhaps, he insisted, and hopefully by now realizes how bad he f*cked up. Ultimately, it was strictly a political move to show the world and gain favor in the U.S. Like I said ... stupid.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (25th June 2022), Aragorn (24th June 2022), Fred Steeves (24th June 2022), Wind (24th June 2022)
Well, that's debatable. He didn't actually instigate and organize the attempted coup, but he was surely wishing and hoping for it first — and quite vocally too, not to mention his active participation in the behind-the-scenes efforts at getting the voting results themselves corrupted — and then when it actually happened, he was supporting it.
Oh yes, when push comes to shove, the policy mainly comes from the president's entourage, and the president is only a front man — the public face of any given administration (and its corporate sponsors). That's a given.
Aianawa (24th June 2022), Emil El Zapato (24th June 2022), Fred Steeves (24th June 2022), Wind (24th June 2022)