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Thread: A discussion on the validity of information sources

  1. #46
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    Perhaps we are getting off-topic here, but late last year I finally found through a friend a good astrologer with almost 50 years of experience. It's a different thing to get a real birth chart reading from an astrologer instead of just a computer generated one, because the computer is just all code and algorithms without the human touch. So if you can get a good real reading then it might be interesting!

    Until that point I thought I had a Leo Rising, but then my astrologer notified me that I was in fact Virgo Sun with Virgo Rising and only my Moon is in Leo. I was on the border between Virgo and Leo, it was just a few minutes of difference and the Rising sign seems to change after every two hours or so. She said that I wasn't supposed to know that until I came across her as everything is more or less predetermined. Also when it comes to such readings it helps if the astrologer is gifted and you accept reincarnation as a fact, because Saturn is greatly related to it. From my chart my astrologer claimed that she could see when I died last time and how I was then and where and that's because she supposedly had psychic abilites too. I don't really doubt her, but some things are hard to know for sure.

    • The 12th house: The sign on the cusp gives the general tone of the immediate last life. The planet that rules that sign indicates what part of your personality that you used the most (each planet is a facet of your personality). How that planet “aspects” other planets will guide the interpretion towards the positive side of it, or the negative side of it.

    • You can also look at both your 4th and 8th houses for other previous lives.

    • Your South Node indicates skills you have developed in past lives. The House is the area of your life that you learned to handle in whatever style of the Node’s sign. Since this is a well-developed skill, we tend to resort to it when things get difficult so it is not a growth direction for us.

    • Your North Nodes indicates skills you have not previously developed … so that indicates your growth directions. Interpreted in the same ways you interpreted the South Node.

    • Saturn represents responsibilities you carry from a previous life … or responsibilities that you either shirked or misused. House is the area of life in which this happened, and the aspects with other planets indicates how you now handle those responsibilities (or don’t handle it).

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Wind For This Useful Post:

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  3. #47
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    Perhaps we are getting off-topic here, but late last year I finally found through a friend a good astrologer with almost 50 years of experience. It's a different thing to get a real birth chart reading from an astrologer instead of just a computer generated one, because the computer is just all code and algorithms without the human touch. So if you can get a good real reading then it might be interesting!

    Until that point I thought I had a Leo Rising, but then my astrologer notified me that I was in fact Virgo Sun with Virgo Rising and only my Moon is in Leo. I was on the border between Virgo and Leo, it was just a few minutes of difference and the Rising sign seems to change after every two hours or so. She said that I wasn't supposed to know that until I came across her as everything is more or less predetermined. Also when it comes to such readings it helps if the astrologer is gifted and you accept reincarnation as a fact, because Saturn is greatly related to it. From my chart my astrologer claimed that she could see when I died last time and how I was then and where and that's because she supposedly had psychic abilites too. I don't really doubt her, but some things are hard to know for sure.
    that's really interesting wind...find a good place to tell us more. I don't remember all my info about rising signs except for the ones that pertain to me ... like scorpio rising, libra rising, Sagittarius rising (me and family members). The rising signs always got to me the most and alone almost scared me to the point of, uh...uh, I don't want any more of this ... that came later ...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Emil El Zapato For This Useful Post:

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  5. #48
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    What the heck does one do, ignore ???

    Poor lady had information but her eyes were ???.

  6. #49
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    What the heck does one do, ignore ???

    Poor lady had information but her eyes were ???.
    Better stop reading, Vern. And better stop looking at anything to do with vaccines too, because you will automatically be drawn to the anti-vaxx stuff, of which there is more on the internet than of the legitimate stuff.

    And there's a reason for that, too. Lies need to be repeated and duplicated as much as possible if the people are to take them for true. The liar is always the one who shouts the loudest and the longest, because they know it's the only way they can ever "win".

  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Aragorn For This Useful Post:

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  8. #50
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    The nurse appeared to be losing big time indeed, we are at the next level shot-jab here in NZ atm and not just nurses are leaving or being terminated left rite n center and they have had first two jabs and booster but no more, so the anti vaxx and pro choicers are as DT says, killing and harming even more people nowadays, to be fair some like the nurse above, feel they will be dead or close if they get another, she must be the best liar i have listened to so far.

    Or ?.

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  10. #51
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    to be fair some like the nurse above, feel they will be dead or close if they get another, she must be the best liar i have listened to so far.

    Or ?.
    Vern, all too often people will misinterpret facts and events, and especially so if their minds had already been influenced by propaganda and other lies spread by someone else. People also see patterns and connections where there are none. Therefore, maybe that nurse isn't deliberately lying, but she is still spreading misinformation based upon her own flawed thinking and her own gullibility in the face of misinformation.

    It is exactly this vulnerability of the masses to misinformation and their tendency to propagate it which the actual liars behind the scenes — i.e. the far-right — are very well aware of, and that they are actively exploiting to their own advantage, just as the various religions of the world — and especially so the Abrahamic ones — have been exploiting the gullibility and lack of a proper scientific understanding of the common man and woman for thousands of years already in order to bind them into servitude.

    Sadly enough, a qualified nurse should know better than to bite into medical mis- and disinformation, but unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case.

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  12. #52
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    I had some great help recently, a thread elsewhere that held my attention only just at the start, after two pages much changed for me, was it true ? very unlikely, was it false ? very unlikely, what were their sources and how valid ? history, facts and spirit, trust factor = low and best read for years.

    For those interested

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  14. #53
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    I had some great help recently, a thread elsewhere that held my attention only just at the start, after two pages much changed for me, was it true ? very unlikely, was it false ? very unlikely, what were their sources and how valid ? history, facts and spirit, trust factor = low and best read for years.

    For those interested
    Having read part of it — but not all, because it's just way too long — I'd say that it's somebody's interpretation of historical facts, and tying them together into a conspiracy theory. Again, seeing patterns and connections where there are none.

    But then again, it's ATS, so what would you expect?

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  16. #54
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Oh indeed, indeed.

    If it got your attention, is likely a lifelong ponder n whatifetc unless you ( horror tunes lol ) return.

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  18. #55
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Didn't read much but here is a fact to consider: During the middle ages, the Catholic church was centered in Germany. 2nd there is a one-world order conspiracy whether the conspiracists recognize it or not. It is the conspiracy of rightists to subjugate all people of all nations be it through government or not. The conspiracy is to hoard wealth for themselves. As is the usual connection, it is to use the very intended victims of the plot that are manipulated into believing 'it is someone/something else' perpetuating their condition of poverty and want to make it manifest.

    It is a worldwide phenomenon.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  20. #56
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    Quote Originally posted by Chuckie View Post
    Didn't read much but here is a fact to consider: During the middle ages, the Catholic church was centered in Germany. 2nd there is a one-world order conspiracy whether the conspiracists recognize it or not. It is the conspiracy of rightists to subjugate all people of all nations be it through government or not. The conspiracy is to hoard wealth for themselves. As is the usual connection, it is to use the very intended victims of the plot that are manipulated into believing 'it is someone/something else' perpetuating their condition of poverty and want to make it manifest.

    It is a worldwide phenomenon.
    Yes, but it's not the flavor of right-wing that you think it is. It is in fact the flavor of right-wing that you yourself happen to have been championing here at the forum, namely American Exceptionalism and American corporatism.

    Here's Abby Martin laying it out for you — passionately — in thirteen minutes...

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  22. #57
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Yes, but it's not the flavor of right-wing that you think it is. It is in fact the flavor of right-wing that you yourself happen to have been championing here at the forum
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  24. #58
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Yes, but it's not the flavor of right-wing that you think it is. It is in fact the flavor of right-wing that you yourself happen to have been championing here at the forum, namely American Exceptionalism and American corporatism.

    Here's Abby Martin laying it out for you — passionately — in thirteen minutes...

    lol, me champion American exceptionalism. Please Aragorn, after the time we have been corresponding I would think you understood my position onf 'American Exceptionalism'. I don't believe in any sort of national, continental, hemispheric or any other kind of exceptionalism. What I seek is 'global exceptionalism'. To spell it out, I would call it a hope of 'eventual human exceptionalism'.

    On 2nd thought: American corporatism???? You need some sleep my friend.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  26. #59
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    It's an odd thing. Most people in the US worship at the altar of American exceptionalism, whether they realize it or not. The caveat is that the people they approve of have to be running that big machine, if "the others" are running it, then it's Houston we have a problem.

    So at any given time, roughly half the country greatly approves of American Exceptionalism, it's just a matter of which half that is given the timing of the sample.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  28. #60
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    I watched a couple of minutes of her usual haranguing of the United States:

    She's pretty melodramatic (i.e. a dram queen) but I think she has a minor point in which she manages to explode to her usual end-of-the-world soundings.

    Biden made a very strategic error in excluding countries from the table. In his efforts to follow the 'plan' of social equity he screwed up. The way to handle political strategy in the Americas is to recognize that they are not the enemy and in fact was evidenced by the refusal of Mexico to participate in what I would call a meeting and which Dear Abby would cite as a gathering mandated by the Great Satan.

    Human rights are important and it is in Biden's nature to feel and own that idea, in spite of all the world conditions that bend that principle into a position of compromise.

    The empire, at least in the philosophical eyes of the left, has an agenda to make all of the Americas prosperous and economically viable. It is practical and humane that all humans can be fat, dumb, and happy if that is what they so choose. That will never happen unless there is substantial cooperation among all nations involved. For the connection we are seeking here, I will point out that it is the 'hard authoritarian' ruled countries that suffer the most. One can ask my next-door neighbors, one from Venezuela and one from Columbia. But, of course, it is a very complex interplay. The complications are exacerbated by Cuba, Russia, and now even China. And that was the focal point of Biden's political faux-pas. He is equating those 'economic enemy' nations with those of this hemisphere. Bad, bad, even stupid move.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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