Originally posted by
Silly Wabbit
My thread to rant, Please feel free to rant with me...
Is it just me, or has the planet been completely domesticated? Even when it comes to describing homeland issues, it is called "The Domestic Front". Our structures called "Governments", which in reality, means a throttling of the amount of personal power the masses can have. They are there not to lead, but to govern or restrict such things... To determine for the masses what is "allowable".
I for one, am tiring of the little issues that people tend to focus their energy on... I came to forums to learn more, to expand my palate of possibilities and knowledge. And to engage more people, whom I felt like myself, had some amount of common sense. And while there are many like myself who do ponder a bigger picture, in reality, there are few that can look beyond the noise and focus on any real bigger issues.
I find myself only engaging those people in pm on forums, as the topics being discussed openly, are becoming laughable at this point, in my opinion.
Many hold degrees in fields that are beyond me, they articulate beautifully, they speak beautifully, and yet they have zero common sense. While many are brilliant, they never step out of their "bubble" to use that intelligence for any true practical purpose other than to debate said intelligence with others...
Granted, I am aware that it is the "little issues", that add to the bigger picture. But I seem to be noticing more and more that people have been "entrained" in their thought processes for the most part. And behave as such, and it baffles me. Even those highly educated among us, still sit within the gridwork of letting go of more critical thinking, in lue of following the "status quo" on how we have been taught to think.
I do not know if it is their attempt to reach the masses, that forces them to remain in that place, or if they are even aware that they too, are sitting in the same fishbowl as those they are trying to reach, unable to even consider seeing their bowl from the outside...
I find myself beginning to just smile and nod at these people, when I meet them in a physical way... As to bring it up, really wouldn't accomplish anything... And it can be exhausting to try to explain why I see some of their actions as ridiculous.
For example, the Dr.s who will not even consider, that taking a supplement to meet a bodies need for something it lacks, is a better alternative than taking a man made medication to treat the resulting inevitable side effect of the body lacking that certain mineral. Doctors are trained to fix issues pharmaceutically, and surgeons, by cutting issues out period... They are not trained to teach the population their best action is to avoiding the things causing them the problems, or by becoming more healthy. This baffles me. And if you bring it up to most Dr.s they seem surprised that you even suggested such a thing!
It is upsetting to me. But they are trained to work hand in hand with the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, and as such, really are not looking to help humanity become more healthy and well, but to maintain an illness model... One that just keeps people well enough to keep paying into it for more "Treatment"... For example, They will prescribe an anti inflammatory medications all day long, before they will suggest a diet change.
Add to that they now have "Well Care", which really is designed to find more problems that they can address. They test for everything in an effort, not to make you "well", but to identify more ways in which you can be targeted for more treatments. People have forgotten that their health responsibility belongs in their own hands, and have given up their own responsibility for their own well being to these industries.
I cannot remember the last time I left a Dr.s office, where my "Prescription" was something healthy I could eat, but rather a prescription to lower a number, or treat a side effect of something off balance in my body. And none of it, takes into account that each body is unique.
There are many issues being spoken about in all forums that do indeed need attention. But I find myself shaking my head and laughing at the ufology field. I laugh when I read threads on some forums and sites, about the evolution of man. I laugh when I read that some believe that they are "messengers and wariors" and that people need to do "this or that" to evolve, as if they even know what we evolve to...
This "Self aggrandizing" and "Grandstanding" just turns me off...
Where did the common sense go?
For example, we have many whistle blowers that suggest we have negated the effects of gravity. That we have mastered the flying discs, and have gone on to created even more advanced versions of that technology... We see it in the skies all the time... Yet we still have those "In the know" suggesting that "Indeed we are seeing things in the sky we cannot explain", "Things that would move in such as fashion, that it would kill our pilots should they attempt such maneuvers"... They're kidding right? Right?
And where does our community "go" with this new information? They do not immediately laugh and move on, they begin to debate who this person truly worked for... What their job really was, etc. Never once considering that just the fact they "came out swinging" with ridiculous information to begin with... At that point, it didn't matter who they were, they were not at all community friendly in any way shape or form, why waste any energy on them?
Nasa suggests that we have lost the directions to the MOON of all things.... And people believe that! And they will do calculations, research, and other such things, to try to help get those directions rewritten! HAHAHA.. I am sorry, but if you can't find your way to a huge ball above us, that can be predicted in it's movements, given the technology that you hold in your hands daily, and you truly believe such things? I have to say something is wrong with your reasoning abilities.
I recently read a post where a well known person in our community was quoting as saying, "that we need to reach 33x the speed of sound to leave Earth". Perhaps if he is thinking it still requires "brute force" to do so, rather than using gravity negating technologies, but that was never discussed. Yet this person is a well established person in our community...
It was just presented as a fact, with no alternative solutions to said issue, or even the thought of accounting for such things... So, does this person lack critical thinking skills? Or is a deliberate statement to appear as if they're knowledgeable in the field, and therefore what they say should be taken as intelligent? I saw it being quoted later, and not being contested but as a source of useful information... I scratched my head in disbelief...
This person is aware that Bob Lazar has made the claims that he himself worked on technologies that could negate the effects of gravity right? If not, I do not see this person as a credible source of any information. Again, I move along...
So when reading such things, that disconnect shines at me like a huge red flag, that this persons way of seeing reality is really a tunnel vision, or a "programmed way", to not even consider other ways of viewing said picture. And worse, it may be deliberate. And their work is spread throughout the community as someone who has important things to say!
I am losing my faith in the alternative community as a result. Between ego, the ability for anyone to get on a soapbox and make any ridiculous claim, in the hopes someone will take that on as their "truth", so that person becomes relevent, has in many ways, disappointed me. And I do not blame these people, some aren't even aware their limited opinions, whether deliberate or not, are holding this community back.
I find everything from the real days of disclosure, tending to gravitate towards this way of thinking.. People are still debating if Bob Lazar ever even worked at Area 51 or S4. Can we not move beyond that, after being shown that many were willing to not only tell us they worked there, that they tracked tech, and exactly what they did, and expand upon that instead? This community is still bickering over where disks crashed... Much less who or what was in them, or if it was our technology being tested...
You can see why I have issues with people bickering now over, the petty details... It completely skirts the bigger issues. And leads us nowhere overall...
Even Steven Greer will suggest we must look at the technologies, in an effort to advance humanity in a more natural and clean way... yet he focuses more on the "Big Bad Brother"... And doesn't move us any closer to truth either. It's all just one soap box after another... Never leading upwards as steps would do... They never ascend to higher truth, just platforms to jump to... One to the next to the next... all linear in nature.
And overall the community, in their frustrations, begin to infight over said talking points..., rather than try to move past it, and just ignore that... Everyone more than happy to poke holes in others, rather than to move the information forward.
If someone gave me a piece of paper, and asked me to connect the dots in the shortest way possible? I would fold the paper in half until they met... While many would try to perhaps draw a dotted line, shorten their own line, not quite touching the dots... etc... or get a ruler, to make sure that line is as straight as possible to make sure that it takes the most direct route... etc...
Does anyone else fold the paper? Or is it just me these days?