Too many things in the ET branch of research must necessarily be relegated to the arena of stories and speculation, but with Mt. Rushmore, we have photos of how it looked pre carving. What do you make of those in light of your experience SW?
Too many things in the ET branch of research must necessarily be relegated to the arena of stories and speculation, but with Mt. Rushmore, we have photos of how it looked pre carving. What do you make of those in light of your experience SW?
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (3rd May 2022), Aragorn (3rd May 2022), Dreamtimer (5th May 2022), Silly Wabbit (3rd May 2022), Wind (5th May 2022)
Thank You for asking and not just dismissing it into the insanity file...
Actually I have seen those images as well... I sought them out because I was perplexed! And I have a rational mind, so I wanted to know what I was truly looking at... And I find them actually supportive of what I was shown... Believe me when I say, I began to look for more images as soon as that happened, and from different angles...
What I found fascinating, was that while the faces pre-development into "Rushmore" didn't show the faces I was shown? They did show remnants of the faces that I could visibly make out... It seemed more than anything, that the faces I saw were very very old in comparison, and either erosion, or deliberate manipulation of the faces of the rocks had been accomplished, sometime between the time they started the project and the time the photos I had seen were taken. The "Pre Rushmore" images we see are heavily overgrown in comparison to what I saw...
It made me wonder so many things. First, when was photography really created? Or was it recreated? Because I wasn't looking at a drawing, it was a photo. Second, was this a remnant image from before we ever developed the ability to create photos? As I said, there was erosion in the image of the first series of faces. If I now remember properly, I believe there were 5 faces, not 4... And the level of craftsmanship was far superior to our own carvings... The way they flowed into one another was flawless, and extremely graceful...
The overall environment when this happened....
It was part of an exercise, where I was being taught to look at the environment and look beyond what we normally see... I was shown the image, then shown the new look. This was done in many different ways, over the course of months, with thousands of examples...... This one being the most extreme in nature. And obvious as it is a huge landmark... One everyone is familiar with.
I had first thought it absolutely was photo manipulation, so to quelsh that notion I was sent telepathic information as well.. I am NOT telepathic, but was able to receive this information very well. And whoever was doing it, somehow knew what I was thinking as I looked at the images... And then I knew I wasn't dealing with someone playing tricks with my browser, they had some serious abilities to get me information! I took it very seriously at that point.
As it turned out, the structures of those times were massive in scale. So big, we never generally take an entire area into account when looking for something. We tend to look for edges, corners, of noticable features, when the reality of what I was being shown was HUGE. It was more like someone walking through an area where there are grooves carved into the ground, and they would never see the actual defined image unless they took to the air, as they were that large. Humanity, in early development would never understand what they are looking at, because they could never see that one groove could be nothing more than a groove to make a shadow in a larger image. Like the Nazca lines . (spelling?)
It made me truly rethink the myths and legends of there being giants on the Earth "In those days"... And they marked locations with great carvings and statues. The i,magse I was shown of Mars were much the same way.
Once I was shown how to see these things, I was led to many images that showed faces, carved within mountainsides all over America... As this was happening, I was also receiving telepathic information and impressions the entire time.. I was told many things... Some of these marked territories, boundaries, and the homes of some of these individuals.
One would relegate this to the paradolia phenomenon... However this cannot be the reason for what I was seeing, because someone was deliberately interacting with me to teach me to see these things. I wish I could remember what all of the faces look like...
I do know that over time, a few of those beings who gifted me these peeks into the past, did identify themselves, via telepathic images. And that was mind blowing as well... Imagine meeting a sasquatch via telepathy, presenting you a fistful of hand picked yellow flowers...... In a completely safe and friendly way...
Or having the scary reptilian that people speak of, come into your home and just appear out of thin air... Because my communications culminated in such things... I was warned that some in their races are not as friendly as those I was in communication with however. I believe the quote was, "We're not all so friendly, some of us (our kind) would eat you , so be careful" I was being warned not to seek them out... Imagine a T Rex appearing in your home, and deliberately NOT showing his teeth because he knows it may frighten you... Because he told me he was deliberately keeping his mouth shut for just that reason.
I will never know when those images were taken... But I came away from the experience believing that they absolutely were real... I will have to pull up the ones we can still search out and see if I can still make out the edges of what I was shown. It has been years now as I saw those images in 2014... But now I am curious...
I suppose more recently I have been very frustrated with the community, as far as forward momentum on such topics, given the depth of my own experiences with such things... It would be like someone getting to go take a flight in a highly advanced fighter jet, then going home to their peers, whom have never even seen an aircraft, and waiting for them to "catch up".. And when those that ARE suggesting to be "in the know" aren't even aware that these beings are real, the frustration that would mount within.
I suppose I have hit that wall. When I look to Dolan, or LMH, I get so frustrated, and so disappointed in them. I don't want to hear about Fluffy of Chocolate, I don't care about secret flights where no real information is given. Or history that reveals only the very very surface, and no true information that has any meat on it's bones... And it really annoys me that people fawn all over these individuals as if they're really sharing some sort of secret "intelligence". To me they're part of the problem these days. While I like them as people, as professionals, I am no longer impressed.
People like Mark McCandlish had my attention, as I was shown some of the drawings he had made, in real action. I was sent videos of the technology actually being used... And those claiming to be "In the know" don't even touch those topics... It is sad actually...
We have drones that match those drawings that people see, of flat and rectangular craft, that have vents on the sides that look like harmonica vents.... They spin quickly and zip through the sky faster than most aircraft...silently... I've seen them in use. And we are using them now in the battlefield.
We have holographic screens that most couldn't imagine. I was taught to try to detect the edges of such technology. To detect where the people were "Hiding" if I could find them. And we have mind interfacing technologies, hence the ability to accept how I was being trained... I experienced it firsthand.
In a nutshell, I was given military training. And a sneek peek into the tech that actually exists. I still do not know for what purpose, but waiting for people to even get close to suggesting what I have seen already, is really like watching paint dry. The four soldiers that trained me in this area, hats off to them... THANK YOU GUYS if you read this...
It's like having secret knowledge that was just sat down in your lap, and wanting to share it, even if you were never asked not to do so... But not in any way wanting to participate within the circus.
Last edited by Silly Wabbit, 4th May 2022 at 04:18.
Aianawa (3rd May 2022), Aragorn (3rd May 2022), Dreamtimer (5th May 2022), Emil El Zapato (3rd May 2022), Fred Steeves (3rd May 2022), Wind (5th May 2022)