Never had an original thought in my life...but tonight I have had thoughts on the state of things and am putting them together in this way....apologies to all those that thought any of these thoughts first....
I have googled Mt Sinai, and carried these ideas of the ten commandments of our one true, shared religion, almighty Capitalism--whose Vatican is the USA--down from those images I viewed on the internet (in my brain, not literally):
1. Thou shalt maximize shareholder wealth, NO OTHER PURPOSE SHALL COME BEFORE THIS
2. Making yourself as much of an idol as you can is the best way to serve your one true purpose, you can capitalize off your brand like nothing else
3. NEVER QUESTION OR CRITICIZE CAPITALISM, or the two most sacred of commandments, taking the name of the almight ECONOMY in vain is blasphemy
4. Remember to keep our Lord's sabbath holy, which is every day. Keeping it holy means working as hard you possibly can, without question or complaint
5. Thou shalt not kill, unless it is the enemies of this empire who would like to keep their own resources and sovereignty...and if you cannot kill them, enslave them
6. Thou shall not commit adultery, marriage is ownership contract that must be honored, lest ye be penalized with the unholy damnation of alimony and child support
7. Thou shall not steal, and if this conflicts from commandment #1, change the laws so you are not REALLY stealing.
8. Thou shall not lie....just kidding, the key to EVERYTHING is lying your face off. How can you PROFIT without it? Honor C1.
9. Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife, if he gained ownership over her, you must respect that and control your thoughts.
10. Thou shall not covet covet your neighbor's goods, that would indicate you're broker than him. Pretend you have more as your true worth is only other's perception it is written, so it has been (for as long as I can remember). Hallelujah, god bless us everyone, gimme that golden ticket 💜