Do you need assistance with the demon video links, Donk?
Do you need assistance with the demon video links, Donk?
Aianawa (11th November 2021), Aragorn (11th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (11th November 2021)
I do…and here is one more, Thom had Gosar’s bro on:
It’s my phone, I forgot what Aragorn told me
Last edited by Wind, 12th November 2021 at 11:21.
What is the purpose of your presence?
Aianawa (11th November 2021), Aragorn (11th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (11th November 2021), Wind (12th November 2021)
Aianawa (11th November 2021), donk (13th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (11th November 2021), Wind (12th November 2021)
Aragorn (14th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (13th November 2021), Wind (13th November 2021)
Fucking Rittenhouse is gonna get off. The whole court is working in conjunction to make sure he does…especially the judge. Funniest take I saw was something like: he (judge) was going adopt him (murdering nazi shit Kyle) so it will be a conflict of interest and mistrial.
The Fox News audience is already posting about how crazed the left is for “starting all this shit”, which presumably is the riots and looting after the inevitable acquital that has already happened in their minds
My wife says my MIL is expressing sympathy for the protester murder, cuz nothing justifies murder more in American than any minority get all uppity and demonstrating they want a couple basic rights like to not be murdered and shit.
I think my brain will break when I read up on the other one. I’m guessing the extra from “Night Court” makes sure KR is freed the same day as the klowns that killed Aubrey, kick off a nice and “civil” war so many of them want so damn bad. I can already see them handing out AR-15s to any “conservative” kid (or adult) that wants to play out the “legal kill” fantasy Kyle is almost completing
Which by the way a bunch of states made easier if you want use your car rather than gun to get your legal kill.
What is the purpose of your presence?
Aragorn (14th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (13th November 2021), Wind (13th November 2021)
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aragorn (14th November 2021), donk (17th November 2021), Dreamtimer (14th November 2021), Wind (14th November 2021)
The 3 types of psychic blindness, which prevent Awareness Intelligence
Mindfulness is a buzzword used all over. But still, few seem to understand what exactly the mind should be full of. Most people do not systematically think about their thinking; they do not reflect on their scope of awareness. Psychic blindness appears to be a common issue and, therefore, hinders natural fitness, unconditional kindness, and spiritual wisdom.
“The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.” - Unknown.
The eyes are not speaking to the mind and soul directly. Any external stimulation first always goes through a layer of receptiveness and awareness that is filtering and transforming signals into emotions and thoughts. It’s this layer of the mind that determines what we are aware of and, consequently, how wholly and wholesomely we experience the world. This mental capacity, though, has been neglected severely, why also the concept of Awareness Intelligence (AWI) was discovered only recently.
I’ve written a lot about Awareness Intelligence, what it means, and how it develops. In terms of psychic blindness, it implies the presence of blind spots that typically prevent an awareness-intelligent set of mind. The three psychic blind spots, how they shape our identity/worldview, and what can be done about them are as follows.
#1 – Your intrapersonal past for FITNESS
You don’t see your true nature due to social conditioning, cultural education, and ethnic identification.
Awareness-intelligent view:
Let go of your history; it’s random and imposed on you because of others wanting to preserve the status quo and their privileges. You, as a human being, are not defined by external societal rules, status, race, and type, and level of schooling. You are a human being that, like all others, can find all of life’s intelligence within your nature, in which the full human potential is contained. Only you can know what is in you. So, reach out to your real, authentic self from before you were born. You are life and its natural strength and fitness; unfold accordingly free.
#2 – Your interpersonal present for KINDNESS
You don't see yourself and the persons you interact with as they are at the moment because you define people based on their performance cards of the past and their social perspectives.
Awareness-intelligent view:
Do not judge and do not expect. The past is a matter of interpretation, and the future has yet to be defined. Both the past and the future are beyond our direct control, so don't let your interpersonal presence be influenced by such conditions. The kindness in relationships can only be enjoyed in the present, and you too deserve to be loved unconditionally.
#3 – Your extrapersonal future for WISDOM
You don’t see that there’s nothing to worry about in the future. Let go of ego-driven dominance of safety-related desires.
Awareness-intelligent view:
Only if you learn to detach, you overcome the fear of loss that is the cause of any depression. You are not a human being having a spiritual experience; you are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. If you serve this infinite force of life unselfishly, you can experience the most-satisfactory joy of service. The future belongs to the next generation that is life’s yearning for itself. Be part of it by serving it. Wisdom ensues when you can shift your purpose from hedonic happiness to a more profound, respectively broader meaning.
You don't see that there's nothing to worry about in the future. Let go of the ego-driven dominance of security-related desires. Only when you learn to detach, you overcome the fear of loss, which is the cause of any depression. You are not a person who experiences a spiritual experience; you are an eternal spiritual being experiencing a spiritual human experience. When you serve this infinite power of life unselfishly, you can experience the most satisfying joy of such services. The future belongs to the next generation, which represents the longing of life for itself. Be a part of it by serving it. Wisdom follows when you can shift your purpose of life from hedonistic happiness to a deeper and broader meaning.
“We must put our mind on this as we do put a man on the moon.” – Jacque Fresco
It’s not that complicated to understand this socio-temporal structure of the mind. Yet, it can only be changed by challenging one’s own identity/worldview. However, most people instead prefer to live in blindness than to have to change. Sadly, remaining in that comfort zone causes the above-described limitations and suffering, for which, when becoming too big, our society offers pill subscriptions to fight the symptoms (instead of the cause) and further fog and blind the mind, so one perpetually remains oblivious to the need to change. After all the technological progress and artificial intelligence that eventually benefits more economic aspirations than heart needs, it is time for increasing our Awareness Intelligence. What an exciting opportunity for our generation to evolve to a more awareness-intelligent way of thinking and life that is so vital for any endeavor of human learning and behavior to become fitter, kinder, and wiser for individuals' benefit and the collective alike.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aragorn (14th November 2021), Dreamtimer (16th November 2021), Wind (15th November 2021)
American politics in a nutshell: When corruption rules. When big business runs the plutocracy and politics, the rich get richer while the country crumbles. People are given the illusion that the pendulum swings from left to right while in reality USA doesn't even have any real leftist progressive party in power. At least for us Europeans it's ridiculous to watch that circus, but it sure does offer some entertainment.
Aragorn (16th November 2021), Dreamtimer (17th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (16th November 2021), Fred Steeves (17th November 2021)
Emil El Zapato (16th November 2021), Wind (16th November 2021)
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Dreamtimer (17th November 2021)
Aragorn (16th November 2021), Dreamtimer (17th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (16th November 2021), Fred Steeves (17th November 2021)
yeah, very really ... it's like asking someone not named Hercules to go kick that Lion's ass. It flies in the face of reality. It's claimed that the U.S. is a center right country. Very well, if they insist, but it still doesn't change the dynamic of a 50/50 Senate split and one Joe Manchin pretending he cares about fiscal responsibility when what he really wants is to stay in power, a.k.a. keep his job. That sounds suspiciously familiar to me.
The left, call them purported left if you wish, has always had one weakness, they want the people to want what they want. They are uncomfortable with 'forcing' their will on the people, in the mind of an American leftist it is solemn duty to give the people what they want. Kind of sounds like a Democracy principle. That is the first and significant disadvantage they have in the face of those prone to the fascist personality.
It is no coincidence that the right spends so much time and resources creating memes that hide the truth of the liberal agenda and, of course, once again those fascist-prone personalities trust and have an inborn obeisance to the 'strong'. In my mind, nothing could be more obvious.
Almost game over.
Kulinski is annoying to me mostly because he's a blowhard whiner that grabs superficial headlines and applies his superficial analysis and then calls it good. No thought/counter-thought, just overt superficiality.
Sorry, remember, you're only a messenger for Kulinski and I happen to totally dislike his message, but not you, Wind. You are the man!
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Dreamtimer (17th November 2021)
I am no messenger for Kulinski, I just post his videos at times because I think he sees reality quite well from out all of the political talking heads. I think it's eerily possible if not inevitable that Trump will be re-elected in just a few years time and then your country could be be engulfed in a civil war type scenario. If Charlottesville and the Capitol Riots indeed were a sign of the collective psychosis and unrest which is laying more or less dormant under the surface. Violence is a language of it's own too. It starts when words no longer suffice and emotions run high overriding any reason. After certain chain reactions some events will only escalate to the point of no return unless peaceful and reasonable solution will be found before it and often that's not the case. The foundation for severe unrest has been already created. Gasoline is all over the place, someone just needs to throw their lit tobacco on the ground. That's my two realist eurocents.
Last edited by Wind, 16th November 2021 at 23:31.
Aragorn (17th November 2021), Dreamtimer (17th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (17th November 2021), Fred Steeves (17th November 2021)
Really? "Inclusive™" language, anyone? Political Correctness™, anyone?
Your friends in Team Blue are very comfortable pushing their will onto the people, and just as uncomfortable as Team Red at changing the very fabric of the USA's insular culture. "Can't touch that!"
After all this time, you still haven't understood a fucking thing about what Wind and I ─ and others, like Fred Steeves and Lord Sidious ─ have been telling you for years. You're still stuck in that "us versus them" thing, where "us" is the American left and "them" is the American right. Because there are no other countries than the USA, and the left is made up of unicorns, saints and angels, while the right is made up of demons, witches and warlocks, right?
The real "us" is "we, the people of the whole planet", and the real "them" is the political caste, regardless of what color or banner they use. True leftism would be anarchist ─ "anarchy" means "no rulers (archons)".
Who do you think is responsible for the vaccine Apartheid we're currently seeing over here? Here's a hint: it ain't the right ─ in Austria, yes, but not in Belgium; it's the socialists. And last I checked, Apartheid was an institutionalized discrimination of one population group by another population group. Doesn't sound very left-wing, liberal or democratic to me, nor does forced "inclusiveness" and "political correctness".
You know, you're just like Aianawa. The only difference is that for him, "Trumpy good, Trumpy beautifullll, pedo Joe and Kam-Kam bad", while for you, Trump is a demon, Alex Jones is a demon, Fox News are demons, and Biden, Harris and Obama are saints and angels.
Neither of them is a saint, and neither of them is a demon. They're merely idiots and puppets ─ corrupt idiots on the right and equally corrupt career puppets on the left. And nothing really changes, because "Merka is the greatest country on Earth" and brown people are "a threat to National Security™."
Shall I tell you what the United States of America really is? It's The Land Of Make-Believe™, that's what it is.
And right now I don't know whether to laugh my ass off or slam my forehead into the wall over the fact that the US government is pointing a finger at Russia and accusing them of weaponizing space, because the Russians shot down one of their defunct satellites with a straight-up missile, while America's got an official Space Force as part of the US military, courtesy of Trump, and not dismantled by Biden, any more than that Obama would have revoked the Patriot Act, as he had promised during his campaign ─ as the matter of fact, he silently reaffirmed it.
I was under the impression that this was a thread about American insanity, but the more the thread progresses, the more it's becoming clear that it's actually a thread for American insanity. And I'll be happily taking my leave from it, just as with the 159'789 other US-political threads on this forum.
No wonder this joint is dying.
Dreamtimer (17th November 2021), Emil El Zapato (17th November 2021), Fred Steeves (17th November 2021), modwiz (17th November 2021), Wind (17th November 2021), Zebowho (6th December 2021)
Counterpoint, after all these years you still don't see what i'm saying. The power belongs to those that can burn books with impunity or shoot people on 5th avenue. The rest is just bitching.
I think you've been looking into the wrong mirrors, Aragorn. Social contracts since the beginning have asked, if not required, a concern for the common good. Without respect for that we are merely experiencing the world with our R-complex antenna fully extended.
That is not to say that we should not respect those with legitimate reasons to not vaccinate to not vaccinate with the expectation of responsible behavior. Societal expectations and impetus will ALWAYS break down on the mass level. It is an unfortunate reality.
As one of my military-industrial complex comrades once said: "Capital punishment is ok and it is to be expected that sometimes mistakes will be made". My rejoinder was: "As long as I'm not one of the mistakes!" ...
I'm betting he was a 'conservative' ... He was from Oklahoma. He wasn't a Demon though, he seemed quite human with a couple of pieces missing.
Last edited by Emil El Zapato, 17th November 2021 at 00:57.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Dreamtimer (17th November 2021)