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Thread: American Insanity

  1. #31
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    DT, you do not see your country at the moment being in a dark and scarey place ?

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  3. #32
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    DT, you do not see your country at the moment being in a dark and scarey place ?
    And thanks to whom would that be, Vern? Don't you suppose that it could, nay, might, somehow, possibly be the result of, if not the reincarnation then at least the greatest impersonation ever of Benito Mussolini and his posse of white-supremacists, social media influencers, YouTube talking heads, and dimwitted, loaded-gun-toting and pickup-truck-driving high-school dropouts, who believe that Merka is the greatest country on Earth, nay, that Merka is the center of the universe, and that Orange Jesus™ is the second coming of the carpenter from Nazareth?

    And don't you also suppose that you and all the other people who've been singing the praises of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Qanon for the last five years and falsely accusing an old and ─ granted ─ potentially senile old man of being a pedophile might possibly share an itsy bitsy teeny tiny little bit in the responsibility of having fucked up a country that you don't even reside in?

    Maybe? Just a tad? Possibly? Ya think?


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  5. #33
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Imo USA stepped away from what most lived under, back in time, from , royalty and elite families plus cabals intertwinned.

    Know thyself has been their target, still is.

    Lets keep it simple, someone said i will keep my campaign promises and mostly did ( unheard of since ? ), 1.7 million at least have strolled into usa, Afgan tell it's own story, no nope gonna let it go as it is pointless OR maybe lets change tact, no Trump, h clinton won, media gave her 24/7 positive coverage even as the country and others ( you have at least worked out that corparate media is owned and directed by the usual suspects ?, lets say you have, rite there by little to no way you are gonna change your view of the inner and outer world you believe and or are fed, whats happening at present will wake you up sooner or later. have already had some conservations, sorry mate i could not see what was in front of me, did not mean to hurt you, it be ok mate, had to go through it myself.

    Each country has it's controllers, only some known, people here on forum within this shire are starting to see the neither niether the chicken or eggy came first and they are first, how do we get out of the old muck, the prison once known your in ?, well that is happening rite at the moment, the actors of biden and kam kam could not be doing things worse, it is on purpose, they are reading a script, imo only some of the other countries controllers are reading a script, most believe that got it sorted lol, it will get worse as the only way people will finally go, all them have, were and are putrids, corrupt and to their honour, assisting in the polarity game. FFS forget about Trump.

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  7. #34
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    loaded-gun-toting and pickup-truck-driving high-school dropouts,
    Ha ha, on this part anyway I fit the stereotype!
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Fred Steeves For This Useful Post:

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  9. #35
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Imo USA stepped away from what most lived under, back in time, from , royalty and elite families plus cabals intertwinned.

    Know thyself has been their target, still is.

    Lets keep it simple, someone said i will keep my campaign promises and mostly did ( unheard of since ? ), 1.7 million at least have strolled into usa, Afgan tell it's own story, no nope gonna let it go as it is pointless OR maybe lets change tact, no Trump, h clinton won, media gave her 24/7 positive coverage even as the country and others ( you have at least worked out that corparate media is owned and directed by the usual suspects ?, lets say you have, rite there by little to no way you are gonna change your view of the inner and outer world you believe and or are fed, whats happening at present will wake you up sooner or later. have already had some conservations, sorry mate i could not see what was in front of me, did not mean to hurt you, it be ok mate, had to go through it myself.

    Each country has it's controllers, only some known, people here on forum within this shire are starting to see the neither niether the chicken or eggy came first and they are first, how do we get out of the old muck, the prison once known your in ?, well that is happening rite at the moment, the actors of biden and kam kam could not be doing things worse, it is on purpose, they are reading a script, imo only some of the other countries controllers are reading a script, most believe that got it sorted lol, it will get worse as the only way people will finally go, all them have, were and are putrids, corrupt and to their honour, assisting in the polarity game. FFS forget about Trump.
    There is a solution to the chicken or the egg conundrum. The Egg! Now to decide which is the egg and which is the chickOn.
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  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Emil El Zapato For This Useful Post:

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  11. #36
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Imo USA stepped away from what most lived under, back in time, from , royalty and elite families plus cabals intertwinned.
    Yes and no ─ it's far more complicated than that. First of all, there's the issue of who those earliest settlers were, and why they chose to colonize North America. A lot of that had to do with imperialism and adventurism. Many of the original settlers ─ not all, but many ─ were adventurers, criminals and other undesirable elements from Europe.

    The reason why they chose to break free from (chiefly) Great Britain is that Great Britain itself was indeed a ruthless empire at the time ─ and for a long time still afterwards ─ that was indeed controlled by a powerful monarchy. But after breaking free from Europe in a bloody war and declaring independence, the now newly named Americans were making all of the same mistakes as the European countries they were trying to break free from, including but not limited to the kidnapping of Africans as slaves for the cotton plantations, as well as the genocidal attacks against the indigenous population, of whom the survivors were driven back into reservations.

    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Lets keep it simple, someone said i will keep my campaign promises and mostly did ( unheard of since ? )
    No, he didn't. He was winging it like a headless chicken, changing his already feeble mind from day to day like a shrimp with ADHD on speed, turning his back on his responsibilities, and then (violently) throwing tantrums and blaming his staff for his own fuck-ups. Because all he really cared about was being the commander in chief, and he thinks he's some kind of god.

    He is, has always been, and will until his dying day remain an utter narcissist ─ of the clinical variety.

    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Afgan tell it's own story, no nope gonna let it go as it is pointless OR maybe lets change tact
    You do know how Afghanistan came to be in such a mess in the first place, don't you? Because if you don't, then allow me to refresh your memory. It was Zbigniew Brzezinsky who, during the Jimmy Carter administration of the mid-to-late 1970s, devised the plan to bring the Soviet Union to its knees by tricking the Soviets into invading Afghanistan and then funding and training the Afghani resistance.

    The result was an internal war in which between 600'000 and 2'000'000 Afghani were killed ─ that's between 6% and 12% of the Afghani population ─ plus a great number of Russian soldiers, and it was this conflict that gave rise to the Taliban regime. And then in 2001, the USA itself invaded Afghanistan under the George W. Bush administration, directly leading to the situation as it exists right now. And Bush didn't have to invade Afghanistan ─ just as he didn't have any legitimate reason to invade Iraq two years later ─ because the Taliban were willing to extradite Osama Bin Laden, and Bush turned down their offer.

    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    no Trump, h clinton won, media gave her 24/7 positive coverage even as the country and others ( you have at least worked out that corparate media is owned and directed by the usual suspects ?,
    The reason why the media were backing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections was that, given the bipartisan hegemony in the USA, Hillary Clinton was the only other candidate beside Donald Trump, and everybody knew what Donald Trump stood for ─ he had already gotten more than enough media coverage to expose himself for the buffoon he is. The emperor had no clothes.

    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Each country has it's controllers, only some known, people here on forum within this shire are starting to see the neither niether the chicken or eggy came first and they are first, how do we get out of the old muck, the prison once known your in ?
    I doubt that those four or five people ─ staff not included ─ who still regularly post on this forum are going to make a difference, Vern. We've already long lost that battle, in part because of Captain Chaos™, and in part because of the coronavirus pandemic, which seems to have given some governments the silly idea that authoritarianism is the way to go. And mind you, this is not the case in the USA, but it is definitely true here in Europe, and especially in the not-so-charming little country where I happen to live. And the irony of it all is that it took a socialist federal minister of health to get us there, nourished by the chiefly neo-liberal government's incompetence.

    But that's another story.

    Quote Originally posted by Fred Steeves View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    loaded-gun-toting and pickup-truck-driving high-school dropouts,
    Ha ha, on this part anyway I fit the stereotype!
    Maybe so, but you didn't marry your sister, so you're disqualified.

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  13. #37
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Wow Aragorn , that is sad, within your above post is simple mainstream brainwashing which you will continue with untill you do not, what will create change for you ?, what you feed yourself, what you allow in, whatever brainwashing victum mentality that you allow to poison yourself with, i get fired shortly but i have a spot in the country that will also suit my young one, a wee house arriving on that spot very soon, a business well prepared ( coloidial zinc, gold and silver, holy water, blessing water and a four vile moon water, six products ready to go), legal prep for work and work mates done regards Vaxx etc and a swell of like minded people around me, this forum could fly, have great debate, low emotional drivellll and harmoonic interaction if ?, choices in this times are so obvious imo, as in little choice because.

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  15. #38
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Wow Aragorn , that is sad, within your above post is simple mainstream brainwashing which you will continue with untill you do not, what will create change for you ?, what you feed yourself, what you allow in, whatever brainwashing victum mentality that you allow to poison yourself with, i get fired shortly but i have a spot in the country that will also suit my young one, a wee house arriving on that spot very soon, a business well prepared ( coloidial zinc, gold and silver, holy water, blessing water and a four vile moon water, six products ready to go), legal prep for work and work mates done regards Vaxx etc and a swell of like minded people around me, this forum could fly, have great debate, low emotional drivellll and harmoonic interaction if ?, choices in this times are so obvious imo, as in little choice because.
    Forums are for debates, Aianawa, I say bring it on and let the chips fall where they may...

    How to do a reality check: How well our perceptions play out in future reality.
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  17. #39
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Wow Aragorn , that is sad, within your above post is simple mainstream brainwashing [...]
    You've been reading, watching, and spamming this forum with, far-right propaganda and absolute nonsense for five years ─ and you're still doing it right in this very day ─ and you are calling me brainwashed?!

    Anyway, you've been warned more than enough. You have about a week for engaging in some introspection and putting your feet firmly back on the ground, here on the real Planet Earth.

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  19. #40
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Verny did a bad bad thing...
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  21. #41
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Calling facts brainwashing is top-notch Doublespeak, Aianawa. You get the prize. You fit right in with the neoCons that donk just posted about.

    I really wished there was a line on real truth in the alternate community. It's why I came here. Folks who can think outside the box.

    I didn't expect to find so many knee-jerk-accept-it-just-cause-it's-alternate folks.

    It's like a religion: "Society says this? I don't believe it!!!"

    Next thing you know you wake up in a world where folks believe it's flat, the sky is green, sugar is salty.

    Just being alternate isn't a merit. Trump demonstrated that in spades.

    I haven't found as much a quest for truth as a place where the fringes farm for more members.

    We don't allow such farming here. Turns out a lot of folks really want to be farmed out.

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  23. #42
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Calling facts brainwashing is top-notch Doublespeak, Aianawa. You get the prize. You fit right in with the neoCons that donk just posted about.

    I really wished there was a line on real truth in the alternate community. It's why I came here. Folks who can think outside the box.

    I didn't expect to find so many knee-jerk-accept-it-just-cause-it's-alternate folks.

    It's like a religion: "Society says this? I don't believe it!!!"

    Next thing you know you wake up in a world where folks believe it's flat, the sky is green, sugar is salty.

    Just being alternate isn't a merit. Trump demonstrated that in spades.

    I haven't found as much a quest for truth as a place where the fringes farm for more members.

    We don't allow such farming here. Turns out a lot of folks really want to be farmed out.
    Good points.

    Keep in mind, that much of the so-called alternative community (it's really an alt-right one at this point) has been co-opted by Russian Intelligence, the same way that the far left was co-opted by the Soviets during the cold war.

    I have written here about Zero Hedge and their links to Russian Intelligence via Bulgaria.

    I am also convinced that Alex Jones and Infowars is a Russian Intelligence operation, manufacturing far-right hatred and propaganda, as are a number of related outlets. You can gauge this by looking at the media appearances of some of these alt-right figures. How many times they've appeared on Russia Today, the English-language propaganda arm of the Kremlin is usually a pretty good indication of their true sympathies and source of funding.

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  25. #43
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    Keep in mind, that much of the so-called alternative community (it's really an alt-right one at this point) has been co-opted by Russian Intelligence, the same way that the far left was co-opted by the Soviets during the cold war.
    That is correct.

    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    I am also convinced that Alex Jones and Infowars is a Russian Intelligence operation
    Of that I am not convinced. Alex Jones is perhaps being used by Russian Intelligence without that he knows it, but I see him more as a typical brainwashed redneck and as a sensationalist.

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  27. #44
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    That is correct.
    Of that I am not convinced. Alex Jones is perhaps being used by Russian Intelligence without that he knows it, but I see him more as a typical brainwashed redneck and as a sensationalist.
    Since the two are so difficult to differentiate, I'll stick with my original notion. He's demonic.
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  29. #45
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    Quote Originally posted by BeastOfBologna View Post
    Since the two are so difficult to differentiate, I'll stick with my original notion. He's demonic.
    Could you please let go of that ─ quite frankly, irritating ─ inclination of yours to label human beings you don't like as demonic or demon-possessed? I bet you've never dealt with a real demon in your life ─ if you had, then you'd know the difference.

    Alex Jones is just an idiot, okay? He's an indoctrinated and brainwashed right-wing bigot with the vocal cords of a horror B-movie actor, and he's every bit as much of a hillbilly as those morons who stormed the Capitol. But a demon he is not.

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