"The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon
Aianawa (4th May 2024), Aragorn (8th March 2024), Emil El Zapato (8th March 2024), Gio (4th May 2024)
It occurred to me that the U.S. should set up governmental organizations in all hemispheric countries to process immigrants...It might be a way of improving local conditions as well as a way to manage migrant flow from their sources. Cooperation at the grassroots level! If they can organize governmental overthrows they should be able to manage some commonsense problem-solving approaches.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Jon Stewart Devours the Fast-Food Industry
| The Daily Show
12:48 min.May 3, 2024 #dailyshow
Jon Stewart takes a bite out of the fast-food industry from McDonald's' promise to use chicken without antibiotics, Chick-fil-A’s Appreciation Day protests, and Pizza Hut’s hot dog-lined pizza.
Presenting an alternative to the alternative community.
"The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon
"The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon
Aianawa (21st September 2024), Emil El Zapato (21st September 2024), Fred Steeves (21st September 2024), Gio (1st October 2024)
My next door is from Venezuela; he and his wife detest Maduro, his sister an M.D. was making 10.00 a month so she moved to Spain. His mother, a landowner, needed food care packages from her American son to eat.
Has Trump ever invoked the name 'Maduro'. I'll bet not because He and Maduro are besties and probably trade guffaws after each murder.
When I was in Philadelphia, I met a guy at the Mexican consulate that was legal and had been waiting 20 years to gain citizenship. Wow!
Last edited by Emil El Zapato, 21st September 2024 at 11:26.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
The Venezuelan gang phenomena just happened to dove tail nicely with the latest US attempt at overthrowing the Venezuelan government, talk about election interference. Always interesting to follow who and what the narrative machine chooses to focus on, then other, seemingly unrelated events, will explain the why part of it.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
Aianawa (22nd September 2024), Emil El Zapato (21st September 2024), Gio (1st October 2024), Octopus Garden (1st October 2024), Wind (21st September 2024)
interesting, as usual, Freddie...
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (22nd September 2024)
Have a great day today
Aianawa (22nd September 2024), Emil El Zapato (21st September 2024), Gio (1st October 2024)
wow, nice song, good beat and easy to dance to...I give it a 90, Cheers!
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (22nd September 2024)
Christian (2nd October 2024), Emil El Zapato (1st October 2024), Octopus Garden (1st October 2024)