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Thread: Mental Illness and a Plethora of Annoying Comments

  1. #46
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chuckie View Post
    Frankly, I don't believe the reality exists but surely it is a 'perception'. Your post requires a lot of background context to get to the root cause. Perceptions are as debilitating as propaganda. People with unclear ideas project their 'beliefs' onto others. Not really relevant but through DNA testing, I found a half-sister who is a psychologist specializing in transgender 'preparation' for sex change operations. She is given referrals to assess the individual's ability and readiness for a radical life-changing process. People don't do that because it is cool or because it is the prevailing social zeitgeist unless they are seriously disturbed. Those types are edge cases that fuel the perceptions.

    Same with Uncle Toms, in many cases, they are Uncle Tom. Supreme Court Justice (Thom)as is an outstanding example. When he looks in the mirror in the morning he sees a white guy. Those types don't deserve a voice. It's all about the language used to state one's position. It is easy to sense benevolence or malevolence in the presentation of one's argument. Honesty, openness and willingness to trade ideas are admirable traits. To purposefully rub raw wounds is not. And this is the problem in my opinion, many just want to gain notoriety by working against a goal that has by its very nature a moral and admirable quality (some would love to call it a narrative but reality can be called a narrative only with great difficulty and duplicity).
    It does require a lot of background context. I've been watching the situation emerging among these groups splintering off for a couple of years now. Thousands of individuals telling their personal stories, experiences and observations, and sharing data and transgender specialists chiming in. That's their community, and I have to respect that their opinion is just as relevant as the mainstream narrative or run the risk of being transphobic myself.

    Does your half sister refer more adults or more minors in her practice? Curious? She's probably familiar with Dr. Andersen, who is a transsexual psychologist herself. She first came out to make the claims that it was social pressure (not necessarily peer pressure but that was also a factor) that was behind the spike in girls wanting to transition. With the emphasis that she is referring to minors not adults as her specialty was treating minors. Andersen was then arbitrarily attacked for her statements in social media even though she has been in transgender medicine for decades and is transsexual herself (face palm). That tells me there is social pressure behind this. And really Andersen just wanted parents and medical communities to treat the issue more responsibly since there were already medical and psychological protocols in place and not to treat it as a social fad. She was most particularly concerned with people other than the parents involving themselves in the transition of minors and keeping transition from parents.

    It's even really hard to find links to her interviews with search engines on MSM, so it seems she is being throttled. I found them among dissenting trans organizations like Gays Against Groomers.

    15-20 years ago Andersen over the course of many interviews said there were a couple of transgender clinics in the US. Now there's dozens and dozens of them. Male adults wanting to reassign to women was the norm, and it was fairly rare. It had maintained that sort of rarity for about 50 years. Now its imploded 5000 percent and flip flopped virtually overnight into legions of young girls wanting to transition. Andersen thought that was significant that sudden flip flop.

    Then there's the follow the money aspect of it. Andersen goes on to criticize the process these gender clinics that just popped up overnight. More like plastic surgery mills than the very intense , delicate and specialized microsurgery that goes into sexual reassignment in clinics established for that purpose. It's not through long years of therapy in consenting adults that finally arrive them at the decision, but more like allowing minors to self-diagnose and then allow them access to hormones and surgery without any long-time therapy to find out if they have an underlying condition. Long term therapy before transition was an established protocol to weed out underlying conditions. Suddenly it was abandoned. Tavistock in the UK closed its transgender clinic for this reason or was forced to close I should say. Potentially one could be experiencing body dysphoria, discontent with your own body which is common during puberty, rather than actual gender dysphoria which is actually being in the wrong body. I believe the term weaponizing puberty for profit was used.

    The conclusion I drew from that is: Who stands to profit from that? Not the transgender community, not social influencers, but big pharma and big medicine.

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  3. #47
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    With this kind of social programming occurring in the liberal progressive communities it makes it really hard to remain progressive when it strays off into stuff that I don't think anyone of a certain age was raised to navigate. I tell my kids that. I wasn't raised to navigate the issues we are currently experiencing in the world, and I didn't raise you to adeptly navigate these issues because they didn't exist then. But it's only been about 10-15 years ago when being gay became a fad at one of my kids' middle schools. So one comes home one day and announces they are gay.

    Okay. Well how can I help you with that.

    Nothing Just don't be judgmental or go nuts or hate me or anything.

    Okay. Then life went on as usual but the rest of my family some who consider themselves liberal went batshit. She can't really be gay they screamed and acted like I raised her to be gay. I'm not gay and I would have no idea how to raise a child to be gay or give a child gay lessons but apparently that wasn't a reasonable response.

    No, the child in question wasn't gay. But I'm the parent and I noticed something going on that no one else did and figured time would take care of it. Or wouldn't. I maintained I knew my child better than they did. So it was like being supportive, but not pushing in either direction.

    Now she's happily married to a man. It was just a situation that was evolved out of without my interference. And I don't like to think how things could have gone if I had been pushy about the matter either way, either climbing on boards some pro or anti stance. I correctly pinned it as part of growing up. Even though my generation didn't particularly have orientation or gender confusion in vast numbers like we do now. Having once been that age though I knew what puberty confusion was.

    I guess you have to remain liberal progressive as a individual instead of as a social or political group so you don't have to adopt the party lines of the groups when they get irrational and ungrounded and self-contradictory. Individuals it seems are easier to interface and understand than huge organizations, groups and parties which, regardless of theme or what they represent, end up being obnoxious and destructive after a while even turning on themselves. People become less important than making sure the party, no matter how dysfunctional it becomes, remains the winner. That is the same for any organization, regardless of creed.

    There are several transgenders at work. They are adults though, not children though. They haven't had the surgery, nor do I know if they will ever have the surgery. They all present as men, but still use the woman's locker room confiding they don't feel comfortable in the men's locker room. They are really open and honest about it but I never went so far as to ask them if social pressure was the cause of their wanting to present as men, but not necessarily live as a man.

    They just say they feel more comfortable presenting as men. Not boys. Men. They are the one's who actually called out a biological male wanting to be in the woman's locker room and worked to have him removed from the locker room. They were telling me about this after the fact. The company was hesitant to do so due to 'woke' policy, but it was his/ her behavior in the locker room that upset everyone. They suspected he wasn't trans at all but taking advantage of policy. Doing stupid shit like peeing in the sinks for which he got kicked out of the men's locker room in the first place.. Instead of using it as a place to change he used it as a place to parade around naked leading one to believe he really wasn't convinced he was a woman. Or as one of the transmen told him, I lived most a good portion of my life as a woman and peeing in sinks is not part of being a woman. It was an interesting exchange. They talked a lot about trans people who did it for attention, because it became all about being trans or gay as if their entire personality and other aspects of themselves as humans like interests, hobbies and professions were memory holed and everything was just about being gay or trans. That's a theme that comes up again and again when talking to trans or gay people.

    A decided difference between them and the trans males who used the locker room for that purpose. I doubt anyone transitions so they can pee in a sink so they ended up getting rid of him based on that.

    But when you talk to individuals instead of listening to party lines it's very enlightening. I have a close friend who is a lesbian. She's very open about it and said she's never felt that she was oppressed or deprived of rights. I tell her she is very conservative, and she always wonders I mean when I laugh at her about it. I don't mean in the political sense but just the way she is compared to how gays are represented in social media. She's very obvious lesbian but doesn't make her entire existence about it. She's too appealing really for anyone to hate on her. She doesn't go to gay pride parades because she said the behavior of some individuals there was so disgusting that she wouldn't take her younger minor sister who is in her care to see it. I think she is very representative of gays everywhere who make it about who they love and not what they are. She is also critical of gay people who are gay just to be gay, and make everything about being gay. She says they are boring, and probably just doing it for attention.

    When I am accused of being a right wing nut job she's quick to point out that supporting gay people also means I'm concerned with things like if they can put food on the table or afford gas or pay their mortgage. I can honestly says she's one of the few people that gets me.

    I have a much younger, previously female cousin, that had experienced such terrible sexual abuse by a family member and was so traumatized that they will never be able to present as a woman. He said he would never be safe being a woman --safe from abuse I mean. Women don't disgust him. He said being a female disgusted him. His mother, the female role model, just allowed this abuse to go on and on so he cannot identify with such a disgusting aspect of femininity. He has no idea if he was transgender from the get-go or the abuse forced him there and it doesn't matter I guess. He's much happier being a man, feels safer and able to engage in life in a way that he couldn't as a female. But again goes back to predatory adults factoring into these decisions and blurring the waters. Interestingly he comes from a very conservative, 'let's hide the body in the hills' part of the family who have been very supportive and agree what transitioning was the only way he could have some sort of a life even though they disagree with trans issues in general.

    When you get down to individuals instead of groups, things are much more peaceful and empathetic between people, instead of allowing huge political and social justice organizations influencing relations between people.

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  5. #48
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    That's hard to argue with, my brother's wife has a sister that has always been ambiguous about her sexuality, her nephews consider her gay though she is married to a man right now, multiple relationships, multiple kids (all sexually confused, one openly lesbian and her brothers are unknown currently, both either transsexual or transgender...the family is still trying to figure it out but then that isn't their specialty). I think one of the boys is on the gender change route and the other seems currently satisfied with the role of a transsexual. He has been beaten for that reason and finally was advised by my brother's brother-in-law to leave the state and take his gay cousin with him, to California where things are a bit more open.

    The moral of the story is that statistically, 3.5% of the population is not straight...I just checked it and apparently, it has been adjusted down, 11% admit some same-sex attraction. That's a lot of 'funny' people. So does social pressure keep people in the closet or does it let them out? Your guess would be as good as mine probably better.

    I don't think my sister has any age restriction on her clients beyond legality in California. She also specializes in end-of-life therapy and admits to bi-sexuality. She is separated from her husband of 25 years and is living with a woman now.
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  7. #49
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    If you look at this topic from the Jungian perspect then would it make any more sense? Anima and animus.

    To me permanent body modifications seem a bit extreme. Changing children's gender doesn't seem okay to me.
    What if a girl is a tomboy and they're also a lesbian? Why do they have to change their body into male body?

    What if we were born into the bodies we are supposed to be having, but due to past life experiences people associate themselves to the opposite gender and feel that they must change their body so they can identify more with their energy? What if the real solution would just to become comfortable as you are and accept what you have. It seems like confusion to me. Yet people are free to do as they will.
    "The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon

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  9. #50
    Senior Member United States Diabolical Boids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chuckie View Post
    That's hard to argue with, my brother's wife has a sister that has always been ambiguous about her sexuality, her nephews consider her gay though she is married to a man right now, multiple relationships, multiple kids (all sexually confused, one openly lesbian and her brothers are unknown currently, both either transsexual or transgender...the family is still trying to figure it out but then that isn't their specialty).
    That's the core problem that gets unfairly misconstrued as hate. This is no parent's specialty. Yet everywhere people are expected to be experts and therapists on other people's problems in advance, like mind readers. They should all be experts and adroitly handle their child's announcement about suddenly volte facing their identity. For parents who have children that felt they were the opposite sex from a very early age they have to time to get used to the idea, to find therapy and take this long adaptive road into the child finally transitioning.

    But for parents who just get blindsided when their kid comes home from school, announces they are the opposite sex without having shown any sign of it before, they are attacked for not having the "appropriate" reaction. To say the least they are startled, upset, confused, and probably don't deal with it well. And there's more adults in the background who are ready to tell kids "Well that was an inappropriate reaction, your parents hate you and are keeping you from happiness. They are gatekeepers." So unless a parent just quickly says, "Of course you are trans. Let's get your boobs removed right away," these groomers accuse parents of hatred when really they are just shocked, blindsided, confused, have no idea what the child is speaking of. Not transphobic.
    In those instances it seems more like shock hypnosis. MKULTRA. Shock, and then start the conditioning patter while the parent is suspended in confusion, and then sweep the child away during the confusion. I don't think it's about hate, I think its about greed and fulfilling an agenda. Nor do I think this happens in every situation, but it happens enough when other adults outside the family unit get involved like teachers or influential personages on social media.

    That goes hand in hand with another issue unrelated to LGBTQ issue, a sub plot in the background which is just NWO agenda. An attack on families. That started in the 60's with urging women to leave the family and go work. It profited the IRS to get more women on the tax rolls but became a long destructive chain of family dissolution and troubled kids having absentee parents. For a time in the 90's in the US stay at home mothers were attacked socially for staying at home with their kids. Now certain extremist groups are attacking the concept of plain and simple family, and the idea of having parents as restrictive. Well yeah, Parents are restrictive. That's the point of parents. Even animal parents are restrictive.

    The idea of freedom gone too far. How do you get around having a family or parents unless everyone is born in a test tube and then put into a state-run institution which for sure sounds NWO. If people have no families, they are naturally inclined to create families from people around them, friends and associates. But the social programmers who pressure kids into transition, insist on one hand that the idea of family should be abolished and on the other hand insist they are the only true family. Oh so then it's not about family being bad, its a battle ground about who gets to influence who. That's cultish. It also reminds me of the whistleblowers like Cathy O' Brien who testified she was separated from her family and turned a sex slaves by groomers and people high up in the elitist order. In some instances, some of these young people had parents who actually groomed them to be used.

    So does social pressure keep people in the closet or does it let them out? Your guess would be as good as mine probably better.
    A good question. Both? I think. Social pressure towards acceptance opens the doors, and eventually people in question begin to settle into the mainstream of society. I think that is what most people want. But there are factors behind that keep pushing the envelope saying that is not enough and push things too far. Tolerance and acceptance turns into fascism where it's not enough to accept or tolerate you must show your devotion and make the people in question exclusive, the primary and sole concern and above the laws of civility. Or we will destroy your reputation. Which means acceptance wasn't the issue, domination is. Then it gives all sorts of opportunities to predate on others freely. Instead of acceptance people are convinced they need special privileges for being gay or transsexual or whatever which then puts them outside the mainstream of society again. I think the numbers of people wanting privilege is very small, but the extremists usually get all the news and bandwidth, making it seem like they are a majority.
    Last edited by Wind, 19th February 2023 at 16:55. Reason: Corrected username quoting

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  11. #51
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Diabolical Boids View Post
    That's the core problem that gets unfairly misconstrued as hate. This is no parent's specialty. Yet everywhere people are expected to be experts and therapists on other people's problems in advance, like mind readers. They should all be experts and adroitly handle their child's announcement about suddenly volte facing their identity. For parents who have children that felt they were the opposite sex from a very early age they have to time to get used to the idea, to find therapy and take this long adaptive road into the child finally transitioning.
    Very good points, indeed.
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  13. #52
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    If you look at this topic from the Jungian perspect then would it make any more sense? Anima and animus.

    To me permanent body modifications seem a bit extreme. Changing children's gender doesn't seem okay to me.
    What if a girl is a tomboy and they're also a lesbian? Why do they have to change their body into male body?

    What if we were born into the bodies we are supposed to be having, but due to past life experiences people associate themselves to the opposite gender and feel that they must change their body so they can identify more with their energy? What if the real solution would just to become comfortable as you are and accept what you have. It seems like confusion to me. Yet people are free to do as they will.
    I guess body modification for transgenderism has been going on since the 50's. But it wasn't a extreme social issue, it didn't sweep the nation. And there was years long therapy involved in it and eventually careful surgical work. There wasn't pressure to get modified. Now it's extreme. It must be done right away. And these kids come out of it looking like they got hacked in a chop shop and many of them have horrifying complications they have to live with the rest of their lives. Penises that don't pee, constant bladder infections, bleeding vaginas, infections, reactions to hormones. They don't tell them about the potential side effects in advance.

    That's what started the splintering of the LGBTQ community. The programmers turning on gay people and insisting lesbians weren't gay, they were in the wrong body. Or gay men weren't men, they were in the wrong body. Or straight girls who are just tomboys are pressured. Or bookish quiet boys who don't play sports must be in the wrong body. It's just bringing back old gender roles after complaining traditional gender roles shouldn't have any influence on kids. So much for getting to determine who or what you are. So much for acceptance. Like you said this might be generationally reincarnative. There's something to be learned from body or gender dysphoria on the higher level.

    Then there are other unnecessary ploys that go way beyond acceptance. Like making children go to adult entertainment venues like drag shows. Drag queens which are usually just gay men who like to dress up started speaking out about that. It makes drag queens look bad, like they are the perverts instead of the people, often parents, pushing their kids in there.

    This guy. Who is a gay guy also a drag queen who says "your woke isn't doing us any favors it's hurting us." Interestingly enough whenever I google for Kitty Demure, he is usually labeled of being a conservative. Maybe he is. Why is it necessary to bring up an entirely unrelated matter. It's used as a way of discrediting those who are being harmed most by the agenda and those most willing to draw back the veil on the issue. Basically saying if you are not on the extremist leftist agenda, your transsexuality and gayness are not acceptable. Don't bring anything to the table unless it's extreme.

    Last edited by Aragorn, 19th February 2023 at 16:23. Reason: properly embedded your video

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  15. #53
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    I guess humor instead of hate is the best way to address it. Progressives probably didn't forsee the issues they supported turning on them or the rise of the extreme woke-ism. But Maher highlights how much language programming is involved in wokeism.

    Not sure if this is an urban legend or what but its a story making its way around the internet in the US. A girl comes home from school and announces she is transgender and really a boy. Changes her hair and clothing and starts presenting as a male. So the father supports her in this. In fact he begins dressing as woman, dress, make up sandals and starts taking her to school, picking her up, and dressing that way when they go abroad as a family all to support transgenders. Then he ups the support. Since his daughter is going to be a man he begins to introduce her to male responsibilities like what her brothers have. She has to help with automotive work, pressuring her to get a job, thinking about how she's going to take care of a family, mow the lawn and take the garbage out because that are all men's responsibilities.

    Within a few weeks, she wasn't trans anymore.
    Last edited by Aragorn, 19th February 2023 at 16:24. Reason: removed gratuitous duplication of a non-embedded video

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  17. #54
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    In a sane society you should be able to joke about all things. Comedians are truth tellers & provocateurs.



    Quote Originally posted by Diabolical Boids View Post
    I guess body modification for transgenderism has been going on since the 50's. But it wasn't a extreme social issue, it didn't sweep the nation. And there was years long therapy involved in it and eventually careful surgical work. There wasn't pressure to get modified. Now it's extreme. It must be done right away. And these kids come out of it looking like they got hacked in a chop shop and many of them have horrifying complications they have to live with the rest of their lives. Penises that don't pee, constant bladder infections, bleeding vaginas, infections, reactions to hormones. They don't tell them about the potential side effects in advance.
    That's what puzzles and concerns me although at least here this issue isn't so prevalent like it's in the states. There are indeed many negative side-effects and regrets, because things aren't perfect and also operations are done too hastily, to kids too. If you question that then you're a transphobe? Give me a break. It's about ethical conduct and welfare of people. If some truly will feel better and won't kill themselves because they "switched" their gender then good for them, but that's not always the best solution. At least I'm not convinced because the science seems to be split on that. It seems to be more of an ideological thing and I think Aragorn is right about the neurotics. For some reason a lot of that originates from somewhere around Portland, Oregon in USA. Wokism is one weird thing too and mainly it's an American thing although it's starting to spread elsewhere too.
    Last edited by Wind, 19th February 2023 at 17:14.
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  19. #55
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    In a sane society you should be able to joke about all things.
    But that's just it, isn't it? We are not living in a sane society anymore. We are living in a neurotic society where everyone is just dying for someone else to "offend them", so that they can hit the streets screaming and hollering about their purported trauma and demand that the "perpetrator" be punished.

    Society is sick both at the top and at the bottom. They're just different kinds of sickness.

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  21. #56
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    But that's just it, isn't it? We are not living in a sane society anymore.
    Americans are just having the front row seats in the freak show.
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  23. #57
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    Quote Originally posted by Wind View Post
    Americans are just having the front row seats in the freak show.
    They have earned that dubious privilege.
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  25. #58
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    When Clif High talks about the Gards ( gardens of eden ) after deciphering proto judaic scripts, this in his opinion being the root mental virus as such and the area of Youkraine being the biggest Gard, it makes imo, sdense that we are in the youkraine situation and mental gymnastics ww atm.

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    A peek into the past. Who are the crazy ones really?


    Last edited by Wind, 24th February 2024 at 01:30.
    "The more I see, the less I know for sure." ~ John Lennon

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