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Thread: Technosphere

  1. #1
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Chris got my curiosity going. I'm more of a harmony with nature type. I'd like to see us go in the direction of the movie Lightyears, also known as Gandahar. I posted it here a couple years ago. (and anew today as I can't find the previous posting).

    I, however, do not determine the course of this world I live in, not on my own anyway. And so I will explore this idea of a Technosphere.

    There's a tech business called TechnoSphere which does digital technology services. And other businesses as well with variants of the name.

    There was an online digital environment...described by the creators as a "digital ecology." Created by Jane Prophet and Dr. Gordon Selley, TechnoSphere was a place where users from around the globe could create creatures and release them into the 3D environment. (from Wikipedia)

    There's a Technosphere blog which looks interesting.

    A 2016 article from is entitled Earth's 'technosphere' now weighs 30 trillion tons, research finds.

    The technosphere is comprised of all of the structures that humans have constructed to keep them alive on the planet – from houses, factories and farms to computer systems, smartphones and CDs, to the waste in landfills and spoil heaps.

    In a new paper published in the journal the Anthropocene Review, Professors Jan Zalasiewicz, Mark Williams and Colin Waters from the University of Leicester Department of Geology led an international team suggesting that the bulk of the planet's technosphere is staggering in scale, with some 30 trillion tons representing a mass of more than 50 kilos for every square metre of the Earth's surface.

    Jose Arguelles wrote Time and the Technosphere.

    This is called a technosphere.

    I find the blog most appealing in terms of further reading. I'll be back with some findings. And I'll probably watch Lightyears again.

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  3. #2
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  5. #3
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    I, however, do not determine the course of this world I live in, not on my own anyway. And so I will explore this idea of a Technosphere.

    Go forth Dreamtimer...with my blessings...slay dragons...rescue knights in tarnished armor. Stare into the master programmer's eyes and say, "Boo!"

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Octopus Garden For This Useful Post:

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  7. #4
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    Scientsts began to connect the dots. What if ectomycorrhizal fungi were not just passively sopping up whatever nitrogen, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron they could scavenge from the soil? What if ... what if ectomycorrhizal fungi are actually mining hard rock for their trees?"

    This is a 'root' issue that McKenna has not explored. Maybe because it is after his time. There is always a trade off, even if there is symbiosis involved. To think anything is purely natural or purely artificial could be a false dichotemy.

    That false dichotemy has lead to an impression of silicon based life as being completely artificial, but it may simply be imitating primal processes that take place within primal relationships between trees and fungus.
    Last edited by Octopus Garden, 4th March 2021 at 20:41.

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  9. #5
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Sounds a lot like more bio exploitation. It isn't granting 'life and freedom' to 'sentient' things it is just utilizing more tools to self-advantage. The question of 'independent mind' by my reckoning would still exist. Not that I'm against what is described but 'independence' is still a long shout away. I, personally, don't believe that 'things' created with inert materials will ever manifest anything beyond their creator's vision of utility. No takeover here unless programmed to do so and it certainly would be no different than dropping another bomb with greater efficiency. No willfulness involved.

    Lower creation has the potential to create self-awareness and it is possible they wouldn't take too kindly to being asked to carry a burden even if it was only an electro-signal.

    I think I see your point OG ...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Iirc the technoosphere was replaced by the noosphere on 9/11, fun fact, Jose told me that he wanted the twin towers on cover of time and the Technosphere, publishes would not allow it.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Aianawa For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I really only tilt at windmills if I can stitch them in some way.

    I think a gold work windmill would be quite lovely.

    But I can't get the materials for such work without the technosphere.

    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Iirc the technoosphere was replaced by the noosphere on 9/11, fun fact, Jose told me that he wanted the twin towers on cover of time and the Technosphere, publishes would not allow it.
    That's quite some time ago. How has this replacement been manifesting?

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Dreamtimer For This Useful Post:

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  15. #8
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    by John Hazard

    “Evolution has evolved its own evolvability with the arrival of… Us!” – Jason Silva

    Here’s what I know about the Noosphere: I know there is a concept that imagines human beings in an active state of evolution, not an evolution of form, but an evolution of consciousness. The concept suggests that mankind is unfinished, that he has farther to go in his mental status. Our species is in line for an awakening, an advancement in the main nexus of awareness that goes beyond our material and temporal habits of thought during the last few thousand years.

    Since I’m part of that nexus, it’s hard to imagine what such a transformation might look like, or how it might feel, or just what it means to experience a change of consciousness from what has been the norm of my culture for all of recorded history. But I’m game to give it a try.

    For starters, what’s a noosphere? It’s best described as a layer of collective human intelligence that is part of the planet Earth, like an atmosphere, only it’s mental. Noos comes from the Greek, it means mind. It’s a concept that first appeared in the early ferment of the 20th century. There was a lot of intellectual activity at that time. That’s when Einstein offered a description of reality that ushered in the era of the modern mind, a mind that was forced to consider mind expanding concepts like the speed of light, or the quantum nature of reality, or the size of an atom, or the age of mankind. The idea of the noosphere was percolating at that moment, the way other ideas like the theory of evolution, or the design of the automobile were being worked on simultaneously by several forward thinking and unique individuals. There was a Russian named Vernadsky, and he was in touch with a Jesuit paleontologist named Chardin, and between them they took the idea very far, especially Teillard de Chardin, who is my source for the idea.

    rainbow bridgeChardin’s way of describing the Noosphere was introduced in the West at the time of his death in the mid-1950’s, but he and Vernadsky were working it out back in the 20’s and 30’s. Chardin was trained as a scientist, and also, as a priest. He was a French Jesuit paleontologist who was present in China in the 1920’s when archeologists first discovered proto-human remains that pushed the known age of human ancestors back hundreds of thousands of years. Chardin was a restless intellectual, he had a predilection for rigorous training and mystical perception, and the result was a body of written work that is staggeringly brilliant, though densely filagreed with detailed exposition that endeavors to draw associations to stages of evolution and to stages of being. I read his book, “The Phenomenon of Man” during my summer break between my freshman and sophomore years at college, and though I’ve only read the book that one time, I’ve been guided in my thinking these last 40 years by the ideas I discovered between the covers of that book.

    Down in Zucotti Park, the locus of origin of the movement known as Occupy Wall Street, an unemployed carpenter refers to the way the protesters have to communicate with each other as “an architecture of consciousness.” He’s not trying to be poetic, he wants to be descriptive. The police have forbidden the use of bullhorns, so the OWSers spread the message one person at a time.

    But there is definitely poetry here. OWSers are criticized for having an incoherent message, but I see the message in the medium, just as Marshall McLuhan surmised. The medium, in this case, is the crowd of humanity itself. The message is the creation of a new architecture of consciousness. That is the goal, but it’s hard to imagine how we get there from here.

    An Architecture of Consciousness exactly defines the Noosphere. The Noosphere is a design for an architecture of global consciousness. The handful of individuals who have endeavored to give definition to the Noosphere concept suggest we’re in for a dawning of a new type of awareness. Human beings are going to activate a dormant element of their psychic infrastructure and find it is inhabiting a new mindspace.

    I’m not psychic, but I’ve seen mental telepathy in action, and I’ve had experiences while using psychedelic drugs that I was convinced were telepathic in nature. But I don’t quite see how a general human population with psychic ability, the ability to read one another’s thought, might actually work, or how it would change human behavior. But I can think of a couple of pathways that might help to imagine it. One path is through psychedelic experiences, and the other is through the Cloud, as in cloud computing.

    One of the strongest lessons that people are learning from the use of psychoactive entheogens is the direct perception and the deep understanding of just how gloriously embedded we are in the bosom of Mother Nature. In the 1970’s two scientists named Lovelock and Margulis introduced the Gaia Hypothesis to describe the behavior of the planet as it is observed through scientific measurement. A generation later, the Gaia Hypothesis is now Gaia Theory, because more time and observation have strengthened the core idea. Science now has a comfort level with the body of Gaia, and now some scientists are using hallucinogenic plants to explore the Mind of Gaia.

    In the Peruvian Amazon, the shamans who use the tea they make from a leaf and a vine say that when they drink the tea they can communicate directly with intelligences that identify themselves as belonging to the plant kingdom. They call these intelligences teachers, because that is the way the people in that part of the world have learned to create medicines from plants, and because people believe the “medicine” teaches profound truths.

    When I was at the shaman Guillermo Arevalo’s retreat in Peru, I filmed a scene between a scientist with a background in biomedical research and an artist with a refined talent for drawing the human anatomy. Both artist and scientist had come to Guillermo’s to drink the tea they call ayahuasca, because both were interested in researching aspects of their consciousness.

    The scientist was Scott Franzblau, Director of the Institute for Tuberculosis Research at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Scott was there because he was looking for insight into the tuberculosis virus. He hoped he might come away from his effort with new ideas for further research.

    The artist was a talented young Frenchman who taught anatomical drawing named Eric Avondo. Eric was there to explore his imaginary landscape. When I met him, he had been drinking ayahuasca for more than a month, and he had been keeping a record of his experiences by drawing his visions each morning after participating in the ceremony the night before. His notebook is absolutely stunning, because it documents his ability to learn to navigate the space of the ayahuasca vision. Also, while the visions start out in the sphere of the ego and of the artist himself, over time the visions become more biological, and more detailed. Eric explained to me that each evening, he asks the Mother of Ayahuasca to reveal more information to him. He says that in order to see into biological processes, you have to leave your ego behind and let the pure consciousness take the journey. His images demonstrate concretely what his words struggle to convey.

    In the scene I filmed, the scientist sits down at the artist’s drawing table the morning after he and the artist had sat next to each other in an ayahuasca ceremony. The scientist had only been there a week, and his experiences had been powerful, but he had not seen visions of solutions to the problem of tuberculosis.

    The artist told him that the vision he was drawing that morning had come to him telepathically during the ceremony. The artist’s vision had come from the scientist!

    On camera, the scientist looks at the images and says that the drawings look like the way cellular structures known as lipid bilayers are drawn. Beyond that, he’s at a loss for words. He’s accepting of the core concepts from shamanism of learning about Nature through plant teachers, but he has no experience with such a concrete manifestation of shared thinking.

    I tell this story because it’s an obvious example of telepathic communication, and because it occurred while some really serious people were exploring the mysteries of personal consciousness through direct experience by altering the chemistry of their brain cells. Also, this story implies that there is some kind of data bank where knowledge about Nature is stored, and the quest of the participants describes an effort to gain access to this database.

    The scientist was looking for new ideas to treat TB. He decided to seek this path after learning that other scientists had successfully had breakthroughs in research that they attributed directly to the use of psychedelics. Kerry Mullis is one individual. Others include Steve Jobs and Albert Hoffman, who discovered LSD. Jeremy Narby, the anthropologist who took the scientist to meet the shaman, had been with a geneticist when she took ayahuasca, and she had a breakthrough vision in which she understood the function of protein landing pads on the DNA molecule and was able to validate her insight when she returned to her lab.

    So how do we think coherently about the way this knowledge is received into the human mind by means of chemically altering the brain through plant entheogens? How about a new metaphor?

    Marshall McLuhan said new technologies give us new tools for conceptualizing our circumstances. The machines of the Industrial Revolution are extensions of muscles, and came into being when physics described the Universe as a machine that ran like clockwork. The development of electric communications media has given human civilization a planetary nervous system, and turned our world into a Global Village. Now we have advanced computing and hyper-connectivity, including the Cloud. From the Cloud all of human knowledge is available on a digital mobile device.

    An iPhone or a Droid can access the Cloud, and perhaps in the same way human beings can access a planetary intelligence where teachers are available to share information of a very high order. And maybe it’s like going to graduate school, where you have to make the choice to seek the information, because the intention signals the aspirant is ready to receive the new lessons.

    I started thinking about the way shamans learn about Nature when I heard Terence McKenna describe the shaman as the quintessential figure of the 21st century. I also started thinking about the exponential rate of change because of Terence, so I was excited when I heard about Ray Kurzweil’s description of the Singularity. Ray is a technologist and theoretician whose way of thinking is grounded in Moore’s Law, named for Intel co-founder Gordon Moore. Moore noticed at the beginning of the era of the microchip that the number of transistors that could be put on a chip would double every eighteen months into the foreseeable future, and as this occurred, computers would get smaller and faster and cheaper, and more work would be done in any given moment of time, giving simplicity and credence to the illogical notion that “time is speeding up.”

    Ray Kurzweil has advanced the notion that as time speeds up, as humans and computers become more enmeshed, and as technology makes possible the construction of physical things at the level of the individual atom, we are headed for some kind of inevitable transformation of our consciousness that he has labeled a Singularity, because he wants to infer a change so profound that it’s as though it is outside the boundaries of our conventional thought process. That’s why the Big Bang, the event that got the Universe started, is called a singularity, because it’s outside the known laws of physics that emerge as a result of its occurrence.

    Ray: “What will happen when and if greater-than-human intelligence is created, either by enhancing the human or building an artificial intelligence? Already, technological advances pave the way for further technological advances at an ever-accelerating rate; if intelligence itself could be brought to engineer still greater intelligence in a strong positive feedback loop, the consequences (for better or for worse) would be unimaginable.

    And this: An effective model of the neocortex is coming into focus based on a pattern recognition module which is capable of recognizing and predicting patterns… Each of us has about a billion such modules in our brain. That has been sufficient to enable humans to dominate the planet but not sufficient for us to solve our most pressing problems. So why not increase this to ten billion or a trillion? That is where we are headed as we merge with our intelligent technology.

    I went to the Singularity Summit in New York recently because I wanted to see how the Noosphere concept might fit with the concepts that Ray Kurzweil has done so much to articulate. The schedule was packed with presentations with headings like “The Human Brain in Jeopardy: Computers that Think” and “Planetary-Scale Intelligence,” and “The Neurobiology and Mathematics of Consciousness,” so I got there early enough to get my press pass and grab a seat in the spacious auditorium of the 92nd St.Y. It was still before 8AM, the time when Ray’s keynote address was scheduled to begin, so I went into the banquet room for some coffee. I heard a voice that had a sing-song cadence and stocatto word delivery that caught my mind pattern and entrained itself to my thoughts. I didn’t know who I was listening to but I knew I was definitely at the Singularity Summit.

    “…What new forms of artistry are going to unfold? Nanotechnology: what are we going to MAKE? So that’s kind of like, where I come in. My inspiration is… Freeman Dyson, the physicist, he talks about, like, infinity in all directions, and he has this wonderful line where he says that this new generation of artists are going to be writing genomes the way that Blake and Byron wrote verses. He said it at a dinner at TED organized by the Edge Foundation, it was about the new age of wonder. He went from chemistry and physics to a new age of biology and computation. He’s at the next level. He understands that combination between art and science, sort of that dance, you know, where you need to change people’s consciousness.

    I glanced at this guy’s nametag. I was being entrained by Jason Silva.

    “People think of technology they think of like, metallic objects but they don’t really understand that technology’s a conduit for human flourishing, right?, a prosthesis that extends the thought reach of the human consciousness and extends the boundaries of the human mind, you know, whether the iPhone is the extended mind, you know, outsourced cognition,, or you know the technology of music to make symphonies or the technology of oil painting like when it was Van Gogh and Picasso. So what new forms of art will come out of synthetic biology and technology and…?”

    And just like that, I found what I had come there to find. But I still had to pour myself a cup of coffee.

    Listening to Jason talking in the flesh, and since then watching his videos on YouTube and Vimeo, I’m hearing a voice that is seamlessly blending the themes behind my idea of an emerging Noosphere. Jason is in love with the idea of the Singularity and it has set his imagination on fire. He’s articulating the inevitability of some kind of technological deliverance into a new human state of being, but he’s also well versed in the wetter concepts such as the Universe being embedded with intelligence. He’s describing the Rainbow Bridge I’ve been seeking.

    When I became aware of Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity, I noticed that one of Ray’s conclusions about the human journey is this: “It is the destiny of Mankind to seed the Universe with intelligence.” That seems kind of mechanistic to me. It reminds me of Rene Descartes who said, “I think, therefore I am.” Since Descartes, human culture in the West has thought of intelligence and consciousness as something that is located within the confines of the skull, and is unique to the individual.

    But scientific and technological breakthroughs have yielded new metaphors to re-conceptualize intelligence and consciousness. We’ve got wireless communication and cloud computing, so thinking about fields of intelligence becomes easier for Westerners to do. So I contrast Kurzweil’s idea of human destiny with Amazonian shamanism, which says that it is the destiny of human beings to perceive that the Universe is already intelligent and to awaken to that reality.

    Trying to verbally express what we’re really talking about when we’re talking about the Noosphere, the self-reflecting field of awareness that we may be on the cusp of manifesting, is hard to do. So far, I’ve established that the quest is more than building a technical infrastructure, though that’s half of it, but it’s the meta part of it, the actual state of awareness that I’m interested in. And I believe that psychedelic experience is revealing to more and more people that there is an aspect of consciousness that is not generally part of their normal state of awareness, and it’s somehow bigger than we are. It’s an intelligence that can reveal information about the way the world works, and how things are so interconnected. And the experience of encountering this intelligence, this Other, is humbling and deeply profound, as it teaches all the while.

    Just listen to Jason Silva talk about the influence of psychedelics on the development of our digital universe:

    It’s interesting to draw comparisons between psychedelics and computers, but you know, Timothy Leary used to say you take psychedelics to get rid of your mental filters, to get rid of your pre-conceptions, to sort of expand your sphere of possibility, to unbound, to free your mind, right, and when he saw the potential of computers and the internet he came out in the 90’s as a techno-optimist and said, “The computers are the LSD of the nineties!” not to mention the fact that a lot of the engineers who invented the personal computer and the micro-processor, who re-conceived of computers as these big Von Neumann centralized things into these tools that could free individual minds, to be extensions of individual minds, they were all tripping when they had those realizations and those A-Ha moments to begin with…

    artwork by Charles Glaubitz
    …but I think that’s what computers do to each and every one of us, I mean these forms of technology extend the reach of each and every one of us and extends our ability to create connections with one another, so we all become nodes in this, like, macro-brain, and, I think the emergent properties of self-organization that we find at other scales of reality, will start to occur on this scale of reality… but at the same time, you can sort of like surf that wave of bliss so much farther, you know, we don’t have to worry about gravity or temperature or distance, it’s just kind of like, your mind can soar through the Cosmos, in a way, just like with the psychedelics, you know? …The fact that the guys who discovered the DNA molecule were said to have tripped on acid is not a coincidence, either.

    Simon Powell just published “The psilocybin Solution.” Here is the best book on the subject of the way consciousness is altered by psilocybin mushrooms. It surveys the history of the use of the plant, and makes clear how briefly the knowledge of the experience has been available to western minds. (I used mushrooms in the early 70’s when I lived in North Florida. I picked strofaria cubensis right out of the cow patties). Powell reminds the reader that using mushrooms is not a party drug experience. The encounter is too serious and filled with meaning. And it’s this aspect of the profundity that accompanies the experience that makes me wonder about the way the Noosphere might come into existence, and how it might change our way of thinking. Powell shows us that the Other is out there. But in the future, will we have to alter our brain chemistry to have contact with it, or might there be some shift, some change of vibration, some way that we might be entrained by its presence as a normal part of our walking around awareness?

    “… if the evolution of organic life and human consciousness represents the inexorable unfolding of a potential woven into the fabric of Nature, then what further potential is yet to be expressed? P237

    …reality as we know it might be coded to produce some climactic output at some latter stage of its evolutionary progression. Equally plausible is the idea that our interconnected computer technology might spawn some new level of informational cohesion- a kind of virtual dimension into which the agency of human consciousness can be transferred. In point of fact … through the rise of telecommunications and computing technology, the Earth does seem to be wiring itself up into an integrated digital network, a bioelectronics entity in which widely dispersed informational systems like the human psyche can instantly communicate with one another across the globe. This magical technology, similar as it is to the communicational activity of the synapsing neuronal brain, is clearly evolving at an unprecedented rate, and the eventual emergence of a more “tangible” cyberspatial dimension of some kind seems assured. Indeed, judging by the boom in media speculation about the near future of computing systems along with the escalating popularity of Internet-enabled WiFi phones, it would appear that a fully immersive cyberspace of one sort of another is within reach. P238

    The Singularity is near, indeed.

    …When one has encountered the Other through the visionary effects of a strong dose of psilocybin mushrooms, it becomes quite evident that, whatever the Other’s ultimate intent, consciousness is an essential part of the plan. P246

    I like this next quote because it sounds like the way Kurzweil describes how artificial intelligence can write software based on feedback. Perhaps, as in fractal geometry, this is true at all scales of Nature.

    I provided the reader with a model of consciousness that views it as a flowing pattern of information generated within an intelligent, self-organizing Universe. Once one has accepted that we and all other patterns of information are natural expressions of a self-writing language-based Universe, that Nature is everywhere smart and contextually significant, then one is compelled to go on to examine the “meaning of it all.” P249

    Contextually significant. In Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception” the main thrust of the description of his experience using mescaline is how ordinary reality is pervaded by significance when one is under its influence. It seems that in the right frame of mind, everything has meaning, and there is no concern with time. Every moment is an eternal present, and there is a desire to be fully conscious and awake.

    Recently a group of Mayan elders led by Humbatz Men made a journey to sacred sites across the USA, and they had with them 13 crystal human skulls. The origin of the skulls is lost, and all that’s left is an ancient mystery. The Mayans believe they are fulfilling a prophesy by bringing the skulls together at this time and performing ceremonies that are designed to invoke their power, a power which is said to involve the ability of human beings to gain access to the cosmic database. I have no idea if this is the case, but what if it is a literal truth?

    Perhaps the most notable conveyor of the idea of the Noosphere in recent times has been Jose Arguelles. Arguelles just died, but he has left us with a beautifully written book he calls “Manifesto for the Noosphere.” He clearly envisions a new synthesis of collective human awareness, a new state of mind that is a shared experience.

    “Just as the biosphere is the unified field of life and its support systems…so the noosphere is the unified field of the mind, the psychic reflection of the biosphere. Because we as a species, the aggregate of consciousness-bearing cells of the evolving Earth, are not yet awake to our role as a planetary organism, so too the noosphere is not yet fully conscious. When humanity becomes conscious of itself as a single organism and unites to activate the noosphere, we will find the collective resolve and will to reconstruct the biosphere and divert the energy of the human race from a path of destruction based on a mechanized abstraction from nature to a new harmonic order of super-organic reality based on an entirely different state of consciousness than has yet existed on Earth.”

    Somehow, part of the description for how we get there from here is caught up in our perception of time. Mostly, our way of thinking about time is by thinking about the big hand and the little hand on a clock. Time is linear, and we perceive it when we pay attention to the phase of the moon, or the rising and setting sun. And of course, we get older day by day.

    Arguelles insists we can’t awaken to the Noosphere unless we adopt a new calendar, the Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar pays attention to different cycles of nature during the course of the year. The Tzolkin is 260 days, the same amount of time that is required for a human being to gestate in the womb. There are signs for days based on other systems that use the numbers 13 and 20. And most intriguing, they ascribe specific qualities to specific days. In essence, the Maya believe there are many different types of time. Arguelles believed that for 21st century humans to transition into a new state of being, we are going to have to learn “to be” in time like the Maya.

    So maybe Terence McKenna got it right when he called the shaman the quintessential figure of the 21st century. Shamans have a technique for entering into conversation with the Other. This knowledge that the shamans possess has become a new meme in the global culture and it’s being amplified by its presence in the Cloud. Jeremy Narby has been conducting live webinars in conversation with experts who have extensive experience with the ayahuasca vision quest. The Cisco Systems web environment normally conversing about corporate matters is now pulsing to life an Earth based New Human Sentience.

    And as heady as all this is, I know its essence is easily found in a still moment, sitting in a canoe on a lake at sunset and becoming aware of a pink lily, and on the tip of the lily there’s a drop of water, and when I look into the drop of water, I can see everything.

    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    I really only tilt at windmills if I can stitch them in some way.

    I think a gold work windmill would be quite lovely.

    But I can't get the materials for such work without the technosphere.

    That's quite some time ago. How has this replacement been manifesting?
    Of course lawoftime >

    Theory and History of the Noosphere
    The Noosphere - literally, “mind-sphere” or Earth’s mental sheathe - is a word and concept jointly coined by Édouard Le Roy, French philosopher and student of Henri Bergson, Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Russian geochemist, Vladimir Vernadsky, in Paris, 1926. At the root of the primary definition of noosphere is a dual perception: that life on Earth is a unity constituting a whole system known as the biosphere; and that the mind or consciousness of life - the Earth’s thinking layer - constitutes a unity that is discontinuous but coextensive with the entire system of life on Earth, inclusive of its inorganic support systems. A third critical premise arising from the first two is that the noosphere defines the inevitable next stage of terrestrial evolution, which will subsume and transform the biosphere.

    How this evolutionary shift might occur is at the crux of the experiment, Noosphere II. Though little else is known concerning Édouard Le Roy, our ideas about the noosphere and the transition from the biosphere to the noosphere are largely derived from the perceptions of Teilhard de Chardin and Vernadsky, along with the work of American Physicist, Oliver Reiser. We will summarize these viewpoints below.

    1. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin foresaw the emergence of the noosphere at a peak mystical moment referred to as the Omega Point. This moment would be the result of the interactions of increasing activity of human networks creating a highly charged “thinking layer.” Teilhard speaks of there being planets with noosphere - planets in which the thinking layer advances to the stage where it produces a noosphere, the mental sheathe “above and discontinuous with the biosphere.” Thus Teilhard de Chardin wrote of a “... network of links ... more and more literally present, in the immensity of their organism, as the image of a nervous system...” This nervous system would be the function of a “... geotechnology extending a closely interdependent network of its enterprises over the whole earth ...”

    Since Teilhard de Chardin’s death in 1955 when his books could finally be published, most notably the Phenomenon of Man (1959) and the Future of Man (1964), the advance of the biosphere into a transitional stage, the technosphere, has seen the virtual fulfillment of de Chardin’s prerequisite for the manifestation of the noosphere, a global information network - a geotechnology - the Internet. As the penultimate stage in the development of an actual freely functioning thinking layer, the Internet is the means of electronically linking up the noosphere prior to the mystical moment of the Omega Point - “At that node of ultimate synthesis, the internal spark of consciousness that evolution has slowly banked into a roaring fire will finally consume the universe itself. Our ancient itch to flee this woeful orb will finally be satisfied as the immense expanse of cosmic matter collapses like some mathematician’s hypercube into absolute spirit.” (

    2. Vladimir Vernadsky and the Russian School . Vernadsky, key theoretician of the biosphere (Biosphere, 1926), took for his point of departure for the advent of the noosphere the issue of biogeochemical combustion, represented by man’s thought translated into the form of technological work. Though he never used the word “technosphere,” Vernadsky’s prerequisite for the coming of the noosphere all but presupposes the existence of the technosphere, for in his perception the impact of industrialization is actually affecting the geological timing, bringing about a mutational phase known as the biosphere-noosphere transition. Vernadsky was acutely aware of the political and environmental implications of the accelerated increase of the machine in human society, which he wrote, “proceeds in geometrical progression, just like the production of living matter, man included ... Statesmen should be aware of the present elemental process of transition of the biosphere into the noosphere ... the fundamental property of biogeochemical energy is clearly revealed in the growth of free energy in the biosphere with the progress of geological time, especially in relation to its transition into the noosphere.” Problems in Biogeochemistry II (1944)

    In the time since Vernadsky's death in 1945, his prerequisite of a peak of biogeochemical combustion to precipitate the noosphere is all but fulfilled in the complex fact of global warming. Little known in the West, Vernadsky enjoys an enormous stature in Russia where his thought has affected virtually all of Russian science since him, spawning such schools as cosmism, the perception of cosmic processes in terrestrial affairs, and many subgroups within the Russian Academy of Sciences devoted to exploring the implications and aspects of his ideas. These include the work of N. A. Kozyrev on time, Alexei Dmitriev on the transformation of solar fields, and the Kaznacheev school of Cosmic Anthropoecology.

    3. Oliver Reiser. In his book Cosmic Humanism (1966), Oliver Reiser, an unusual and little known American visionary physicist and whole systems thinker, advances his idea of the noosphere. In a chapter entitled “The Radiation Belts of Thought,” he puts forth the notion of Earth’s psi fields. His rather elaborate theory - the Psi Fields and the World Sensorium - is based on two discoveries not known to Vernadsky, nor, it would seem, to Teilhard de Chardin - the DNA and the Earth’s radiation belts. Reiser presciently locates the world brain - noosphere - within the electromagnetic field of the radiation belts, including the program of the DNA, which creates the “planetary thought belts.” While Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin are quite vague in an actual description of the noosphere, Reiser supplies a great amount of scientific detail, integrating the evolving components of science into a system of cosmoecology, inclusive of Carl Jung’s notion of synchronicity.

    In “Projects Prometheus and Krishna,” Appendix II to his fascinating synthesis, Reiser takes full cognizance of the contribution of Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin. Reiser cites Vernadsky’s calling attention to the process of social synthesis, “whereby mankind become a single totality in the life of the Earth, and the psychozoic era of the earth’s biosphere be transformed into the noosphere.” Taking account of the sequence of spherical shells constituting the whole system earth - the barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere - he writes, “Now, at long last, the processes of cultural evolution have generated another envelope, superimposed on the biosphere, i.e., a ‘sheet of humanized and socialized matter,’ which is the noosphere.” (p.557, Cosmic Humanism).

    4. Jung, Fuller, Sheldrake, Russell, Biosphere 2, et al. Following Reiser’s synthesizing work some such notion of the noosphere or psi fields was taken up by various thinkers though none approaching the whole system completeness of Vernadsky, de Chardin or Reiser. The work of Carl Jung on synchronicity and archetypal theory is a natural adjunct to a theory of the noosphere which would assume a common “collective unconscious” - the noosphere being the common collective conscious field of the Earth. The idea of synchronicity further assumes a method of telepathy or a parapsychological medium of communication within the common field of the collective unconscious. The vindication of Jung’s theories (and of Reiser as well) came with the 1973 discovery by Martin Shoenberger (The I Ching and the Genetic Code, The Hidden Key to Life, 1973) of the exact identity of the binary code of the I Ching and DNA, a discovery which had to raise the issue of a synchronistic medium of communication within some great planetary field of thought - the World Sensorium.

    In Rupert Sheldrake’s A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1982), the notion of morphogenetic fields advances an explanation of an essentially telepathic intraspecies medium of communication. Peter Russell’s notion of the Global Brain (1982) builds on the electronic communication and nervous system metaphor of the noosphere to establish the idea of the noosphere as a planetary global brain. Buckminster Fuller’s concepts for developing a whole system design perception of the Earth - Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1975) and Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969) - are also fundamental to a theory of the noosphere as intrinsic to a view of the planet as an evolving organism, an idea also articulated in James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis (1981).

    The work of the Ecotechnics Institute/Biosphere 2 project which evolved over the 1980s and 90’s also needs to be cited. This includes the work of Tango Snyder, John Allen and Mark Nelson, as well as the pioneers of the actual Biosphere 2 experiment outside of Tucson, 1991-1993. While the Biosphere Catalog (1985), edited by Tango Snyder, is the first to fully elaborate a description of the technosphere, Space Biospheres (1989) by Allen and Nelson define two other spheres which could be called sub functions of the technosphere: the cybersphere - Teilhard de Chardin’s geotechnological information network - and the ethnosphere, what Cosmic History would define as the field of the hybrid planetary human hooked up by the cybersphere and living an unconsciously yet technologically unified life within the technosphere. While much of the work of the Biosphere 2 project (Life Under Glass, A Look Inside Biosphere 2, by Abigail Ailing and Mark Nelson, 1993) was aimed at seeing what possibility might exist for transporting the Earth’s biosphere to other planets - namely Mars - still, the experimental effort in and of itself advanced the possibility of humans breaking out of the mold, while on Earth, to experience in a defined environment the nature of the biosphere - and by doing it consciously, actually anticipating the noosphere.

    In conclusion, mention should be made of the fact that on the virtual noosphere, the Internet, there is a web site <> conducting tests in global consciousness entitled the “Global Consciousness Project: Registering Coherence and Resonance in the World.” The Noosphere is defined by this Internet group "as the sum total of all human knowledge and experience. This would include everything from our most private dreams to our knowledge of Universe itself. With accelerating technology as its catalyst, our noosphere is expanding at its greatest rate in history.”

    In contemporary Russia, the noosphere has advanced to the stage of establishing different versions of a ‘Noospheric Congress.’ In Altai, one such effort was aimed at functioning within the existing parliamentary government system as a higher consciousness biospheric steering committee. The other effort is known as the Noosphere Spiritual Ecological World Assembly (, which has already begun a process of setting up the standards “whereby mankind become a single totality in the life of the Earth.” It might be added that, in general, in the 1980s and 90s the idea of the noosphere or global brain or gaia consciousness had become a common belief in the New Age Movement

    5. José Argüelles/Valum Votan. The work of José Argüelles (Valum Votan) forms an essential conclusion to the theory of the noosphere which at the same time takes the first steps toward creating experimental techniques for actually precipitating the noosphere into conscious manifestation. The fundamental premise of Arguelles’ theory of the noosphere is that it can only come into manifestation through a conscious effort on the part of at least an informed and enlightened human minority. Arguelles’ activist inclination toward manifesting the noosphere began with his work in the creation of the First Whole Earth Festival (1970), the vision of which was to set up a global village linked by prayer and meditation with other event points on the planet. This landmark occasion brought him into contact with astrologer and whole system philosopher, Dane Rudhyar, whose Planetarization of Consciousness (1970) is a definitive statement in the direction of spiritually comprehending the noosphere as a planetary sense organ opening it to “galactic consciousness.” The holistic perception of the Earth was conveyed in Arguelles’ Mandala (1972), while in the Transformative Vision (1975), he developed a view of the planetary mind utilizing the model of the two cerebral hemispheres as an analog to the Eastern and Western global hemispheres, as well as comprehending a type of dialectical process evolving toward a unified field of global consciousness.

    But it is in Earth Ascending, an illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems (1984, 1988, 1996), that Arguelles stepped fully into the mainstream of defining the noosphere. While synthesizing the work of Teilhard de Chardin and Oliver Reiser (in the first edition of this book he had not yet been aware of Vernadsky), the main contribution of Arguelles was to establish the principle of the psi bank as the regulator and information storage and retrieval mechanism of the noosphere. In the perception of Earth Ascending the psi bank/noosphere has always been operating as long as there has been life on Earth, but until a moment in the imminent future, Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point, it has remained in the unconscious.

    The description and definition of the psi bank was the first step in describing the noosphere’s mechanism of consciousness. Accordingly, the psi bank is responsible for moderating the different stages not only in the evolution of life, but in the evolution of consciousness as well. This is because the psi bank program maintained between the Van Allen electromagnetic radiation belts (as posited by Reiser) consists of the DNA information structures as they are in turn regulated by a field of four bipolar “psi plates” - the actual timing apparatus of the noosphere.

    In 1969, Arguelles had already written of the I Ching as a computer model, a point noted in the Foreword to Schønberger’s I Ching and the Genetic Code. With the psi bank model, Arguelles was able to take the I Ching/DNA code as a type of planetary computer program and mathematically integrate it into the mathematical code of the Mayan calendar system, the tzolkin. The common mathematical key, Arguelles discovered, was that any magic square of eight (the same mathematical matrix as the DNA/I Ching) has an array of 260, that is any row always adds up to 260, horizontally or vertically.

    Arguelles knew this number was the key to the tzolkin, the 13 x 20 (= 260) “time matrix” upon which the Mayan calendar is based. Utilizing Reiser’s hypothesis of the psi field as a kind of DNA thought belt located in the radiation field, while finding the design key to place the DNA in the Tzolkin matrix, Arguelles was able to unlock a great system of codes underlying the programs governing the historical manifestation of civilization and its imminent transformation into a stage of galactic civilization and consciousness - the noosphere made manifest.

    Having worked for many years with the tzolkin as a permutational matrix accounting for the Mayan calendar’s supreme perfection among all world calendars, and following its noospheric decoding in Earth Ascending, Arguelles went on to two more landmark noospheric event points. One was the globally synchronized meditation, the Harmonic Convergence, which actually worked with setting up a planetary field of consciousness by focusing meditations prophetically timed to occur at key sacred sites around the planet; and the accompanying text, the Mayan Factor, Path Beyond technology (1987).

    In the Mayan Factor, with the understanding of the 13 x 20 Mayan calendar matrix as the timing regulator of Earth’s psi bank regulator, Arguelles was able to determine that the Great Cycle of history, 13 baktuns or 260 katuns in duration, the basis of the Mayan Long Count, from 3113 BC to 2012 AD, was also mathematically indistinguishable from the tzolkin matrix. This meant that all of history was a function of the psi bank program.

    The Great Cycle so defined also gave a precise timing to the third and fourth terms of the holonomic equation - “man transforms nature” - now defined as the cycle of history from 3113 BC to 1987; while ”nature evaluates man’s transformation” is defined by the brief span between 1987 and 2012. The fifth and concluding term, “man and nature synthesize” would begin after the end of the cycle of history in 2012. Was 2012 Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point? If so, then the period between 1987 and 2012 would also define the time of Vernadsky’s biosphere-noosphere transition.
    Last edited by Aianawa, 5th March 2021 at 20:45.

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  17. #9
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Well, dang. Looks like some Sunday reading there, Aianawa. It's almost a tome.

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    It goes a bit off the rails at the end, but I will say this ... It has the makings of a great conspiracy theory.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    All about the evolving of humanity, add the new 21st arkeytype Huunab Ku, actually even this is old data n news nowadays as the noosphere ramps up.

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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    From Clif

    Always go Full Noosphere!
    If we big is yours?

    clif high
    14 hr ago
    Science, these days, is all about measurement. Enumeration. How many numbers can be, are now, or will be, applied to something holding still long enough to get a measurement device on to it?

    The face of Science has been changed over these last two and a half centuries since Newton published the Principles of Natural Philosophy. There have been new sciences created that had not existed in Newton’s day. The majority of these are nominally involving the study of Life, and of Humanity.

    Well, sort of. Really, these new sciences are about measuring stuff. Actually, though on the face of it, while Biology studies life, and even has sub categories explicitly so named such as ‘Life Sciences’, it doesn’t really study Life. They so claim, but the view of Biology is all about the ‘biology as mechanism’, or ‘biology as (measurable) process’. Nowhere in the texts do we find any analysis of Life, What is it? That sort of thing. Mostly just numbers, reporting on someone’s measurement of some ‘thing’.

    We are Life in Universe, and in spite of understanding that Life is integral to Universe, and is as perpetual, and as infinite, as is Universe, our Science was captured in Newton’s day, and fell to the onslaught of the Raving Reductionists, to the point that our ‘life’ sciences study the universe without admitting the possibility of Life as a key, and necessary component. Mostly, IMO, because they can’t figure out any way to measure it, Life, that is.

    As Vernadsky details in his Biosphere essays, soil does not exist without Life, in the form of bacteria, amoeba, and fungi among many other micro- and macro- vitae, just as sand does not exist without fish, and boring worms. Life has work damn hard, for a long time, in order that fertile plains, and warm sandy beaches may be used by humans. What? You thought they just ‘happened’?

    Life is a necessary part of Universe. At a key fundamental level, you’re as necessary as a sulfur eating rock bacteria. Universe is using both, you and the bacteria, to create planets.

    It’s rough work, but someone has to do it.

    Planets don’t happen by themselves. Life needs to be there, working, grinding, polishing, shaping, altering, in order for planets to exist. Without Life, both large and small, all you have is space rocks, not planets.

    Vernadsky understood. He grokked Humanity swimming in, and participating in, the biosphere that is Earth. Naturally he was led to the concept of Noosphere, or Humanity, as cognate beings (we can argue about that part later), using cognition to further the processes that are Biosphere.

    In other words, we think about shit. We noodle, gnaw, and conceptualize, then, we take those notions, ideas, and engineering into the material reality of Biosphere, making our impact in/ and on, its processes, that much more powerful.

    Get it? Noosphere is all about thinking. Yes, I agree, a whole lot of humanity doesn’t think, but look how powerful it is that we have achieved so much, with just the few of us who do...think.

    So, if you think about it, the World Economic Forum assholes are desperately trying to stop a natural process, that is, cognition within the Biosphere naturally growing the Noosphere. The WEF can’t, apparently, abide that you may think. They are weaponizing empathy for a planet that does not exist to try to get you to stop any and all thinking.

    The planet of the WEF is one absent Humanity, which is a natural occurrence at the insistence of Universe as it needed us to create stuff, to wear stuff down, to dig canals, to make cities, all that human stuff that we do so well. It’s required to make Planet Earth. As this whole cognition thing is a natural product of Universe, we will probably keep doing it, much to the annoyance of the WEFfers.

    Universe wants humans to go Full Noosphere, using thinking to up level our part of it, this place where material exists, that is called our Matterium. Just as we do with Biosphere where we have up leveled our participation by drilling deeper into Earth than any other (that we know now) Life, mining deeper, finding more, and going higher into the atmosphere than Life could, absent cognition.

    Note that the ‘material sciences’, heavily promoted by the |WEF crowd, don’t allow for anything other than the Matterium, and the ‘life’ sciences don’t allow for anything that can’t be measured in the Matterium, yet ‘life’ can be neither qualified, nor quantified, in matter only. It may only be….recognized, and only by, other Life. Get it? Mostly Science, in the Academy sense, doesn’t.

    Humanity is also in and beyond (outside) our planetary atmosphere, so we arguably are extending the Biosphere into space, and by virtue of the Voyager probes, our Noosphere reach now extends right to the boundary of our Solar System. Collectively, humanity’s mind is not even bound by the heliopause now trapping the Voyager probes. We are continually working on newer, better, devices of all kinds for yet greater reach of our minds into universe.

    We, that is, us humans, both individually and collectively, are a ‘force of nature’. Universe wants us out there fucking around with things. It gets benefits that we can only guess about, but likely never really know. Individually we don’t live long enough. That is a limitation on our ability to qualify ourselves, as collective Humanity, within Universe. Not that this will stop us from trying. It’s what ALL the fantasies about Time Travel are reaching toward, and understanding of ourselves, in Universe.

    Well, there are other aspects to Time Travel, beyond our quest to see ourselves in proper context. One of these is that, to Science, Time is the ultimate enumeration.

    Think about it a millisecond. In order to travel in Time, one must be able to really count it, Time. You would have to know the actually ‘clock cycle’. Such enumerations as seconds, or even milliseconds are ok for travel by ships, and planes, but are way too crude to be trying to use as your guides for Time itself. No, to travel through Time, you will have to be able to count, in real time, the actual ‘clock ticks’ of the Matterium.

    There are many other considerations for even the concepts of Time Travel, and it is by following the sciences of Science clocks, that one can determine that as of this now, Time Travel does not yet exist. We know this as the clock speed of the Matterium is expressed in the shapes of the magnetism holding the Matterium intact, and that enumeration is 22 trillion times per second.

    The best our machines can do at this point in time, and Time, is 8 billion beats per second. We have a ways to go.

    And go we will, as Humanity is a basic operating principle of Universe, and is always in Full Noosphere

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