"Jan 27, 2021 by DarkJournalist
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Presents his Special Interview with Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell - Aftermath: Emergency Powers And Earth Changes! Part 1"
"Jan 27, 2021 by DarkJournalist
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Presents his Special Interview with Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell - Aftermath: Emergency Powers And Earth Changes! Part 1"
Aianawa (29th January 2021), Dreamtimer (10th February 2021), modwiz (28th January 2021)
Massive fraud, huge fraud and he be very scared but but But the elections were of absolutely no fraud AT All, comparing Biden to the Nazies, saying president rite n co are Nazi like, similar same to Hitler stuff going on ?, wtf someone help me here, Farrell dude is listened to by great minds and he is not saying high octane, nope, straight obvious election fraud of the high highest degree, ever. He dislikes Trump, hates Qetc and calling out massively the Biden election fraud, may i conclude he must be in the middle and nuetral ?.
Kathy (30th January 2021)