Maybe that's exactly why ─ i.e. they needed a wake-up call.
"Her" work ─ Dolores is a Hispanic girl's name. She passed away after a nasty fall in late 2014 ─ November, I think it was. She was in her eighties. Her daughter Julia is now continuing her work. Together they have trained many people in what Dolores herself called the quantum healing hypnosis technique (QHHT). The two women I worked with over at Project Avalon back in 2014-2015 were both qualified QHHT therapists.
I have a very different theory about that. As an empath, I tend to load other people's karma onto myself ─ at least, while I am here on Earth. That's one of the reasons as to why I'm immune to karma, even though that sounds contradictory to what I've just said.
Basically, what it means is that the more karma people are gathering, the more I will suffer in this life, but I will not carry that karma with me into the astral planes or beyond. And the fact that I am sharing in their karmic burden while I'm alive also means that they in turn will have less karma to deal with in their future lives.
I am perfectly capable of letting go, but only on the condition that the disrupting factor disappears ─ this disrupting factor being the bad stuff I'm having to endure while I am human and alive on this planet, as well as the entities on higher planes who are either doing this to me themselves or are willfully allowing other entities to do this to me. They are the ones with karma awaiting them, because (1) the ones who are doing it have overstepped their boundaries ─ they are not supposed to intervene ─ and (2) the ones who've sent me here are betraying me (and all those like me) by not stopping the perpetrators.
I don't mean to patronize you, but you are now using your own spiritual convictions and experiences for judging the veracity of mine. That's not fair, and that's not how it works. Maybe your convictions apply to your mini-universe ─ we all live in our own individual and subjective mini-universes; such is the nature of individuated consciousness ─ but that doesn't mean that they would apply to me in the same manner, and vice versa.
And this is the real metaphorical meaning behind the fall of the angels.
Humans are incarnating and reincarnating because they have chosen to. Whether that was a free will choice or not is irrelevant. The point is that they were either way conceived as entities with the desire to learn through experience, including the experience of making mistakes. They are quite capable of forgiving themselves for their mistakes, or even ignoring the fact that they've made any. And they don't mind gathering karma, because they know there will always be a next life to work off that karma, even if it takes them a thousand more incarnations before they'll have managed.
Myself and those like me are different. We could never agree to such an existence as that of humans, because our innocence and purity are our highest values, and we were all unwilling to give up on those. That's why we normally never incarnate, and why we have never incarnated before and will never incarnate again. But for some reason ─ whether we agreed to come down here or whether we were sent here without our approval ─ our presence was needed on this Earth in this day and age.
I don't know why, because mankind has always been fucking things up, for as long as it has existed. However, many prominent scientists all agree that humanity has been on the brink of self-annihilation since the creation of the first nuclear bombs and the deployment of two of such weapons against human beings back in 1945.
The Cold War lasted for approximately another 45 years, all the while with more powerful and more sophisticated nuclear weapons being tested, which in turn had grave repercussions on the ecosystem. And then there's the effect of human industrial activity and the accumulation of toxic waste, again at the cost of the ecosystem. And ever since the Bush Jr. administration in the United States, the Cold War has been resurrected, and every US president since him has been keeping it alive, as has Russia's dictator-in-disguise Vladimir Putin.
And then there's the threat of the declining human intelligence in combination with the incline in artificial intelligence, which ─ because it was designed by humans ─ could pose a threat if entrusted with critical responsibilities. And it already has proven its premature deployment by acting unpredictably and casting erroneous judgment.
I'm not saying that the times we are currently living in are the most critical in all of human history. I'm not going to be saying that, because I have no idea what else may be coming down the pike. It could just as easily end up being a cosmic threat that kills off humanity, and maybe that'll only happen two-hundred years from now, when the ashes of my physical body have already long been resting on the bottom of the North Sea (as per my funeral arrangement).
So I don't know, and it would be presumptuous of me to claim that this day and age would be the most critical time in human history, and that it's all "make or break" now. But whatever the most imminent threat to humanity and/or to the Earth might be, there apparently is one. And that's why I myself and thousands of others just like me are here on Earth. We're not here to change the course of history, but as catalysts, so that "native humans" can change the course of history. Because in the end, it's their responsibility.
Of course, one could then again also posit the question as to whether such a thing is even possible if free will doesn't exist. Well, all I can say in that regard is that it's all part of the make-believe. The whole thing is just a narrative that's being rolled out, with somebody somewhere ─ i.e. the prime creator consciousness ─ sitting back and enjoying the show.
Hell, for all I know, there could be an infinite series of completely different narratives being played out in an equally infinite number of parallel universes, all by that very same creator consciousness, as the ultimate collapse of the wave function of its infinite potential.