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Thread: Why isn't religion spiritual?

  1. #31
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Dumb and Dumber?

    The idea that we're all children of God takes away the targets for those who believe they're saved and special. The fact that people jump to the accusation of pantheism without thinking is, again, a sign that they lack the desire to understand.

    We have a great number of Christians here who are ready to judge others, despite the admonishments in the Bible to not do so. And they hurl the worst accusations of all with no evidence, namely pedophilia and the rest which I won't repeat because it's disgusting.

    (I learned on our visit to Scotland in April that the same kinds of rumors used to be spread. It's just old and ugly propaganda)

    People up in their ivory towers of salvation become tools of the devil, who just loves the division.

    Religion isn't spiritual because it's a power structure. If we got rid of that part of it, the spiritual energies could come to the forefront.

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