I'm certainly interested in trying LSD and mushrooms, never done that before. I'd like to see how far the rabbit hole goes in Wonderland.
I'm certainly interested in trying LSD and mushrooms, never done that before. I'd like to see how far the rabbit hole goes in Wonderland.
Aianawa (4th May 2021), Dreamtimer (3rd May 2021), Elen (4th May 2021), Emil El Zapato (3rd May 2021)
Damn, canceled again ...
lol, it will take you lady gaga, depending on the dosage, typical for 'good' street goods back in the day one would hit a 'peak' in 3-4 hours, after that it was ease on down the road for as long as 8 hours. Shrooms aren't as intense but they last pretty long as well. Music and the opposite sex are mesmerizing in that state. The opposite sex thing might just be me, it wasn't the only substance that set me going that way.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (4th May 2021), Dreamtimer (4th May 2021), Elen (4th May 2021), Wind (3rd May 2021)
LSD, good music and a woman together might be something special. If only I wasn't single, sigh...
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ee3C2m3OXE
Aianawa (4th May 2021), Dreamtimer (4th May 2021), Elen (4th May 2021), Emil El Zapato (5th May 2021)
Aianawa (4th May 2021), Dreamtimer (4th May 2021), Elen (4th May 2021), Wind (4th May 2021)