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Well, if anyone here is still interested in the Coronavirus situation, my views have gone from pessimistic to apocalyptic.
I no longer think the pandemic can be stopped and it is probably already under way in every continent, though refusal, or in most cases inability to test is keeping the numbers artificially low. The situation in the US is particularly interesting, even though an epidemic is clearly raging in Hawaii, the CDC has withdrawn its CoV testkits as faulty, over a week ago and has yet to issue new ones. Only three states currently have the ability to even test for the virus and even they are simply not doing it. Clearly, there is a coverup of some sort going on.
The situation is already out of control in Korea (both) and Iran as well as increasingly, Italy. I estimate, that the pandemic will reach most places in the world, in a week, perhaps two at most. Evidence is growing that this an engineered bioweapon with no known cure or vaccine, with a death rate of 2-3 percent under ideal circumstances, with those infected being taken to ICU isolation wards and getting intensive care. Absent such intensive care, which becomes the norm in pandemics and when less-developed countries are involved, it is closer to 17 percent. I am convinced that more than a billion people could easily die in this pandemic and it may just keep coming back, year after year, steadily reducing the world population until some sort of immunity is developed or some vaccine / cure is found, which may be years away.
It seems that Quarantine measures are ineffective, absent full-blown hazmat suits and recirculated air. So, the facts are clear, this is it folks, the big event that most of us always knew was coming, the event that will put our current civilisation out of business. I don't know how long any of us we will have electricity or internet, this will probably vary locally (Wuhan has already been shut out of the internet, "to stop the spread of rumours"), but whilst we can still communicate, I want to wish all of you courage, perseverance and resilience in the trials to come. Not all of us are going to make it to the end of the year, but remember, even if you succumb to this disease, there is an afterlife and a heaven that awaits you, losing this body and this life is not the end of the world, there will be a continuation of your existence in a different realm and so death is nothing to fear.
It was an honour and privilege to get to know all of you guys and to be part of this community. The technological means by which we can communicate is likely to go away in a matter of months and we will have to go back to good old-fashioned talking to our neighbours (or not, because they might be contagious, of course), but I will always be with you in spirit and hopefully, we'll meet again in a better world.
I know, that at the present moment this may seem preposterous and incredibly far-fetched, but it will only be a matter of weeks until all of the above becomes generally accepted and inevitable, so just wait a few weeks before you jump to any conclusions. In the meanwhile, I will continue participating in this forum, in the short time we still have and whilst it is still possible.