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  1. #46
    Senior Monk Gio's Avatar
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    Oh Oh ...

    Thomas Cook collapse: 600,000 fear being stranded abroard | DW News

    The world's oldest travel company Thomas Cook has collapsed after failing to secure a last-minute bail-out ... More than half a million people worldwide are currently on holiday with the group. Britains Civil Aviation Authority is beginning an operation to bring home some 150,000 British customers stranded abroad.

    Published on Sep 23, 2019

    4:59 minutes

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  3. #47
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Thrown under the bus.
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  5. #48
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Lots of sad news today.

    Unfortunately, it is likely to be just the start, as we get closer to Brexit day. I tried to be optimistic about it, but the collapse of Thomas Cook, a 180-year old company is just the start. The association of European Auto Makers has estimated that millions of jobs will be lost in the Auto Industry as a direct result of no-deal Brexit, not just in the UK, but in the whole of Europe. We haven't even mentioned all the other industries that will be affected, from Transportation to Tourism and Agriculture. The scale of job losses and associated human suffering will be massive.

    As for Nog, he was my favourite character in DS9, particularly when he played the wounded veteran towards the end of the series. That was truly epic acting and for that alone, I will miss the actor (Aron Eisenberg) who played him. May he rest in peace.

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  7. #49
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    I liked Nog too.


    I'm still amazed and dismayed by this Brexit thing. How did it get to this point? Did folks not understand what they were doing?

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  9. #50
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post

    I'm still amazed and dismayed by this Brexit thing. How did it get to this point? Did folks not understand what they were doing?
    I've spent an inordinate amount of time in the last three years trying to get to the bottom of it, time that could have been spent much better and on more useful and productive things, if I'm honest. Still, as a result I actually know more about Brexit, its causes and its likely effects than the vast majority of actual politicians and journalists in the UK, who are paid to understand these things and have utterly failed, with a few honourable exceptions.

    Here's my take, which is largely built on the foundations of much smarter people who have actually done their research to the very fine detail.

    First of all, Europhobia has been a defining characteristic of English, (But not Scottish or Irish) public life and tabloid media for at least two decades. Various myths about "Unelected Brussels Bureaucrats", bendy bananas and the war on British Sausage (Freudian much?) have resulted in a complete mistrust of anything European, often fuelled by Imperial Nostalgia, a pining for lost greatness (Spitfires! Bloody Krauts! Cowardly Frogs!) and rising English Nationalism. This has been well documented by such excellent public intellectuals as Sir Roger Scruton, Peter Hitchens, Fintan O'Toole, Chris Grey and many others. One of the journalists most responsible for this cavalier, combative and highly misguided national self-Image and Europhobia was a clownish buffoon of a journalist and later Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. He is of course now PM and hell-bent on taking Britain (but perhaps not Northern Ireland) out of the EU, do or die.

    The truth is that those that voted for Britain to leave the EU were sold a pack of lies by ideologues (the infamous "Sunny Uplands" of Brexit, which were supposed to lead Britain to new levels of prosperity and freedom, when those that cynically sold it to the public knew very well that what they were promising was impossible by way of simple logic. You can't continue to enjoy the benefits of a club you're leaving, or Cakeism, having your cake and eating it too, as Boris Johnson called it), who knew very well that the consequences of Brexit would be severe, but they would personally benefit from it and they were mostly motivated by the desire to create a "Singapore on Thames" bucaneering trading nation, in reality a tax haven free of the EU's regulatory regime, a giant version of the Cayman or Channel Islands basically. They also probably believed their own bluster about restoring England's Lost Greatness. What they want to go back to is more like the pirating days of Sir Francis Drake and the first Queen Elizabeth, which was at constant war with Spain, France, Ireland and the rest of continental Europe. It is entirely conceivable that we will see real war on the continent again as a result of Brexit, not least in Ireland, possibly Scotland and Gibraltar.

    It seems to me that the Break between England and the Continent is permanent and will have far-reaching geopolitical consequences. Ireland and Scotland won't go along quietly. Things are about to get interesting.

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  11. #51
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    They opened the door for another Scottish vote on independence. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see that.

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  13. #52
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    They opened the door for another Scottish vote on independence. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see that.
    Yes, that is coming, because Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU (by 63 percent), as did Northern Ireland (54 percent) and Gibraltar (98 percent). However, the current government made it clear that they won't give Scotland another vote in the foreseeable future, so what gives? That is a conflict that will have to be resolved somehow and it may not be as peaceful as people imagine.

    Ditto with NI, a no-deal Brexit is a clear breach of the GFA (Good Friday Agreement) and should therefore automatically trigger a border Poll, in which Nationalists (those that want a United Ireland) are currently leading the polls. The vote may go either way, but how likely is it that Westminster will honour its commitment to a border poll, if it doesn't honour its commitment to no border in Ireland, another requirement of the GFA, the guarantor of which is the USA? US congress has already indicated that they will block trade talks with the UK if it breaks any of the provisions of the GFA, so there goes the Free Trade Agreement the UK was hoping to quickly conclude with the Trump administration.

    If the border vote does go ahead and the nationalists win, you can expect a ferocious and violent response from the Unionist side. British Army would have to be sent in to keep the peace. If the Unionists win, there will be a hard border on the Island of Ireland and we are back to the troubles, because the Nationalists will use violence to oppose it. Again, the British Army will have to be sent in to patrol the border and stop the violence. If the border poll is denied, the result will be the same. So, there is no easy solution, that can avoid the return of violence. The Irish backstop (with only Northern Ireland included in the single market and EU customs union, creating a border between NI and GB, but not between NI and the ROI), which was originally proposed by the EU is actually the only workable solution, but the current government, which is made up of the Conservative AND Unionist party, in coalition with the hardline Unionists in NI, won't stand for it. No-deal Brexit is now the most likely outcome and is actually preferred by the current government of Brexit hardliners.
    Last edited by Chris, 23rd September 2019 at 16:16.

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  15. #53
    Senior Monk Gio's Avatar
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    This item was a renewed eye opener ...

    Coca-Cola's plastic secrets | DW Documentary

    By 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the sea. Ten tons of plastic are produced every second. Sooner or later, a tenth of that will end up in the oceans. Coca-Cola says it wants to do something about it - but does it really?

    In January 2018, Coca-Cola made an ambitious announcement: The brand, which sells 120 billion plastic bottles every year, promised a "world without waste” by 2030. But filmmaker Sandrine Rigaud was skeptical about this ostensibly noble resolution. In Tanzania, for example, far from the company's American headquarters, a different picture emerges. Here everyone waits for red-and-white buses and walks by red-and-white walls, and the children play with red-and-white equipment in the playgrounds. The Coca-Cola logo is ubiquitous. But what is even more worrying is that history is repeating itself here. As it did 50 years ago in the United States, Coca-Cola has been continuously replacing glass bottles with plastic ones since 2013. Coca-Cola Vice President Michael Goltzman tries to play down the problem, saying it’s not the plastic bottles themselves that are the problem, but the lack of suitable infrastructure in Tanzania.
    Published on Sep 19, 2019

    42:31 minutes

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  17. #54
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Put a pillow on the floor...


    Not sure how mainstream The Intercept is.


    TheRealNews is in Baltimore...


    Some folks 'get their news' from late night comedy.


    Bernie in the 2016 debates.


    Democracy Now. Amy Goodman is a machine.

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  19. #55
    Senior Monk Gio's Avatar
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    Since you shared it Dreamtimer ...

    Perhaps you might like to notify (Fred) since he's not a regular follower on this thread.

    Quote Originally posted by Fred Steeves View Post

    And speaking of Iran, isn't it fascinating how the history of our with fallout Iran always starts in 1979, and not 1953? I think I would fall off the damn couch if I were to ever hear 1953 mentioned on the evening news, or any of the usual cable outlets.

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  21. #56
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Thanks, Gio. And

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  23. #57
    Senior Monk Gio's Avatar
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    Note - Democracy Now is now a regular cable news offering up here in the Northwest,
    But i've notice the absence of Fox News from your above posting shares ...
    Apparently, they're aptly focused on more current issues.

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  25. #58
    Senior Member Fred Steeves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by giovonni View Post
    Since you shared it Dreamtimer ...

    Perhaps you might like to notify (Fred) since he's not a regular follower on this thread.

    I follow this forum.
    The unexamined life is not worth living.


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  27. #59
    Senior Monk Gio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Fred Steeves View Post
    I follow this forum.
    And your voice and presence here helps balance the whole Fred ...

    This thread was conceived - So we can all express and share freely.

    I personally like to think of it as 'free zone' kinda place for all topics.

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  29. #60
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    The videos I posted are what came up in a general search re Iran and 1953 on Duck Duck Go. If one from Fox or MSNBC came up I would have added it. A Startpage search might reveal more results, I didn't use that engine. My only parameter of choice was that the source was somewhat mainstream.

    There were some very interesting non-mainstream ones...

    The Fox front page certainly has a large amount of opinion posing as news. But then, that's not a surprise to me.
    Last edited by Dreamtimer, 25th September 2019 at 13:51.

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