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Thread: Experimental device generates electricity from the coldness of the universe

  1. #1
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Thumbs Up Experimental device generates electricity from the coldness of the universe

    Source: PHYS.ORG

    A drawback of solar panels is that they require sunlight to generate electricity. Some have observed that for a device on Earth facing space, the chilling outflow of energy from the device can be harvested using the same kind of optoelectronic physics we have used to harness solar energy. New work, in Applied Physics Letters, looks to provide a potential path to generating electricity like solar cells but that can power electronics at night. This is a schematic of the experimental infrared photodiode that has generated electricity directly from the coldness of space.

    The obvious drawback of solar panels is that they require sunlight to generate electricity. Some have observed that for a device on Earth facing space, which has a frigid temperature, the chilling outflow of energy from the device can be harvested using the same kind of optoelectronic physics we have used to harness solar energy. New work, in a recent issue of Applied Physics Letters, looks to provide a potential path to generating electricity like solar cells but that can power electronics at night.

    An international team of scientists has demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to generate a measurable amount of electricity in a diode directly from the coldness of the universe. The infrared semiconductor device faces the sky and uses the temperature difference between Earth and space to produce the electricity.

    "The vastness of the universe is a thermodynamic resource," said Shanhui Fan, an author on the paper. "In terms of optoelectronic physics, there is really this very beautiful symmetry between harvesting incoming radiation and harvesting outgoing radiation."

    In contrast to leveraging incoming energy as a normal solar cell would, the negative illumination effect allows electrical energy to be harvested as heat leaves a surface. Today's technology, though, does not capture energy over these negative temperature differences as efficiently.

    By pointing their device toward space, whose temperature approaches mere degrees from absolute zero, the group was able to find a great enough temperature difference to generate power through an early design.

    "The amount of power that we can generate with this experiment, at the moment, is far below what the theoretical limit is," said Masashi Ono, another author on the paper.

    The group found that their negative illumination diode generated about 64 nanowatts per square meter, a tiny amount of electricity, but an important proof of concept, that the authors can improve on by enhancing the quantum optoelectronic properties of the materials they use.

    Calculations made after the diode created electricity showed that, when atmospheric effects are taken into consideration, the current device can theoretically generate almost 4 watts per square meter, roughly one million times what the group's device generated and enough to help power machinery that is required to run at night.

    By comparison, today's solar panels generate 100 to 200 watts per square meter.

    While the results show promise for ground-based devices directed to the sky, Fan said the same principle could be used to recover waste heat from machines. For now, he and his group are focusing on improving their device's performance.

    Source: PHYS.ORG

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Aragorn For This Useful Post:

    Bob (11th May 2019), Chris (9th May 2019), Dreamtimer (11th May 2019), Elen (9th May 2019), Kathy (8th May 2019), Kitsune (8th May 2019), Wind (8th May 2019)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    that's a brilliant application and about time, I would say...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Emil El Zapato For This Useful Post:

    Aragorn (9th May 2019), Dreamtimer (11th May 2019), Elen (9th May 2019), Kathy (8th May 2019)

  5. #3
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    that's a brilliant application and about time, I would say...
    I agree. And there's also a lesson in there on account of how one can generate (somewhat) free energy. And with the whole climate change awareness thing going on right now ─ much of which is just hyperbole, people protesting for the sake of protesting, and some political coaxing behind the scenes ─ it also comes very timely.

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Aragorn For This Useful Post:

    Bob (11th May 2019), Dreamtimer (11th May 2019), Elen (9th May 2019), Emil El Zapato (9th May 2019)

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