Another follow-up... It has been 11 hours now since I've amended our DNS records for compliance with Google's new policy, but upon trying to get our domain verified through Google's
Postmaster page, I keep getting the following error message... :
Your verification DNS TXT record was not found. You might need to wait a few minutes before Google sees your changes to the TXT records. |
"few minutes" do appear to last an eternity over at Google's headquarters. Maybe they're caught in a gravitational time dilation field or something.
Now, I am certain that I've done everything right ─ there's not much you can do wrong with regard to those settings anyway ─ and I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do anymore at this point. But then again, the Google developers and management appear to be living in a different universe, where tech companies now make up the law. And of course, by forcing us to include Google-specific authorization strings in our DNS records, they are now better able to monitor us and track us ─
and you! This is not just arrogance, this is corporate fascism right there, folks. And sadly enough, they're not the only corporation that demands that everyone would comply with
their rules. Microsoft is also doing this ─ cfr. our problems with Hotmail, as you can read
Anyway, I'm not seeing any new bounce messages in the server's inbox anymore, but the above error message suggests that the problem still persists. It would therefore be helpful ─ even if only as a follow-up ─ if those members who have put a GMail address in their profile and who are supposed to be receiving notification emails for thread subscriptions and/or private messages were to report here on the thread whether they are, in effect, now receiving their notifications again.
Chris? You two are the ones I got bounce messages in the server's inbox for yesterday.