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Thread: Excerpts from Jon Rappoport's "The Matrix Revealed"

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    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Excerpts from Jon Rappoport's "The Matrix Revealed"

    I purchased The Matrix Revealed, a package of five sections made up of PDFs and audio files.

    Right now I'm reading a Q & A between Rappoport and one of his sources, Ellis Medavoy (a pseudonym), a master of PR, propaganda, and deception who worked for controllers in the medical and political arenas.

    (As of 2011, according to Rappoport, Medavoy was retired and living comfortably.)

    Regarding newspapers:

    Q: The newspapers…

    A: Every major news source has to be trained. Like a circus animal. They all work the same way. You train them to take their news, their information, from certain types of sources. That’s all you really have to do. Most of the time. If somebody gets too smart, you fire them or transfer them or promote them. Or if you have to, you blow up something somewhere else in the world and divert everybody, and then they forget what they were thinking about.

    Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 12
    Regarding psychological warfare:

    Q: You were involved in psychological warfare.

    A: As a very young man, during World War 2. Got Americans to view the Japanese as animals, sub‐human. Once you see how well it works, you begin to apply it to other areas. A lot of us learned our basic lessons during the War.

    Q: How to manipulate populations.

    A: What else are you going to do? One way or another, it’s going to happen.

    Q: As opposed to personal freedom.

    A: I’ve never had much faith in that.

    Q: So you were ideal for your line of work.

    A: You could say that. I was born a cynic.

    Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 12

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    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    My brother used to be very good at manipulating me. I had to learn to not let it happen. It's difficult because the ego doesn't want to admit it's being controlled.

    My sister-in-law is a manipulator, she even spoke of 'manipulation for good will', but if you tell her she manipulates she'll bite your head off. How dare you suggest!...

    So we can avoid being controlled in this way if we work at it. And it's hard not to get swept up in mob mentality.

    I'm interested in this, thanks for sharing.

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    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    My brother used to be very good at manipulating me. I had to learn to not let it happen. It's difficult because the ego doesn't want to admit it's being controlled.

    My sister-in-law is a manipulator, she even spoke of 'manipulation for good will', but if you tell her she manipulates she'll bite your head off. How dare you suggest!...
    I have an equally serious issue with my older sister, but it's hard for me to describe.

    I'm undergoing psychotherapy at present for which I'm keeping a journal.

    Doing something about my love/hate relationship with my sister is at the top of the list of my priorities at present.

    What a task!

    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    So we can avoid being controlled in this way if we work at it. And it's hard not to get swept up in mob mentality.

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    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    My sister-in-law was my best friend before she married my brother so that adds a big dimension. We get along, and it can be a challenge.

    She gave me a dish towel one year that says something along the lines of, "Family Drama, the gift that keeps on giving." It's funny and true. And sometimes sad.

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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    My sister-in-law was my best friend before she married my brother so that adds a big dimension.

    I wonder.

    Did your brother really respect your opinion at the time so that was one reason why he married her?

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    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    That's difficult to know. He rarely acknowledges any value coming from me. But my parents weren't too hot on her as my friend. I defended her and her quality. They weren't opposed to her dating him because they thought she was a good influence on him.

    It was a really weird double standard.

    My parents taught me about integrity, and for them to be so lacking in this regard was really disappointing to me.

    I don't go for double standards.

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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    That's difficult to know. He rarely acknowledges any value coming from me. But my parents weren't too hot on her as my friend. I defended her and her quality. They weren't opposed to her dating him because they thought she was a good influence on him.
    Maybe they thought you could do much better, but they were desperate for someone to get their son off their backs!

    Family dynamics is one of the most fascinating things.

    There's sibling rivalry.

    There's parents living vicariously through their children.

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    Regarding the CIA:

    Q: The CIA—

    A: —As I said, the CIA is many things. They are a front for the NSA. They are a grouping, a loose grouping of many separate interests. Most of which are not known to the director. The CIA helps businesses. I was involved with that.

    Q: How?

    A: You have US‐based transnational corporations. They want to get into Third World countries and basically take them over. They need front operations to go in first. That sometimes means CIA. The public is supposed to think these corporations are good people who are trying to help the poor countries by building them up, by providing infrastructure. So I assisted in creating that public perception. Some people call this perception management. It involves the press, it involves convincing government agencies in the Third World. It sometimes involves spreading
    disinformation about recalcitrant Third World leaders.

    Q: What sort of disinformation?

    A: You know, so and so leader has three mistresses stashed in Paris, he has been robbing his own treasury, he is a Communist, he is a drunk. Whatever works. You study the country and you find out what lies will have the most effect. You may leak a story which is true or false—it doesn’t matter—that the leader has been taking bribes. That often has the desired effect. People use it in Japan, for example, now and then.

    Q: And you did this.

    A: I didn’t start the ball rolling. I was given my orders, and I provided the stream of information which the press picked up. My expertise was in dealing with people, with finding who would take what I had and run with it. You always need somebody like me. To grease the wheels. To give things the appearance of a reality that has abruptly surfaced. You shape the bullet. You give it the right spin and velocity. You fire it slowly at first, and you make it seem that the info is hard to come by. That entices reporters. Then you hook up a reporter with a source, a different source he already trusts from other stories he’s done. That reliable source feeds the reporter what YOU just gave him…it looks like two separate sources.

    Q: Well, take the case of Bill Clinton.

    A: A complex operation. But yes, it was just like bringing down a Third World dictator. Except, in Clinton’s situation, the objective was really to bring down other people. You see, Clinton was a groomed president. He was a perfect type. A very good memory, very good sincerity in his speeches, he could do the presidential thing. He was on top of issues. He seemed real. He was a Jimmy Carter with a difference. He was stronger. He was Mr. Forward Looking. Bring us into a new era. All that. He was on the calendar to become president a long time ago.

    Q: How long ago?

    A: From his first term as governor. When I say on the calendar, I don’t mean he was always a sure thing. Anything can happen. But he was at the top of a list.

    Q: Whose list?

    A: A part of the CIA that is not under the control of the director. A part that answers to a higher authority. And don’t ask me who the higher authority is, because I don’t know. But I know they exist. I can infer it from lots of material I’ve seen and lots of conversations I’ve had. It’s obvious. And the “they” aren’t really in the government.

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 14.
    "A part of the CIA that is not under the control of the director."

    "A part that answers to a higher authority. . ."

    I refer to the higher authority as the Deep State, and I agree, they're not really in the government. They're the controllers who bribe and threaten people in the government.

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    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Regarding the CIA:


    "A part of the CIA that is not under the control of the director."

    "A part that answers to a higher authority. . ."

    I refer to the higher authority as the Deep State, and I agree, they're not really in the government. They're the controllers who bribe and threaten people in the government.
    I would wager that they are an international bunch of people. They probably use the USA as their primary tool because of its economic and military weight at the international scale, but I suspect that the rulers are actually spread out across the entire world. Or perhaps not "the entire world" in the literal sense, but let's just say that they're most likely distributed across several wealthy nations.

    Which brings me to the Bilderberg Group. They are such an international bunch of leaders, and they always gather behind closed doors, even though their list of guests is publicly visible. Among them you will find royals, presidents and prime ministers, business leaders, bankers, et al. The Spanish-Russian journalist Daniel Estulin has done extensive research into the group and its activities, and he has published several books about them.

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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I would wager that they are an international bunch of people.
    I agree with that.

    I don't think they have any alliance or loyalty to any nation, however; they're just people who serve themselves, ruthlessly.

    I think they believe themselves to be superior, and believe we normal people are lower animals.

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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    I agree with that.

    I don't think they have any alliance or loyalty to any nation, however; they're just people who serve themselves, ruthlessly.

    I think they believe themselves to be superior, and believe we normal people are lower animals.
    I agree, and I will even say that I've already met such people in real life. Clinically, they bear all the hallmarks of certifiable psychopaths.

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    I guess the following is how this source rationalized what he did in his own mind:

    Q: I have to believe that, beyond all this social tinkering and engineering, you really are interested in whether UFOs are real. Whether AIDS is caused by forty different things. Whether any kind of freedom can survive in the next century.

    A: You’re right. On some days I’m interested in those things. But on most days, I’m thinking about how we can create a world in which we don’t blow ourselves up. And for accomplishing that goal, I’ve made my stand. Many years ago. You have to control the human being. You have to program. You have to guide the human mind into set paths.

    Q: That’s insanity.

    A: By your definition. That’s what we’re fighting about. Whose definition will win.

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 17.

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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I agree, and I will even say that I've already met such people in real life.
    What do these people do for a living?

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    A Trip Down Memory Lane

    I remember seeing and listening to Katherine Graham being interviewed many years ago. And I believe I read about her in some memoir I read. (I used to read one memoir after another. This was before the internet.)

    So this is interesting for me:

    Q: Back to the Washington Post. The owner, Katherine Graham—

    A: —Hated Nixon. She wanted to teach him a lesson. I don’t know all the details. I believe he was instrumental in denying her a TV license. But you see, again, she was used by others, by people who knew she could be used along that line. Her paper became the focus. Slowly break the Watergate story, and concentrate on all the people who were covering it up. That was the key. The cover‐uppers were numerous, and they were rather easy targets. As far as I’m concerned, Deep Throat was simply one of the manipulators who was—like myself—feeding information to the press. Except he did it in a parking garage. And he had these two rather innocent reporters who jumped on what he was saying and loved it. See? That’s why they needed Woodward and Bernstein, as opposed to more cagey veterans. The young guys—and Woodward wasn’t quite so innocent—would swallow the whole unfolding story as it was being spoon‐fed to them, and they wouldn’t see the strings being pulled in the background. They were vital to the whole get‐Nixon operation.

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 18.
    I also remember watching the Watergate hearings all summer long when I was a teacher and had the summers off.

    I taught the son of one of the players in those hearings: John Ehrlichman. I also taught his daughter, Jody Ehrlichman; she was a sweetheart.

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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I agree, and I will even say that I've already met such people in real life.
    What do these people do for a living?

    Oh, they're from all walks of life, really. But many of them qualify as what you could call yuppies ─ insurance/banking people and self-employed people (in various sectors). They think they're better than everyone else, they like flaunting their wealth, they like pretending that they're important, and they're incredibly decadent ─ drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity and gambling. They also have no manners whatsoever, they know no shame, and they're incredibly arrogant, rude and materialistic.

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