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Thread: Excerpts from Jon Rappoport's "The Matrix Revealed"

  1. #46
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    This is Jon Rappoport talking, followed by a response:

    . . . In truth, the Cold War was staged at the highest level of the cartels. It was a cartel op.

    This op was in the planning stage before World War 2 even started. The Cold War was pure George Orwell. If you have not read Orwell’s novel, 1984, I strongly recommend you do so. The Cold War was a pristine cartel op which would cast two great enemies in the spotlight.

    Both America and the USSR would justify enormous expenditures and the (further) curtailment of civil liberties on the basis that everything had to be subordinated to the struggle for victory. Lies would be told to the people of America and the USSR. Many lies. Both populations would be given grisly portraits of the enemy that would be unverifiable. Lost in all of this would be the simple fact that the citizens of America and the citizens of the USSR were not enemies of one another.

    Through media and political manipulation, messages would be communicated to the American and Soviet citizens:


    And so on. One of the great purposes of the Cold War in America was the strengthening of the MEDIA cartel. All important information would come from the elite media. The public would be hypnotized to accept the media as the single vital source of all‐important information. That would set the stage for a future in which citizens would implicitly accept the pictures of reality presented by the media.

    The Cold War was formed in order to plant the idea that THERE IS ALWAYS AN ENEMY.

    The cartels operate on the basis that, in order to lead the mass of people, you must direct their emotions toward an enemy. That mobilizes people. That keeps them in line. Without an enemy, the people will soon grow tired of external control. They will naturally drift into more natural freedom. The cartels know they must derail this drift.

    As the Cold War proceeded, it became apparent to the cartels that absolute control was slipping away from them. More and more people were becoming suspicious of arbitrary authority on all fronts. Financial, political, medical, informational.

    Therefore, paradoxically, the solution became, end the Cold War. End the Cold War and create new enemies to feed the level of emotion in people that has been trained to focus on an enemy. Make new and better enemies.

    Gorbachev, a cartel cutout who could be used for many ops, was set loose to bring down the Soviet Union—as the easiest way to end the Cold War.

    Then came the new and improved War on Drugs, War on Cancer, War on Terrorism, in order to create new enemies. And, oh yes, the War on Crime. And the War on Killer Viruses. These new enemies would be thrust into the limbo surrounding the end of the Cold War.
    The War on Drugs would be used as a cover story for funding elite military groups in the US and abroad who would supposedly crush the drug trade. In fact, these army groups abroad would aid dictator‐governments in smashing incipient revolution in their countries, keeping cartel politicians in place. In the US, military troops would become a recognized presence in fighting drugs—even though such actions are against the law. The American federal police and the American military would begin to blend, making it difficult to tell the difference between one group and another. America would move closer to a military state.

    The War on Cancer would become a means for elevating THE DOCTOR in people’s eyes to the level of a supreme authority, a priest. This War would try to divert people from the fact that much cancer is caused by chemical companies and their products. This War would instill FEAR, fear of cancer and a possible cancer virus and a possible cancer gene.

    Likewise, the War on Terrorism and the War on Crime would actually, through covert cartel ops, encourage crime and terrorism, and bring more fear into the lives of people.

    Behind all this, the Orwellian world was being transformed by the cartels into a reality predicted by another great novel: Brave New World (Aldous Huxley). The cartels realized that in order to maintain a high level of control over people, it would be necessary to develop technology that would affect brains and human energy centers. Control through drugs, through brain‐affecting drugs, through gene-insertion,through the use of electromagnetic energies—to induce certain “cooperative” behavior and the illusions of satisfaction and happiness, regardless of external circumstances. That is the cartel goal for the 21st century. The Brave New World.

    Q: So what do you think about that briefing?

    A: Well, it has relevance for me, because I was in the middle of the Cold War. I finally saw through to the level you are describing. You see, in one sense, the Cold War was very real. The 2 enemies really were enemies. The governments of the USSR and the US. They weren’t fooling around.

    Q: And on that level, what was your job basically?

    A: For a while it was the planting of stories in the European press that would make the USSR look all bad and the government of the US look all good.

    Q: You didn’t choose this job.

    A: Hell no. I was for hire. I was paid to do this. I was completely neutral.

    Q: And then what happened?

    A: I got an assignment to create a diversion.

    Q: What type?

    A: I have to be careful here. Let’s just say that certain “free world” bigshots, people in government, were caught in a very compromising situation. A few men. This involved women, sex, kinky stuff, a cover‐up, a couple of underage girls. Q: And it was going to come out in the press?

    A: Maybe. They were on very thin ice. They were calling in all sorts of markers to try to squelch it. The level of exposure was dangerous. Highly.

    Q: And you were brought in?

    A: I was. Other people in my trade were.

    Q: How many?

    A: Who the hell knows? They pulled out all the stops. But they couldn’t involve too many people.

    Q: What did you do?

    A: I was working with a few other spinners. We were looking for a diversion, an event we could pump up that would shut people’s mouths about THIS scandal. It was tricky. It couldn’t just be any diversion. It had to look so serious people would say, “To expose the sex scandal could endanger the whole Cold War effort.” See? It had to be that kind of thing, where people would feel very ashamed of breaking the sex story, because it would damage people who were high up in fighting the Cold War.

    Q: And you found something?

    A: No. I wasn’t that high up in the food chain. It wasn’t my place to create the plotline. I was making suggestions, but the orders came down from a man I’ll just call my boss. My control.

    Q: So someone else cooked up the story.

    A: Yes.

    Q: And what was the fake story?

    A: Again, I have to be careful. But basically, it was a spin at a time when…the story was, the Russians had a lot more nuclear weapons than we thought they did. There were all sorts of sub‐heads to that, but that was it.

    Q: I see. So no one could buck that. . . .

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, pages 64-67.

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  3. #47
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    From page 71:

    A: The 21st century, as we’ve discussed many times, is the progression from 1984 to Brave New World. Those are the two books. I could take a bunch of graduate students and use those two books and show them the blueprint for the Plan.

    Q: In the sense that…

    A: Once you fatigue people enough with the strategies of 1984, they are set up for the medicalization of society. Which is the brain stuff. The altering of the human brain with drugs and other approaches. Genes, perhaps. A brain‐machine linkup. Creating a different perception of reality. Externally applied electromagnetic fields. In which people will feel happy even though they are slaves. You see, in 1984 it’s really all about hysteria. The people are being driven into the wall with lies about wars and lies about enemies and lies about political structure, and the control over individuals is very harsh, and the leaders are not looking to create real happiness, not the fluffy stuff. Redemption, yes. Forgiveness, perhaps. The people are being fed pain and big brother is commanding them like a drill sergeant through their TV sets. But after that, after people sink into an acceptance of the delusions that are being foisted on them, then comes the science. The making of some kind of replica of happiness. The old order is 1984. You can call that the Plan from the dawn of time to about 1945. After that is the transition to Brave New World.

    Q: And that’s why the medical cartel is the prince of the cartels.

    A: The prince, the king.

    Q: 1984…

    A: Leaves people with no moral conviction. It runs over that like a freight‐train. 1984 is dark. Brave New World is sunny and light and the control is applied so that
    the interior life changes.

    Q: So you worked on medical stories.

    A: Yes. Making the medical cartel look good, look humane, look rational, look like excellent science that works. Especially psychiatry and neurology. And pharmacology. That became a major job for me. Because…they’re experimenting on the human race, and they want their horrible mistakes which are legion, to look like advances and good science at every step until they get it right, until they have your brain in their hands from cradle to grave.

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 71.

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  5. #48
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Regarding education:

    A: Look, it’s ALL about PR. Take Tesla, Royal Rife, this doctor, Koch, you’ve been writing about. They were buried by PR operations put together by people who knew what they were doing. So you get a wipe‐out of the real knowledge, the real potential breakthroughs, and then on top of that you have kids learning about science that can’t be the latest thing, because the latest thing was buried 70 years ago. It…an analogy would be someone studying how to play the violin by using his elbows, after the actual way to play the damn thing had been discredited for some reason or another. Do you see?

    THE MATRIX REVEALED Volume 1: JON RAPPOPORT Interviews ELLIS MEDAVOY (Part 1 of 3) Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport, page 74.

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  7. #49
    Senior Member tarka the duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post

    The Director of the documentary is Andrew Wakefield.

    Years ago I learned about Andrew Wakefield’s experience going up against the international medical mafia.

    In my opinion, he is another Jon Rappoport in his integrity.
    I don't want to derail this thread, but I would like to respond to this statement

    Wakefield was not motivated by integrity. He was motivated by money. It’s as simple as that.

    He was hired to attack MMR by a lawyer, Richard Barr who was a conveyancing solicitor who had the idea of getting together a speculative class action lawsuit
    against drug companies which manufactured the triple shot. Wakefield charged himself at £150 per hour - billed through a company in his wife’s in an attempt
    at secrecy), charging at total of £435,643 - plus expenses. And that was just the beginning: that company, Carmel Heathcare Ltd, projected earning of £28m
    in year 3 as shown in its financial statement. A nice little earner indeed.

    To rub salt in the wound, a great deal of money was paid to Wakefield from the UK legal aid fund which is run by the government to give people with low incomes
    access to justice.

    He also happened to have filed a patent on a single measles vaccine which would only have succeeded if he could succeed in damaging the reputation of MMR.

    I suggest you look into this more deeply: the word “integrity” is misplaced when applied to Wakefield, who had set up a network of companies and business and
    was set to earn millions from this scam.

    The investigative journalist who exposed him through wide ranging and meticulous research was Brian Deer.

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  9. #50
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by tarka the duck View Post
    The investigative journalist who exposed him through wide ranging and meticulous research was Brian Deer.
    Brian Deer is the person who smeared Andrew Wakefield.

    Fresh Fraud: Brian Deer’s Vanishing Writing

    Published on May 13, 2016
    DIRECTOR: Andrew Wakefield

    CAST: Del Matthew Bigtree, Mark F. Blaxill, Michaela Blaxill

    Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.


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  11. #51
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    I am more than pleased to learn that Sharyl has a news program once a week on Sunday.

    I rarely watch TV. But I have my DVR set to record her program on ABC at 10 AM on Sundays.

    I hope I'm not disappointed. I hope she's not caving in to pressure. I hope she still has the same backbone.
    Here she is in a video from the Children's Health Defense YouTube channel:

    Children's Health Defense
    Published on Feb 16, 2017

    Stay informed and stay connected. To sign up for updates please visit


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  13. #52
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Thrown under the bus.
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    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Brian Deer is the person who smeared Andrew Wakefield.
    It isn't a smear when there's cold, hard and irrefutable evidence on the table. It happened exactly as tarka the duck says it happened, and it was so proven in court, not to mention ─ as I've already stated twice before on this thread ─ that Andrew Wakefield himself has admitted his guilt.

    But that was all a long time ago, and people's memory span is short. The "VAXXED" pseudo-documentary serves a knee-jerking agenda, and it should come as no surprise that Wakefield was all too happy to cooperate on that.

    Oops, I was going to stay out of this thread. Sowwy...

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  15. #53
    Senior Member United States WantDisclosure's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    It isn't a smear when there's cold, hard and irrefutable evidence on the table. It happened exactly as tarka the duck says it happened, and it was so proven in court, not to mention ─ as I've already stated twice before on this thread ─ that Andrew Wakefield himself has admitted his guilt.

    But that was all a long time ago, and people's memory span is short. The "VAXXED" pseudo-documentary serves a knee-jerking agenda, and it should come as no surprise that Wakefield was all too happy to cooperate on that.

    Oops, I was going to stay out of this thread. Sowwy...

    You, personally, have a lot invested in being autistic.

    That's all I'm going to say.

    I do my homework when it comes to public figures who are attacked by the establishment.

    There is an international medical mafia on planet Earth. It is a complex subject. I will be posting more about it as I continue to read and listen to audios in Jon Rappoport's The Matrix Revealed.

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  17. #54
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    Thankyou, am catching up on forum and threads of late and chuckled when coming across this, ta.

    Quote Originally posted by WantDisclosure View Post
    Apparently, Sharyl Attkisson is a supporter of Trump.

    God forbid.

    Am I allowed to talk about it here?

    Yes, I'm a little bit angry.

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  19. #55
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Do you include admissions of guilt in that research, WD?

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  21. #56
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Do you include admissions of guilt in that research, WD?
    Show me what you have, Dreamtimer, and I'll respond to it.

  22. #57
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    Are you asking me to do research for you? The admission of guilt was pointed out by others here. I asked if you include that in your research.

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  24. #58
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    Are you asking me to do research for you? The admission of guilt was pointed out by others here. I asked if you include that in your research.
    That is a cop-out.

    A non-reply.

    What do you have to point out?

  25. #59
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    I was a member of the forum Above Top Secret at the time the Andrew Wakefield controversy began. I remember watching an interview of him and I probably posted about it, but I can't find the post or the video now.

    Here is an interview of him that is available at this time:

    Published on Jun 21, 2012

    New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakefield Case
    Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Andrew Wakefield talks about autism, childhood vaccine safety, and his controversial MMR study.


  26. #60
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    You characterize things incorrectly in order to redirect conversation. Cop out is a projection. My question was direct and simple. You claim to be familiar with this situation. The answer should be easy.

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