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    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Maya: The Magical Practice of Reality
    Posted on 30 October, 2021 Yellow Galactic Sun: Kin 60 “I harmonize in order to enlighten … “

    The more we awaken to the Reality of our current global situation, the more overwhelmed we can feel. There are those beings, both on and off planet, who are radically against the work of divine evolution and do everything possible to thwart it.

    We have to prepare ourselves psychologically and emotionally for the next scenes of the earth movie. All we can control is our inner perceptions and states of consciousness. We are being called to operate from a whole other level of Being.

    Now is the time to invoke the Higher Magic. Here is an ancient-future memory put forth in an unpublished document by Valum Votan called Maya: Magical Practice of Reality.

    It reminds us that Reality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes. May it tap your memory circuits.

    “Now is the account of the Galactic Maya from within the Earth.

    From there in the Crystal Chamber, where the listening occurs, deep within the Earth, where the four mystic channels that run to the center of the Earth return from the fields of Night and join as one; where the messengers deliver their songs, their codes, their harmonies woven from the starry cloth of Being; this is how the Maya came, this is how the Earth learned of Maya.

    When no one knew, yet everything was known, it penetrated. Being from beyond the Sun penetrated, and entered the polar fields where the dawn lights rain and crackle in endless splendor. There in the polar fields where the four mystic channels have their influx and outpouring, this Being from beyond the Sun arrived and became manifest.

    Hunab-Ku, it was called.

    Hunab Ku made itself known. Even to the depths of the oceans among the myriad mind-palaces of the dolphin deep, Hunab Ku became known: One Giver of Movement and Measure, the Being from Beyond the Sun, the One without a Face, the One who gives birth to Itself through Light—Hunab Ku.

    Streaming through the eight polar outlets of the four mystic channels, Hunab Ku penetrated Earth, entering deep into the Crystal Chamber, where the listening occurs.

    Meeting Itself in the center of the Earth, in the Crystal Chamber where the harmonics of space and time transmit each other, Hunab Ku met Itself.

    In an explosion of radiance never before known, Hunab Ku, while remaining in the Crystal Chamber, also burst back out through the eight polar outlets of the four mystic channels, burst back into the polar fields where the magnetic lights twinkle in the Shaman dawn.

    Everywhere the mantle of Earth became rich, becomes seeded with knowing. Memory occurred where there had been none. Star thoughts textured the mantle of the Earth with wondrous signs. Birth by Light happened in caves, on river banks, on mountaintops. Even those beings already born experienced birth by Light—the wondrous gift of the Maya.

    Evam Maya E Ma Ho!

    The elders, the sages, the wise ones took the gift of Maya, birth by Light, and turned it into the practices of Reality.

    And this is how it was taught, Maya, the gift of birth by Light, the magical practice of Reality.

    Reality, the stuff of the sense fields, is a practice. Reality is not a given but must be practiced into what it becomes. Mind is active in Reality as the practicing agent. The Sense fields are the palaces of Reality practiced by mind. Within a field of total clarity with no attachment in mind, Reality is practiced, the sense fields are synchronized, and everything around becomes within.

    This is no mystery, for synchronicity is the law of the Earth, the expression of the Earth force. Only deluded beings of the later age, the night of Smokey Mirror, disbelieve this, and so wander in a maze of doubt, hatred, and senseless passion.

    It is for this reason at this time that the conch of the Maya is sounded in the beehive of the Earth, arousing the bees of awakened insight to busy themselves with the task of cleansing the mirror of the wheel of the senses. For soon, the time arrives when the warriors of inner Earth, riding waves of synchronicity, will release themselves upon the Earth!.

    The sacred spine of earth running from pole to pole pulsed and sang … with a wondrous crash, the great force of synchronicity first issued from Earth, exuded in swells of Light from her pores, passing through the eight octave outlets, sounding deep within the seas booming upward her rocky clefted landmass.

    Receiving this great rush of synchronicity, the sages, the elders, the wise ones awakened anew. Great was their power, the magical practice of Reality. Whatever mind conceived of instantly became. Clouds, mist, mountains, valleys, all manner of fruit, and nourishment—all arose instantaneously.

    The reason for this lay in the fact that the elders, the sages, the wise ones rested on the root of knowing, which is called synchronicity. And this synchronicity is how the whole Earth remains as one.”

  2. #77
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Check the MetaMaterials, it is where the real action is:
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  4. #78
    Senior Member United States Dreamtimer's Avatar
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    MetaMaterials? Do you have a link or source, BOB?

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  6. #79
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Dreamtimer View Post
    MetaMaterials? Do you have a link or source, BOB?
    Why, I sho' do. It seems there is not much interest in the UAP phenomena, but there are things going on that have intrigued me for longer than I care to admit. 50+ years, and it is happening.

    "In Plain Sight"
    Ross Coulthart
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  12. #83
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    As we move into more harmony and become more nature within and out, natural time and charting outside the now or in the mow is becoming exciting indeed.

    Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Stephanie South
    13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFTSearch

    Ceremony of Light: 260 Days of Vision
    Posted on 8 May, 2022
    The outer self we present to the world is but a mirror of an internal psychic process. The real learning occurs in the inner academy of the soul, where all the mysteries of creation lie dormant until their appointed time of discovery.

    The synchronic codes of the Law of Time contain vibrational keys to enter these doors of mystery. These doors open into the hallways of the New Earth, where colorful geometries dance, where music pours forth from the rocks, where everywhere light tells its beginningless tale.

    Those who read these words hold the keys to the Remembrance of the vows we took before this incarnation. We vowed to Not Forget our true essence, no matter how the world appears. We vowed not to get caught in the Hall of Mirrors or the Swamps of Sorrow.
    We vowed to keep our eye on the diamond of the sacred flame of truth. We vowed to remember that the New Heaven and New Earth are contained within us, not “out there.”

    Our consciousness is the Bridge of Time that connects us to the New Earth, where the people of O.M.A. await our Remembrance. They are sung awake through our awareness of their presence. Only through correct alignment of our consciousness to Source can we lift our awareness to reach them.

    As we raise our frequency, we seek to sound the Lost Chord and open to the music of the Higher Spheres that lifts us into the next octave of being. In this new octave, we regain our powers as co-creators of Timeship Earth.

    All that is occurring on our Planet’s surface is designed to disillusion us so that we seek the Source of all Appearance. We have been conditioned to serve external awareness primarily. Our path of awakening begins when we first become aware of a Greater Reality beyond our conditioning.

    To reach the Source requires us to live from the Inside out. Our awareness is key. Where we direct our attention is all-important. Are we placing attention on the new that is being born, or on the old that is dying? We are between the worlds.

    “Operating by purely third-dimensional chrono-astronomical timing standards without knowledge of the synchronic order of the Law of Time subjects humanity to a partial and one-sided view of reality which is hazardous to the planet and jeopardizes the future existence of the human species as well as all of life on earth.” Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

    Season of Love

    As I write, it is the White Electric Dog: I activate in order to Love; bonding loyalty … Today begins the 65-day cycle of the Season of Love. The main lesson of the Earth plane is to learn to love unconditionally and universally. Only the magnetism of Love can hold together matter and spirit in life. The Rainbow Bridge is built on the foundation of Unconditional Love.

    The beauty of the 13 Moon calendar is it gives us a simple daily practice of symbols and numbers that link us with subtle worlds and attune us to patterns of Nature that allow our mind to perceive the unity that binds the world of appearance. This enters us into deeper levels of self-reflection, which is the key to gaining true wisdom. The 13 Moons provides the frame of time, but YOU provide the meaning.

    “Even as you seek wisdom, so shall wisdom seek you. “—Kybalion.

    Our level of consciousness at any given moment is dependent on where we are placing our attention. A great opportunity opens to us four days after the upcoming Solar Eclipse. We start a new 260-day cycle on the 18th day of the Spectral Moon, May 19, 2022. We can choose to enter into a self-initiated 260-day Ceremony of Light and Vision on this day, Kin 1: Red Magnetic Dragon. This is an opportunity to amplify our practices to synchronize with galactic time.

    During this time, we can choose to focus our awareness for 260 days on a positive trajectory for Timeship Earth. You might contemplate and write a vision for your life and the Planet in your journal; the greater the detail, the better. For beginners, we might envision our Rainbow family reunited in love and living in harmony all over the World, celebrating the unity in diversity.

    Allow yourself to dream and envision the world you would love to live in. Read your vision every day for 260 days, and refine it as needed. Focus on it once in the morning and once before you sleep. Imagine you are telepathically transferring this vision into the Noosphere (planetary mind).

    Our actions follow thought. The world needs as much positive vision and practical action as possible. When a thought or vision is held continuously in the mind, it can be telepathically projected into the planetary mind or Noosphere. This requires the development of continuing consciousness, the ability to hold a single thought-form for a duration.

    This 260-day experiment concludes on Kin 260: Yellow Cosmic Sun, February 2, 2023 (Resonant Moon 24 of the Red Self Existing Moon Year).

    At this time, you might also amplify your inner and outer practices. If you are new to this, you might begin a 260-day cycle of tuning to the 13 Moon calendar. Each day simply meditate on one of the 260 self-synchronization commands or affirmations that correlate to the 260-kin galactic spin each day. These daily affirmations are contained in the synchronometers and the 13 Moon Star Travelers Almanac of Synchronicity. If you are a beginner and speak Portuguese or Spanish, you might contact Flaviah:

    Within this 260 day cycle, there are five cycles of 52 days each; these are called castles. 52 x 5 = 260.

    Here are the beginning dates of each of these 52-day castles.

    Red Eastern Castle: (May 19, 2022): Kin 1
    White Northern Castle: (July 10, 2022): Kin 53 Blue Western Castle: (August 31, 2022): Kin 105 Yellow Southern Castle: (October 22, 2022): Kin 157 Green Central Castle: (December 13, 2022): Kin 209

    Each 52-day castle contains four 13-day cycles. 4 x 13 = 52.
    The 260-day cycle contains 20 wave spells, four per castle. 4 x 5 = 20.

    So in this 260-day cycle, we can choose to live twenty 13-day cycles in full consciousness.

    For those following the Synchronic order, note that on the 174th day of this 260-day cycle, it will be a Total Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon (November 8, 2022). This day is White Overtone Wizard and marks 29 spins (29 x 260) days since the first Cosmic History transmission. This day will also be one spin until the Galactic New year (July 26, 2023).

    As usual the link holds the graphics so much better.

  13. #84
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    This year finishes soon, DOOT day is 25TH-26TH july, lol hemisphere dependent .

  14. #85
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Yellow Electric Star = electric is the 3rd energy of a wave of 13 and Star the eighth Arkeytype of 20 and connected to the Arcturius shield n A B n C.

    Will be all go, very positive, lotsa light n fewer shadows.

  15. #86
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Been a very slow DOOT day this year for me, very. No parties or gathering this year, just the boy n me.

    Big energy year.

    Kin 68: Yellow Electric Star
    I activate in order to beautify
    Bonding art
    I seal the store of elegance
    With the electric tone of service
    I am guided by the power of free will

    lol 4 X Q = 68, nice.

  16. #87
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    Mystery of Life and Death
    Posted on 15 August, 2022
    “From above house of heaven, where star people and ancestors gather, may their blessings come to us Now!”

    Recently someone very dear to me and this work passed away unexpectedly. He was Kin 68, known to me and others by his spirit name Sham Tok Maru. His passing was cause for a deep pause and inner reorientation. Many of you knew him. He conducted our weekly Silio meditation call and was among one of the most disciplined and honorable beings I have ever met.

    I contemplated creating a tribute for him, but he had no interest in being public in any way. He was a deep hermeticist and preferred work on the inner planes, never seeking outer accolades.

    For the past nine years, he was among one of the closest beings to me since the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan. Particularly through 2020, he has energetically supported this work behind the scenes. His knowledge, study, and application of the more advanced synchronic codes were unparalleled.

    In honor of him, I am including one of his favorite passages from the Cosmic History Chronicles. This is also in honor of this Kin 89 being the 16th spin of the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.

    “I dissolve in order to purify — Releasing flow. I seal the process of Universal Water, with the Spectral tone of liberation. I am guided by my own power doubled.”

    This excerpt is the introduction to the Book of the Cube, the seventh and final volume of the Cosmic History Chronicles. The first six were done together with Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan. Had this book never been completed I likely would not have met Sham Tok Maru, as it was this book that helped activate his mission and that connected us and many others. This life is truly mysterious.

    This excerpt is also dedicated to anyone who has lost someone close to them, in the knowledge that we shall all meet again, and we will understand everything.

    Mystery of Life and Death

    Through death, this book was born. This introduction begins in a dream: Full Moon, Blue Galactic Night; 114 days since the departure of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.

    “Fear nothing!” Valum Votan said to me in the dream. “Grieve not! Arise and Go Forward! … Fear not; the world is a mere illusion. A plastic façade, bendable by truth.”

    In the dream, he held out a crystal cube. He motioned for me to concentrate. I first looked into the cube and saw nothing but superficial reflections. I gazed longer and suddenly noticed a long highway lined with very few houses. I noted a luminous glow emanating from some of the houses. Then I was lifted above the Earth and, with x-ray vision, saw the lighting up of specific residences across the planet.

    I realized I was being given access to view the light of those beings with a covenant for utter transformation. These agents of light reflected, through the cube, different fractals, together making the most exquisite and fantastic whole! Their minds merged as one in a telepathic network of light. At the same time, simultaneously, they each opened to a different channel, unique and brilliant. These were the wise ones, the makers of things to come, the keepers of the inner prayer, the co-creators of the new reality!

    Suddenly I was back on the long highway, and my mind was magnetized to a specific house. I was granted entrance into one of the female’s homes through telepathic gestures. My spirit hovered over her, and she seemed calmly and happily aware. She carried a single candle, went to a desk, and sat down. I watched as she wrote the words:

    The Long War is Over, and the Days of Doubt are Past

    What a deep relief these words brought! Then my attention turned back to Valum Votan, who was smiling and holding the magic cube of vision. It was now evening, and the stars were glimmering in the clear sky as he went inside, made a fire, and put on a tea kettle.

    Then I awoke from the dream.

    Where am I? And how did I get here? The dawn was breaking, and slowly, the layers of this reality set in, one by one with all their subtle tensions and densities. Tremendous pressure and urgency filled me, my heart pumping fast. Only one thought in mind: Finish the Book of the Cube! I immediately rose from the bed and got to work.

    So here I was, left alone in a remote location in the southern hemisphere where he named Moronga Morove (Aboriginal for Rainbow Serpent), spreading his ashes to the winds and around the trees so they could carry them the galactic vibrations of the Dreamtime all around the planet.

    The meditation of the cube seizes me and won’t let me go—night or day—until it is complete. It is winter time. The winds are howling. The fire is burning. Tea on the kettle. Codes strewn across the table and all over the walls. Sitting bundled up in my rainbow poncho and Incan hat seems to facilitate tuning into a radio channel of a specific galactic information stream … Cosmic History.

    I gaze out the window as an unseen force directs my thoughts. Dark mists are rolling off the falling gum trees. I piece together streams of transmission while new streams enter. I feel the presence of a Being of intelligence peering over my shoulder, guiding me, crossing this out and adding that. First slowly, then quickly, the text arranges itself; I surrender to the process.

    Over the past nine years, I have undergone countless initiations as the power of Cosmic History unfolded.

    Within the psychomythic realms, I am the archetype of the Serpent Initiate and Valum Votan, the Spectral Magician. His spectralization from this planet put me through the most profound initiation yet. Where did he go? What is the meaning of this? What is death?

    The wheel of time turns the cycle of life and death. The meaning of the manifest cyclic order is in the mystery of death. Any initiation is a type of death. There has to be death before the birth of the new being that can incorporate new knowledge.

    At first, it felt as though my solar plexus was ripped from its station and my equilibrium temporarily shaken as I struggled with physical reorientation and my spirit longed to follow him out of this dimension. But I knew that my mission was not yet complete.

    Then a message of comfort came: Do not worry or grieve. Death is a factor in the evolution of spirit; it is merely a physiochemical change of third-dimensional matter; its real meaning is a rite of passage of spirit. The mission continues. It is an endless journey of the spirit. Everything and everyone that ever was is here with you now. The spirit helpers surround you, guiding you. Those who remember the dream will assist.

  17. #88
    Senior Member Aianawa's Avatar
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    Just went for a stroll down memory lane at PAPA site > < , once again nowadays more enquiring regards 13 moon and using new apps stuff to follow n use etc, great to see

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  20. #90
    Senior Member Morocco modwiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Aianawa View Post
    Just went for a stroll down memory lane at PAPA site > < , once again nowadays more enquiring regards 13 moon and using new apps stuff to follow n use etc, great to see
    I have been living to a Lunar cycle for years now. 13 Moons.

    It compliments the cycle of mahavidyas. The tutelary dieties.

    I prefer Gaian to Mayan. More local and of utility.
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