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Thread: Kundalini Awakening, Chakras, Enlightenment, Heaven and related matters.

  1. #1
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    Kundalini Awakening, Chakras, Enlightenment, Heaven and related matters.

    I am starting a new thread on Kundalini, Chakras, Enlightenment, Heaven and related matters. I noticed reading some of the posts and talking to a few people that this is still a relatively little known topic and there is a ton of misunderstanding surrounding it. I have the advantage of having experienced a Kundalini awakening myself, so I can write from personal experience here. There probably are a number of people on the forum that also had similar experiences. There are so many aspects to Awakening, that just describing each one takes considerable time. Briefly, there is the physical, the energetic, the spiritual, the divine and the beyond divine, which is so far away from ordinary human experience that it is almost impossible to describe.

    We will start with the physical and energetic aspect of Kundalini.

    Kundalini is defined as a coiled serpent of energy, located at the base of the spine, curled up three and a half times around itself. It is activated through various spritiual practices, such as meditation yoga, and a collection of practices summarised under the name Tantra.

    At the level of the physical, Kundalini is the combination of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems with the spinal cord. These act as nerve gateways, connecting the Above, that is the brain, with the Below, the reproductive organs. On an energetic level, this is expressed through the system of energy vortices connected to the spinal cord and the brain, known as Chakras. Chakra means wheel and it is symbolic of the spinning, vortical nature of these energy fields. We did not know for a long time what they were, but due to the work of Russian scientists, we are now fairly sure that these are torsion fields in gravity. Gravity basically acts as a fluidic medium and flows into these spinning vortices, much like water would flow down a drain. You can think of them as mini stargates or wormholes, connecting your body and consciousness to other levels of reality and distant points in time and space. It is what makes time travel, as in the ability to connect to the past and future possible. Whenever you have a premonition or a vision of the past, it is these mini-wormholes that make that connection to other points in time possible. During a remote viewing experience, these wormholes allow you to travel vast distances in space the same way. What typically happens is that you astrally project your consciousness through one of these wormholes into the location or time that you want to view. The main one that is being used for this purpose is the chakra connected to the third eye, also known as the pineal gland. Russian scientists like Kozyrev have done experiments with remote viewing and recorded a measurable increase in photons in the room, whenever remote viewing was successful. In other words, photonic energy, a function of our consciousness, was projected through the third eye wormhole into the room in question and was transported back to the viewer as it bounced off the objects in the room. It seems to work much like a locator radar.

    In any case, these chakras are a major element of the body-soul’s energetic system and they transmit energy from one reality to the other as needed. Connecting to these Chakras, especially the base Chakra, known as Muladhara, can also enable a malevolent entity to steal energy from any human. The crown chakra, which actually sits above the head and is not part of the normal physical body, is called the Sahasrara or thousand-petalled lotus. This is the gateway through which humans can connect to the absolute, the Creator or what we would call heaven.

    There are more than seven chakras in the body, but those following Eastern tradition tend to get fixated on the main ones, spending an inordinate amount of time trying to crack their secrets. In my experience that is not necessary and you should focus your attention instead on the signals given by your body.


    This brings us to the energetic aspect of Kundalini. There is a physical energetic aspect first, which appears as bioelectricity, cursing through the nervous system. When the Kundalini is activated, one can feel an increased flow of this bioelectricity, which is a normal, physical function of the nervous system. It manifests itself in a tingling sensation along the nerves, but especially along nerve endings.

    It is a pleasant, electric feeling that never really goes away and extends to various parts of the brain, particularly the pineal gland and the top back part of the head. It is a sign of the nervous system rearranging itself to be able to carry higher amounts of information and electromagnetic energy. You could compare it to a computer upgrade, where you swap out all your old motherboards, cpus, RAMs, etc… for more advanced, faster, higher powered ones that can handle a lot more information.

    This increased nervous energy is on the physical-energetic level, which is still within the scope of current scientific methods to study, but it is so rare and little-known that no scientific study has been done to properly examine its effects. At this point we step up to the purely energetic level, which is beyond the scope of our current scientific knowledge. It falls into the area known to physics as black matter and black energy, since it is completely invisible to us and the extension of our physical senses, scientific instruments.

    During meditation, one learns to observe the various energetic phenomena that were hitherto so subtle, that they usually went unnoticed. During extreme emotional or physical stress, these energetic phenomena can be felt by everyone, but they can’t be seen as such, except as images created by the mind in the mind’s eye. We all know the function and significance of the various energy centres in the body and it is encoded in our language, but we are taught to ignore them. From bottom to top, these are:

    - She got cold feet. They voted with their feet.

    This indicates the role the feet chakras play in making decisions. They are very important in the awakening process and are often ignored.

    - He crapped his pants in fear. He’s so constipated. He thinks his shit don’t stink. He’s an arsehole.

    This indicates the role the base chakra (Muladhara) plays in self-image and generating fear. It is the controller of our most basic instincts regarding our survival.

    - To gird your loins. He has balls. He’s such a dick / pussy. She’s got spunk.

    These are all indicators of the role the second chakra, which is connected directly to the reproductive organs, has to play in motivation and courage. It is the energy generated by the reproductive organs that motivates a person to move forward in line and take risks. It is also this energy that is used by awakened people to work what we would call miracles. That is also why they tend to forego sexual activity and use the power thus generated for other purposes.

    - It was a gut decision. It was gut wrenching. I went with my gut.

    The solar plexus chakra is the energy centre of the body and is connected to the digestive organs and the lungs. It is what generates the physical energy needed to function in this world. It is also the centre for a certain kind of intuition, gut instinct. This is quite separate form “listening to your heart” which is a different kind and higher quality intuition.

    - Listen to your heart. It was heart-wrenching. She broke my heart.

    Although this energy centre is connected to the physical heart, its physical location in not the same and it plays a much more crucial role in a person’s life than is generally accepted. Not only is it the organ of love (the chakra, not the physical organ), it is also where the physical is transmuted into the energetic, spiritual and divine. No scientist has ever been able to find love under a microscope, yet it is very real and we feel it every day. Love does not exist according to science, except as chemicals in the brain, but we know better from daily experience. This mysterious organ seems to act as a telephone exchange. It connects a person to all the other people that ever came into their lives, via invisible energetic strings, that seem to act as mini-wormholes. The more two people are linked and close to each other, the more of these strings link them together. When these strings are abruptly uprooted from the heart, such as in a break up or the death of a loved one, it results in heartbreak and even death. This phenomenon can also be observed in animals.

    - She gave me the cold shoulder. She shrugged her shoulders. Why do I have to shoulder all the responsibility?

    The shoulder chakras are also crucial in one’s energetic makeup, yet rarely discussed. They play a crucial role in regulating responsible behaviour and our social relationships to others. This is also why when people want to reassure each other, they touch each other’s shoulders.

    - She handed this responsibility to me. She is my right hand. She is very handy with a toolbox.

    The hand chakras are also incredibly important, but often forgotten. They are the doers. They do energetically and physically what a person consciously decides he wants. It is used for healing, but also for spiritual warfare. Shaolin masters can kill someone just by using the energy centres of their hands to destroy their opponent’s own energy centres.

    - I’ve got a lump in my throat. I’m speechless. I was so nervous, I couldn’t utter a sound.

    The throat chakra regulates speech, obviously, but it is also the centre for communication and decision-making overall. Inability to make decisions or communicate one’s feelings and thoughs effectively often manifests as a block in the throat chakra. We can all feel this when we have to do public speaking for instance.

    - He has eyes for me. He gave her the evil eye. His eyes were full of desire. In his mind’s eye, he saw her naked. He had visions of heaven and hell. Their eyes met and locked together. The eyes are the gateway to the soul.

    The third eye is probably our best known energy centre. It is centred on the pineal gland, which is where the mind’s eye is also located. When the Kundalini is activated, it floods the brain and the pineal gland in particular, with an incredibly amount of highly charged energy and information. This causes the pineal gland to secrete DMT, which is also the active ingredient in Ayahuasca. The DMT then floods the brain in an event known as enlightenment or samadhi. It is a highly pleasurable sensation and is a central part of all religions and spiritual traditions. It connects a person to higher levels of reality, the spiritual realms and the divine. In an energetic sense, this chakra regulates the functioning of all the senses and the functioning of the brain and nervous system. This may be a myth, but if true, this is why water fluoridation seems to be a central part of public policy in most countries, as it allegedly calcifies and thus decreases the effectiveness of the pineal gland, making people essentially blind spiritually and energetically, whilst severing their connection to the divine permanently. All religions aim to break through this “veil of Illusion” and commune with the divine, using the pineal gland as an instrument.

    - I had a brilliant idea. He is so bright. The top of my head just lit up. He is floating above the clouds. I will take you to seventh heaven. I’m in heaven right now.

    The very top chakra, called Sahasrara, or thousand-petalled lotus in Sanskrit is the final stage in enlightenment and Kundalini awakening. It leads one to Heaven, that is outside the physical illusory matrix we normally inhabit and into the infinity that is pure consciousness. This chakra starts at the top back part of the brain, known as Brahmarendra, the Cavity of God in Sanskrit. From there it extends into infinity. Everybody has flashes of brilliance and inspiration, which is a temporary activation of this organ. A saint, boddhisattva, tirtankhara or enlightened being is one in whom this connection to the divine and thus enlightenment is a permanent condition. Such people are depicted in art as having a halo around their head.

    Thus far I have described the physical aspects of Kundalini and the energetic aspect of the Chakric or energetic system of the body. In the next post we will move on to the energetic aspect of what Kundalini is and how it interacts with the chakras during an awakening.
    Last edited by Chris, 20th June 2019 at 10:42.

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  3. #2
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Thank you for allowing me to share my first Kundalini experience. Everyone has a different experience of said experience. It's listed somewhere in the middle here as the "white room"...but at that time I was only allowed a taste as you will see in this post I was stuck in a room. To be explained in further posting. some here will recognize various aspects of my postings in the past....So I do hope and recommend if you are not...and I know I have mentioned to you the importance of shielding. Don't leave home without it! Once that is achieved S&^T gets real! You'll note I also like to make my posts fun. So enjoy the ride. Brook told story of Green Laser

    Here we go....Shields up!

    Please Make Sure your Seatbelt is Securely Fastened and your Tray Table is Stowed for Take Off…


    After many years and dreams of events that later took place, I Sirius(ly) questioned the nature of reality and TIME. It nagged me always. But I had no idea where to look. I had this skill of premonition but how? Things would go into slow motion but why?

    Then one day while at work talking to a coworker with one leg. He started discussing his phantom pain. The conversation got around to the nature of reality in general and the man told me while he was in college he took a parapsychology class at UCLA I believe it was. He told me of a curriculum text book for said class and told me he would give me the book to read.

    The book:

    Journeys Out of the Body
    By Robert Monroe

    Text book curriculum

    Fascinated I could never put the book out of my mind. But busy mom I was, it took ten years later for me to proceed with the nagging quest for answer to this "nature of reality".

    Problem; I was STUCK IN A ROOM.

    Enlisting the help of two human(beings) Noted two tags in my upper shoulders and gently removed them. They also show me how to shield! I then was able to see all content in the room. There was a door. That door led to (you guessed it)


    Good god what's with the rooms?

    First room ~ Ritual preparation

    Second room ~ Hell on Wheels Ritual!

    Bad room ~ Dark ritual ~ Egyptian

    Brought me to my knees sobbing/tears streaming

    GOOD GOD! Black lines are appearing on my hands at random times

    In the ReMembering

    I was forced/coerced to participated in said ritual or else!

    Or else what?

    They would kill my loved ones

    They did/I fold and LOSE IT!

    Faced myself ~ How could this be?

    Listed content in said room.

    Items: Large Stone block (alter), Jewel encrusted throne, And CURIOUS DISC(?)

    I faced myself in this room and was FINALLY ABLE to GET out of the ROOMS!

    I NEVER want to get stuck in a room again!

    But I had to see it ~ Face myself

    To move on

    So this is where it starts ~ I receive an EMERALD BUTTERFLY

    A sign of metamorphosis

    Then the two human(beings) are asked to leave

    Artemis/guide and the boys (Bartholomew, Eros, & Mortimer) will take over from here

    We will now control the transmission


    I'm trippin now!

    Who are these (Egyptian looking) guys?

    I must tell you they are showing me things I can't conceive! Then later I validate with random Myth and pure physics!

    Artemis Says often: See...I told you so!

    So I ask Artemis: What was that curious disc in that room?

    A duplicate he says. And it's time you know.

    "Know what" I say?

    Artemis is concerned and worried about me

    He sheds a tear and says "you don't understand your power"

    "How emotion can set the stage for Error in programing"

    He plays a song for me

    And I, the cynic I was said "it needs more cow bell". The song:

    (little did I know at that time he would play it for me one more time in the Future)


    Yeah right I say....what power might that be?

    He then proceeds to show me this power

    All colors combined ~ White Room

    Damn! Another room?!?

    But the intensity was immense.

    Just a small taste for you this time Brook

    Brook's first taste of Kundilni


    Why only a taste at this time?

    Future emotion can create Error


    Okay Artemis I get it...sort of.

    Then he takes me to an ancient portal system guarded by little guys who's name I could not translate for said reason:

    Here is an example. I myself ran into an ancient race of beings. I wanted to get their name. As hard as I tried I could not translate it into the third dimensional language. It was impossible.
    As I pass the little guys/guards of the portal entrance...they whisper

    There she goes.

    They knew me?


    Please fasten your seatbelts for landing/docking


    There it WAS...

    The most intense color I've ever seen

    A landscape to DIE FOR!

    I ask what is this place?

    Artemis says HOME.

    I've died and gone to heaven!

    But Artemis stops me and says this is who YOU(WE) are.

    Then he proceeds to show me an ancient building of stone marvel

    How do they do that? Such intricate stone work!

    This building is a storage facility

    Where in fact the ancient "discs" are stored and kept for safe keeping

    A "set" of discs in various sizes. Some very in size....some in a strange configuration

    He proceeds to tell me of the quest that men have died for to acquire and thus duplicate.

    I still don't fully understand at this juncture but then it happens.

    He takes me outside the building to a beautiful clearing

    He commissions one of the floats to the clearing as if guided there.

    Then a green laser emits and strikes me.

    It envelopes me and everything around me turns a green so intense!

    A green with frequency of the most intense yet tranquil infusion.

    It's done he says. You're back now.


    Back now? I was gone?

    I was torn by emotion of an ancient ritual...fragmented...and STUCK IN A ROOM!

    Least that not happen again eh?

    I was gone for a VERY long time....thousands of years EARTH TIME.

    But time is only in the blink of an eye

    In the Color WHEEL/VORTEX

    Green is the Heart Chakra

    Where it is believed your most intense emotion exists...that of


    Emotion can JADE the heart

    Jade: A muddy color of Green

    Is love all there is?

    They Came As far as hell

    To Find Her / Him

    And Bring Them HOME

    The End Is Just The Beginning
    ReVive/ReNew that color and take a ride...

    What could it hurt

    Movie is over now, but I loved the ending.

    The music was the best and I leave you with Don Felder’s Heavy Metal as I take my locknar down the road.

    In the end ~ We ALL have a tool box and in that tool box are your personal sets of power and gifts.

    Should you choose to use them be careful first but in the end you will be using what you(we) are.


    Artemis is my guide

    Artemis anagram

    Artemis ~ Master I

    Artemis is me...with my higher/inner knowing of universal knowledge I have attained thus far. And that's a very long time.

    Last edited by Shadowself, 14th July 2018 at 14:45.

  4. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Shadowself For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Wow. Just Wow.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us Brook.

    My experience had many parallels with yours, but it wasn't quite as trippy. Also, it seems yours was centered on the heart and was thus green. Mine was centered on the Sahasrara, the top chakra, and was white and blindigly radiant.

    You had your spirit guide/deity and I had mine.

    Artemis is me...with my higher/inner knowing of universal knowledge I have attained thus far. And that's a very long time.
    I am starting to suspect that about my Kundalini spirit guide/deity as well. What I thought was an outside visitor was possibly just a higher aspect of myself. That may actually be true of all deities. Ancient Kundalini guides make very clear references to this, where various deities are drawn as actualy residing in each particular chakra, such as it is illustrated in this drawing below:

    In the end ~ We ALL have a tool box and in that tool box are your personal sets of power and gifts.

    Should you choose to use them be careful first but in the end you will be using what you(we) are.
    There is so much wisdom in that statement. I have found this to be the case as well.

    I was gone for a VERY long time....thousands of years EARTH TIME.

    But time is only in the blink of an eye
    That is so true. Time has a habit of disappearing or becoming utterly irrelevant during these experiences. Same thing with space and normal human emotions, thoughts, concerns and experiences. They seem so small when compared to the infinite.

    Then a green laser emits and strikes me.

    It envelopes me and everything around me turns a green so intense!

    A green with frequency of the most intense yet tranquil infusion.

    It's done he says. You're back now.
    It was a white light in my case, but it was basically a same thing. Isn't it wonderful how everyone has a unique experience?


    There it WAS...

    The most intense color I've ever seen

    A landscape to DIE FOR!

    I ask what is this place?

    Artemis says HOME.

    I've died and gone to heaven!
    That is exactly what heaven is! I was also taken to heaven during my Kundalini experience. Again, mine was pure white light, not green, but that is what is so wonderful about this, we each have our own unique preferences and thus experiences. Everybody's different!

    Just a small taste for you this time Brook

    Brook's first taste of Kundilni
    Indeed, that was just a small taste of heaven, but your connection with heaven will eventually become permanent. And we both know, with 100 percent certainty, that this is home for us and this is where we will go when we die. Therefore death does not hold any fear for us.

    Then he takes me to an ancient portal system guarded by little guys who's name I could not translate for said reason:
    Here is an example. I myself ran into an ancient race of beings. I wanted to get their name. As hard as I tried I could not translate it into the third dimensional language. It was impossible.
    I know exactly what you mean. There seems to be an infinite number of species, races and cultures that make up the denizens of heaven. They are multi-dimensional and are often unfathomable to us.

    Enlisting the help of two human(beings) Noted two tags in my upper shoulders and gently removed them. They also show me how to shield!
    That is actually something you taught me about. I used that knowledge to drive off malevolent entities that wanted to use me as a channel despite my objections (not Inanna!). It worked a charm. Thank you!

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  7. #4
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    Just one little correction. My guides are not deities. They are all part of me and my past lives. someday I will explain that. They all have various functions within my psyche. At this time my illness has taken all my energy to do any more explaining or writing...

    And the White room was the crown chakra formed in a room and that first taste of kundalini as I was at that time as explained ...Stuck in a room due to past life trauma. Which I resolved when facing it. Then to be healed by the green laser of home weeks later...not at the same time as white room.

    Once I faced myself I was able to get out of the room....that is when the really cool stuff happened.
    Last edited by Shadowself, 14th July 2018 at 15:30.

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  9. #5
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    Quote Originally posted by Shadowself View Post
    Just one little correction. My guides are not deities. They are all part of me and my past lives. someday I will explain that. They all have various functions within my psyche. At this time my illness has taken all my energy to do any more explaining or writing...

    And the White room was the crown chakra formed in a room and that first taste of kundalini as I was at that time as explained ...Stuck in a room due to past life trauma. Which I resolved when facing it. Then to be healed by the green laser of home weeks later...not at the same time as white room. Once I got out of the room....that is when the really cool stuff happened.
    Yesss... , that makes perfect sense. That is the point I'm trying to make about deities as well, however clumsily. They probably are exactly that, aspects of our psyche and projections of our future and past selves. It makes so much sense!

    I hope we can discuss and get to the bottom of this as the thread develops!

    I did not have the room experience, nothing physical, just an infinite expansion of my consciousness and awareness, pure light, bliss and unconditional love. There was nothing else there, apart from pure consciousness and love.

    I do not want to tire you out, take a rest and we'll discuss this some other time!

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  11. #6
    Senior Member Norway Elen's Avatar
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    I do not want to tire you out, take a rest and we'll discuss this some other time!
    I think so too
    Whatever is true. Whatever is noble. Whatever is right. Whatever is lovely. Whatever is admirable. Anything of excellence and worthy of praise. Dwell on these things. Jesus Christ (I agree)

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  13. #7
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    Yesss... , that makes perfect sense. That is the point I'm trying to make about deities as well, however clumsily. They probably are exactly that, aspects of our psyche and projections of our future and past selves. It makes so much sense!
    but, of course, there is more to it than just 'I' ...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    but, of course, there is more to it than just 'I' ...
    That is a really interesting question actually. The key to me, at least it seems that way, is that there is just one I or Self. There are no separate selves at all, just reflections of the same Self in different living things. Having been connected to a collective consciousness for a short while, whilst I was channelling, made me realise that the individual self is really just an illusion. Oneness and Unity, isn't just a catchphrase, it appears to be the underlying principle of reality itself.

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  17. #9
    Senior Member Emil El Zapato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    That is a really interesting question actually. The key to me, at least it seems that way, is that there is just one I or Self. There are no separate selves at all, just reflections of the same Self in different living things. Having been connected to a collective consciousness for a short while, whilst I was channelling, made me realise that the individual self is really just an illusion. Oneness and Unity, isn't just a catchphrase, it appears to be the underlying principle of reality itself.
    Perhaps, a single spiritual unity, but how about multiple consciousness'? One of the great mysteries...

    There are comparable spiritual conundrums from time immemorial. Spiritual awareness in its fundamental context has never changed. Only man's interpretation has and for the better in my estimation. And we can likely assert that by the fact that humanity, while many are reluctant, as a whole continues to treat others with more 'grace'. That's my thought for today...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    Perhaps, a single spiritual unity, but how about multiple consciousness'? One of the great mysteries...

    There are comparable spiritual conundrums from time immemorial. Spiritual awareness in its fundamental context has never changed. Only man's interpretation has and for the better in my estimation. And we can likely assert that by the fact that humanity, while many are reluctant, as a whole continues to treat others with more 'grace'. That's my thought for today...
    And what a good thought it is

    Just from my experience, consciousness appears to be a continuum. It really is just one consciousness, but it is made up of many individual selves that connect to each other in a way that it is difficult to tell where one self ends and the other one begins. People who are in love experience this as they seem to be constantly connected to each other and there is no real separation between them. That is why a break up or divorce is so painful, you literally lose a piece of yourself.

    When it comes to connecting to the divine, it works much the same way. That is why nuns often say that they are "married to" Jesus or God. In India there is often a sacred marriage ceremony between the deity that is being worshipped and the priests, nuns or monks that serve him or her. It is an act of devotion and love.

    Ultimately, the adept realises that all these individual selves are illusory and there is just the One, the Self, the Absolute Brahman. That is the essence of the Vedas and many other scriptures.

    I hope I'm not too preachy here, just trying to explain a very complicated concept.

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  21. #11
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    The key to me, at least it seems that way, is that there is just one I or Self. There are no separate selves at all, just reflections of the same Self in different living things. Having been connected to a collective consciousness for a short while, whilst I was channelling, made me realise that the individual self is really just an illusion. Oneness and Unity, isn't just a catchphrase, it appears to be the underlying principle of reality itself.
    Perhaps, a single spiritual unity, but how about multiple consciousness'? One of the great mysteries...

    There are comparable spiritual conundrums from time immemorial. Spiritual awareness in its fundamental context has never changed. Only man's interpretation has and for the better in my estimation. And we can likely assert that by the fact that humanity, while many are reluctant, as a whole continues to treat others with more 'grace'. That's my thought for today...
    And what a good thought it is

    Just from my experience, consciousness appears to be a continuum. It really is just one consciousness, but it is made up of many individual selves that connect to each other in a way that it is difficult to tell where one self ends and the other one begins. People who are in love experience this as they seem to be constantly connected to each other and there is no real separation between them. That is why a break up or divorce is so painful, you literally lose a piece of yourself.
    The soul is the essence of what makes us into individuals. The soul itself is not a being, but a blueprint — or translated into the world of computers, it is the coding that makes up for all of our properties. Some of our properties have been programmed in by the developers, while other properties are acquired through our experience of being. Likewise, the physical body also has its own set of properties. As humans, it is often difficult to separate the properties of the soul from those of the body, because both the soul and the body determine the course of our thoughts, our actions and our decisions, but they are still distinct from one another.

    Now, in order for an individuated being to exist as an actual being, it has to have a level of consciousness, just like your refrigerator does not become an actual refrigerator until there's electricity flowing through it.

    There is however only one consciousness in all of Creation, and that is the consciousness of the Prime Creator itself. It is indeed a continuum. Just as in the case of the little boy playing with his toy soldiers and assuming their identities in order to animate them and play them out against each other, the Prime Creator is pretending to be each and every one of us — even including all the things we consider inanimate — because each and every one of us provides the Prime Creator with a subjective experience.

    Before Creation — the word "before" not in a temporal context, because time does not exist at that level — the Prime Creator was alone, and did not understand either itself nor its infinite potential. That's why it needed to Create, which it did in the first place by asking the question "What is this?" — the word "this" referring to itself, but as it was alone, there was no concept of Self and Other yet. There was only infinite but undifferentiated information — a quantum singularity.

    This first question was the very first dichotomy, which differentiated between order and chaos. The chaos was what it perceived, and the order is the understanding that it sought of that chaos. Then, the Prime Creator consciousness decided that in order to help it understand itself, there should be something other than the "I", which created the second dichotomy: a differentiation between Self and Other, and intrinsically linked to that, the creation of a third dichotomy: subjectivity versus objectivity — the latter being the Hegelian dialectic that out of thesis and antithesis follows synthesis. And that is the true meaning of the Holy Trinity.

    And from there on, all other dichotomies were created as further differentiations. Some of those are absolute in having only two possible polarities, others have three options — i.e. the two polarities and a stable balancing point at dead center between them — while yet others have an infinite number of options between the two extreme polarities, or perhaps they have no polarity to them at all.

    Because we are all individuals, our individuality provides the Prime Creator — or Source, if you will, even though there's a slight difference between the two concepts — with subjective experiences of what all of the information that Source is made up of means, or at least, insofar as we perceive that information. And not only that, but even though our individuality is very, very real from our own standpoint, ultimately, there is only one consciousness, and as such, the observation of the interaction between these individuated and subjective beings also provides extra information to the Prime Creator, making the whole experience bigger than the sum of its parts. Again: out of thesis and antithesis follows synthesis.

    The bottom line is that the meaning of life can be condensed into this very simple and tiny sentence:

    "We are all merely tools through which Source is discovering what it is."

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    "The supreme Being is looking from behind every eyes. This is not debatable for me."

    ~ Mooji.

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  25. #13
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    The soul is the essence of what makes us into individuals. The soul itself is not a being, but a blueprint — or translated into the world of computers, it is the coding that makes up for all of our properties. Some of our properties have been programmed in by the developers, while other properties are acquired through our experience of being. Likewise, the physical body also has its own set of properties. As humans, it is often difficult to separate the properties of the soul from those of the body, because both the soul and the body determine the course of our thoughts, our actions and our decisions, but they are still distinct from one another.

    Now, in order for an individuated being to exist as an actual being, it has to have a level of consciousness, just like your refrigerator does not become an actual refrigerator until there's electricity flowing through it.

    There is however only one consciousness in all of Creation, and that is the consciousness of the Prime Creator itself. It is indeed a continuum. Just as in the case of the little boy playing with his toy soldiers and assuming their identities in order to animate them and play them out against each other, the Prime Creator is pretending to be each and every one of us — even including all the things we consider inanimate — because each and every one of us provides the Prime Creator with a subjective experience.

    Before Creation — the word "before" not in a temporal context, because time does not exist at that level — the Prime Creator was alone, and did not understand either itself nor its infinite potential. That's why it needed to Create, which it did in the first place by asking the question "What is this?" — the word "this" referring to itself, but as it was alone, there was no concept of Self and Other yet. There was only infinite but undifferentiated information — a quantum singularity.

    This first question was the very first dichotomy, which differentiated between order and chaos. The chaos was what it perceived, and the order is the understanding that it sought of that chaos. Then, the Prime Creator consciousness decided that in order to help it understand itself, there should be something other than the "I", which created the second dichotomy: a differentiation between Self and Other, and intrinsically linked to that, the creation of a third dichotomy: subjectivity versus objectivity — the latter being the Hegelian dialectic that out of thesis and antithesis follows synthesis. And that is the true meaning of the Holy Trinity.

    And from there on, all other dichotomies were created as further differentiations. Some of those are absolute in having only two possible polarities, others have three options — i.e. the two polarities and a stable balancing point at dead center between them — while yet others have an infinite number of options between the two extreme polarities, or perhaps they have no polarity to them at all.

    Because we are all individuals, our individuality provides the Prime Creator — or Source, if you will, even though there's a slight difference between the two concepts — with subjective experiences of what all of the information that Source is made up of means, or at least, insofar as we perceive that information. And not only that, but even though our individuality is very, very real from our own standpoint, ultimately, there is only one consciousness, and as such, the observation of the interaction between these individuated and subjective beings also provides extra information to the Prime Creator, making the whole experience bigger than the sum of its parts. Again: out of thesis and antithesis follows synthesis.

    The bottom line is that the meaning of life can be condensed into this very simple and tiny sentence:

    "We are all merely tools through which Source is discovering what it is."
    I would agree with that mostly. The one correction I would make is that there appears to be a difference between the soul (subtle physical body) and the spirit, which is entirely non-physical. I experienced a distinction between your run-of-the mill out of body and astral travel experience, where you are still yourself in your body, except you sort of float around like a balloon, and expansion into spirit, where you expand into infinity and you feel that you have become omniscient for a very short while. When you return to the finite confines of your body you cannot bring much of that infinite knowledge back, but you feel very humbled by the experience. This happened to me during my Kundalini awakening.

    The rest of what you wrote is exactly in line with my own information, both from my own research and also from what I was told through channelling. If I can find it, I might post a very similar teaching I've received about this a couple of months ago.

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  27. #14
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    I would agree with that mostly. The one correction I would make is that there appears to be a difference between the soul (subtle physical body) and the spirit, which is entirely non-physical.
    I too make a distinction between soul and spirit, albeit with different definitions. As I wrote, the soul is your "programming" — it defines who you are as an individual, but it is not a being in and of itself. I use the word spirit for actual beings, which by definition must have consciousness.

    Spirits usually have a soul, although this need not necessarily be the case. The Prime Creator for instance does not have a soul, because at its level, souls do not exist yet. Nevertheless, it is a being — as in the song, "the spirit in the sky" — because it has (a form of) consciousness.

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  29. #15
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I too make a distinction between soul and spirit, albeit with different definitions. As I wrote, the soul is your "programming" — it defines who you are as an individual, but it is not a being in and of itself. I use the word spirit for actual beings, which by definition must have consciousness.

    Spirits usually have a soul, although this need not necessarily be the case. The Prime Creator for instance does not have a soul, because at its level, souls do not exist yet. Nevertheless, it is a being — as in the song, "the spirit in the sky" — because it has (a form of) consciousness.
    I am starting to see now that I may have misunderstood the meaning of the English word "soul". In my own language the equivalent word is a derivative of the verb "to breathe" and "to exist". It basically means the breather or the exister. So in my mind it translates to the subtle physical body. But I see now that what you mean under soul is the same as the Sanskrit word "Jiva" which is basically the spark of consciousness in a human. You are right, that would put it in a very different context. I think we have to make a distinction between:

    - the gross physical body
    - subtle physical or astral body
    - spirit
    - soul

    The Hindus and Buddhists actually make far more distinctions or layers than that, but I think this works quite well for our purposes.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

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