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Thread: Kundalini Awakening, Chakras, Enlightenment, Heaven and related matters.

  1. #31
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    I wanted to further expand on the divine aspects of a Kundalini Awakening and its connection to Enlightenment and Heaven. This is highly controversial, so I apologise in advance if it upsets some people, but I have to present the Truth the way I experienced and saw it, which is by the way also how others have experienced it and is described in ancient Tantric texts going back thousands of years.

    Just to recap, Tantra is a collection of spiritual, yogic and sexual practices that exist in the three main Indian religions, but is particularly prevalent in Tibetan Buddhism. It precedes all known religions and has been probably practiced as a sort of ritual magic even by cavemen. These practices are still very mysterious and little understood in the West. There is a parallel Magickal tradition in the West that has been by incorporating elements of Tantric Buddhism, Egyptian religion and Hermeticism into long lost Western magickal traditions.

    However, it must be noted that whilst Eastern Tantrism is largely positive and focused on self-development and personal liberation from the cycle of rebirth, Western Magick is largely self-serving and focused on the fulfilment of desires. That is not to say that there is no such thing as black magic in the East, they are known to operate in both India and Tibet, however they are generally shunned by society and are seen as dangerous. There are many stories in Tibet about how the Karmic load of practicing black magic takes many lifetimes to work off.

    I am focussed here on the positive aspects of Tantra, which is to do with liberation from the cycle of rebirth. This is done by uniting with the Goddess, the universal female force that was the first Duality, the first step of creation. Before male and female were separated there was just the One, the unmanifest Source, also know as Brahman. We might call that a Quantum Singularity in scientific terms. All of creation already existed in its potentiality, but separation was necessary to make it manifest. What we call the Big Bang, was basically this potentiality becoming manifest. The whole world is made up of vibrations in Source. An atom or a particle is a standing wave, vibrating in the source field. We are a collection of various energetic vibrations that eventually harmonise with each other, creating a functioning and healthy human body. Disease is disharmony in this chorus of multiple vibrations. That is how energy healing works, by retuning the energetic system of the body, harmony can be restored and where the energy body goes, the physical body will eventually follow as well.

    The goal of Tantra is to reunite the female aspect of the Divine, Shakti, with the male aspect, Shiva. Shakti rests as Kundalini, at the base of the spine, as a fiery, serpentine energy that is activated through spiritual practice, yoga and meditation. Karmic aspects and sometimes sheer chance plays a role and Kundalini is often activated spontaneously, even as a result of an accident in some cases. Spontaneous Kundalini activation can be very dangerous as most people are seriously unbalanced energetically and when the serpent power rises without restriction and control it can easily lead to mental and physical illness. Eastern Gurus often perform what is known as Shaktipat, a controlled activation of the Kundalini, to prevent such symptoms from occurring. This is usually done after extensive mental and physical preparation to ensure the student is truly ready to go through a Kundalini Awakening.

    There is also a sexual aspect to Tantra, which is the one that is most well-known in the West. This involves a Tantric couple practicing a sexualised form of Yoga, where the man has to practice retaining his semen. This is done by contracting the muscles that control urination. The goal is to clench those muscles once the man reaches the „point of no return” and stop ejaculation from occurring. This results in a so-called dry orgasm, where there is no seminal release, but the energetic aspect of an orgasm is subsumed into a spiritual goal. What actuallly happens, is that the nerves from the reproductive organs, carry the sexual energy thus released to the base of the spine, where the clenching of the muscles that control urination and defecation causes this force to turn around and flow upwards along the spine and eventually into the brain. This is felt as intense heat and light. It is what gives Yogis and Sannyasis their psychic powers, which are known as siddhis. Sexual Imagery and the practice of Tantric Sex increases the flow of reproductive energies into the brain and particularly into the pineal gland, which is why Hindu and Jain temples are sometimes decorated with statues and paintings of a sexual nature and sacred prostitution in Tantric temples is still practiced to this day. Unitary and visionary experiences are often the result of this as DMT is released into the brain by the pineal gland.

    In Tantric Sex, the woman takes on the role of Shakti, the Goddess and the man is Shiva, the male aspect of God. Both Shiva and Shakti have creative and destructive aspects as their separation creates the universe, whereas their final union destroys it as everything returns into unmanifest Oneness, back to the Source Consciousness or Brahman. This happens in the microcosm of a human body when Shakti rises up to the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus above the head where Shiva dwells as the local manifestation of God and the two reunite in a sexual release of energy that is beyond anything a human normally experiences. It is followed by a constant flow of Amrita or Soma (known to us as Nectar and Ambrosia), that I described in a previous post. This drip-drip flow of Nectar is extremely pleasurable and is a natural high of sorts. According to Gopi Krishna, it is nature’s way of incentivising spiritual growth and the seeking of religious, spiritual and unitary experiences. Some Yogis go to extreme length to stimulate the production of Soma, going as far as cutting the base of the tongue so they can keep it pressed against the palate at all times.

    In ancient myth, Soma or Nectar is known as the food of the gods. It is what supposedly gives them immortality and special powers. It is also the reason they „shine” which is what Deva means. Demons and Asuras are cut off from this divine source of sustenance and concoct various schemes to steal it from the gods. That is supposedly also the reason that they vampire off human energy, because they don’t have their own source of energetic sustenance.

    There is also a deeper meaning to this constant tussle between the devas and the asuras to obtain the Nectar of Immortality. The tale of the Churning of the Milk Ocean is an Indian classic. It tells of a time when the Devas and Asuras joined forces to churn the milk ocean, to obtain divine butter, that is Soma. This is a metaphor for the lower and upper chakras working together in pulling and spinning the Kundalini Serpent to obtain Nectar. Vishnu, sitting on a stone in the middle, is symbolic of the heart chakra. It is where the lower chakras (Asuras) and the higher chakras (Devas) come into balance and all Chakras must work together in unison to obtain Soma, but the Heart must be at the centre of it. Even though all chakras are needed, only the upper ones actually receive it and drink of it. This is the symbolic significance of this tale, which you can check out below:


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  3. #32
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    I'm afraid that my paramedical training and knowledge compels me to reply to this juicy part below — pun not intended.

    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post

    There is also a sexual aspect to Tantra, which is the one that is most well-known in the West. This involves a Tantric couple practicing a sexualised form of Yoga, where the man has to practice retaining his semen. This is done by contracting the muscles that control urination. The goal is to clench those muscles once the man reaches the „point of no return” and stop ejaculation from occurring. This results in a so-called dry orgasm, where there is no seminal release, but the energetic aspect of an orgasm is subsumed into a spiritual goal. [...]
    This is actually extremely unhealthy, and could result in severe medical problems if done repeatedly over a relatively short period. When a man is sexually aroused, the prostate gland starts producing more fluid. This extra volume of fluid needs to go somewhere, and if there is no ejaculation, then it will remain in the urine ducts and in the prostate, where it will eventually coagulate.

    This, in turn, will cause urinary tract obstructions, not to mention that the large amount of residual sperm cells can give rise to tissue necrosis, infections, cysts, as well as other kinds of tumors, both in the genitals and in the urine tract between the prostate and the outside world. In addition to that, you may also develop tumors and/or stones in the urine bladder. Trust me, you don't want to go there.

    Next to the above, the obstruction of an ejaculation is also bound to feed back the kinetic energy from the orgasm — which itself is a very powerful contraction of the abdominal muscles — onto the prostate walls, thereby stretching and possibly even tearing the tissue that the prostate is made up of. It is therefore guaranteed to stimulate what is medically called benign prostate enlargement, if not an actual rupture. And, trust me again, you don't want to go there either.

    The usage of sexuality for the sake of creating a spiritual experience is actually very, very wrong, and very, very dark, because it utilizes the physical aspect of sexuality, rather than the emotional/affectionate aspect. It's magick — with "-ck", as per Aleister Crowley and others like him.

    Personally, I'm afraid that I must strongly object to this practice, for both spiritual and health-related reasons.

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  5. #33
    Senior Member Hungary
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    I'm afraid that my paramedical training and knowledge compels me to reply to this juicy part below — pun not intended.

    This is actually extremely unhealthy, and could result in severe medical problems if done repeatedly over a relatively short period. When a man is sexually aroused, the prostate gland starts producing more fluid. This extra volume of fluid needs to go somewhere, and if there is no ejaculation, then it will remain in the urine ducts and in the prostate, where it will eventually coagulate.

    This, in turn, will cause urinary tract obstructions, not to mention that the large amount of residual sperm cells can give rise to tissue necrosis, infections, cysts, as well as other kinds of tumors, both in the genitals and in the urine tract between the prostate and the outside world. In addition to that, you may also develop tumors and/or stones in the urine bladder. Trust me, you don't want to go there.

    Next to the above, the obstruction of an ejaculation is also bound to feed back the kinetic energy from the orgasm — which itself is a very powerful contraction of the abdominal muscles — onto the prostate walls, thereby stretching and possibly even tearing the tissue that the prostate is made up of. It is therefore guaranteed to stimulate what is medically called benign prostate enlargement, if not an actual rupture. And, trust me again, you don't want to go there either.

    The usage of sexuality for the sake of creating a spiritual experience is actually very, very wrong, and very, very dark, because it utilizes the physical aspect of sexuality, rather than the emotional/affectionate aspect. It's magick — with "-ck", as per Aleister Crowley and others like him.

    Personally, I'm afraid that I must strongly object to this practice, for both spiritual and health-related reasons.
    I don't practice this, I'm simply reporting on it. However, I do think it can have temporary benefits, but certainly I would not recommend it in the long run as it is simply unhealthy. Calling it part of dark magick is rather extreme though. This is basically what Brahmacharis and monks do anyway. You could go to pretty much any monastery in the world and celibacy will be a central part of their lifestyle. I admit though that Tantra takes it to another level by using sexual stimulation to enhance the effect.

    I should also add that western magick does the exact opposite of the tantric practice of subsuming sexual energy for a higher spiritual purpose. The very purpose of sex magick is to release this sexual energy outwardly and use it to achieve various magickal ends. The whole point of Tantra is to not do that and instead of releasing sex energy outwardly, it is transformed into spiritual energy in service of illumination and liberation.
    Last edited by Chris, 27th July 2018 at 15:20.

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  7. #34
    Senior Member Aragorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post

    I should also add that western magick does the exact opposite of the tantric practice of subsuming sexual energy for a higher spiritual purpose. The very purpose of sex magick is to release this sexual energy outwardly and use it to achieve various magickal ends. The whole point of Tantra is to not do that and instead of releasing sex energy outwardly, it is transformed into spiritual energy in service of illumination and liberation.
    That is exactly why it is dark, my friend. Enlightenment cannot be found, least of all by those who seek it — the search itself is a sign of personal ambition, and thus of arrogance.

    Enlightenment presents itself in due time to those who are humble enough to let it find them.

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  9. #35
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    That is exactly why it is dark, my friend. Enlightenment cannot be found, least of all by those who seek it — the search itself is a sign of personal ambition, and thus of arrogance.

    Enlightenment presents itself in due time to those who are humble enough to let it find them.
    I would agree with that from my own experience. Nevertheless, it must be stated that certain Yogic and Tantric practices are specifically designed to force the Kundalini energy upwards. Yogis and Tantricas will do some pretty gross things to achieve that, including closing up the entrance to the anal cavity through artificial means, using their heels or in some cases a round stone. Hatha Yoga has some pretty disturbing practices in general (the real stuff, not the mild westernised version we know) and I wouldn't recommend most of them for health reasons. The way most Tantricas actually achieve a Kundalini awakening is through a combination of meditation and goddess worship. I know what your thoughts are about the latter practice, but whatever you may think of it, it is certainly effective. Kundalini Shakti is really just a localised version of the Goddess.

    There is also an element of divine grace in the process. In those that the Goddess actually deems worthy, she will rise without effort. This often happens to people who aren't the least bit worthy or deserving. There are others who practice terrible austerities for decades and yet she will not budge an inch. My personal theory is that this is due to the personalised nature of the Shakti, she either likes a person or she doesn't and if she doesn't, there is very little they can do about it. This conflict also arises in general with the contrast between practising austerities and terrible forms of Yoga versus what is known as Bhakti Yoga, the worship of God, as recommended by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. His contention is that devotion to the godhead is far more effective in achieving liberation than contorting yourself into various yogic poses and living the life of an ascetic.

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  11. #36
    In Memoriam Shadowself's Avatar
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    The misinterpreted Root Chakra and its use. in kundalini and otherwise.

    The Muladhara Chakra – at the tip of the spine – controls the solid factor of the body. It forms the base of the body, giving stability to the whole structure. The vrttis associated with it are the fundamental propensities of human psychology: they are kama (physical longing), artha (psychic longing), dharma (psycho-spiritual longing) and moksa (spiritual emancipation). This lowest chakra is also the home of the "sleeping divinity," the psycho-spiritual force called the kundalini which rises up the spinal column in conjunction with progressive stages of spiritual elevation.

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  13. #37
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    I remember Orson Bean talking about this on a talk show many years ago. I remembering thinking it sounded pretty remarkable as Bean was describing his great sexual prowess. I also remember people suggesting the same thing could be accomplished with a rubber that sounds unhealthy.

    As for me, I always lost interest after a couple of minutes anyway, so what the hey.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  15. #38
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    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    I remember Orson Bean talking about this on a talk show many years ago. I remembering thinking it sounded pretty remarkable as Bean was describing his great sexual prowess. I also remember people suggesting the same thing could be accomplished with a rubber that sounds unhealthy.

    As for me, I always lost interest after a couple of minutes anyway, so what the hey.
    I don't want to reveal too much about this topic, only to say that the rumours are true and that this method is basically a miracle cure to a lot of sexual dysfunction and that it leads to increased psychic abilities and powers of concentration. You obviously should not do what Gandhi did (and he credited his incredible powers of concentration, inspiration and persuasion to his Brahmacharya, celibate lifestyle) and go decades without a seminal release, but restricting it to say once a week, the recommendation by Ayurvedic doctors, has considerable benefits both sexually and spiritually.

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  17. #39
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    I don't want to reveal too much about this topic, only to say that the rumours are true and that this method is basically a miracle cure to a lot of sexual dysfunction and that it leads to increased psychic abilities and powers of concentration. You obviously should not do what Gandhi did (and he credited his incredible powers of concentration, inspiration and persuasion to his Brahmacharya, celibate lifestyle) and go decades without a seminal release, but restricting it to say once a week, the recommendation by Ayurvedic doctors, has considerable benefits both sexually and spiritually.
    Once again, I must strongly object and advise against it, for the reasons I've expounded in post #32 and post #34. Not only is it physiologically very dangerous, but it leads one straight into The Dark Side Of The Force™, so to speak.

    Let me give you a little nugget of golden advice, Padawan...: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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  19. #40
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    I did a pretty thorough study on this in relation to the OTO (overtime evolved) and horrible mass rituals that have opened black mass sex rituals that involved children let alone the ritual of sacrifice during such practice. Calling in Hecate and the practice of necromancy during said kundalini to dot dot.

    Some pretty perverted stuff....surrounded by death and darkness.

    And so to this:

    There is also an element of divine grace in the process. In those that the Goddess actually deems worthy, she will rise without effort. This often happens to people who aren't the least bit worthy or deserving. There are others who practice terrible austerities for decades and yet she will not budge an inch. My personal theory is that this is due to the personalised nature of the Shakti, she either likes a person or she doesn't and if she doesn't, there is very little they can do about it. This conflict also arises in general with the contrast between practising austerities and terrible forms of Yoga versus what is known as Bhakti Yoga, the worship of God, as recommended by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. His contention is that devotion to the godhead is far more effective in achieving liberation than contorting yourself into various yogic poses and living the life of an ascetic.
    This often happens to people who aren't the least bit worthy or deserving?

    Who is the judge and jury of this? Who decided who's worthy? OR deserving? Shakti?

    I'm sorry but I find this to be backward thinking.

    [...]due to the personalised nature of the Shakti, she either likes a person or she doesn't and if she doesn't, there is very little they can do about it?

    The kundalini is not the end all and be all of seeking enlightenment by a long shot.

    You are missing one very important ingredient. It's not up to me to tell you what that might be either. This is something we all learn eventually.

    Last edited by Shadowself, 29th July 2018 at 12:54.

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  21. #41
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    Quote Originally posted by Chris View Post
    I don't want to reveal too much about this topic, only to say that the rumours are true and that this method is basically a miracle cure to a lot of sexual dysfunction and that it leads to increased psychic abilities and powers of concentration. You obviously should not do what Gandhi did (and he credited his incredible powers of concentration, inspiration and persuasion to his Brahmacharya, celibate lifestyle) and go decades without a seminal release, but restricting it to say once a week, the recommendation by Ayurvedic doctors, has considerable benefits both sexually and spiritually.
    Since we are on the topic:

    After that weird 'heat' experience that I had my sex drive has never been the same...I sorta lost interest, not completely but my 'obsession' with sex was gone. I attributed it to psychological damage but perhaps not.
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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    Oh more thing:

    About kundalini… you don’t have to awake anything: Kundalini is how the Hindus call the three main subtle energies in the body: The central channel plus the two secondary channels, and they’re already there. As soon as your consciousness links to a physical body in your mother’s womb, your kundalini is already working.

    Also, enlightenment without purpose in the physical-material realm (Life force/Kundalini/Shakti) is kind of pointless. It's all about collective/interpersonal awakening really, which is very simple in its essence as the basis of a natural communal structure that enables joy and harmony in our lives.
    Last edited by Shadowself, 29th July 2018 at 13:35.

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  25. #43
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    Quote Originally posted by NotAPretender View Post
    Since we are on the topic:

    After that weird 'heat' experience that I had my sex drive has never been the same...I sorta lost interest, not completely but my 'obsession' with sex was gone. I attributed it to psychological damage but perhaps not.
    No, it's completely normal. Since more of your sex energy gets transmuted and flows into the brain, the sex drive lessens considerably. This is a completely natural phenomenon by the way and is something that has been observed by the ancient Greeks as well. They thought that intelligence and sex drive were inversely proportional to each other in a human. This is because more energy gets diverted from reproduction to power the brain.

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  27. #44
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    well, that's certainly interesting...
    “El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"

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  29. #45
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    Quote Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
    Once again, I must strongly object and advise against it, for the reasons I've expounded in post #32 and post #34. Not only is it physiologically very dangerous, but it leads one straight into The Dark Side Of The Force™, so to speak.

    Let me give you a little nugget of golden advice, Padawan...: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
    I'm not really getting your drift here Aragorn. Are you referring to the practice of celibacy here? That is and has been a mainstay of all monastic orders since time immemorial. It may not be physiologically healthy, but there's probably a good reason it is a common practice all over the world. It has definite spiritual benefits.

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