Law of authintisscity > massive > 4 x stronger than love >
Law of authintisscity > massive > 4 x stronger than love >
Lol dramaticalllly stronger clearing a happening now, happy is easier, know thyselfing is easier, same steps just faster, are you allowing heaven on Earth ?.
The SightBlinder is taking over Hell on Earth and has effectively blocked the road to Heaven for the time being.
You MUST watch this, Aianawa...He is a VERY credible guy. If you can't finish it, you MUST reconsider where your 'antenna' is:
Last edited by Emil El Zapato, 23rd January 2025 at 12:10.
“El revolucionario: te meteré la bota en el culo"
Aianawa (24th January 2025)
Imo to know otherwise, is old religeous doggymaaa, to know one comes here, Earth, without rememberance of soul life, hence know thyself/mind, and whatever one chooses for experience is to One, massively U.
Emil El Zapato (24th January 2025)